Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1197 Ye Wen’s invitation

Chapter 1197 Ye Wen’s invitation

General Administration of Culture.

Ye Wen carefully looked through a document in her hand.

After these days of continuous planning, the process and content of the cultural activities have been basically finalized.

After there are no problems with the event planning, you can hand it in.

As long as the above thinks there are no problems, preparations can begin.

Since the planning of cultural activities began, the entire General Administration of Culture has been busy with this matter, working overtime almost every day.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ye Wen finished reading the entire cultural activity and felt quite satisfied.

The event planning document she is holding now has been discussed at a high level.

Ye Wen signed her name on the document and took a deep breath.

Although her task was to lead the overall situation, she also went through many details one by one to ensure that nothing was missed.

Then the secretary was called to the office.

Ye Wen arranged: "This is a detailed plan for cultural activities. I have signed it. You can submit the plan to the ministry later."

"Okay, Bureau Ye." The secretary took the document with both hands.

Watching the secretary walk out of the office, Ye Wen picked up the cup and drank the remaining water in the cup.

After arriving at the General Administration of Culture this morning, we first held a meeting to discuss the final cultural activity plan, then returned to the office and started processing documents again.

Before the documents were processed, the secretary sent over the printed and sorted cultural activity plan.

Until now, several documents have not been processed.

Ye Wen rubbed her temples and felt a little tired, so she got up and went to the window to look at the scenery outside to relax.

I have been busy with cultural activities for so long, and now I can finally take a breather.

While the ministry was reviewing the cultural activity plan, she could take a few days off.

Since it is a cultural exchange event and there will be performances, a director will definitely be needed to control the rhythm.

The so-called professional things should be left to professionals.

You definitely need to find a more experienced director for this kind of thing.

Ye Wen thought of this and wondered whether she should go to Bright Entertainment Company to find a director.

After all, Sichuan TV Station has cooperated with Bright Entertainment Company for various large-scale events in recent years, and the feedback from the audience has been good.

Thinking of this, Ye Wen suddenly remembered that she saw many media reports on the Internet a few days ago that Tan Yue participated in the recording of a variety show.

When she saw the news, she was a little surprised for a moment.

A person who rarely appears at major award ceremonies actually participated in the recording of a variety show.

Later, I heard from Chen Ye that the show was a key project of Bright Entertainment Company.

"Should we invite Tan Yue to our house for a meal?" Ye Wen thought.

Tan Yue is now number one on the list of top public figures, and his status in the entertainment industry goes without saying.

One movie set off waves of movie-watching craze in the global movie market, allowing domestic movies to enter the world stage and fulfilling my long-held dream.

Whether it was out of gratitude or friendship, Ye Wen felt it was necessary to invite Tan Yue to her home for dinner.

Moreover, Chen Jian has always wanted to treat Tan Yue to dinner.

Previously, Tan Yue helped Chen Jian defeat the Japanese representatives at a poetry exchange meeting.

In order to express his gratitude, he had always wanted to invite Tan Yue.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Wen had an idea in mind.

Ye Wen picked up her cell phone from the table, found her daughter's phone number, and dialed it.

Tan Yue is the vice president of Bright Entertainment Company, so he may have many things going on.

The person who can understand Tan Yue's work arrangements is naturally the secretary.

"Mom, what's wrong? Why are you calling me at this time?" Chen Ye asked.

"Nothing." Ye Wen paused for a moment and continued: "I just wanted to ask about Mr. Tan's recent work arrangements."

"Mr. Tan's work arrangements?" Chen Ye said, "Mom, according to the regulations, I can't tell you about this."

Naturally, the boss’s itinerary cannot be revealed.

"So, Mr. Tan, have you had any trips to other places recently?"

"No." Chen Ye asked, "What are you doing with Mr. Tan's schedule?"

"Tan Yue helped your dad before, and he always wanted to treat Tan Yue to a meal. I have been busy during this period and have no time. Now that I have just finished my work, I wanted to ask Tan Yue about his time."

Ye Wen would definitely not say that she also wanted to treat Tan Yue to dinner.

