Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1183 Getting Familiar with the Work

Chapter 1183 Getting Familiar with the Work

Chen Ye put down the phone, stood up and knocked lightly on the office door.


Chen Ye opened the door and said, "Mr. Tan."

"Xiao Ye, I have something to tell you." Tan Yue picked up the folder on the table and said, "Today I discussed with Mr. Qin and planned to set up a fan support group. If there are more offline fans in the future, It’s also convenient to notify you of the meeting. I’m going to let you be the vice president of this association. Are you interested?”

Although Chen Ye is his secretary, after all, the fan support group does not belong to the scope of work, so he still needs to ask her opinion.

"No problem, of course I can." Chen Ye couldn't hide his happiness.

She watched Qin Tao go in and out of the office several times today. She thought it was a matter of the artist management department, but she didn't expect that it was the establishment of a fan support group association.

Moreover, she has always felt that she is Tan Yue's number one fan. Being able to serve as the vice president of the association, it can be said that there is no reason to refuse.

Tan Yue said: "It won't add too much workload to you. Your task is to convey some activities to the President of the General Conference and assist her in some work."

Chen Ye asked: "Who is the president of the fan support group?"

"Her name is Zhuang Bailin, and she is the person in charge of the Magic City Fan Support Group." Tan Yue handed over the document in his hand and said: "She has agreed. Here are some of her information and contact information. You can add it later. , tell her about the benefits.”

Although there won’t be much arrangements, it is still a job.

This kind of troublesome matter cannot be wasted in vain.

Chen Ye glanced at the document and said, "I understand."

Tan Yue continued to explain: "You can go find Mr. Qin later. The three of you can create a group and chat to see if there are any problems. You can help her solve them together. Ask Mr. Qin to send him the work content and other things. Mr. Qin knows about it.”

Considering that Zhuang Bailin is serving as the president of the fan support group for the first time, she will probably encounter problems, which is why Tan Yue made such an arrangement.

Chen Ye nodded "Yes".

"There is nothing else, just go and do your business."

Chen Ye turned around and left the office, returned to his workstation, opened the file, found Zhuang Bailin's contact information, and dialed.

A few seconds later, Zhuang Bailin's voice came from the phone: "Hello."

In the past, she would never have directly answered such a call from a stranger.

Now when she saw a mobile phone number from Beijing, she would think that it might be a call from Bright Entertainment Company.

Chen Ye said: "Hello, I am Mr. Tan's secretary. My name is Chen Ye. When you came to the capital yesterday, I was the one who took you around."

"I remembered."

You can tell from the sound that Zhuang Bailin is a little excited.

"Excuse me, do you have time now? I want to say something, which will probably take more than ten minutes."

The other end of the phone was quiet for a few seconds and then said, "Can you wait until I get off work? The company has taken on a new project and is a little busy."

Zhuang Bailin also wanted to hear it, but the company's situation did not allow it. Being able to come out to answer this call was already the limit.

Everyone is busy.

Submit the plan before leaving get off work.

"No problem." Chen Ye thought for a moment and said, "Do you think this is okay? I will send you a message at nine o'clock in the evening."

"Nine o'clock is no problem."

"I will add your WeChat account later, please go through it."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Ye added Zhuang Bailin's WeChat account and it went through almost instantly.

The work was not over yet, so she got up and went to the artist management department to look for Qin Tao.


Magic City.

Because the work was not finished yet, Zhuang Bailin continued to be busy in the company.

Working overtime is common for her.

However, the work is about to be completed, and Zhuang Bailin will not worry about not being able to finish it before nine o'clock.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

"It's time to get off work. I'm finally done."

"I'm so exhausted."

"Linlin, do you want to go out for dinner together at the party? I'll treat you."

Zhuang Bailin neatly packed her things and said, "I'm not going. I have some things to do tonight. There is still a schedule that I haven't finished yet. I have to hand it in early tomorrow morning."

Work is a secondary reason. Even if she didn't have work, she would never go out to eat tonight.

"Well, I was thinking about going shopping with you during my break yesterday, but I didn't expect you to go to the capital."

"On a whim, I spent the whole day swiping through Douyin to travel at the drop of a hat. I'll give it a try."

