Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 221 Someone panicked

Chapter 221 Someone panicked
The ratings of "Tucao Conference" plummeted, and Jianjiang TV station should be the happiest.

Jianjiang TV station building, "Ferocious Man" program group.

Director Zhang Yang and chief planner Xu Liang sat on two calf-high horses and chatted, talking about "Tucao Conference".

"I heard that Hedong TV has made a lot of fun filming "Tucao Conference". I don't know how the next episode will be."

Xu Liang said.

In the second half of last year, "Tucao Conference" turned out. He was under a lot of pressure, and his mood was complicated and depressed.On weekdays, "The Fierce Man" had the highest ratings, and even Shonan TV's trump card program was hard to beat. It also made Xu Liang feel like looking around for an invincible opponent, longing for an opponent who could fight, Let him also rekindle his fighting spirit.

Thinking of this idea now makes me feel ashamed, and even my face will be hot.

Since the first episode of "Tucao Conference" was launched, the ratings have skyrocketed like a rocket, and the ratings have surpassed one show after another. Finally, the ratings broke through three, catching up with "Ferocious Man" and becoming a national variety show The program ratings champion.

Since then, although the ratings of "Tucao Conference" have not improved terribly, they have still risen steadily, and the potential has not been exhausted. No matter how hard the "Ferocious Man" program group works, struggles, and finds ways, the ratings , the gap with "Tucao Conference" has not only not narrowed, but has grown wider.

Xu Liang's so-called looking around for invincible opponents became a joke. During that time, he vowed not to be arrogant anymore, not longing for competitors, and not wanting to rekindle his fighting spirit.

The ratings of "Tucao Conference" are getting higher and higher. Xu Liang's heart was cold at first, but he didn't expect that there would be a sudden big change in the Hedong Provincial TV Station. Tan Yue resigned from the TV station. As the core of a program, "Tucao Conference" also Affected by Tan Yue's departure, the ratings curve is simply suspected that the Milky Way has fallen for nine days. Although it can still be ranked in the forefront of national variety shows, it has already fallen out of the top three.

Moreover, Xu Liang has also watched the eleventh issue of "Tucao Conference", and the quality is indeed several levels lower than when Tan Yue was still around. If the next program is still at this level, Xu Liang will be truly relieved.

During the period when "Tucao Conference" was in full swing, Xu Liang was left in the shadow, and now he doesn't want this show to be reborn from nirvana at all.

Zhang Yang smiled, in a good mood, and said: "I have investigated before, and the "Tucao Conference" is basically created by Tan Yue, and the core is all planned by him. Now that he has left, the "Tucao Conference" will never happen again." Let's do it."

After a pause, Zhang Yang shook his head regretfully, and said, "What a talent, it's just that we didn't find our platform."

After hearing Zhang Yang's words, Xu Liang pursed his lips tightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

Having been taught how to behave in a low-key manner by the "Tucao Conference", Xu Liang didn't want any competitors to push him forward.What's more, it's someone like Tan Yue who made "Tucao Conference".

If Tan Yue came to Jianjiang Provincial TV Station, Xu Liang would really have trouble sleeping and eating. Whether he can keep his position as the number one planner in the TV station is another matter.

But fortunately, Tan Yue didn't agree to Jianjiang TV's solicitation, and actually joined the entertainment circle.

Shonan TV station building.

In a conference room, the program team of "Good Days" is also having a meeting.

The ratings of the previous episode of "Tucao Conference" plummeted, bringing the third-ranked "Good Day" back to the second position.

In the past, everyone always complained that the second child was boring and felt insulted, but now they have thought about it, what happened to the second child?What's wrong with being the second child of a thousand years? !
Director Ma Guoliang and chief planner Sun Haibo were in a good mood. Everyone in the group talked and laughed, and the meeting room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Tsk tsk tsk, "Tucao Conference" is such a good program. It is still an original and can be used as a benchmark for our domestic variety shows, but it was abruptly collapsed by people from Hedong TV Station."

"Hahahaha, this is pretty good. The ratings of this show are so fierce, and it has only been aired for ten episodes. It will be broadcast for a long time in the future. If it continues to be broadcast, when will our show have a bright future?"