After all, he is also the director of the General Administration of Culture, so his identity lies here.

"That would be great!"

Thinking of Mr. Tan going to his home for dinner, Chen Ye became excited for a moment.

Although Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu are already together, she has long been able to look at all this with a bystander's attitude.

But after all, I once liked it, and there is still a throbbing deep in my heart.

Chen Ye said: "Mr. Tan is in the office now. Let me go over and ask what time it will be?"

"Tomorrow evening."

"Okay, no problem."

Just when Chen Ye was about to hang up the phone, he heard his mother say "Wait a minute."

"what happened?"

Ye Wen said: "It's better for me to ask about this matter."


"After all, your dad wants to invite Mr. Tan to dinner, so it's not appropriate for you to say it." Ye Wen was talking about one aspect.

Another point is that she feels that her daughter is a bit light.

It can be said that many people now want to invite Tan Yue to dinner, but not everyone can do so.

Tan Yue is now number one on the list of top public figures and enjoys a high reputation abroad.

"Okay." Chen Ye felt the same way.

Ye Wen said: "Let's do this for now. I'll call Mr. Tan later."

"Let me know after you make the call."

"Got it." Ye Wen hung up the phone to her daughter, found Tan Yue's mobile phone number and dialed it.


Three seconds later, Tan Yue's voice came from the mobile phone: "Ye Bureau."

"Mr. Tan, calling you at this time is a bit disturbing."

"It's okay, Director Ye, I just finished the work in hand."

Ye Wen smiled and said, "That's it. Do you have time tomorrow night? I want to invite you to my house for a meal."

Tan Yue was slightly startled.

Ye Wen said: "You defeated the Japanese representatives at the poetry exchange meeting and saved the reputation of the Beijing Poetry Association. President Chen has always wanted to treat you to a meal and said that he must thank you in person. He has been busy with it before. Things in the bureau came up again a few days ago, so I will definitely call you today and ask if you are available tomorrow. "

She thought at this moment that it was a good thing she had such a reason, otherwise she really wouldn't know how to invite Tan Yue.

Could it be that I invited you to dinner because you are now number one on the list of top public figures and have unparalleled influence?

"Ju Ye, you are too polite. It's a small thing, no need to spend money, and it's what I should do." Tan Yue was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Chen Jian to still remember this.

"It's not a trivial matter, it's a major matter related to the country's face." Ye Wen continued: "Since that day, President Chen has been thinking about treating you to dinner, and talking about you every day is a great help, otherwise they in the capital The Poetry Association no longer has the face to continue its operation." "Ye Bureau".

"Mr. Tan." Ye Wen said, "We just eat at home and don't go out. You can ask your Uncle Chen to say thank you in person."

She heard that Tan Yue wanted to continue to refuse, so she deliberately interrupted.

Now that the conversation has reached this point, Tan Yue could no longer refuse and said, "Ju Ye, I won't say thank you anymore. I'll have two more drinks with Uncle Chen then."

He was still a little embarrassed.

After all, we are going to eat at home.

Tan Yue even wanted to be the host and treat Chen Jian to dinner.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt it wasn't appropriate, so I didn't say anything.

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Ye Wen was also very happy to hear that Tan Yue agreed.

She never said that she also wanted to invite Tan Yue to dinner, just because her status was not suitable.

The director of the General Administration of Culture can also bring pressure to others.

Ye Wen continued: "We're having dinner at home anyway, so I'll ask Mr. Chen and you two will come over together."

The relationship between Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu is already well known.

Since Tan Yue has been invited, it doesn't matter if he invites one more person.

And maybe it will make Tan Yue feel that he has done a very thoughtful job.

Ye Wenzai had a very good impression of Chen Ziyu after coming to Bright Entertainment Company several times.

Cuican Entertainment has been able to achieve this level not only due to Tan Yue's achievements in the film and television industry, but also to Chen Ziyu's management of the company.

As the director of the General Administration of Culture, every time when chatting with the bosses of entertainment companies, they always follow their own words, for fear of making them unhappy.

But Ye Wen wants to know the real situation of the entertainment company.

She thought that if Chen Ziyu came together, they could chat about it.

