Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1189 Rehearsal

Chapter 1189 Rehearsal

A week later.

Bright Entertainment Company, President's Office.

Tan Yue in front of the computer was looking through the documents one by one, and the speed in his hands was obviously much faster than before.

Tan Yue handed the signed documents to Chen Ye and said, "Are there any documents that need to be processed now?"

"No more for now. Only two documents that need to be signed were sent this morning."

There were a few more documents on the desk, but they were work reports from various departments. Normally, after dealing with the documents that needed signatures, Tan Yue would definitely look at the work reports.

But today, he had something more important.

Tan Yue glanced at the time and said, "The first rehearsal of the program department is scheduled for today, right?"

Chen Ye nodded and said, "Yes, the rehearsal will start at half past nine this morning."

It was almost time. Tan Yue stood up and said: "I will go to the program department to record the program later. If there are documents, just put them on the table for now. I will deal with them when I come back. If there are urgent documents that need to be signed, send them directly to Mr. Chen’s side.”

"Okay." Chen Ye hugged the document and left, feeling indescribably happy.

The day before yesterday, when she was sorting out Tan Yue's work flow for the day, she learned that Tan Yue was going to the program department to attend rehearsals.

Tan Yue participated in the variety show. As a fan, she was of course very happy and looked forward to the show being launched soon.

Tan Yue took the elevator to the program department.

After getting off the elevator, you can see everyone busy.

This variety show is very important and can be said to be the biggest project of the program department this year.

Today is the first rehearsal, and almost every employee in the program department is busy.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

Everyone greeted Tan Yue one after another.

Tan Yue responded to everyone one by one, walked through the employee work area, and came to the place where the program would be recorded.

The place was busy.

"Rearrange the props in this place."

"Take the vase away, it will block the lens of camera No. 2."

"Move quickly, we will start recording soon."

Seeing Tan Yue's figure, Xu Nuo said, "You're here."

"How's it going here?" Tan Yue looked around the scene.

Xunuohui reported: "The venue has been set up and is undergoing the final inspection."

"Is there any problem?"

"I'm here, don't worry."

Tan Yue nodded slightly.

Several senior executives from the program department were present, as well as many busy staff.

A man trotted over and said, "Mr. Tan, I need to put makeup on for you."

"Let's go."

Xu Nuo said, "I'll go with you. While I'm putting on makeup, I'll explain the recording process to you in detail."

The three people came to a dressing room.

Tan Yue sat in front of a mirror, and two makeup artists began to get busy.

Xu Nuo pulled up a chair and sat aside.

In order not to delay his makeup, he deliberately moved back.

"Have I started here too?"

Tan Yue said softly "Hmm".

Xu Nuo opened the script in his hand and began to explain each recording process to Tan Yue in detail.

This time it was more detailed than last time.

After all, Tan Yue rarely appeared in variety shows, and Xu Nuo was a little worried that something would go wrong with his good brother.

The recording was a live variety show, and it didn't require heavy makeup. In addition, Tan Yue had a very good foundation, so he quickly finished the makeup.

For the next time, there were only Tan Yue and Xu Nuo in the dressing room.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


The door to the room opened, and a staff member came in and said, "Mr. Xu, the venue is ready and you can start recording."

Xu Nuo turned around and glanced at Tan Yue.

Tan Yue stood up and said, "Let's go over."

Five minutes ago, Xu Nuo had finished telling everything about Tan Yue in the first episode.

Xu Nuo got up and followed Tan Yue to the recording site.

At this time, the waiting staff were very nervous and discussing in low voices.

"Why do my legs feel a little shaky?"

"Look at your worthless look, you are just Mr. Tan. Mr. Xu also told us that we can just treat Mr. Tan as an ordinary guest."

"I think so too, but my legs are a bit unresponsive. It has its own ideas."

"Let's talk about it first. Nervousness will be stressful. Don't forget your work."

"I hope you don't forget."

A staff member shouted: "Mr. Tan is here."

