Chapter 153 Nympho


Chang'an Building, Bright Entertainment, in the CEO's office.

Chen Ziyu had just finished the meeting, walked into the office, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger behind the door, took off his high heels, put on flesh-colored stockings, and stepped directly on the blanket on the side of the office.

He walked to the sofa and boiled water, took out a box of tea leaves that someone sent earlier, and prepared to brew.

While boiling the water, Chen Ziyu picked up his phone and looked at it, and found that Li Ya had just sent him a message.

Before, Chen Ziyu didn't pay much attention to Li Ya. When she signed with Li Ya, it was Li Ya who took the initiative to find Bright Entertainment and wanted to sign with Bright Entertainment to make her debut again.

Chen Ziyu also experienced Li Ya's era at the beginning, and had a good impression of Li Ya, so when he discussed the contract with Li Ya, he did not ask the artist management department to discuss the contract with Li Ya, but went to discuss the contract with Li Ya himself.

After talking for a while, Chen Ziyu's impression of Li Ya was much higher. Now there are too many beautiful and scheming female stars in the entertainment industry, and Chen Ziyu has seen too many, and she is already a little bored.

But now Li Ya is like a strange flower in the entertainment industry. She doesn't seem to care much about many things. Others take it so seriously.

In this regard, Li Ya was quite interested in Chen Ziyu, so at that time, Chen Ziyu did not sign the third-tier artist contract according to the level ranked by Li Ya on the list of public figures of the General Administration of Culture, but replaced the original third-tier artist contract on the spot. The contract of the second-line artist.

Chen Ziyu has never done business at a loss, and now she gives Li Ya special treatment, not only because Li Ya really likes her, but also because Chen Ziyu feels that Li Ya still has a lot of value to tap.

If it is well cultivated, it might not become popular again in the future.

Li Ya is talented and knows how to advance and retreat. She is not as sharp-edged as some popular florets. Apart from being a bit older, the possibility of becoming popular again is not small.

The last time I talked to Li Ya about "Tucao Conference" and persuaded Li Ya to participate, it was Chen Ziyu who really felt that this show is very suitable for Li Ya now. If the effect is good enough, it may restore Li Ya's popularity a lot.

I dare not say that I have returned to the peak period in one fell swoop, but at least I can advance a few places on the list of third-tier public figures, and narrow the distance between the third-tier and second-tier.

In the past few days, Li Ya went to Jishui City to participate in the "Tucao Conference", and privately communicated with Chen Ziyu about this program.

Chen Ziyu is interested in "Tucao Conference", and wants to understand the operation mode of "Tucao Conference", so as to lay the foundation for Bright Entertainment to do this type of program in the future.

Moreover, Chen Ziyu is also very interested in Tan Yue, and through chatting with Li Ya, he also knows about Tan Yue's recent situation.

Chen Ziyu seldom paid such attention to other people, and for Tan Yue, it was mainly out of love for talent or a desire to win over.

Because Zhou Shan misunderstood what she meant, she began to inquire about Tan Yue's situation when Tan Yue was still in "The Tree of Wisdom".

Chen Ziyu didn't pay much attention to Tan Yue at first, but after seeing what Zhou Shan investigated, he found it interesting.

Slowly, "Tree of Wisdom" achieved results, and it was an excellent result, an extremely dazzling result.

Afterwards, Tan Yue switched from the children's channel to the entertainment channel and made "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight".

The ratings of the program "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" were even more terrifying, breaking the ratings record set by "Tree of Wisdom", reaching a rating of [-]%.

Even on local TV stations, such terrifying ratings are extremely astonishing.

Chen Ziyu asked the company's excellent program planners to do research and analysis on the two programs "Wisdom Tree" and "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", and the evaluation was very high.

Since then, Tan Yue has completely entered Chen Ziyu's sight.

Moreover, Bright Entertainment has just established a program department this year, including two major categories of variety shows and online programs. Variety shows mainly follow the traditional route and cooperate with TV stations.Online programs are independently produced by the company and distributed on the Internet, each with its own strengths.

It's just that the bright entertainment program department has been established for a short time and needs excellent talents, and Tan Yue is the top talent that Chen Ziyu urgently needs.

If Tan Yue can be recruited into Bright Entertainment, Chen Ziyu will definitely fully support Tan Yue's actions within the company. Even if she pays a high price and invests more working capital in the production of Tan Yue's programs, it is absolutely fine.

She believed that as long as Tan Yue produced a few more high-quality programs, Bright Entertainment would definitely make a lot of money and catch up with the program departments of other entertainment companies of the same level.

However, Tan Yue refused. . .

Li Ya sent a message just now, and told Chen Ziyu about the progress of the filming of "Tucao Conference".

"How do you feel?" Chen Ziyu asked.

Li Ya: "How do you feel?"

Chen Ziyu: "To the program, to Tan Yue."

It took a long time for Li Ya to type, and two minutes later, a new message came, ""Tucao Conference" is a good program, I think this program is likely to become popular, well, it is also what you said at the beginning. But people like Tan Yue are really sharp. Some questions are just on my bottom line. I will definitely not answer them at a lower point, but they are just a little above my bottom line, so I can only go on helplessly. .”

Li Ya sent a crying and laughing emoji, and then continued: "During the time I worked with Mr. Tan Yue, he really impressed me. He seemed to be omnipotent at the shooting scene. He can guide those planners how to complain. Better, what kind of tone is more appropriate. His style of writing on stage is also very unique, I think it’s good, by the way, he even seems to be very proficient in camera transitions and shooting angles, which is really amazing.”

Chen Ziyu read the news sent by Li Ya. The first paragraph was about the situation of "Tucao Conference". Chen Ziyu was still nodding when she saw it.

However, after seeing the second paragraph, Chen Ziyu felt something was wrong.

Li Ya wrote a long list of words, exaggerating Tan Yue as if he was the best in heaven and earth.

In Chen Ziyu's impression, Li Ya belonged to that kind of quiet and elegant woman, and such words full of praise for other men did not seem to come from her mouth.

Something is wrong!
very wrong!

Putting down the tea she just made, she lost her appetite for the time being.

Chen Ziyu raised her eyebrows. Li Ya is a woman who was asked to shoot a show, not to be a nymphomaniac and flirt with men.

Chen Ziyu thought for a while, picked up the phone and called Zhou Shan, "Xiao Shan, you can call Yan Xingchen this afternoon and ask her to protect Li Ya. Recently, there is a paparazzi who may want to film Li Ya's lace scandal. She just Come back, don't make any trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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