Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 246 Good grades

Chapter 246 Good grades

In the meeting room, everyone was dumbfounded by Tan Yue's tongue twister.

"Teacher Tan, you are amazing!"

"Oh my god, Teacher Tan's blowjob is so good!"

"Grass, what is oral sex...Teacher Tan is called ventriloquist!"

"I've talked about tongue twisters before, but this is the first time I've seen myself write tongue twisters to exercise my eloquence. Two words, awesome!"

Momo came in relatively late just now, but after listening for a while, her mouth opened into an O shape, "Boss, it's great!"

Immediately, Momo took the lead in applauding, and the others followed quickly.

There was a lot of applause in the conference room, and everyone was applauding desperately. On the one hand, they wanted to impress the leader, and on the other hand, they really admired Tan Yue's superb tongue twister level just now.

While everyone was busy applauding, Momo got up and went out. After a while, she came back with Tan Yue's water glass, and stopped in front of Tan Yue, "Boss, drink a glass of warm water."

Tan Yue thanked with a smile, took the cup, picked up the unscrewed lid, and drank a couple of sips.

The staff next to him couldn't help but give Momo a thumbs up. No wonder she can become the director's confidant. This vision and action are beyond compare.At the same time, the male compatriots are also very envious of Tan Yue, this is the enjoyment that men should have... Today Momo is wearing a light blue dress with thin flesh-colored stockings underneath. She has a tall figure of more than [-] meters , Walking in the company's return rate is called a high.

Some people have speculated about the relationship between Momo and Mr. Tan, but they have never seen any intimacy between the two, so it can only be guesswork.

Tan Yue clapped his hands and said: "Everyone be quiet, everyone is here, let's have a meeting."

In the meeting room, it quickly became quiet, looking at Tan Yue with eyes.

During the filming of "Happy Comedian" these days, Tan Yue has established prestige in the hearts of the big guys, and now that "Happy Comedian" is broadcast, the response is unexpectedly good.In a company, performance is a person's greatest confidence, and now "Happy Comedian" is Tan Yue's performance, which makes his image unreservedly elevated in the hearts of everyone.

When everyone calmed down, Tan Yue looked at Ma Jun and said, "Old Ma, news from Penguin Video should be coming soon, right?"

"Happy Comedian" is broadcast on Penguin Video, and a lot of information has to wait for Penguin Video to pass over.

Of course, Penguin Video must also report to the General Administration of Culture. Even if Cancan Entertainment doesn't ask Penguin Video for these materials, they can finally find them on the official website of the Cultural Administration, but it's not that detailed.

Ma Jun looked at the time and said: "I urged the manager of Penguin Video early in the morning. He said that it would be sent in about half an hour. The time is almost up. I will call and urge again."

Tan Yue waved his hand: "Wait a minute, let's talk about other things first."

Ma Jun nodded.

Tan Yue looked at the crowd and began to talk about the situation of "Happy Comedian", the progress the big guys have made during this period, and the current shortcomings.

"There are still some points that should be paid attention to after the shooting of the program. I have corrected the problems exposed in the first phase of shooting... roughly these few problems, and some specific details, we will talk about it during shooting... By the way, it will get hotter and hotter in the future, everyone should pay attention to heat dissipation when filming programs, so as not to cause physical problems."

This is Tan Yue's habit of doing things. He often reflects and makes improvements. He has the original version of the program for comparison in his mind. Compared with others, he should not have too much advantage.

After hearing Tan Yue's words, everyone in the conference room couldn't help being speechless. In their opinion, "Happy Comedian" is already perfect, and it is the most successful program since the establishment of the program department of Bright Entertainment Company.

And just when they were proud and full of praise for the novel and excellent links of "Happy Comedian", Mr. Tan has already picked out so many areas for improvement... The gap between people is really real. too big.

"Okay, Mr. Tan, we got it."

"Mr. Tan, you are too good, aren't you?"

"I'm really convinced. After "Happy Comedian" was broadcast, we were all proud of the excellent response of the show on the Internet, but you were able to calm down and think about the problems of the show. To be honest, I really didn't film Zongma Tan. Fart, I really admire Mr. Tan from the bottom of my heart!"

"Well, me too."