Zhuang Bailin didn't want to tell her colleagues that she was going to attend Tan Yue's meeting.

Colleagues gave thumbs up: "I admire you, I admire you!"

Zhuang Bailin packed up her things and said, "I'm going back first, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight."

In fact, this schedule can be completed in half an hour. There are more important things at nine o'clock.

Zhuang Bailin came out of the office and hurriedly took the subway home, ordering a takeaway on the way.

She usually cooks by herself, but today she is a little tight on time.

It was already past eight o'clock when I got home.

Zhuang Bailin first took out her computer and started working on her work.

After the takeout was delivered, she continued to work while eating.

Although she was tired, she was very happy.

It was already 8:45 when I finished my work.

Before the table could be cleared, my mother's video call came over.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"Have you got a meal yet?"

"I just ate." Zhuang Bailin took a photo of the unfinished takeaway.

"I eat takeout every day and cook some food myself."

Zhuang Bailin explained: "I'm too busy today. I haven't finished my work yet, so I have to order takeout to cope with it. I don't have time to cook at all."

The two people started chatting like this.

During this period, Zhuang Bailin kept looking at the time.

It's five minutes until nine o'clock.

Zhuang Bailin said: "Mom, there is still work to be done. I'm going to work first."

She dare not say that she is now the president of Tan Yue's fan support group.

"Finish your work early and rest early, and don't stay up late at night."

"I know, Mom, I'll call you another day when I have time."

After Zhuang Bailin hung up the video, she saw herself being dragged into a group chat by Chen Ye.

There were only three people in the group, and she didn't know the other one.

However, she guessed that this person was either from the Bright Entertainment Company or a fan of Teacher Tan Yue.

Zhuang Bailin suddenly felt her heartbeat speeding up and became a little nervous.

This time Tan Yue's secretary wanted to explain something personally, and Zhuang Bailin thought it would be very important. Thinking that I have no experience in this area, I am a little worried that I will not be able to do it well.

But thinking that she would be the president of Tan Yue's fan support group in the future, she looked forward to it even more. If there are activities like offline meetings in the future, maybe there will be an opportunity to meet Tan Yue alone.

With a "ding dong" sound, a message came from the group.

Chen Ye said, "This is Mr. Qin Taoqin from the artist management department of our company." "Hello, Mr. Qin!" Zhuang Bailin took a deep breath, never expecting that this unknown person would be a director of Bright Entertainment Company.

Qin Tao sent a message: "Just call me Sister Tao in private."

She felt that it was a bit unfamiliar for others to call her "Mr. Qin".

In private, Chen Ye calls her "Sister Tao".

"Okay." Zhuang Bailin didn't dare to send more messages and waited for notifications in the group.

Chen Ye sent a message: "This is your welfare as the president of the fan support group. Do you think there is anything inappropriate?"

It is followed by a picture.

Zhuang Bailin's benefits are the same as those of employees of Bright Entertainment Company, and her salary is much higher than that of ordinary employees.

Zhuang Bailin, who was staring at the phone, seemed to be controlled by force, her eyes were wide open, and her face was full of shock.

She never thought that she would still be paid! ?

Zhuang Bailin feels that she is lucky enough to be chosen as the president of the fan support group.

Tan Yue has many fans, so the competition for the president of the fan support group is naturally fierce.

When she heard that there was still a salary, she had the wonderful experience of not only not having to pay for it, but also getting a salary.

"No problem." After Zhuang Bailin sent the message, she thought to herself: "Actually, I can do it even if I don't get paid."

this moment.

Tan Yue's image grew taller in her heart.

Chen Ye replied with an "OK" emoticon in the group, and then sent a message: "Next, let Mr. Qin tell you about the work content."

"Okay, Vice President." Qin Tao joked in the group.

Zhuang Bailin murmured: "She is the vice president!"

At this moment, Chen Ye, who was sitting in front of the computer, just wanted to give Qin Tao a roll of his eyes.

The two people have a very good relationship in private.

Qin Tao sent a message: "Has Director Zhao of our department told you about the work content?"

"Yes, already told me."

"That's good. Let me add a few points. I will post the specific content directly in the group after the party."

