Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 170 The time period is adjusted, there is someone on Lin Qifeng

Chapter 170: There is someone above Lin Qifeng during the time period of the program
"Are you sure?" Malone didn't care about the Coke bottle that fell from his hand, and stared straight at Xiaoqian who just said that the ratings of "Tucao Conference" were 1.58.

Xiaoqian scratched his head, hesitated and said: "Mr. Ma, I'm not sure about this either, it's just that director Zheng of the "Tucao Conference" just said so."

Ma Long hummed, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you can go to work first."

Xiaoqian responded and walked over to his desk.

After Xiaoqian left, Malone couldn't sit still.

If the audience rating of "Tucao Conference" is really 1.58, it would be too scary!

At present, there are only two programs with ratings of over 1 on Hedong Satellite TV, and they are all highly valued treasures of Satellite TV.

"Daily Talk" ratings 1.35.

"Entertainment End of the World" ratings 1.1.

At present, among the more than 1.35 programs on Satellite TV, the highest rating is only [-], but now "Tucao Conference" has surpassed it, and it has exceeded a large part.

Ma Long couldn't believe that "Tucao Conference" could have such a high ratings, it was simply too magical.

But seeing so many people discussing enthusiastically, he couldn't help but not believe it.

Wait a little longer, let the wind blow for a while, and you will know the truth when the dust settles.


In the office of Gao Jian, director of TV program department.

When the office clerk came in to deliver the documents, Gao Jian sat behind the desk and said, "Why is there some chaos outside, what's going on?"

After saying that, Gao Jian was about to stand up and have a look.

The clerk thought for a while and said, "Director, it seems that everyone is discussing the ratings of "Tucao Conference"."

Gao Jian was taken aback, and said, "What happened to the ratings of "Tucao Conference"?"

Zheng Guang went directly to the monitoring room in Taili to ask for the ratings of the second episode of "Tucao Conference", and he got the news one step earlier than Gao Jian.

The clerk said: "I heard that the ratings of "Tucao Conference" are quite high. Well, it seems to be 1.58."

Gao Jian's heart choked slightly, his first feeling was that he was joking, and then he held his breath and rummaged through the pile of documents sent in by the clerk just now.

The ratings of the program groups that start broadcasting on Mondays on each channel of the provincial TV station are all on a table and mixed in the file.

Gao Jian quickly found the ratings table, looked at it, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Satellite TV, as the top of the provincial TV channels, is distributed above the table, and at the top of the table at the moment, "Daily Talk", which should have been there, has been replaced by "Tucao Conference" at this moment.

Ding ding ding.

Just when Gao Jian was being shocked physically and mentally, the landline on the desk suddenly rang.

Gao Jian came back to his senses, took a deep breath, put the microphone to his ear, and said, "Hello."

On the phone, Director Yao Chong's urgent voice came out, "Director Gao, have you read today's ratings table?"

Gao Jian glanced at the ratings form on the table, and said, "I just saw it."

"The audience rating of "Tucao Conference" over there is also 1.58, right?" Yao Chong's voice was a little unsteady.

Gao Jian hummed and said, "Yes."

Yao Chongdao: "Okay, then come to my office, let's talk about it in detail."

Gao Jian put down the phone and waved to the clerk next to him. After the clerk left, Gao Jian put on his coat and went to the director's office.

He knew that the director was also shocked by the ratings of "Tucao Conference" this time and couldn't sit still.


After the news that the ratings of the second episode of "Tucao Conference" was 1.58% was confirmed, not only Hedong Satellite TV was boiling, but the entire provincial TV station was alarmed!
Although other channels and Satellite TV have different ways of calculating ratings and are not counted together in the rankings, all channels pay close attention to Hedong TV. After all, only Hedong TV is the national-oriented program of the whole Hedong TV, with the highest gold content.

Everyone knows that the trump card program of Hedong Satellite TV is "Daily Talk", with an audience rating of 1.35, and it is well-known in the whole country. Its host Lin Qifeng even ranked [-] on the list of third-tier public figures because of this program. Forty or so, it can be said that the current staff of Hedong TV station ranks highest on the list of public figures.

In many cases, "Daily Talk" is currently the facade of Hedong TV station, because it is the only one that can show it.

But now, many people are beginning to discover that the status of "Daily Talk", the flagship program of Hedong Satellite TV, seems to be shaken.

"This is too fierce!"

"Yeah, I never expected that the ratings of this "Tucao Conference" would be so high."

"This is only the second period. It's like a rocket-like explosion."

"I estimate that if the ratings continue to follow this trend, it is very possible to break 2!"

"What the hell, break 2? Our satellite TV hasn't released a program with a rating of 2 for many years."

