Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 131 The gap in Hedong Satellite TV

Chapter 131 The gap in Hedong Satellite TV

Qi Xue frowned slightly, then clicked on this video with curiosity and an inexplicable expectation.

In the video, Tan Yue is sitting in front of the window, holding a guitar in his arms, playing and singing to himself. In the sky behind him, there is still white snow, which has already dyed all the high-rise buildings into white.

"Hold an umbrella to catch falling flowers, and watch that West Wind ride a thin horse.

Who can see through Liuxia for me, is the girl you?
That family in the deep mountains in front, strokes a pipa at night.

I would like to draw a painting for you, beautiful lady please accept it.


After five minutes.

Qi Xue has watched this video three times, and the emotions on her face are a bit complicated.

This song is very nice, and Qi Xue also likes it very much.

But, who is the girl and beauty in his song?

Qi Xue is very clear about Tan Yue's liking for her. If it was before, Qi Xue would definitely think it was her.

But now, both of them have been divorced for several months, does Tan Yue still like him?
Qi Xue frowned while listening to the song, thinking wildly.

During this period of time, there was always some entanglement. The life after the divorce was different from what she had imagined.

Although there will be more men around her who are courteous, they always feel unreliable. Whenever this happens, she often thinks of Tan Yue.

Although Tan Yue didn't have any skills or abilities, at least he really loved her.

Maybe it's because the divorce time is too short, and I'm not used to living alone.

After a long time in the future, you should be able to let go slowly.

Qi Xue thought half-comfortingly and half-mockingly.


Hedong Satellite TV.

In the "All the Way Climbing" program group, the assistant director Zheng Guang was lying on the table for a morning break.

In a daze, I heard a colleague in the group talking next to me.

"Just passing by the "Stars Are Ready" program group, they all have slumped faces, looking really miserable."

"I saw it too, but I can't blame others. The ratings have been lower than [-]%. I'm not surprised that the leader wants to cut it."

"I remember their ratings were [-]% last week?"

"That's right, it's put on our Hedong Satellite TV. If Shonan Satellite TV had such a low ratings, it would have been cut down long ago!"

"But it's almost here now, the leader has decided to cut "Stars Please Prepare"."

Zheng Guang was lying on the table, in a dazed state, half asleep and half awake, when he suddenly heard someone say that a show was going to be canceled.

Suddenly, his eyes opened, he sat up and looked at the two colleagues who were talking next to him, and said, "Xiao Zhang, Xiao Liu, what are you talking about? I heard which show is going to be canceled?"

Xiao Zhang looked at Zheng Guang and said in a low voice, "Director Zheng, it's "Stars Please Prepare". The ratings of this show are too low, and the leaders above have the intention of cutting it."

Zheng Guang's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Are you going to kill "Please Prepare for the Stars"?"

Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu nodded in confusion, not understanding why their show was being cut off, and Zheng Guang was so happy.

After all, although the ratings of "All the Way Climbing" are not high, they are still much higher than "Stars, Please Prepare". The downstream programs can be safe and worry-free, without worrying about being cut off.

Now "Stars Please Prepare", the last-to-last program, has been cut. Although "All the way to climb" will not be reduced to the bottom-to-last from now on, but if the newly prepared program has a result, "All the way to climb" may rank in the past dropped.

Generally speaking, this kind of satellite TV program facing the whole country can have a rating of 0.3, which can be regarded as a normal level.

If the ratings can break 1, it will be considered a good program on strong satellite TV such as Shonan Satellite TV and Beijing Satellite TV.If it is placed on an ordinary satellite TV like Hedong TV, it can be regarded as a good program.

As for the ratings breaking 2, it can be regarded as a relatively good program even on a strong satellite TV.

And "Stars Please Prepare" only has a ratings of 0.07. Even if Hedong Satellite TV is not strong, it will not tolerate such a low ratings program to continue to survive.

Zheng Guang smiled and asked the two of them, "Is this news reliable?"

Xiao Zhang said: "It should be reliable."

Zheng Guang waved his hand, and didn't continue to ask how reliable he was. Instead, he opened the chat tool and found his cousin who was the deputy director.

"Uncle, I heard that the show "Stars Please Prepare" is going to be canceled?"

Soon, the deputy director had a positive reply.

When Zheng Guang got the exact news, he immediately became happy, and then dialed the phone to Tan Yue.

The phone vibrated a few times, and Tan Yue picked it up.

"Hey, Lao Tan."

"What's the matter, Old Zheng?"

"Hey, I can't find you because I have nothing to do? Look at what you said, it hurts my heart!"

"Hehe, do you want to drink again on the weekend?"

"No, I have never liked drinking. By the way, I was almost distracted by you. I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? You're so naughty."


Zheng Guang coughed lightly and asked Tan Yue to wait a moment, then got up and walked into the corridor, and then said: "I just heard the news that there is a program on the satellite TV that is about to be cut."

On the phone, Tan Yue also paused for a moment before saying, "Really? But it doesn't have much to do with me. I remember that even if there are vacancies on the satellite TV, they will choose people from various channels in the provincial station."

Tan Yue is still at the Jishui City TV Station. Although they are all affiliated to the Cultural Sub-bureau of Hedong Province, they are not subdivided into the same system as the provincial TV station.

Even if there is a vacant position on Satellite TV, Tan Yue is not qualified to compete.

Zheng Guang thought for a while, and said: "Well, let me give it a try here and see if the leaders can make an exception for you. After all, your performance in the program is so good, even if it is in the provincial TV station, it is like thunder. Excellent people should Special treatment."

After Tan Yue heard this, he was naturally very moved. Although he is developing very well in the city TV station, as Chen Ziyu said before, the world of the city TV station is indeed too small, it is only the size of a prefecture-level city, and it is comparable to the provincial TV station. It is much worse than all, let alone satellite TV.

Now that he suddenly heard that there would be a vacancy on the satellite TV, Tan Yue naturally had a desire in his heart.

Although the possibility of being transferred is not high, what if there is a chance?It's always a pity not to try it, but if you try it, you can't go wrong.

"That's fine, thank you, Lao Zheng, you can see the situation, if it's difficult, don't force it." Tan Yue said on the phone.

Jishui TV station, entertainment channel.

Tan Yue hung up the phone, put the phone on the table, and looked at Zhang Peng who was walking over.

"Teacher Tan, is there something wrong?" Zhang Peng asked.

Tan Yue shook his head with a smile and said, "It's okay."

Zhang Peng hummed and said with a smile, "I have a question on the show that I want to ask you."


(End of this chapter)

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