Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 226 Donkey Story, Net Comprehensive

Chapter 226 Donkey Story, Net Comprehensive

Next to Chang'an Building, a commercial street.

donkey in mind.

The name is very tacky, but the decoration is good. The surrounding walls are covered with golden wallpaper, which is magnificent. The key point is that the dishes here are really delicious, and there are often no empty seats when it comes to meal time.

Tan Yue and Xu Nuo, who were wearing masks and sunglasses, walked in, and saw their waiters approaching from a distance, and said with a smile, "Sir, are you two?"

Xu promised to come here once before, but the waiter couldn't remember it, but Tan Yue came here often, and he was also a celebrity, so the waiter remembered it from the first time he came.

After all, such a large hotel was opened in the center of the capital, and the training was quite strict. Even though they knew that Tan Yue was a celebrity on the list of public figures, the staff of the hotel did not dare to ask for group photos and autographs.

"Teacher Tan, there is a box upstairs, I'll take you there." The waiter bowed slightly.

Tan Yue smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

Generally, a small-scale restaurant will reserve a box in order to prevent any special circumstances, and a large-scale restaurant like this, which is opened in the central area of ​​Beijing, will reserve two more rooms.

However, I don’t meet special people a few times throughout the year. Although there is Chang’an Building next door with many entertainment companies, big-name stars rarely go to such a bustling place to eat. You may not be able to recognize them when you come to the restaurant, so these boxes are mostly idle, and sometimes the relatives and friends of the hotel leader will use them when they come.

But after Tan Yue came, he would be led to a box every time, afraid of being disturbed.Although he is not a big star, he is also a well-known figure on the list of public figures, and now there is still the popularity of "Tucao Conference". One-to-two is okay.

This is a Japanese-style box with sliding white wooden doors.

Tan Yue looked up at the sign hanging at the door - Qingfengju.

"It's this box again."

Tan Yue shook his head with a smile. The previous few times he came, he was always in this box.

The two sat down, promised to pick up the menu directly from the table and start looking through it. Although the restaurant's signature is donkey meat, it's not just donkey meat, it's no different from other big restaurants.

After Xu Nuo looked at the menu for a while, he turned to the last page, "The dishes I ate last time were pretty good, what's the matter?"

Tan Yue rolled his eyes and ordered a few dishes to the waiter next to him.

The owner of this shop is donkey meat, and the best one is naturally donkey meat. The store's signboard is that it is a century-old shop that specializes in secret sauced donkey meat.

The sauced donkey meat is delicious, but it's not a century-old restaurant, so Tan Yue doesn't know it.

"Old Tan, okay, regular customer."

After the waiter left, Xu Nuo looked at the box and gave Tan Yue a thumbs up. Last time he came, Tan Yue also brought him to this box, and judging by the waiter's appearance, it was obvious that he and Tan Yue had met Tan Yue.

Tan Yue must have been coming to this Donkey Fragrance House a lot.

Tan Yue smiled and shook his head.

Xu Nuo stood up and looked at the ink paintings hanging on the surrounding walls. Under each ink painting, there were several lines of text introduction, all related to this donkey's book.

On the wall facing the door, the "history" of Lvji is introduced. It was founded before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and has a history of more than [-] years. The people living in the Changbai Mountains in the northeast learned the unique method of making donkey meat. After returning, the craftsman founded Lvji, and donkey meat has become the secret signature dish of Lvji.

Another ink painting is a donkey, which is quite vivid. The following is some text introduction, which roughly means that Beihe Province has been rich in high-quality donkeys since ancient times, and the donkeys in Lvji are all purchased from high-quality farmers in Beihe Province Donkey meat, these vegetable donkeys used for cooking, not to mention the bright coat, fat and strong body, the finished meat has a slight bit of strength and smooth teeth.

The ink painting hanging on the wooden wall in the south is a picture of ancient people wearing long gowns and braids, eating donkey meat around the table. The small characters below introduce a major feature of Lvji — donkey meat in sauce!The donkey meat in Beihe Province is good, but the donkey meat in Lvji is even more delicious. Special material development, special method of production, special cooking procedures, one after another special achievements have made Lvji more than [-] years old. Donkey meat with secret sauce.