The expressions are extremely serious, and anyone who looks at them will feel the true feelings from the heart.

Tan Yue blushed a little, drank a mouthful of the water brought up by Momo, and then pressed his hand at everyone.

Next to him, Ma Jun couldn't help but grinned. Although he had reason to believe that these people were sincerely expressing their admiration for Tan Yue, he still wanted to curse, a bunch of sycophants...

"Mr. Tan, "Happy Comedian" is really well done." Ma Jun gave a serious thumbs up.

Tan Yue chuckled and said, "It's everyone's credit. I will apply to the boss. Can you encourage everyone in the form of bonuses?"

After Tan Yue finished speaking, cheers and applause instantly resounded in the meeting room, and tears filled everyone's eyes. It was the excitement from the heart.

This is a bonus!

God knows how long it has been since the staff of the White Tiger Team have smelled what a bonus smells like...

In the past, the White Tiger Group existed in name only, and many people went to the other three groups to help. The "non-staff personnel" who belonged to the other three groups would not be handed out to these "non-staff personnel" even if they had bonuses.

"President Tan, long live!"

"Teacher Tan, you are my dear teacher!"

"Hahahaha, my wallet tells me it's been hungry for too long."

"Thank you Mr. Tan, wow ha ha ha ha..."

Looking at the excited crowd, Tan Yue pursed his lips and did not speak. These guys must have been suppressed for too long.

Ma Jun also laughed, but felt a little emotional and heavy in his heart. These people should really have not been valued or received bonuses for a long time.

When he presided over the work of the program department before, he focused his energy on the other three groups that could generate benefits. The White Tiger Group was basically thrown into the corner by him. For a commercial company, the White Tiger Group could not generate benefits and was abandoned. It's reasonable and reasonable, but seeing these people excited now, Ma Jun still feels a little uncomfortable.

Ding ding ding.

The computer in front of Ma Jun suddenly beeped a few times. Ma Jun picked up the mouse, clicked on the message he just received, looked up and said to Tan Yue: "Director, Penguin Video sent the first episode of "Happy Comedian" last night. The information has been sent."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Okay."

As he said that, Tan Yue moved his chair towards Ma Jun again, and after getting closer, he looked at the computer screen.

Ma Jun's face was colorful, and Tan Yue nodded frequently, watching the other people in the conference room stare wide-eyed, their hearts filled with anticipation.

Judging from the feedback on the Internet, "Happy Comedian" is the best program produced by the White Tiger Group, and it is also the best program of the program department and even the entire Bright Entertainment Company... However, although the feedback on the Internet can be confirmed to a certain extent, It reflects the performance of the program, but it is not the real real performance after all.

Before the real results are announced, no one can fully put their hearts in their stomachs.

Tan Yue patted Ma Jun and said, "You can even project it, and show it to everyone."

Ma Jun looked up at the faces all around him staring at him with wide eyes, he laughed and said, "Okay, I'll cast it on the curtain for everyone to see."

Someone stood up neatly to open the curtain and projection, and Ma Jun put the information transmitted by Penguin Video on the curtain for everyone to watch.

The first page is about the portraits of the audience watching "Happy Comedian". It can be seen intuitively that the main force of watching "Happy Comedian" is the young group aged [-] to [-], and the young There are more female audiences than male audiences.

Tan Yue asked everyone to write it down and take it seriously. Many people neglected to study the audience. In fact, the most important part of making a program is to analyze the audience.For audiences with different preferences, there must be a large audience that is mainly catered for, and audiences with different preferences should be taken care of as much as possible. As long as the audience can like it, it is considered a success for commercial programs.

Of course, if the creators of the program have higher pursuits, it is natural to further refine the social significance of the program. Of course, [-]% of the programs cannot reach this level.

Everyone nodded in agreement, but everyone was most concerned about the number of views of "Happy Comedian".Just as TV dramas place the most emphasis on ratings, web dramas place the most emphasis on broadcast volume.For a program, only if there are enough broadcasts, it is the most beneficial proof for yourself. Next, whether it is advertising fees, traffic fees, endorsements, etc., opportunities to make money will follow one after another.