"However, don't be careless. The ratings of the eleventh episode of "Tucao Conference" have collapsed, but I heard that they are working hard on the twelfth episode. I don't know if the quality of the next episode will improve. If If the quality returns to the previous level, the impact on our program will not be small."

"Hehe, I don't have much hope. After Tan Yue left, the taste of "Tucao Conference" has changed. For this kind of original program, if the taste changes, the show will collapse."

Listening to the people in the group discussing "Tucao Conference", Ma Guoliang slightly raised his eyebrows, and he has been paying attention to the twelfth issue of "Tucao Conference".

The people below are not clear, but Ma Guoliang heard that the leaders of the General Administration of Culture have ordered the Hedong TV station to restart the "Tucao Conference" no matter what.

From top to bottom, Hedong TV Station is now intensively filming the twelfth issue of "Tucao Conference".

Ma Guoliang also feels that even if the quality will improve, it should not improve too much.

Looking for time to inquire again, Ma Guoliang thought to himself, the programs of Shonan TV Station have always been ahead of other TV stations in China. In the past two years, Jianjiang TV station has released a "Fierce Man", and it has overwhelmed Shonan TV station with an interesting mechanism.

Although the ratings of "Beautiful Days" are not as good as "Ferocious Man", the people of Shonan TV have always believed that there will be a new program soon that can surpass "Ferocious Man" and regain the national variety show for Shonan TV. The throne of the program ratings champion.

However, after the explosion of "Tucao Conference", it also made many people in Shonan TV feel heavy. ", wouldn't it be crushed by the "Tucao Conference"?
How to do this?

Many staff members of Shonan TV Station are distressed, ranging from leaders to ordinary staff.

Originally, because of the high ratings of "Tucao Conference", many leaders of Shonan TV Station, including Ma Guoliang and Sun Haibo, did not have a good year. They did not expect that the good news came just after the new year.

"Tucao Conference" collapsed on its own, and the interior unexpectedly became chaotic.

This kind of incident made the people of Shonan TV see hope, and what happened afterwards was even more surprising. They underestimated Tan Yue's role in "Tucao Conference".

With Tan Yue's departure, "Tucao Conference", the top-rated program, also began to go downhill, and the speed of downhill was very fast.

Ma Guoliang picked up his teacup and took a sip. "Tucao Conference" was like a flower in the epiphyllum, and its bright peak was fleeting, but it left a deep impression on the hearts of TV people like Ma Guoliang.

Many years later, it will not be forgotten.

In a blink of an eye, it's the weekend again.

Office workers can finally put down their scalp-numbing work and start enjoying a pleasant weekend life.

Sunday night.

"Tucao Conference" is about to begin.

Netizens are discussing a lot about the upcoming twelfth episode of the program online.

"The "Tucao Conference" is about to start."

"Hey, the last episode was really boring, and I don't even want to read this episode."

"Who knows, but the advertisements are very loud these days."

"I'll watch it again. If it still doesn't work, then I won't watch it anymore. There are so many good shows, there's no need to waste precious weekends on such a show."

In the center of SZ, in a community, Hu Yue is busy in the kitchen.

She is a typical urban white-collar worker. Her salary is not very high, but it is not bad. She lives a comfortable life and pays more attention to rituals.

She is a loyal fan of "Tucao Conference". After the eleventh episode was broadcast, there was a lot of criticism on the Internet. Hu Yue didn't like that episode either, thinking that the quality had dropped too much, but she didn't scold on the Internet like other viewers.

After looking forward to this day for a week, I finally waited for the new issue of "Tucao Conference".

She hoped that this episode of the show would satisfy her.

Hu Yue is a girl who pays great attention to the sense of ritual. For tonight's "Tucao Conference", she pushed the dinner time until now.

The vegetable salad, the boiled corn, and the fried chicken sausage were all taken out one by one.

In the living room, on the coffee table, a few dishes were quickly placed, and next to them were the peonies she bought at the flower shop at the gate of the community in the evening. You know, this time period is not the season for flowers to bloom, and the price of flowers is very expensive .

