Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 191 Attending a dinner hosted by a jewelry company

Chapter 191 Attending a dinner hosted by a jewelry company

on Monday.

News spread on the Hedong TV station.

The head of the station, Yin Liangjun, will be transferred to the director of the Hedong Branch of the General Administration of Culture from now on, which is another half step forward.

The one who succeeded Yin Liangjun was Tian Wenbin, the former deputy director of Hedong TV Station.

It's just that, although Tian Wenbin has begun to exercise the authority of the station director, he is still acting as the acting station chief in name, but everyone knows that as long as the transition period passes, this code name will be removed.

As for the reason why everything is going so smoothly, there is another reason, and that is the success of Hedong TV Station!

Even the leaders of the General Administration of Culture value performance.

Now Hedong Satellite TV has released a program as fierce as "Tucao Conference", directly surpassing Jianjiang TV and Shonan TV, which has attracted the attention of the leaders of the General Administration of Culture, and also made the promotion of Yin Liangjun and Tian Wenbin so smooth.

Holding a coffee cup, Tan Yue drank the coffee in the tea room, listening to the discussions of his colleagues.

"I saw the director and the deputy director handing over work in the director's office just now."

"Deputy Director Tian has been really happy these few days. He can't stop smiling from ear to ear every day."

"Tsk tsk, is he still called the deputy director? He is now the director."

"Hehehe, that's right, I should be able to get rid of that suffix in two months."

"There were rumors that the head of the station was going to be promoted to the director of the Hedong branch of the General Administration of Culture. Deputy head Tian took his place. I thought it would take a while, but I didn't expect the efficiency to be so fast."

"Hey, it's not that we are efficient, it's that we have achieved good results in the station this time, and it's still a good result. Otherwise, what do you think? Deputy Director Tian can take the position so easily? Isn't it because the "Tucao Conference" is too popular? The General Administration The leaders of Taiwan all count these as the achievements of the leaders of Taiwan."

"Good guy, "Tucao Conference" is indeed the number one variety show in the country. Not only the people in their program group get bonuses, but the station leaders also get a lot of benefits."


Tan Yue returned to his desk with a coffee cup and sat down. He also heard about the changes in the work of the leaders in the station.

After Director Yin Liangjun is transferred away, Deputy Director Tian, ​​who is young and vigorous, will take charge of the work in the station and act as acting director.

"Tucao Conference" became popular, and naturally someone would benefit. Hedong TV Station is a whole. As the chief planner of the program, he has gained both fame and fortune, and the leaders of the station, such as Yin Liangjun and Tian Wenbin, will naturally have a lot of benefits.

Everyone can benefit from it, which is naturally a good thing.

While drinking coffee, Tan Yue thought about the changes in the stage.

Now that Deputy Director Tian is in charge, I don't know if it will have any impact on me.


the other side.

Yin Liangjun and Tian Wenbin handed over some work.

Many things in the station were handled by Tian Wenbin. He is the first deputy director, so there are not many tasks that need to be handed over.

Before Yin Liangjun left, he told Tian Wenbin that he would hold a commendation meeting for "Tucao Conference" in two days. At that time, the leaders of all the TV stations in the province would be called to study, and Yin Liangjun, the newly appointed Director of the Hedong Branch of the General Administration of Culture I will also formally meet with everyone to establish my own prestige.

After Yin Liangjun left, Tian Wenbin returned to his office.

He is a little excited now, and wants to calm down and settle down.

Yin Liangjun's office after moving out was bigger than his, but he didn't move there right away, as if he was in a hurry.

I have been waiting for so many years, and these few days are not bad.

Picking up the teacup on the table, Tian Wenbin took a sip, and couldn't help feeling better.

The daughter who was on hunger strike at home started to eat, and his wife didn't give him a bad face, and now his career has reached a new level.

Sitting on the chair and thinking for a while, I still thought of Tan Yue.

Although he is still very confident in taking this position, but this time he also borrowed from the excellent results of "Tucao Conference".

Without "Tucao Conference", even if he can get to this point, I don't know how long he will have to wait.

In case Director Yin left, the director would be airborne from above, and he would be completely paralyzed. It was not impossible before.

But with the achievement of "Tucao Conference", it is very logical for him, as an old man of Hedong TV station, to replace Yin Liangjun as the director of the station.

As for his "representative" as acting director, as long as he doesn't make any serious mistakes, he can be removed after two months.

As for Yin Liangjun's proposal to hold a commendation meeting for "Tucao Conference", Tian Wenbin did not object. After all, if you want a horse to run fast, you have to feed it.