In the "Tucao Conference" program group, everyone's emotions are high and excited.

Tan Yue and Zheng Guang discussed it, and then informed everyone that they will go to Zui Jiangnan for dinner at noon, which can be regarded as a celebration for the 1.58% ratings of the second episode of "Tucao Conference".

After some reassurance, everyone suppressed their excitement one by one, returned to their workstations and tapped on the keyboard, not sure if they were working or chatting.

It's no wonder that the colleagues in the group are so excited, how many programs are there in total that have broken the ratings?Being able to participate in this kind of program is a blessing in itself, and the progress of "Tucao Conference" is so strong that it completely broke the record of Hedong Satellite TV. This has never happened before.

It can be said that everyone has witnessed the miracles of "Tucao Conference", and this alone is beyond the envy of other program groups.

At the same time, in Director Yao Chong's office.

Gao Jian and Yao Chong were sitting on both sides of the coffee table, both of them were quite excited.

Yao Chong laughed and said, "Tan Yue and Zheng Guang will also come over later, let's chat together."

Gao Jian nodded and smiled, "Okay, let's chat."

Dong dong dong, the office door rang twice.

Before Yao Chong could speak, Gao Jian stood up and walked towards the door to open it.

Tan Yue and Zheng Guang outside the door did not expect Gao Jian to be here.



The two greeted Gao Jian, and Gao Jian smiled and let them in.

"Come, Teacher Tan, Director Zheng, sit here."

Yao Chong was making tea in front of the coffee table, and waved to Tan Yue and Zheng Guang.

Tan Yue walked over, sat across from Yao Chong, watched Yao Chong's skillful tea-making movements, and wondered if many people are idle after becoming leaders, and have time to make tea every day?
Gao Jian sat next to Yao Chong, and arranged the four teacups on the coffee table.

Yao Chong said with a smile: "Teacher Tan, Director Zheng, I called you here this time because I want to talk about the "Tucao Conference"."

Tan Yue nodded, took the tea cup handed over by Yao Chong, and put it in front of him.

Zheng Guang next to him took the teacup with both hands and nodded repeatedly.

Yao Chong was not in a hurry to drink tea, and said, "I didn't expect the ratings of the second episode of "Tucao Conference" to be so high. I had a chat with Director Gao just now, and he didn't think about the ratings of "Tucao Conference" either." The rate will go up so high."

Gao Jian nodded and said, "That's right, our station has never had such a precedent before. The ratings of the first episode were 0.75, and the ratings of the second episode were 1.58, which more than doubled."

Tan Yue said modestly: "The second episode can have such a high ratings, it is inseparable from the strong support given by our station."

Yao Chong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "You don't have to be modest, the program can achieve such a good result because of the foundation of "Tucao Conference". Otherwise, satellite TV does so much publicity for other programs every year, and I don't see any The ratings of the program exceeded one percent."

"Ms. Tan, after you and Director Zheng go back later, prepare to speak. At the end-of-month meeting the day after tomorrow, you two will talk about your experience in filming "Tucao Conference"."

Zheng Guang said happily: "Okay, director, I understand."

Tan Yue knew that this was the director's commendation to him and Zheng Guang, the two core members of the "Tucao Conference", to let them show off on the satellite TV.Glancing at the excited Zheng Guang, who doesn't want to be in front of others, and Zheng Guang is no exception.

It's just that Tan Yue thought, why not give him more bonuses.

However, according to Tan Yue's knowledge, if the program's ratings break one, the satellite TV will give a bonus, but the bonus is not much, and if the program's ratings can break two, the bonus will be considerable.

It's just that Tan Yue didn't know how much to post, and it probably wouldn't be very few.

Tan Yue said, "Understood, Director."

Yao Chong laughed and took a sip of tea. He is really in a good mood now, because according to the momentum of "Tucao Conference", there is no small possibility that the ratings will break 2.

What is the concept of ratings breaking 2?
It has been five years since there was a show with a rating of over 2 on Satellite TV, and Yao Chong, as the director of Hedong Satellite TV, also had a dull face.

At present, among the many satellite TV stations in China, only Shonan, Jianjiang, and Beijing TV stations have the ability to release one or two programs with ratings breaking 2 every year. Like other ordinary satellite TVs, they cannot release a program with ratings breaking 2 in two or three years. The program is also normal.

It’s just that the economic development of Hedong Province ranks among the top in the country, but the corresponding Hedong Satellite TV has not released a program with a rating of less than 2 for five consecutive years. A piece of demons.

What is helpless is that the ratings of "Daily Talk", the highest-rated program on Hedong TV before, was only 1.35, which is still a long way from breaking the ratings of 2.

