Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 232 Is this Teacher Tan?

Chapter 232 Is this Teacher Tan?
As the meeting in the afternoon ended, the content of the meeting was quickly spread.

Everyone knew that the director was going to make a new program, but they didn't expect that it would be handed over to the White Tiger Group in the end.

The White Tiger Group...is there anyone else?
"The name of the new show is "Happy Comedian". It has been decided, and the White Tiger Team will come to shoot this show."

"Huh? What's Mr. Tan thinking? There is no one in the White Tiger Group, and the White Tiger Group is asked to do a new program. Why do I feel a bit broken?"

"No, Mr. Tan has transferred another group of people to the White Tiger Team. There are quite a few people in the White Tiger Team now. Moreover, Mr. Tan is personally in charge as the director, and the promise is to be the chief planner. The staff is basically complete."

"Let me go, Mr. Tan, is he going to compete with Deputy Director Ma? Deputy Director Ma has signed "Time Can Be Expected" and "Black and White Matching". Now Mr. Tan also wants to name this new show "Happy Comedian" .”

"Probably not. I guess Mr. Tan was forced to do nothing. He had no one under his command, so he had to be the director himself, and he had to take care of the general planning."

"I don't know what Mr. Tan thinks. The first program is actually a comedy. Is he very confident, or does he not give "Happy Comedian" a high position at all?"

"I seem to have heard people from the Xuanwu team say that Tan always handed over the new program to their team. Why did it suddenly change? Or did I hear it wrong?"

While the colleagues in the department were arguing, the staff of the Xuanwu group were also very surprised.

Yesterday afternoon, the director and the chief planner asked them all to prepare and sort out the work on "Above the White Clouds" as soon as possible, so that the handover will be easy at that time. The next main direction of the Xuanwu group will be the new program in the department, which is also a new project. A program planned by the newly appointed Director Tan himself.

In this regard, many staff members are gearing up and preparing to do a big job. Although they are not used to leaving "Above the White Clouds" suddenly, the new program is a project that the director attaches great importance to. The future is only higher than "Above the White Clouds".

Why... so suddenly?

"Didn't you say that the new show will be for our group? Why is it for the White Tiger group?"

"I'm ready to hand over "Above the White Clouds", why don't you make a new show?"

"Let's go ask the director if something went wrong. I think we still have to fight for a new program."

"Go together and ask what's going on together."

Many staff members of the Xuanwu Group who did not attend the meeting suddenly heard that the new program was going to be handed over to the White Tiger Group. "Let's put it down first, and start to make new programs.

If it was snatched by the Qinglong group or the Suzaku group, you can comfort yourself, but the new show was snatched by the White Tiger group, everyone felt a little aggrieved, so they went to ask the director Li He together.

The office areas of Li He and Zhang Yuan are close to each other. Seeing so many people in the group coming together, they thought something had happened. "Up" a sum of money, and can also participate in the selection of excellent variety shows organized by "Jinghua Daily", and have the opportunity to report and expand exposure.

In a word, "Above the White Cloud" has a great potential that has not been developed. We now have an opportunity. There is no need to give up for a new program whose performance is unknown. The company can support it and is expected to be rated as excellent. "Above the White Clouds" of the program.

Hearing the leader's explanation, the talents of the Xuanwu group breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the reason why they didn't take over the job of filming the new program was because "Above the White Clouds" had more potential.

After the "Happy Comedian" project was established, Brilliant Entertainment also started a corresponding promotion.

Many colleagues in the program department are not very optimistic about this new program, but the boss is very optimistic, and directly asked the public relations department and the artist and variety show department to provide a high degree of cooperation.

On the Internet, the publicity about "Happy Comedian" quickly increased.

Many newspapers and mobile media reported on "Happy Comedian".

Many netizens didn't pay much attention to the reports about "Happy Comedian". Now variety shows are developing very well, and excellent shows are emerging one after another, but they don't have to worry about not having good shows to watch.

""Happy Comedian"? A comedy show? I don't like it very much."

"Bright Entertainment Company has developed very well in the past few years. The stars I have a deep impression on are all from Bright Entertainment, but the variety shows of this company are really not good. Now they have come up with this "Happy Comedy" "People", I guess it's not good-looking."

