Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 156 The person who has feelings, how can it be her?

Chapter 156 The person who has feelings, how can it be her?

In a coffee shop next to the Hedong TV station building.

Ma Long, the chief planner of "The First of the Four Seas", and Sun Lei, the chief planner of the original "Stars Please Prepare", were sitting by the window chatting.

The warm sunlight came in through the glass windows, warming his body, but Malone's mood was not very good.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Ma Long frowned slightly, looking at Sun Lei opposite and asked.

Sun Lei looked out of the window, and when he heard Ma Long's voice, he withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Ma Long, and said with a slight smile, "Yes, it's been decided, and joining Tianjing Entertainment this time is also an opportunity. .And, now there is no place for me in the station.”

Ma Long frowned. Although he didn't want Sun Lei to leave just like that, he had to admit that what he said was true.

Satellite TV has always been a radish and a pit, "Stars Please Prepare" is now replaced by "Tucao Conference", and naturally Sun Lei has no place.

Other channels of the provincial TV station can arrange general planning for Sun Lei, but if it is me, I am transferred from satellite TV to a local channel, can I accept it?
It must be difficult to accept, and Sun Lei must also be difficult to accept.

Moreover, the position of the general planner of the local channel program also needs to be queued. They have done a good job, so there is no reason to remove and replace Sun Lei.

In a short period of time, Sun Lei's development in the unit is indeed not very good.

"How's the condition?" Malone asked aloud, taking a sip of his coffee.

Sun Lei chuckled and said, "It's not as stable as in Taiwan, but it's more free."

Ma Long pursed his lips, did not speak, and his eyes fell on Sun Lei.

Sun Lei didn't say anything, he also knew that going to an entertainment company this time might make more money, but the pressure would definitely be greater than that in satellite TV, and the environment would no longer be as relaxed as in the work unit.

It can only be said that there are pros and cons.

But for most master planners, if they can have a stable job in satellite TV, they seldom go to entertainment companies.

After all, the pressure is high and unstable.

Sun Lei suddenly remembered something, and asked Ma Long: "By the way, how is the "Tucao Conference" doing now?"

"Tucao Conference" replaced the original "Stars Please Prepare". In another sense, the two programs also have a trace of competing products.

Although "Stars Please Prepare" is no longer available, Sun Lei still pays attention to the later program "Tucao Conference".

If the ratings of "Tucao Conference" exceeds that of "Stars Please Prepare", it really shows that Sun Lei is incompetent.

And if the ratings of "Tucao Conference" do not exceed "Stars, Please Prepare", it proves that the ratings of "Stars, Please Prepare" are poor. The responsibility is not much on Sun Lei, the chief planner, but from other objective conditions. Questions, such as the funds allocated to the program on satellite TV, the time period of the program, and so on.

At the same time, it can also cleanse Sun Lei. "Stars, Please Prepare" can at least have some ratings.

At that time, even if he is no longer on the TV station, he will be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Ma Long shook his head, and said, "I was the one who really looked up to Tan Yue before. The first episode of "Tucao Conference" is currently being filmed. Do you know how they filmed it?"

Sun Lei asked curiously, "How did you shoot it?"

Malone chuckled and said: "Let a group of behind-the-scenes planners who have never been on TV come on stage to interact with celebrity guests. Compared with the stage, these people are amateurs. Let them come on stage, I really want to If there is nothing to watch, how can the audience buy it."

After taking a sip of coffee, Ma Long chuckled and said, "I don't know how Tan Yue came up with this plan."

Sun Lei chuckled, and said: "However, his plan can be passed by the director, which should be the advantage of this show, but it is a bit of a challenge to let a group of planners who have never been on stage participate on stage." A strange thing."

Ma Long nodded with a smile, and the two talked for a while, Sun Lei looked down at his phone and said, "Okay, it's almost time, you go back to work, I'll go home and clean up, tomorrow Feimodu .”

Ma Long hummed and said to Sun Lei, "Okay, I wish you a bright future."

Sun Lei smiled and said, "You too."

Tan Yue and Xu Nuo walked out of the TV station building, took out a cigarette from their pockets and handed it to Xu Nuo, just as they stuffed a cigarette into their mouths, they saw Ma Long, the chief planner of "The Head of the World" on Satellite TV, come back from the outside .

It's inappropriate to meet each other head-on, so Tan Yue smiled and said hello, "Teacher Ma."

Malone glanced at Tan Yue, nodded and said, "Xiao Tan, are you out smoking?"