Even if Yao Chong wanted to make some achievements, he was helpless.

It's just that now it's unintentional, "Tucao Conference" is expected to break the ratings of 2.

Yao Chongdao: "Teacher Tan, Director Zheng, I have an idea, you two should listen to it too."

Both Tan Yue and Zheng Guang nodded.

Yao Chongdao: "It's like this. Director Gao and I feel that "Tucao Conference" is still playing on Mondays, which is a bit inappropriate. We want to change the broadcasting time for it."

Hearing Yao Chong's words, Tan Yue was immediately happy. This news made Tan Yue much happier than the simple show off in front of everyone just now.

He wanted to increase the ratings of "Tucao Conference" now, and Tan Yue really couldn't be satisfied with the broadcast time on Monday night.Tan Yue was thinking before that after the ratings of "Tucao Conference" broke through, he would go to the director or director to discuss whether he could change the broadcast time.

Of course, if the time slot is really changed, the program replaced by "Tucao Conference" will definitely be uncomfortable, but Tan Yue can't take that much into consideration.

However, now that it is proposed from the director, it will save him the trouble of opening his mouth.

Tan Yue said happily: "Director, this is of course a good thing. I don't know where the director and the director plan to change us?"

Yao Chong smiled and said, "Then where do you want to change?"

Tan Yue chuckled. If he had to choose, he would definitely choose the prime time at [-] o'clock on Saturday night.Although the traffic of satellite TV on weekends is not bad, but the best must be Saturday.

However, even though he thought so in his heart, he couldn't speak directly, so Tan Yue glanced at Zheng Guang.

Zheng Guang said: "We listen to the leader's arrangement."

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Zheng Guang to be quite witty, and he said, "Yes."

Yao Chong said with a smile: "Well, I think Sunday is quite suitable. Let's change "Tucao Conference" and "Entertainment Partner"."

After speaking, Yao Chong turned his head to look at Gao Jian and said, "Director Gao, what do you think?"

Gao Jian didn't hesitate, and said with a smile, "I have no objection."

Yao Chong hummed, and said, "Okay, let's settle it first, and let Director Gao handle the details."

Although it wasn't the Saturday that Tan Yue hoped for, Sunday was not bad. It was also a weekend file, much better than Monday night at [-]:[-].

Yao Chong encouraged Tan Yue and Zheng Guang again, and then let them leave.

Get out of the superintendent's office.

Zheng Guang said excitedly: "Haha, Lao Tan, you and I are really right. Before "Tree of Wisdom", the channel offered to change the time slot for us. Now that "Tucao Conference" has produced results, the leaders of the satellite TV also took the initiative. Change it for us."

Tan Yue smiled and was in a good mood, saying: "Of course it's a good thing to switch to Sunday, but in comparison, it would be even better if we could switch to the prime time on Saturday night."

Zheng Guang heheed, shook his head and said, "Just now I was afraid that you would take the initiative to ask the director to be transferred to Saturday night, so I opened my mouth first."

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows, and asked with some doubts: "What happened on Saturday night? The results of "Daily Talk" are quite good, but haven't we already surpassed them by a lot?"

Zheng Guang pouted, stretched out his index finger and tapped Tan Yue's shoulder, and said, "Simple."

Tan Yue said: "Isn't it because this show is an old show on the station with good results, and the director didn't change it because of his face?"

Zheng Guang looked around and found no one there, so he whispered: "Old Tan, you haven't been here for a long time, so you don't know what's normal. "Daily Talk" has something to do with the leaders of the station, and neither does the director." Good to meddle in."

Tan Yue was taken aback, this was the first time he had heard of this, and said, "What's going on?"

Zheng Guangdao: "Lin Qifeng, the host of "Daily Talk", have you talked to him?"

Tan Yue still has a deep impression of Lin Qifeng, after all, he is currently the highest ranked person on the list of public figures in Taili.If someone used to say that Tan Yue was young and promising, then compared with Lin Qifeng, it would be more than a little less interesting.

After thinking for a while, Tan Yue shook his head and said, "I met him a few times, but maybe he didn't see me, and I can't take the initiative to talk to him, well, I haven't said a single word."

Zheng Guang nodded and said: "Naturally, this is the famous arrogance of our satellite TV. Most people look down on people and don't talk at all, tsk tsk, but even if their nostrils are up to the sky, they are still popular on the satellite TV. Because there are people above them."

Tan Yue stopped and said, "Who is he? Does he have a relationship with the Taiwan leader?"

Zheng Guang hummed, and said: "He is a student of Deputy Director Tian. By the way, I heard that he is still in love with Deputy Director Tian's daughter. What do you think about this relationship?"

(End of this chapter)

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