"Tsk tsk, isn't "Dimensional Gang" delicious? Anyway, "Dimensional Gang" has the highest status in my heart."

"Although "Dimensional Gang" is good, it is not as good as "I Am a Great Detective" after all!"

"The few brothers upstairs are really enough, arguing about "Dimensional Gang" and "I Am a Great Detective" under the promotional news of their new program, but I still prefer "Dimensional Gang"!"

"Hey, if "Tucao Conference" hadn't collapsed, "Tucao Conference" would be the best show in my heart, what a pity!"

Under some newspapers and magazines with a wider audience, many netizens are not discussing the "Happy Comedian" promoted in the report, but are discussing other variety shows, especially "Dimension Gang" produced by Tianjing Entertainment and Guangmei Entertainment. "I am a great detective" mainly.

However, sharp-eyed netizens soon saw a name appearing in the news reports—Tan Yue!
Immediately, netizens were blown away!

For those who like variety shows, the word Tan Yue carries a lot of weight.

At that time, "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", which was already a big hit, and "Tucao Conference", which was really popular all over the country, were both written by Tan Yue.

After Tan Yue resigned from Hedong TV Station, many people were still curious about Tan Yue's future whereabouts, but they didn't expect that Tan Yue would actually appear in the relevant news of Bright Entertainment Company.

"Huh? Why is the chief planner of "Happy Comedian" also called Tan Yue? This can't be Mr. Tan, can he?"

"Damn it, it's possible. Mr. Tan resigned from Hedong TV Station, maybe he joined Bright Entertainment."

"But it shows Tan Yue, director of the program department of Bright Entertainment. This is a real executive of the company. Bright Entertainment is not a small company. Could the executive of such a large company be Mr. Tan?"

"Why not? I think Mr. Tan is completely fine. Just because of his "Tucao Conference", "Tucao Conference" is the best program I have seen so far!"

"Hey, if it's Teacher Tan, then I'm looking forward to this "Happy Comedian"."

"What's the use of talking here? Go and find out if this Tan Yue is Mr. Tan. I'll go to Mr. Tan's Weibo and ask, and I'll try to call Bright Entertainment later, Ma De, " "Tucao Conference" died in the middle of it, which gave me an experience. Some popular programs are supported by one person! Without Mr. Tan, Hedong TV Station is really scary!"

The popularity of "Tucao Conference" has dropped drastically these days. Any program that can have traffic and popularity is based on the popularity of this program.Previously, the popularity of "Tucao Conference" could be maintained for nearly two weeks after the ratings plummeted, which is already very strong, mainly relying on its strong audience base accumulated before.

But no matter how strong the audience base is, it cannot withstand such a big toss. If it is changed to other programs, it will basically be reported for two days and there will be no news. However, "Tucao Conference" relies on its strong fan base and has been on the show for a long time. It has been on Weibo hot searches for more than a week. This staggering influence is simply breathtaking.

Although the popularity of "Tucao Conference" has dropped by half, there is still a lot of traffic, and many viewers no longer pay attention to it because of the decline in the quality of "Tucao Conference", but they still read the old version of "Tucao Conference" in their hearts Well, it is precisely because of the poor performance of the later episodes of "Tucao Conference" that everyone feels that the previous episodes are stronger, especially Tan Yue, who claims to support "Tucao Conference" by himself, is regretted by many people.

Now I suddenly saw Tan Yue in the news report of "Happy Comedian", which immediately attracted the attention and discussion of many people, and for the news media that has always been chasing traffic, this is also an opportunity not to be missed.

Regarding the identity of the director and chief planner of "Happy Comedian", and the new director of the Bright Entertainment Program Department, the newspapers carried out some analysis. There is a large piece of cloud and fog, which has no practical effect, but it can attract the attention of netizens. .

As a result, many netizens were at a loss when they saw it, so. Is this Tan Yue the teacher Tan of "Tucao Conference"?
There were a lot of reports, which also attracted the attention of the public relations department of Bright Entertainment. Soon Ma Wenru, the director of the public relations department, called Tan Yue.