However, the most important thing is to be happy.

After washing his hands, he sat on the sofa and watched the upcoming "Tucao Conference" on TV. Hu Yue first lowered his head and took a deep breath on the flowers. He smelled the refreshing fragrance, and then he started to eat with a big appetite. We have dinner.

The chicken legs are delicious, and the ham sausage is also deep-fried, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It tastes delicious when served with vegetable salad.

The show has started.

Listening to the familiar prelude, Hu Yue couldn't help being excited, and had a strong expectation for the content of the program. He didn't have the mood to eat, so he put down the half-eaten sausage, picked up a piece of corn, and started to nibble slowly.

At the same time, Hu Yue was also watching TV intently.

The prelude was over, the program began to enter the main topic, and the host Lin Qifeng came on stage.

Jokes were thrown out one after another, but Hu Yue didn't have much to laugh about. She felt a kind of excessive force. This episode of the program group should have made these jokes with their hearts, and also combined with the current hot topics. But it is not as natural as before, revealing a can.

Moreover, the quality of the jokes is also uneven.

Hu Yue's gnawing on the corn became slower and slower, but the strength was indeed getting stronger.

The heart gradually sank, and disappointment slowly surged upward.

She has made so much preparation for this issue of "Tucao Conference", she has a full sense of ceremony, bought flowers, and cooked delicious meals, but the most important program made her lose her appetite.

Gritting her teeth, she finished watching the show, but the annoyance in Hu Yue's heart did accumulate a lot.

Too disappointed!

The more you look back, the more disappointed you are!
It's not just about the content of the show, the people on the show are like robots, their eyes are numb, and they don't have the joyful atmosphere that "Tucao Conference" should have.

And the show gives people the feeling that it is incoherent. Not only is filming a film and television drama, it is important to take one shot to the end, but when shooting variety shows, it is also necessary to shoot a shot as long as possible, so that the audience can watch it comfortably.

But this episode of the program seemed to be pieced together piece by piece. Although Hu Yue didn't know what was going on or what went wrong, he was a little nervous.

This episode of the program is constantly revised, and every part has been revised many times. The guests, hosts and even the staff are a little numb, and these clips that have been modified according to different people's suggestions are pieced together. Yes, but some delicate people look awkward.

On TV, the ending song of "Tucao Conference" also ended.

Finally, Hu Yue couldn't hold back, and angrily slapped the coffee table, and accidentally hit the chopsticks on the plate. The ham sausage was pried up and hit Hu Yue's cheek, and finally bounced to the ground. On the peony on the coffee table, on the petals, and finally fell into the stamens.

Hu Yue didn't care, she just felt angry and heartbroken.

What is angry is that the twelfth issue of "Tucao Conference" is still a big disappointment and has failed her.

What hurts my heart is that such a good program may be about to decline from now on.

Picking up the phone, Hu Yue logged on to Weibo, she wanted to see how the netizens reacted.

Last time she had hope for the program group and didn't scold others together, but this time she couldn't do it, it was so disappointing!

The negative voices about "Tucao Conference" are already like mountains and seas.

"It doesn't look good!"

"Yes, it just doesn't look good!"

"It's too stiff. After so many advertisements, I thought there would be some surprises in this issue. That's it?"

"Depressed! "Tucao Conference" really can't do without Teacher Tan Yue!"

In the forum,
Before the twelfth issue of "Tucao Conference" was over, posts kept popping up.

"Don't watch it! I will never watch this show again!"

"To be honest, when I saw Lin Qifeng's twisted face, I wanted to punch his dog's head off!"

"What the hell, it's really boring!"

"I didn't know before that the behind-the-scenes planning is so important to a program. From now on, I can't just watch the guests, but also see whether the behind-the-scenes personnel are reliable."

"Yes, it's the same as watching a movie with a director."

The netizens were so excited that they turned the pot upside down.

The major news media did not let go of such a good opportunity to spread the heat, and news reports about the "Tucao Conference" were reported one after another.

At this moment, someone panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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