When Qin Tao began to hand over work, she stopped joking and edited messages one by one and posted them in the group chat.

"When there is an event and it is sent to you, you have to contact the person in charge of the fan support groups across the country."

There are probably two aspects.

On the one hand, it is Zhuang Bailin's work content, and on the other hand, it is the matters that Zhuang Bailin needs to pay attention to.

Compared with what Director Zhao said, Qin Tao said in more detail.

Zhuang Bailin looked at each word carefully, for fear of missing a word or misreading a word.

Qin Tao posted the document in the group, and then sent another message: "Is there anything unclear?"

Zhuang Bailin tapped the screen of her phone, and a line appeared: "Teacher Tan Yue has a lot of fans. I'm a little worried that I won't be able to contact the leaders of all the fan support groups."

"Don't worry about this, we will be here to help."


Whenever there is any doubt, Zhuang Bailin will ask.

She didn't want to delay important events because of herself.

Both Qin Tao and Chen Ye have been patiently answering questions in the group.

In fact, Qin Tao was mainly the one answering.

After all, Qin Tao is specifically responsible for this area, and naturally knows more.

"I'm a little worried that I can't do it well."

Zhuang Bailin bit her fingernails nervously. After hesitating for a moment, she finally posted this message in the group.

Qin Tao was the first to reply to the message: "You did a very good job in the Magic City Fan Support Group before. You can completely manage the Fan Support Association in the same way as before."

The company's investigation of Zhuang Bailin was very detailed, and Qin Tao knew it very well.

"It feels a little different now." Zhuang Bailin thought of the huge number of fans and felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"Actually, it's the same. You now pass the task to the leaders of the fan support groups across the country. They are also fans."

Chen Ye also sent a comforting message in the group: "Linlin, Sister Tao is right. Besides, there are still two of us here. If you encounter any problems in the future, you can ask us at any time."

They can understand Zhuang Bailin's worries.

"Thank you!" Zhuang Bailin said gratefully.

Qin Tao sent a message: "If you have any questions in the future, feel free to communicate. It's getting late, it's time to go to bed!"

Zhuang Bailin raised her head and glanced at the time, only to realize that it was almost eleven o'clock.

The group chat is over.

Zhuang Bailin looked at the computer screen in a daze.

She felt very excited now. Even after a busy day, she still didn't feel tired at all.

Through tonight's exchange, she already knew the content of her work and thought: "We must do things well no matter what, and we must not have problems in our own hands."

Zhuang Bailin suddenly sat upright and dug out a brand new notebook from the drawer.

She felt it was necessary to record all her work content and issues that needed attention during the work process.

A good memory is not as good as a bad writing.

The next day.


Bright Entertainment Company, President's Office.

Chen Ye came to Tan Yue's office.

"Mr. Tan, these are the documents delivered this morning." Chen Ye placed the documents on Tan Yue's side.

"Are there any documents that need to be signed?"

"Here is a planning list for the new media department's new activities. Take a look."

Tan Yue took it and took a look. After seeing that there was no problem, he picked up a pen and signed his name on the document, and then asked: "Did you contact Zhuang Bailin yesterday?"

Chen Ye nodded and replied: "Yesterday, Mr. Qin and I introduced the work content to Zhuang Bailin."

Tan Yue handed the document to Chen Ye and said, "How was the chat?"

"Yesterday she asked us a lot of questions in the group and she was very responsible. I think she should be able to shoulder this important responsibility."

"is it?"

Chen Ye said: "Some of them are very detailed issues. I think if it were me, I would never think of it."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Please help her more."


Chen Ye took the document and left. Tan Yue opened the document and looked at Zhuang Bailin's information.

After all, she needs to be paid, so some information still needs to be filled in.

After listening to Chen Ye's report, Tan Yue felt that Zhuang Bailin was a very responsible person.

Because only if you really want to do this job well, you will not miss any detail.

Tan Yue put the document aside and started to look at other documents.

He believed that Zhuang Bailin could definitely assume the responsibility of the general person in charge and would do a good job.

Besides, I don’t have many activities, so I don’t have too many tasks for Zhuang Bailin. If there is an event occasionally, I just need to be responsible for organizing it.

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