Regarding the consideration of public relations, Tan Yue listened to it in detail, not to question the judgment of the company's public relations, but to learn more, just like this time he served as the director of "Happy Comedian". He has never been a director before, but one of the reasons why he dared to take on the role of director this time was naturally because he didn't have any suitable candidates at hand, or he was incompetent;

Another reason is because he has the confidence. When he was filming the program, he has been following and learning, so that later, his ability to make the program is getting stronger and stronger. Although he is the chief planner in name in many cases, he In fact, I was also doing part of the director's work on the shooting scene.

After communicating with Ma Wenru, Tan Yue opened Weibo and took a look, and there were indeed many new comments in the comment area.

"Teacher Tan, I saw a news article. Director Tan Yue of Brilliant Entertainment is talking about you? Is "Happy Comedian" your new show?"

"Teacher Tan, teacher Tan, call Teacher Tan, can you see if the report on this news link is you? If this "Happy Comedian" is your program, I will definitely watch it."

"Hahahaha, I saw Teacher Tan's new show, is it "Happy Comedian"? And congratulations on Teacher Tan's new job here."


Tan Yue browsed through the comments of netizens, most of them were found because of his signature on "Happy Comedian".

Picking up the cup and drinking a glass of water, Tan Yue got up and pulled down the white opaque curtain beside the desk. The office soon became darker. He returned to his chair and continued to look at Weibo.

Just now Ma Wenru had already told him how to deal with it. There were no detailed steps. It was just a matter of explaining clearly to the netizens. When talking with Ma Wenru just now, neither Tan Yue nor Ma Wenru thought that he would use the "Tucao Conference" to actually It can also attract so many people's attention.

Gee tut.

Public opinion and publicity matters were all handed over to the public relations department, but I didn't expect that I would attract a lot of traffic.

I wrote some content in the Weibo edit box, checked it, and uploaded it directly.

"Hi everyone, I'm Tan Yue. Recently, many friends have been asking about my recent situation on Weibo. Let me share with you here. That's right, I've joined Bright Entertainment now, and I'm trusted by the company to be the responsible person. I took up the position of director of the company's program department, and "Happy Comedian", which has been mentioned a lot by everyone, is my new program."

"The filming of the new program is about to start. I hope everyone will support and like it. If you have any questions, or want to communicate with me, you can leave a message freely in the comment area, and I will randomly select and reply."

Previously, Tan Yue's Weibo attention exceeded [-] million with the heyday of "Tucao Conference", but later he resigned from "Tucao Conference". In addition, the quality of "Tucao Conference" collapsed, and the ratings plummeted. The combination of several reasons affected Tan Yue a lot, and the number of followers on Weibo dropped back to [-] million.

Weibo in this world is very similar to Weibo on Earth, but there is one big difference, that is, Weibo in this world has implemented real-name authentication early on. Each person can only register one Weibo. If you want to register The new Weibo will have to cancel the old Weibo, which also leads to a significant increase in the gold content of the number of Weibo fans.

Weibo on the earth is filled with a large number of zombie fans.In this world's Weibo, there are also zombie fans, but relatively, there are many, many fewer.

After the Weibo was posted, it quickly attracted the attention of many fans.

"I'll go, it's really Teacher Tan!"

"Hahahaha, since it's Teacher Tan, I'm going to take a good look at "Happy Comedian"."

"I've been following Mr. Tan since "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". I didn't expect him to do a new show now. Please support me!"

Tan Yue looked at the fans' comments below. There was nothing wrong with them, they were all words of support. He smiled slightly and replied.



Thanks to [novelsky2018] book friends for the 2500 starting point coins reward.

Thanks to [I'm not that white as a big devil] book friend for the 1500 starting point coin reward.

Thanks to [Bang Xiong and Xiaocao] book friend for the 1500 starting point reward.

Thanks to [Pacini] book friend for the 1500 starting point coin reward.

Thank you [Good Crazy Dragon] book friend for the 1500 starting point coin reward.

Thanks to [a534713513] book friend for the 500 starting point coin reward.

Thanks to [Chasing the Wind Hero Wang Ergou] book friend for the 500 starting point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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