The last time I came with Tan Yue, Xu Nuo didn't notice these at all. This time I have joined the job, and I feel more relaxed, but I noticed these things. Xu Nuo turned his head, looked at Tan Yue and asked: "Old Tan, what do you think this store is like?" Has it really been more than a hundred years? I have only heard of the roast duck in the capital, the Goubuli buns in Jin, and the donkey in the capital. "

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows, and said: "There are a few hundred-year-old restaurants in Beijing, but they are not as famous as Beijing Roast Duck. You have to go to the alleys to find them. I don't know if this donkey's is a century-old restaurant. But it tastes good."

At this time, the door of the box was opened, and the waiter walked in with the dishes.

Xu Nuo returned to the table, waited for the waiter to put down the dishes, picked up a piece of donkey meat with his chopsticks, looked at the fire, and said, "Old Tan, would you like some wine?"

Tan Yue shook his head and said, "Don't drink, there are still things to do in the afternoon."

Xu Nuo nodded and said, "Okay, let's talk about it next time."

After finishing speaking, Xu Nuo reached out and picked up a piece of fire, and began to put fragrant donkey meat in it.

Tan Yue also ate together, and then the waiter brought up another donkey meat with sauce and a bowl of donkey meat soup.

After eating two fires, Xu Nuo wiped his mouth with toilet paper, and said to Tan Yue: "Old Tan, Momo should be here soon."

Tan Yue was startled, feeling that the fire in his hand was no longer fragrant, he frowned and said, "Didn't I ask you to tell her last time that you must stay at Hedong TV Station, don't you come over?"

When I promised to come last time, I said that Momo might also resign and come to Bright Entertainment. If it was someone else, Tan Yue didn't worry about it. Who would be so stupid to leave a good job and go to the front line? Big cities, starting from scratch under tremendous pressure.But if it's Momo, Tan Yue has to take it seriously. This girl's brain is not normal. There have been precedents before. She jumped from Jishui City TV Station to Hedong TV Station, and she went ashore by herself, which shocked Tan Yue. dropped the chin.

However, Tan Yue is also a headache.

This time, after Tan Yue knew the news that Momo might be coming, he immediately asked Zheng Guang to confirm whether it was true. Zheng Guang didn't know if it was Momo who asked directly, and he quickly replied that Momo was indeed coming to the capital. , Tan Yue was a little flustered, to be honest, this clingy little sister Tan Yue didn't hate her, and she really missed Momo when she left the Hedong TV station, but Tan Yue regarded the relationship between the two as a friendship and didn't want to deteriorate what.

Sometimes Tan Yue feels more pressure when facing Momo than doing a show.

It is the best choice for Zheng Guang to keep Momo, and to persuade Momo to stay in Hedong TV Station from all aspects.

"Zheng Guang didn't keep it?" Tan Yue put down the fire in his hand.

Xu Nuo was still eating heartlessly, and said: "What do you think? What can Zheng Guang say in such a face? Do you expect him to persuade Momo to stay?"

After a pause, Xu Nuo continued: "It's good that Momo is here, maybe the two of you can really make it."

Seeing Tan Yue's frown, Xu Nuo laughed and said, "I'm talking nonsense, but Lao Tan, I don't think it's a bad thing for Momo to leave the provincial station, at least she won't have to be harassed by that bastard Lin Qifeng, eh, I heard that after Tian Wenbin fell, Lin Qifeng had a hard time, and he didn't dare to harass Momo anymore when he had no time."

Although Tan Yue didn't deliberately inquire about the current situation of Hedong TV station, with so many old colleagues from Hedong TV station and Jishui City TV station around him, he could accidentally hear a piece of internal news.

It is said that the new director of the provincial station is quite dissatisfied with Tian Wenbin. Although he has not publicly criticized Tian Wenbin, more than half of the real power in Tian Wenbin's hands has been taken away, which is far worse than when he was the deputy director.

Tian Wenbin couldn't protect himself, and Lin Qifeng naturally didn't have any strong support. If he didn't behave like a man with his tail between his legs in the stage, then there was something wrong with his brain.

Tan Yue took a breath and said, "Pay attention to when Momo will come to Beijing, and we will pick it up together. Her ability is still good, but I have already installed you in the company, and then let Momo directly It is not suitable for her to come in, if she intends to come to Bright Entertainment, I will arrange an interview, and several leaders of the program department will be the interviewers."

Xu Nuo nodded and said, "That's good, you can relax a bit."

