Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1203 Next Movie

Chapter 1203 Next Movie

Beijing Poetry Association.

The president smiled and said: "I didn't expect the heat to be so high!!"

It has been more than an hour since the Beijing Poetry Association updated its official blog, during which many media reported on the matter.

They have never seen so many media actively reporting on events held by the Poetry Association.

Chen Jian burst into laughter.

He is also watching the situation on the Internet and reading the discussions among netizens.

"After reading the report, I found out that the Poetry Association held this event, and I immediately wrote a poem and submitted it."

"It's so meaningful to hold such an event. The doctor who saw it exposed on the Internet thought it was outrageous. After learning about it, he found out that it was actually true."

“Everyone supports this event so that more people can see this event.”

Chen Jian put away his mobile phone and said, "The amount of discussion on the Internet is beyond my expectation."

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Come in."

The president's assistant came in with a document and said, "This is just statistics on the popularity of our event on the Internet."

The president took the document and quickly looked through it.

The assistant said: "As of now, the number of views of this event is the highest ever. The number of views and related searches are still increasing, and it is also very popular on major social platforms such as Weibo."

"Old Chen, take a look." After the president handed the document to Chen Jian, he turned around and asked, "Is anyone submitting a manuscript now?"

"Yes, we have received thirteen pieces so far. According to our estimates, we will receive a large number of submissions in the future."

The president nodded and arranged: "Print out the newly submitted poems and notify them to go to the conference room."

"Okay." The assistant turned and left.

Chen Jian put down the document and said, "Okay, it's been a long time since I've seen anything related to poetry become a hot search on the Internet."

There are currently two hot searches related to this event on the hot search list.

The first one is Tan Yue's new poems, and the second one is an event organized by the Beijing Poetry Association.

The president said thoughtfully: "This time, Tan Yue's poem has brought so much traffic and popularity to our event. I think we can ask some celebrities to help us promote it when we have events in the future."

"If you find a celebrity to promote it, it will indeed bring more attention."

Whether it is looking for celebrities to promote or merchants looking for celebrities to endorse, the same principle applies.

Use the traffic from celebrities to attract traffic to yourself.

Chen Jian continued: "But the cost is not a small amount for us."

By chance, Tan Yue wrote a poem.

With a little friendship, Tan Yue also agreed to post it directly on the official blog of the Beijing Poetry Association.

But if you really want to ask Tan Yue to promote it, it will definitely not be a small expense.

The Capital Poetry Association does not have so much financial support.

The president clicked his tongue and said, "That's right."

"Besides, it's not easy for us to find a celebrity to promote."

The activities of the Beijing Poetry Association are different from other activities. You can find a celebrity to promote it, but if you want a good effect, it is best to find a celebrity who can write poetry.

Just like Tan Yue, he has a lot of traffic and can compose poetry himself, and the repercussions he brings are terrible.

Chen Jian also knows a lot about this aspect.

The president let out a long sigh and said, "We'll talk about this kind of thing later. Let's go to the conference room."

The two people came to the conference room again.

After everyone arrived, the president said: "After we posted Tan Yue's poem on Weibo, it caused a great response. In more than an hour, we received many more poems. Let's see if we can find them. A good song comes out.”

After the shock brought by "Bitter Days Are Short", he felt in his heart that it would be difficult to find another good poem.

But I hope that one will actually appear.

The exposure of this event has reached an unprecedented level. If someone can write a poem and discover such a talent, it will be a good thing for the Beijing Poetry Association.

Nowadays, fewer and fewer people pay attention to poetry, and there is somewhat of a lack of talent.

The assistant handed out the printed poems to everyone.

The office quickly became quiet, and everyone was carefully appreciating it.

Time passed by minute by minute.

While they were reading poems, the assistant continued to send poems in.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The president picked up the cup, took a sip of tea, and asked, "How many songs have been sent in?"

He would read new poems when they came in, but he had long forgotten the details.

The assistant said: "Including the two poems just sent in, there are now forty-eight poems."

"There are already so many!" The president was a little surprised.

This event has been held for some time. Except for the first two days, when many submissions were received, there were basically no submissions after that.

Unexpectedly, in just two hours today, I received nearly fifty songs directly.

Although the quality varies, the quantity is large enough to reflect that many people are aware of this event.

The more people know about the event, the more likely it is that the purpose of holding the event will be achieved.

One person said with a smile: "I, an old man, have never known what star power is, but I feel it today. One song after another, without stopping."

"When you couldn't receive submissions before, you could have been complaining. Are you tired now?"

"I won't be tired if I play another fifty songs."

The president smiled and said: "There are so many poems, please read them slowly and don't be in a hurry. If you can't finish them today, we can postpone the end of the event later."

Anyway, it is an event organized by themselves, and postponing the end time is just a matter of saying a word.

Mainly considering that submissions are constantly coming in, he really wants to postpone the end of the event.

Chen Jian said: "Let's see what happens next. If it doesn't work, postpone it."

The president nodded, turned to look at the assistant, and asked, "What's going on online now?"

"The popularity is still increasing. Now many mainstream media have focused on our activities, which has brought a lot of popularity."

After all, the purpose of this event is to break superstition and satirize the absurd idea of ​​seeking immortality.

There are many reports from official media among many media.

"Go back and keep watching to see if anyone else has submitted any articles."


One person said: "Our event is really popular."

"With so much media coverage, it must have become popular."

Everyone was very happy.

The president moved his shoulders, twisted his neck slightly, and said: "They are all a bunch of old guys. Sitting for so long is not good for your health. If you want to rest, go and rest."

"Don't worry, President, we understand."

Everyone continued to look at the poems in their hands and discussed and exchanged words from time to time.

One person said: "What do you think of this song "Cut the Night"?"