The recording scene fell silent for a while, and everyone looked for Tan Yue.

After Tan Yue arrived, he looked around everyone's eyes and could clearly feel everyone's nervousness.

This is the recording of the show.

If employees are too nervous, oversights are bound to occur.

Tan Yue said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, everyone. I have often heard your director say that you work very seriously and hard. You can just treat me as a normal guest when recording this show. Our thoughts are to make this show a good one. We all work together.”

"If there is a problem in the middle, it is normal, otherwise we would not have spent so much effort on this rehearsal."

"Let's make it together!"

His words seemed to have an effect, and the tense atmosphere at the scene eased a lot.

A staff member trotted up to Tan Yue and said, "Mr. Tan, come here. I'll take you a bit first."


While Tan Yue was getting familiar with his moves, several machines were already in operation.

The on-site staff’s headphones sounded the reports of each group.

After getting familiar with each step, Tan Yue felt that he had no problem, and then started recording.

In the past, he was behind the camera directing the work on the scene. Now in front of the camera, Tan Yue felt a little excited.

After all, it was the first rehearsal, so it was inevitable to encounter problems.

Although Tan Yue rarely participates in variety shows, his performance is very outstanding.

Every detail of the process is very familiar.

Nearly two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Tan Yue sat in front of a piece of equipment and watched the recording process just now.

Although this is not within the scope of his work, he is very dedicated to making the show better.

The director in charge of the show also sat nearby.

"Pause for a moment." Tan Yue said, "I think such a short paragraph needs to be readjusted."

Although during the review process, there were no problems with the program.

But when it was actually presented in front of me, it still felt unreasonable.

If you want to make the show popular, you cannot miss any detail.

"I think so." The director nodded in agreement: "The previous paragraph was not very well prepared, so when the results were finally announced, the effect seemed a bit unsatisfactory."

The director in charge of the program immediately noted the problem. The purpose of rehearsal is to discover problems.

After reading it, Tan Yue said: "Discuss the points just mentioned and come up with an optimal solution."

"Okay, Mr. Tan."

Rehearsing a week in advance is also to allow enough time to solve problems.

"You guys get busy, I'm going back." Tan Yue stood up and left the program department.

The overall effect is pretty good. If several of the problems he pointed out are solved, the effect will be even better.

Tan Yue returned to his office, picked up the water glass on his desk, took a glass of warm water, and took a sip.

Sitting on the chair, looking at a few documents in a trance.

While he was participating in the rehearsal of the show, Chen Ye sent in three documents.

After taking a look at the time, Tan Yue decided to deal with it after he came back from lunch.

The process of recording the show was very hard and he was a little hungry.

'Dong dong dong' there was a knock on the door, and the office door was opened immediately.

"When did the rehearsal end?"

The person who came in was Chen Ziyu.

"Just came back." Tan Yue leaned on the chair.

"It's lunch time. Do you want to rest for a while before going to have lunch?" Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue's face, which looked tired.

Tan Yue stood up and said, "Let's go have lunch first. There are still a few documents that need to be processed."

Chen Ziyu said with concern: "I will help you deal with it this afternoon."

"I'm fine. I'm not particularly tired. I'm just a little hungry now."

Chen Ziyu smiled and said, "Let's go have lunch."

The two took the elevator to the restaurant. After ordering, they chatted while waiting for the food.

Chen Ziyu asked: "How was the rehearsal this morning?"

"It's pretty smooth." Tan Yue joked, "I thought I wouldn't get used to it since I haven't appeared in front of the camera for a long time."

It can be said that he found his groove as soon as he started recording.

"In this case, you can participate in the recording of several more episodes of the program." Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue with a smile.

"You can consider it."

If the program still needs him, Tan Yue will definitely agree directly.

Anyway, I have no plans to shoot a movie in the near future, and I have no other work besides handling the company's affairs.

Chen Ziyu asked: "Does the program still need to be modified?"

If there are no modifications, there will be no need to rehearse later and you can start recording directly.