The development of China's entertainment industry still relies on these entertainment companies to continue to advance.

Ye Wen not only has great hopes for Tan Yue, but also for Bright Entertainment Company.

"I want to ask about this matter. I'm not sure yet whether she has any work arrangements for tomorrow." Tan Yue said: "If she doesn't have anything important to do, she should pass by."

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for you two to arrive."

The main target of this invitation is Tan Yue. As long as Tan Yue agrees to come, Ye Wen's goal will have been achieved.

"Ye Ju, goodbye!"


Tan Yue put down his mobile phone and looked at the computer screen in trance.

He still has accidents until now.

The director of the General Administration of Culture actually called him personally to invite him to his home for dinner.

Tan Yue knew that Ye Wen's statement that Chen Jian wanted to thank him was an excuse, and it was Ye Wen who finally invited him.

Otherwise, Ye Wen wouldn't have called in person.

Tan Yue didn't take it too seriously.

From the last time Ye Wen personally came to the Bright Entertainment Company to congratulate her, to this invitation to dinner, everything was because of her achievements in movies.

outside the office.

While Chen Ye was sorting out documents, his eyes would drift to his phone from time to time, and he kept thinking in his mind: Will Mr. Tan agree?

"It's bad."

Chen Ye hissed and suddenly realized that the files were sorted wrongly.

"Work with peace of mind."

She muttered silently in her mind, forcing herself not to think about this matter anymore, and picked up the phone and put it directly in her pocket.

Out of sight out of mind.

Fortunately, no problems occurred again later.

Seeing that the work would be completed soon, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Chen Ye hurriedly took out his mobile phone. Sure enough, it was a call from his mother. He quickly swiped the phone screen and answered the call: "Mom, how are you? Did Mr. Tan agree?"


"it is good."

The hanging heart was finally relieved.

Chen Ye was slightly excited.

To be honest, deep down in her heart, she felt that there was a greater chance that Tan would not agree.

Others may not know, but Chen Ye knows that Tan Yue receives dinner invitations almost every day.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Tan Yue is willing, he can eat delicacies outside every day.

Tan Yue's status as a director is enough to make people outside look for him queue up.

What's more, he is number one on the list of top public figures. He has huge traffic and attention. Any appearance on the show will increase the ratings of the show.

It's just that Tan Yue is reluctant to participate in such an occasion.

Chen Ye said: "Mom, we have to prepare well."

"Yes, it just so happens that you also want to prepare some ingredients. Send them to your dad later and let him buy them."

"Okay." Chen Ye said, "Does my dad know that Mr. Tan has agreed to come to our house for dinner?"

"Not yet. I'll call you back after I call Mr. Tan."

"Haha, my dad didn't know how happy he would be after hearing this." Chen Ye said with a smile.

"You go about your work first, and I'll tell your dad."

Chen Ye said "hmm" and hung up the phone. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he quickly calmed down and continued working.

the other side.

Ye Wen put away her phone and continued to look out the window, while also doing some stretching exercises to move her body.

After all, now that I am older, I cannot work overtime every day and still look energetic like when I was young.

Ye Wen didn't rush to call Chen Jian, and was thinking about how to prepare the meal.

The identities of Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu are very important. Even if they are eating at home, it is absolutely impossible to cook two dishes casually.

A sumptuous meal is the most basic form of respect for guests.

After having a few ideas, Ye Wen dialed Chen Jian's cell phone.

"I invited Tan Yue to come to our house for dinner. What are you going to eat?"

"What? What did you say? You invited Tan Yue to come to our house for dinner?!" Chen Jian said in surprise: "Did he agree?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't let you think about what to eat."

"Okay, okay! Leave the food to me and I'll prepare it myself."

Chen Jian had been thinking about inviting Tan Yue to a meal, and now the opportunity finally came.

"Okay." Ye Wen said, "Think about it first. I have work to do here. I'll talk about it after I get home in the evening."

"it is good."

Ye Wen hung up the phone and said, "Come in."

The door of the office opened and the secretary came in: "Bureau Ye, there is a document that requires your signature."

Ye Wen took the file and started working.

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