Xu Nuo has basically figured out Tan Yue's current situation in the program department. As the person in charge of the program department, he is an executive with real power in the company, and he is trusted by the president Chen Ziyu, so he can do things freely.But there is also a problem, that is, there is a little confusion inside the program department.

A group of people headed by deputy director Ma Jun often contradicted Tan Yue. As the main force of the program department, the Qinglong team did not respond enthusiastically to Tan Yue's goodwill several times.

"When do you plan to start this new program?" Xu Nuo asked.

Tan Yue said: "We will start this afternoon, the sooner we can make the show, the better."

Xu Nuo nodded, and said: "Yes, Lao Tan, you don't care about anything now, the most important thing is to make a show, make the show well, do it well, and if you have the boss to support you, everyone has to kneel down to you."

Tan Yue rolled his eyes and said, "What do you mean everyone has to kneel to me? It's like a feudal society."

Xu Nuo smiled, that's how he expressed it, of course he didn't really kneel.

To be honest, Xu Nuo's vision has become much higher after following Tan Yue in "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" and "Tucao Conference". I can't see it, I can only say that it is average.

The web variety is different from the TV variety. The most important thing about TV variety is the ratings, because this is linked to the advertising fee, that is, the money interest.On the other hand, online comprehensives look at the broadcast volume, which is also linked to the advertising fee. The higher the broadcast volume, the higher the advertising fee will naturally be.

According to the practice in the circle, without counting the subsequent rebroadcasts, only the number of first broadcasts on the day of broadcasting is counted. Ten million first broadcasts are roughly equal to one percent of the ratings, and twenty million first broadcasts are approximately equal to one hundred. Two-thirds of the ratings.

If you calculate the number of repeated broadcasts over time, if the total broadcasts exceed [-] million, it is a good program.If it can break one billion, it will be a small hit.If it can break [-] billion, it will be a big hit show. This kind of big hit new show only releases one or two episodes a year, which is extremely rare.

However, according to statistics, generally, programs with [-] million first broadcasts are expected to become small hits, and some of them can even reach the level of big hits with proper operation, that is, the total number of broadcasts. More than [-] billion, whether it is the money earned by the program itself or the advertising fee, it is a sky-high figure. If any entertainment company can make a blockbuster, it will be a happy thing.

The development time of online comprehensive is still a little short, and some conditions are not mature. In recent years, the hits with a total playback volume of more than [-] billion have not exceeded five levels at all. Therefore, the expected threshold of many entertainment companies is not high. If it can break through [-] million, that would be a good thing.If you can break one billion, then you can hold a celebration banquet. As for two billion, tsk tsk tsk, you can give red envelopes to all employees of the company.

At present, the best program produced by the program department of Bright Entertainment Company is "Time Can Be Expected". The first broadcast volume of each episode is between five and six million, which is roughly equivalent to the average ratings of the first day of TV dramas. The rate is around [-]% to [-]%.

This program has reached [-] episodes so far, with a total broadcast volume of more than [-] million, which is quite satisfactory, neither good nor bad.However, as the head work of the program department of such a large entertainment company as Brilliant Entertainment, it seemed very crotchless. That's why Chen Ziyu wanted Tan Yue to make a program so urgently.

Making money is the first priority, and earning back the face of the company is also very important!
Tan Yue and Xu Nuo ate while chatting. Tan Yue's food intake was not too big, but it was not small either. It was about the level of a normal person, but Xu Nuo could eat quite well. The short guy had a big stomach, and his appetite was two or three times that of Tan Yue. Most of the table of donkey meat, fire and donkey meat soup went into Xu Nuo's stomach.

Fortunately, Tan Yue is now a big family with an annual salary of one million, otherwise he would really have to promise AA.

Xu Nuo also knew Tan Yue's current salary level, so he didn't rush to pay the bill, took a toothpick, picked his teeth, patted his stomach and followed Tan Yue out.

"By the way, Old Tan, I heard from Old Zheng that the new director wants to make "Tucao Conference" again, so I guess I might have to find you."

Xu Nuo remembered something and said to Tan Yue.


Thank you for the 1500 starting point coin reward from the big guy [I'm very upset].

Thanks to the boss [Bilibili Orz] for the reward of 1500 starting coins.

Thanks to the boss [There will be pigs in the future] for the reward of 1500 starting coins.

Thanks to the boss [Chasing the Wind Hero Wang Ergou] for the reward of 500 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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