Now that he is the number one in the stage, he doesn't have to worry as much as before.

Of course, Tan Yue is a talented person, so he definitely needs to be wooed.

It is best to keep a talent like Tan Yue firmly in his own hands, and he will continue to benefit him in the future.


"Tucao Conference" work area.

Tan Yue sat at his desk and was scrolling through Weibo.

With the popularity of the show, his Weibo fans have also grown rapidly, and now has more than [-] million followers.

Half of them should not be regarded as fans, they only followed him because they watched "Tucao Conference".

"Teacher Tan Yue, please flop!"

"Love you, male god!"

"Hahaha, you obviously have a serious face, but the jokes you say can make people laugh to death. I like you so much!"

"I came over after watching "Tucao Conference", it's very good, come on!"

"Teacher Tan is awesome!"

Tan Yue was in a good mood as he browsed the comments on his Weibo.

Suddenly, Director Yao Chong's voice came from not far away, Tan Yue looked up, Yao Chong and another strange middle-aged man walked over talking and laughing.

"Teacher Tan." Yao Chong led the middle-aged man towards Tan Yue.

Tan Yue stood up, looked at Yao Chong, and said, "Director."

Yao Chong nodded with a smile, introduced the middle-aged man beside him to Tan Yue, and said, "This is Mr. Wang from Zhenghua Jewelry."

Tan Yue greeted Mr. Wang of Zhenghua Jewelry.

Zhenghua Jewelry is very famous in Hedong Province. It is a well-known local jeweler. The industry involves jewelry made of various materials such as gold, diamonds, and jadeite. The company itself is also an important sponsor of the Hedong Provincial TV Station.

Yao Chong looked at Mr. Wang again, pointed at Tan Yue and said with a smile, "I don't need to introduce you to this?"

Mr. Wang quickly waved his hands, laughed, and said, "No need, Mr. Tan is the pride of our Jishui City people. I dare not say it in other places. In Jishui, he is definitely a household name."

President Wang gave Tan Yue a thumbs up.

Tan Yue humbly dared not take it seriously, and was also a little curious in his heart, what does it mean that the director brought people from Zhenghua Jewelry to find him?
Yao Chong looked at Tan Yue and said, "Teacher Tan, it's like this. Zhenghua Jewelry has a batch of new jewelry coming out recently, and they want to make a name for themselves during this period of time, so they invited some public figures in our province to the dinner party. At that time, some reporters will come to the scene to take pictures."

Mr. Wang added: "The main thing is the exchange and chat occasions of teachers in our province. We will only let reporters in to take a few photos. There will be no reporters in the venue at other times. After that, we will give some teachers from our company as gifts. The gold and silver jewelry, I hope that Teacher Tan will come to visit when the time comes."

Tan Yue frowned slightly, and said, "It's been a few days since a few years ago, when is the dinner party scheduled?"

Mr. Wang said: "Yes, we are also in a hurry here, so we set the time at seven o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, and there will be a special car to pick you up at that time."

Yao Chong smiled and said, "Does Teacher Tan have time the night after tomorrow? Go and have a look if you have time. It's okay if you don't have time."

Tan Yue thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Anyway, there will be nothing to do at that time, the director brought this President Wang over in person, and also gave the director a face. Of course, the most important thing is that there are gold jewelry to take.

According to Tan Yue's understanding, Zhenghua Jewelry's gold jewelry can be sold for tens of millions of yuan, so why not go there if you can make money?
Seeing Tan Yue answering, Mr. Wang was very polite, thanked him again and again, and left with Yao Chong.

As soon as the two left, Zheng Guang and Xu Nuo walked over.

The voices of the few people just now were neither loud nor soft, and the colleagues around could hear them clearly.

Zheng Guang said: "Old Tan, I'm looking for you to go to the jewelry feast, right?"

Xu Nuo shook his head and said: "Jewelry is a good thing, but I don't think it's as real as money, but Lao Tan, you are also a celebrity in our Jishui now, and Zhenghua Jewelry is such a big company, it shouldn't be there by then. You are stingy, show us what treasures Zhenghua Jewelry has given you."

Tan Yue shook his head with a smile, and said, "This is the first time for me to attend this kind of banquet, and I'm really not used to it."

Zheng Guang laughed and said, "You will get used to it gradually. Now that you are on the list of public figures, you are already a public figure whose influence has been officially recognized. I don't know how many events you will be invited to in the future."

Zheng Guang was very envious.