"I've read it and I think the theme is not very clear."

"I have the same feeling. The expression is not very clear and the reading is bland."

I don't know whether it's because I read "Bitter Days Are Short" or because of the poems themselves. As of now, no one can like it.

Chen Jian flipped through it and said, "I think this poem has been modified. It didn't express the same meaning before. It should have been modified later to participate in the event."

Now that the activity is so popular, there are also some people who want to take advantage of the popularity. If it is chosen, it will bring a lot of traffic.

The president put down the paper in his hand and said, "I looked over it and didn't see a particularly good one. Do you have any that you like more?"

Everyone shook their heads, but no one spoke.

The president turned his head and glanced at the door, but did not see the assistant. No new poems had come in for half an hour.

He felt that there were no new submissions, and the event was ready to end today.

With Tan Yue's song "Bitter Days Are Short", this event was not a waste of time.

This is also the most popular event held by the Beijing Poetry Association.

Chen Jian put down the paper in his hand, took a sip of tea, and leaned on the chair to rest.

Nor could he find a satisfactory poem.

"President." The assistant came in at this time, "I just received a new poem."

"Only one?"

"Yes, I just printed it out."

The president took it, glanced at the name of the poem, and said: "Ask the World."

As the assistant handed out the poem, everyone looked at it seriously.

Chen Jian looked at it carefully, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought it was well written.

After reading so many poor-quality poems, everyone will inevitably be a little happy when they see a good one.


One person said: "I think this one is good."

Chen Jiandao: "Except for "Bitter Days Are Short," this is the best song I have ever seen."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

The president said: "This poem is indeed well written and of a very high level. It can be seen that the poet has a very good accumulation of poetry. The meaning expressed by some words, including the entire poem, is in line with the purpose of our event. The theme is very relevant.”

The man with white hair said: "If there were no "Bitter Days Are Short" by Tan Yue, I would definitely recommend this song "Ask the World"."

Everyone nodded slightly in agreement.

It's not that "Ask the World" is not good enough, but "The Days Are Short" is too stunning.

"Did you name the author of this poem?"

The assistant replied: "I didn't leave my real name, just a pen name called 'Listen to the Wind Blowing'."

The president asked: "You have also come into contact with many poets, are any of them familiar to you?"

No one answered.

The president tapped the table gently and murmured: "Who could it be?"

It is unlikely that Tan Yue will join the Capital Poetry Association. This person may have some hope.

Chen Jian looked at the poem carefully and said, "Judging from the writing style, I think this may be a female poet."

After hearing this, everyone lowered their heads and continued to watch.

"It seems to have been written by a female poet, and the emotional expression is very delicate."

Everyone chatted and felt that it was most likely written by a female poet.

The president arranged: "Go and contact this author and see if you can invite her to sit in the association."


Looking at this poem, the president hopes to recruit this person into the association.

Bright Entertainment Company, President's Office.

Tan Yue was in front of the computer, looking at the documents in his hands carefully.

The artist management department recently made statistics on its actors.

In order to ensure that every actor has the opportunity to develop, the company also tries its best to give them opportunities to go abroad when filming movies and TV series.

Whether they can grasp it depends on themselves.

Of course, the company's training continues.

In order to make actors more motivated, a points system is now implemented.

Those who perform well in the assessment will get opportunities, and every once in a while, those with the highest points will have the opportunity to play important roles in the company's film and television productions.

Under such a change, every actor worked hard and wanted to perform well.

Playing an important role is a very valuable opportunity for them.

Many actors outside don't have the opportunity to play supporting roles.

Tan Yue looked at the current rankings. Almost all of them were new actors.

After processing all the documents, Tan Yue picked up the internal phone and called Chen Ye over.

"Let's organize some documents here."

"Okay." Chen Ye picked up the document.

'Dong dong dong' there was a knock on the door.

Chen Ye said: "Mr. Tan, I'm going out first."

"Go." Tan Yue continued, "Come in."

The office opened and Chen Ziyu appeared at the door.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!" Chen Ye greeted.

Chen Ziyu responded with a "hmm" and said, "Ayue, have you finished processing the documents?"

"Just finished."

Chen Ye went out and closed the office door.

Chen Ziyu sat opposite Tan Yue and said, "Have you read the reports online? Many people are discussing the poems you wrote."

"I've read it." Tan Yue said with a smile: "I didn't expect that a poem would attract such high attention on the Internet!"

"I'm not surprised that your poem attracted attention on the Internet, but I didn't expect that it would also make the event organized by President Chen and others popular."

Tan Yue himself is very popular. His current poems were posted on the official blog of the Beijing Poetry Association and were discussed by netizens.

Besides, this poem is very good.

Now with more and more media reports, especially reports from some official media, the event held by the Beijing Poetry Association has reached unprecedented popularity.

"This event should be seen by more people so that everyone can maintain some sanity."

Chen Ziyu nodded and said, "It's quite interesting to hold such an event."

"It will be different after more people follow it."

Chen Ziyu held her chin and looked at Tan Yue with a smile.

"what happened?"

"I was wondering if I should let you write more poems." Chen Ziyu said: "I have been busy with the company's affairs in the past few years, and I almost forgot that you can also write poems."

Tan Yue coughed lightly and explained: "I heard what Chairman Chen said and drank some wine and felt it. I wrote it directly, but I couldn't write it down."


Tan Yue nodded calmly and defended: "My main work now is still focused on movies. Writing poems can be considered a relaxation. In the next time, I will carefully consider the plan for the next movie."

Chen Ziyu nodded heavily.

She was also joking just now. Only poems written casually will have more artistic conception.

Tan Yue put down the cup in his hand and said, "What are you going to make for the next movie?"

"Don't be in a hurry, think about it slowly."

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