Tan Yue smiled and said, "Mr. Ma, do you want to smoke one?"

Malone waved his hand and said, "I don't smoke, let's go in, you guys smoke."

After Malone finished speaking, he walked directly into the TV station building.

Watching Ma Long walk into the building, Xu Nuo flicked the cigarette ash, and said to Tan Yue: "Tsk tsk, this guy is quite good at showing off, he is the master planner, if you call him Mr. Ma, he will call you Xiao Tan?"

Tan Yue took a puff of cigarette and said with a smile, "It's okay, he has a lot of seniority."

Xu Nuo let out a hey, and said with a smile: "What's wrong with the old seniority? There are many senior chief planners in the unit, who is you called Xiao Tan?"

When working in Taiwan, there is one thing that everyone pays attention to. If it was an ordinary planner before, no one cares about how to call it. You can just call it by name.

But once promoted to the chief planner, there must be an honorific title.

This is not only a respect for a certain person, but also for the entire program group.

Ma Long called Tan Yue Xiao Tan, so what did the rest of Tan Yue's subordinates think?Will you feel aggrieved and depressed?
This is the minimum of respect, Ma Long doesn't know if he promises or not.

"I heard from Old Zheng, what small gift did you give him before, and you got rejected by him?"

Tan Yue withdrew his distant gaze, turned his head to look at Xu Nuo, and said with a smile: "I said you really took gunpowder? Isn't it just a name? Call him whatever you want."

Regarding Ma Long, Tan Yue didn't pay much attention to it. Now he was all on "Tucao Conference", so he didn't have time to think about other things.

Xu Nuo curled his lips, seeing that Tan Yue didn't take Ma Long just now to his heart, he stopped talking, paused, and then continued: "By the way, Lao Tan, Momo has chased after the satellite TV, Are you giving them a chance?"

To be honest, Momo's behavior touched Xu Nuo very much.

At the beginning, he went to Jishui City TV Station to take the exam, and it took a lot of effort, and his family entrusted him with some connections, so he entered the city TV Station.

To describe it in three words, it is "not easy"!
To describe it in five words, it is "very difficult"!
And now, because Tan Yue was transferred to Satellite TV, Momo was admitted to Satellite TV abruptly. From Xu Nuo's point of view, it was a miracle.

After all, this is not another local TV station, this is Hedong Satellite TV!

Moreover, Momo is not preparing for the exam around the clock, she is still at work, and the difficulty is doubled.

Tan Yue stared, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, what does she have to do with me when she was admitted to Satellite TV?"

It's just that Tan Yue's voice became weaker as he spoke later.

Xu Nuo sneered, and said: "I have seen that she has been taking medicine for stomach problems for the past two days. I have never seen her take this kind of medicine when we were still in "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". If it’s not because of the exam, then I don’t know.”

Xu Nuo exhaled a puff of smoke with a somewhat melancholy expression.

Why didn't he pursue such a beautiful, youthful, and good-looking woman?

Is he not as handsome as Tan Yue?

Is it because he is not as talented as Tan Yue?

Is it because he is not as capable as Tan Yue?

Is he not Tan Yue?Well, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with age.

Alas, life is always full of ups and downs and difficulties.

Hearing the promise, Tan Yue felt a headache for a while, thought for a while, and said: "Fatty, you may not have experience with this thing, but it is indeed about fate."

"Momo is pretty, she is a big beauty, but I just don't have feelings for her, don't you understand?"

"Not suitable, the two of us are not suitable."

Tan Yue shook his head while saying it was inappropriate.

Xu Nuo stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said: "You are a second-married bachelor now, and the little girl has a higher education than you, and you don't lose your looks. It's good if you don't dislike you, but you are good, and you don't like her."

"Oh, if Momo knew that you didn't mean anything to her, I don't know how sad it would be."

Tan Yue also finished smoking, stubbed out the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can, and said to Xu Xu: "Okay, go back quickly, it's too cold outside."

Xu Nuo nodded, and followed Tan Yue into the TV station building.

"Hey, by the way, Old Tan, you said just now that you don't have feelings for Momo, so who do you have feelings for?" Xu Nuo frowned, and said with a smile, "It can't be Li Ya, right?"

Recently, I was filming the first episode of "Tucao Conference". As the chief planner and host, Tan Yue had been in contact with Li Ya for a long time, and now there was no one else in private, so I promised to speak out.

Tan Yue made a gesture of raising his foot to kick Xu Nuo, Xu Nuo was so frightened that he quickly took two steps back, and said, "I'm getting angry or am I guessing wrong? Could it be Yan Xingchen?"