Xu Nuo took a deep breath, his palms were sweating now, soaking the toilet paper in his hands, not because of kidney deficiency, but because of nervousness.This is the first time he has been the general planner of a program, and he still has the feeling that there are no tigers in the mountains and monkeys dominate. He was pushed by Tan Yue to put the ducks on the shelves, and he got to this position.

It's the first time to take on such a big burden, so it can't be messed up.

Under the tense and expectant gaze of the crowd, the curtain finally cut to the second page, which is the first day of the first episode of "Happy Comedian" that everyone has been longing for.

At present, there are two ways to calculate the number of broadcasts in online comprehensive. One is the cumulative total number of broadcasts. For example, the total number of broadcasts exceeds [-] million, which means that the performance of the program is not bad.More than one billion is the level of a small fire.And more than two billion, it is a hot show.At present, in the history of online comprehensive programs, there are no more than five programs with a cumulative total broadcast volume of more than two billion, which can be counted with a single palm.

Tan Yue knew that on the earth, some programs claimed to have accumulated tens of billions of broadcasts, which was simply an insult to the public's IQ, and they dared to announce anything.This problem does not exist in Blue Star, because the General Administration of Culture monitors too strictly, and also implements a reporting system, whether it is viewers, passers-by or competitors, can report. Once the report is confirmed to be correct, the producer of the program will face extremely severe punishment.

After traveling for such a long time, Tan Yue felt more and more advanced and excellent of the General Administration of Culture. Under the control of the General Administration of Culture, Huaguo's cultural industry is developing rapidly and healthily. Tan Yue believes that one day it will catch up It will not be too long to go to the cultural centers of Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States for nearly a hundred years.

Another way to calculate the broadcast volume of a program is the broadcast volume of the first episode on the first day, which is somewhat different from the literal meaning. It is not only the first episode on the first day, but also the collection time period is limited to ensure the accuracy of the obtained program results .

For example, "Happy Comedian", to know the results of its first episode, the first day is Sunday, the first episode is the first episode, the update time is [-] pm, and the duration is one and a half hours.Therefore, the limited data collection time period is from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm.

Then, the calculation method for the broadcast volume of the first episode of "Happy Comedian" on the first day is to collect the broadcast volume of the program from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. on the first Sunday night.

It's troublesome to say, but in Tan Yue's view, the so-called first-day broadcast volume of the online comprehensive is equivalent to the average ratings of the TV comprehensive.The cumulative total playback volume is a special product of web dramas, used to achieve certain achievements and attract the favor of capital.

Ma Jun's sliding mouse stopped, and the content on the curtain became clear, and the content fell into the eyes of everyone in the conference room.

The first issue of "Happy Comedian":
The number of broadcasts on the first day of the first episode: 17391980.

Cumulative playback volume: 43385261.

Seeing the ratings of "Happy Comedian", exclamations came one after another in the conference room.

"Hey, more than ten million!"

"Hahahaha, good, great!"

"It's actually more than [-] million, which is better than I imagined."

"The cumulative number of broadcasts is more than twice that of the first episode on the first day. It seems that many people will watch our programs in the future."

"Perfect! It broke our company's record!"

The program with the highest number of broadcasts on the first day of the first episode in the history of Brilliant Entertainment is "Time Can Be Expected", which reached [-] million
Ma Jun was also gasping for breath, his expression was very complicated now, the corners of his eyes twitched, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.But there was an unconcealable excitement and excitement on his face.

"Time Can Be Expected", which he has always been proud of, has always felt that it was very powerful. The first day of the first episode had more than [-] million views. At this moment, in front of the results of "Happy Comedian", it has become a complete joke. The number of broadcasts on the first day of "Time Can Be Expected" has not even reached a fraction of that of "Happy Comedian", which is really too heart-wrenching.

However, as the deputy director of the program department, Ma Jun naturally understands that the higher the broadcast volume of "Happy Comedian", the better.

"Tsk tsk tsk, unexpectedly good!"

"Mr. Tan, I convince you."

The meeting room was a little messy, and Ma Jun muttered a few words subconsciously.

Although Tan Yue was close, he couldn't hear clearly: "Huh? What are you talking about? Old horse."



Thanks to the book friend [Brother is Fat] for the 1500 starting point reward.

Thanks to the book friend [Banana, you are a radish] for the 500 starting point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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