After a pause, Zheng Guang continued: "Just now I saw that the director and the general manager of Zhenghua Jewelry came from Li Shutang. I guess they also found Li Shutang. The main people we invite are you guys. Several people on the list of public figures."

Tan Yue was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't expect that they also invited Li Shutang, but it's normal to think about it carefully, after all Li Shutang is also a celebrity on the list of public figures now.

Moreover, according to what Tan Yue learned, Li Shutang is very keen on this kind of event, the key is to have money to get it, just like this time participating in the Zhenghua jewelry event, he will be presented with gold jewelry afterwards, which should be worth tens of thousands of yuan No problem, and even more.

It was because of participating in such activities that Li Shutang gradually saved a lot of money and bought houses in the city.

After talking to Zheng Guang and Xu Nuo, Tan Yue sat back in his seat, opened the browser and searched for the introduction of Zhenghua Jewelry. After all, Zhenghua Jewelry invited him to promote new jewelry. Asking yourself about jewelry is not a good idea.

Of course, this isn't considered publicity, it's just that the big guys went over to stand together to attract some attention and create momentum for the new jewelry. Few people would come to ask questions.

Wednesday night.

After get off work, Tan Yue didn't go home, but took a special car directly to the five-star hotel where the dinner was held.

Today, Tan Yue didn't wear the clothes he wore in the previous show, but chose another black suit, which was more formal.

The original owner's clothes were not very good, but Qi Xue, as a celebrity artist, had higher requirements for matching clothes, so she bought a few clothes for Tan Yue, and they all fit and fit first-class.

Now in the closet, there are still many clothes that Qi Xue bought for him before. When they got divorced, Qi Xue didn't take them away, and Tan Yue didn't throw them away when he cleaned them up. After all, they were all brand new, so it would be a pity to throw them away.

Tan Yue got out of the car wearing a mask and sunglasses, and a staff member of Zhenghua Jewelry with a badge around his neck came over and led Tan Yue into the hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, there were already a lot of people around. There were passers-by taking random photos with their mobile phones, and there were also entertainment reporters who snapped pictures with professional cameras.

However, Tan Yue remembered that there was no famous paparazzi team in Jishui City, and these entertainment reporters were probably the little ones sent by some newspapers.

Tan Yue was wrapped tightly, and no one recognized him at first, but when he was about to walk to the hotel gate, someone recognized Tan Yue. After all, it was the time when "Tucao Conference" became a big hit on the Internet. As the chief planner and host of the show, Yue is also very popular on the Internet, and he is still in Jishui. Many people have watched Tan Yue's show many times, so it is not surprising that they recognize it.

"Does this person look familiar?"

"I'll go, isn't this Teacher Tan Yue Tan?"

"Damn, it's really Mr. Tan, I recognize him, I can recognize his temperament clearly."

"Zhenghua Jewelry is fine, even Tan Yue has been invited over."

"Give me a seat, I'll take a few photos and send them to my sister, she's very fascinated by Tan Yue."

"Huh? Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Until Tan Yue walked a distance from the hotel gate, he could vaguely hear the noise outside. While Tan Yue was feeling emotional, he was also a little proud. Unknowingly, was he also so sought after?

The staff took Tan Yue to a banquet hall on the third floor. The banquet hall was very spacious and took up half a floor.

In the banquet hall, the lights were bright, and the white tables were regularly placed in the hall, with some desserts, fruits, and drinks on them. People who had seen or heard of them on TV gathered and talked in twos and threes.

"Teacher Tan." Someone called Tan Yue.

Tan Yue raised his head and followed the source of the voice. Yao Chong, the director of Hedong Satellite TV, and Li Shutang, the chief planner, were standing together and talking.

Tan Yue walked over with a smile, looked at Yao Chong and Li Shutang, and said, "Director and Teacher Li are here."

Tan Yue and Li Shutang are not familiar with each other, but after all, they both work at Hedong Satellite TV, so they meet by chance during work, so they can be regarded as nodding acquaintances.

Yao Chong smiled and said, "Arrived half an hour earlier than you."

Li Shutang said: "Teacher Tan just got off work, right? Have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, you can try the dim sum here. It's good."

Tan Yue thanked with a smile, took a bite of a small cake on the table next to him, and asked, "Is there anyone else coming from our stage?"

"Yes, look, that young couple are so loving." Li Shutang glanced behind Tan Yue, and said lightly.



Thank you [Little Wolf Dog Uo] for the 1000 starting point reward.

Thank you [sodong2009] for the 500 starting point coin reward.

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(End of this chapter)

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