“A few places have been modified”

After the food was served, the two continued to chat about the rehearsal of the new show.

After lunch.

The two took the elevator back to the president's office.

When he was about to reach the door of his office, Tan Yue was in a daze because a person's profile caught him off guard.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Tan."

As Chen Ye said hello, Zhuang Bailin also said hello hurriedly: "Hello, Mr. Chen, Mr. Tan!"

Chen Ziyu asked: "Are you Zhuang Bailin?"

The two have not met yet.

Zhuang Bailin said: "Yes, Mr. Chen."

Chen Ziyu nodded and said: "From now on, the affairs of Mr. Tan's fan support group will depend on you."

"Mr. Chen, please rest assured that I will do my best to complete this job."

Facing Chen Ziyu, Zhuang Bailin was still a little nervous.

The person in front of me is not only the boss of Bright Entertainment Company, but also the idol's official girlfriend.

Tan Yue said: "Are you looking for Xiaoye to help you solve a problem?"

In fact, he wanted to ask Zhuang Bailin and Qi Xue if they had a good relationship. From a certain angle, their faces looked really similar.

But considering that the occasion was not appropriate, I didn’t ask in the end.


"You guys keep talking."

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu came to the office.

Chen Ziyu said: "Let's take a rest first and deal with the documents later."

Tan Yue had already sat in his chair and opened the document.

"There are documents lying in front of me. I feel a little uncomfortable looking at them. I'd better finish them first and then rest."

Seeing that Tan Yue could not be persuaded, Chen Ziyu nodded helplessly and said, "I won't disturb your work. I'll go back to the office first."

Tan Yue said "hmm" and reminded: "You should get some sleep after you go back. You didn't get a good rest at night."

Chen Ziyu made an "OK" gesture.

After a full meal, she did feel very sleepy.

After Chen Ziyu left, Tan Yue concentrated on processing the documents.

He wanted to get rid of all the documents accumulated in the morning before officially going to work in the afternoon.

There is still afternoon work in the afternoon, otherwise it will just pile up.

program department.

After dinner, he promised to return to the office, sat down and drank a cup of tea, glanced at the time, and without taking a break, picked up his notebook and his own water glass and headed to the conference room.

Although today's rehearsal process went relatively smoothly, many problems were discovered.

There is still one week left until the official start of filming.

The problems encountered today need to be dealt with as soon as possible. There is not much time left for them.

It is precisely because of the tight schedule that the members of this program group in the program department did not have time to rest today.

As promised, everyone came directly to the conference room after eating.

The staff hadn't arrived yet, so Xu Nuo was looking at the problems that arose during the rehearsal on his laptop.

After all, it is a new show, and he has been mentally prepared for it.

After doing the program for so many years, it’s almost impossible to complete it just once.

After more than ten minutes, everyone arrived.

Xu Nuo is the top leader in charge of the project. He first said: "Everyone also participated in the recording process of the morning program. First of all, I will start with the content of the program."

The program department has many programs being recorded, and the director has more to do.

Xu Nuo first pointed out the problem areas.

When it comes to adjustments to the program content, members of the planning team began to express their opinions.

After all, everyone has different ideas, so the suggestions put forward are also various.

The promise is to record and think at the same time.

Finally, the supervisor said: "I have an idea, and after summarizing everyone's suggestions, if I want to improve the final effect, I think the third link can be deleted."

More than an hour passed before I knew it.

Xu Nuo looked at what he had recorded and said, "Let's deal with this problem according to this method first, and we will see the effect during our next rehearsal."

During this period, everyone was actively expressing their thoughts.

This is a key project of the program department. If your suggestions are adopted and implemented, it will be a great achievement.

Xu Nuo took a sip of tea and said, "Then let's start discussing the next problem."

After the rehearsal, Tan Yue's suggestions were about adjustments to the content of the program. There were also some problems in other aspects.

The purpose of today's meeting is to solve all the problems that have arisen, so that the next rehearsal will be the official content of the first program recording.

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