Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 15 Competition Results

Chapter 15 Competition Results
It may be that he devoted himself to the planning of "Tree of Wisdom" a few days ago. Now that the competition has ended, he only needs to wait for the final result. Tan Yue is not used to it.

After arriving at the company, Tan Yue sat in his work station in a daze, went down with promise to smoke a cigarette, and felt that he had nothing to do.

Some people say that the TV station is a good place to live, the benefits are good, and there is no strong self-motivation, so you can have a lot of time to be a happy salted fish.

But some people say that TV station is a place that can train people very well. Those who are talented and willing to work hard will have more opportunities to stand out. After all, they have come into contact with more people from all walks of life.

Tan Yue didn't want to follow the old path of the original owner, and reminded himself that even if he failed this competition, he should not be discouraged and seize every opportunity he could.

But even though he said that, he was still very nervous.

After finishing my work, I started to flip through the "Tree of Wisdom" plan I wrote two days ago.

Sitting in front of the computer, looking at the plan, it has been difficult to concentrate.

This trance-like state lasted until eleven o'clock in the morning, that is, when I received the e-mail from the desk.

"On September 9, the TV station competed for the general planner of the children's channel's Wednesday evening program for all its internal employees. After various levels of selection, Tan Yue has passed the competition, and the results are announced as follows:"

"Tan Yue, former position: program planner of "Folk Talks" of the People's Livelihood Channel of Jishui TV Station. Current position: chief planner of the "Tree of Wisdom" program of the Children's Channel of Jishui TV Station."

This email is for all the staff of Jishui TV station.

After receiving this email, everyone was stunned!

What the hell?

Is Tan Yue who competed for the chief planner? !

Are you kidding internationally? !

For a time, the planners of the various channels of Jishui TV were talking about it, and the Minsheng Channel was directly fried!

For Tan Yue, the staff of Minsheng Channel can be said to know who he is.

A salted fish, a man who eats soft rice.Suddenly, he has become the general planner of a show, which is really surprising!
Many people couldn't help but ask. At this time, many people didn't even know that Tan Yue participated in the competition for the chief planner.

Although Tan Yue was excited, he was still calm on the surface. People kept coming to ask questions, and they all replied lightly.

The promise was even more excited than Tan Yue, "Lao Tan, it's a miracle! I really didn't believe it two days ago, damn it!"

While promising to be happy for Tan Yue, he also received a great impact. The brothers who were salted fish together at the time have now become the chief planner!

"Lao Tan, have dinner together at night? I'll celebrate for you." Xu Nuo waved his hand.

Tan Yue shook his head with a smile and said, "Another day, I don't have time today."

"Then tomorrow, come out for a drink on the weekend." Promise asked.

Tan Yue waved his hand and said, "Not even on weekends, I have something to do."

He promised he said: "I said you haven't asked Qi Xue's shadow yet?"

After speaking, Xu Nuo paused and looked at Tan Yue's face.He knows how deep Tan Yue's feelings for Qi Xue are, and if he says that now, it will hurt his heart.

However, Tan Yue didn't respond, which made Xu Nuo relieved.

At this moment, Wang Zhan was undoubtedly the one with the most messy mood.

When he saw the competition result email sent by the platform, Wang Zhan almost spit out his blood!

He had heard Qin Aiguo say that Tan Yue was also participating in this competition, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, Tan Yue's ability, as the planner of the same program, could not be more clear to him, he was definitely cannon fodder!
In the next few days, he forgot that Tan Yue also participated in the competition.

Unexpectedly, today suddenly gave a thunderbolt!

I wondered if the Children's Channel made a mistake, or if there was a shady scene, but I didn't have the guts to say it.


 Happy National Day, now it has stabilized, and the next chapter will be updated normally!
(End of this chapter)

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