Tan Yue stared and said: "Fatty man, you really can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth."

Xu Nuo said: "I just want to see if you are prudish."

After a pause, Xu Nuo approached Tan Yue and whispered, "Old Tan, don't you still have thoughts about that?"

Tan Yue was taken aback, didn't understand what Xu Nuo meant, and asked, "Who?"

Xu Nuo frowned and hesitated for a moment, then said, "Qi Xue."

Tan Yue blinked, he really didn't expect Xu Nuo to be able to talk about Qi Xue.

In Tan Yue's life dictionary now, there is almost no such person as Qi Xue.

Before the time travel, he didn't know Qi Xue at all, and after the time travel, he only met Qi Xue once, and he never saw Qi Xue again after the divorce.

To Qi Xue, she was really a stranger.

If he hadn't received many memories about Qi Xue from the original owner, Tan Yue might really have forgotten what relationship Qi Xue had with him.

Xu Nuo saw that Tan Yue's face was a little strange, and thought that what he said just now brought back his sadness, so he raised his hand and patted Tan Yue's shoulder, saying: "Old Tan, look carefully, life is still long Well, there's no need to delay your life because of her, Qi Xue is in the past, you have to continue looking for the next person who makes you feel."

"Well, if you can't find it, Momo is actually pretty good. A girl who is so persistent in her feelings these days is a treasure."

For Momo, after such a long time of contact, Xu Nuo also regards her as a younger sister. Xu Nuo sees Momo's feelings for Tan Yue, and of course hopes to make this pair possible.

But looking at Tan Yue's wooden reaction, he also knew that there was little hope.

Walking into the elevator, Tan Yue pressed the floor button, and then started to be dazed.

What I promised just now, I gave him some advice. Tan Yue recalled carefully, who made himself feel it?

After thinking about it, I went through the women I had seen in my mind, and finally there was only one figure left.

Someone Chen. . .

Tan Yue's face was a little ugly.

No way?
It's not like!
It's not feeling!

This is just a deeper impression.

After suddenly discovering this, Tan Yue suddenly couldn't accept it.

The result after analyzing his own heart was really something he had never expected.

After getting off work that day, Tan Yue, who was a little confused, agreed to Zheng Guang and Xu Nuo's invitation again.

"It's the weekend, let's drink more today, sleep well at night, and sleep until dawn." Zheng Guang said with a big wave of his hand.

The three of them walked into a barbecue restaurant, asked for a single room, and started eating.

Drink beer in summer, and drink white wine in winter.

After drinking two bottles of white wine, the faces of all three were flushed, and their eyes were blurred.

Today, Zheng Guang and Xu Nuo did not have a partner to persuade Tan Yue to drink, and each went his own way. After drinking, Zheng Guang, who was the worst drinker, was already stuttering, while Tan Yue and Xu Nuo were okay.

Tan Yue looked at the time, and said to Xu Xu: "Let's go, stop drinking, if you drink any more, you will really have to carry Lao Zheng away."

Xu Nuo took a look at Zheng Guang's state, scolded him as a waste, and touched Tan Yue for the last time, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then the two walked out of the barbecue shop with Zheng Guang's left and right arms.

"You support him, I'll call a car." Tan Yue said to Xu Nuo.

Now it's not like summer, and the outdoor temperature in winter is more than ten degrees below zero. Let Zheng Guang go back to Tan Yue alone, don't worry, if this drunkard sleeps on the side of the road, I don't know if he can see the sun tomorrow.

After stopping the car, Tan Yue and Xu Nuo put Zheng Guang into the car.

Fortunately, Zheng Guang didn't vomit. The taxi driver vomited the fine of [-] on the car more than once along the way.

The two of them have been to Zheng Guang's house before, but this time they are already familiar with the road.

After successfully sending Zheng Guang home, Tan Yuecai and Xu Nuo embarked on the journey home.

The two of them are aware of each other's drinking capacity, and they go back to their respective homes, and just make a phone call when they get home.

Leaving at the gate of Zheng Guang's house, Tan Yue took a taxi to go home. When he got home, he saw the message from Xu Nuo and replied one.

Drowsy, feet on cotton, Tan Yue wanted to rest on the sofa for a while to take a shower, but he didn't expect to get drunk slowly.

"How could it be her?"

"How many times have I met her?"

"It must be a mistake, it must be."


He muttered something in his mouth, but Tan Yue didn't even realize it. After walking a few steps, he fell headfirst onto the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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