Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 263 Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Chapter [-]
On the Internet, after the data on the official website of the General Administration of Culture was updated, the "I am a Great Detective" post bar suddenly exploded!
Just after ten thirty, a netizen posted a screenshot of the official website of the State Administration of Culture on the post bar, "I am a great detective" was overtaken!
As a popular show that was second only to "Dimensional Gang" before, "I Am a Great Detective" has a very large number of fans. It is unbelievable to see a show that only airs two episodes of a show that is catching up with it.

"Crap! Is it true or not? Overtaken?"

"I was so scared that labor and capital jumped off the bed on the spot. Is that "Happy Comedian" so fierce? I don't believe it!"

"I doubt whether "Happy Comedian" has used data...Although the State Administration of Culture is strictly investigating, it can't stand the courage of some people."

"Good guy, I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, it's really depressing."

"Brothers, be rational. I can only say that there are talented people from generation to generation. Hou Lang shoots Qian Lang on the beach, but! No matter how many excellent Hou Lang appear, Big Detective is the best show in my heart!"

"Yes, the big detective is always the best show, "Dimensional Gang", "Happy Comedian" and so on are considered bullshit..."

"Wait until I go to see this "Happy Comedian", which surpasses ours, and then come back and give my brothers a three-point denunciation of the vulgarity and lack of nutrition of the current back waves."

"Okay, brother, you go, wait for you to come back!"


Half an hour later, "I am a great detective" was posted.

"That brother who went to see "Happy Comedian", are you back?"

"Ait, that brother, did you go out to play?"

"I'm at work right now, otherwise I'd have to watch that show. How can I surpass the great detective?"


after an hour,

"It's over, I guess that brother is offline."

"Yeah, maybe I haven't watched that "Happy Comedian"."

"Why don't you go and have a look?"

"I'm not going. Why do you have nothing to do? The name of the show is not my style."


Slowly, everyone had forgotten about the guy who went to see "Happy Comedian", but at three o'clock in the afternoon, the ID of that guy popped up again.

"Sorry, sorry, everyone, I watched the first episode of "Happy Comedian", and I couldn't help but chased after the second episode. I was so fascinated by it, I accidentally came to this moment... I recommend everyone to go Take a look at this "Happy Comedian", it's really interesting, the link is very novel, anyway, I, a ten-year-old variety show fan, have never seen it, and the sketches are very funny, the one I admire the most is Teacher Tan Yue , really awesome..."

In the post bar of "I Am a Great Detective", this man talked eloquently, which made everyone in the post bar see it

Halo... This guy, seems to be a traitor?

Soon, the group of people below became angry, or sarcasm, or cursed outright.

"I see, this guy's position is too unsteady."

"Damn, let him find out the details of "Happy Comedian". I never expected that this guy's position would be so uncertain."

"Wow, I'm so angry."

"La Hei La Hei, this kind of person doesn't deserve to stay in our post bar."

For the hostility of these bar friends, the man from the rebel camp was not angry, but patiently exported the advantages and highlights of "Happy Comedian" to many fans of "I Am a Great Detective".

The vast majority of people feel that this guy is so thick-skinned and are still unmoved, but there are also very few people who are said to be a little curious about "Happy Comedian".

How good was that "Happy Comedian"?It will make a recommendation so hard for someone who has just watched two episodes.Besides, there is one thing to say, since "Happy Comedian" can surpass "I Am a Great Detective", then there must be merits in this show.

These people went to see it with curiosity.

Feedback is quick and the effect is visible to the naked eye.

Half an hour later, people began to come back and spread the wonderful remarks of "Happy Comedian".

After that, there are more and more people.

The audience is like this. Before watching a certain program, they will consciously hold a negative attitude and feel that it is not as exciting as a good program that they have already seen.

More and more people began to talk about "Happy Comedian" in the post bar of "I Am a Great Detective". Facts have proved that the front wave of "I am a Great Detective" is basically going to be photographed on the beach by the back wave of "Happy Comedian". up.

Many fans of "I Am a Great Detective" were dumbfounded when they saw the post bar that seemed to have become a mess.

This is... Has the base camp been captured by "Happy Comedian"?


Beijing, Chang'an Building, Brilliant Entertainment Company.

Chen Ziyu is also in pain and happiness at the moment, and the happiness is far more than the pain. If possible, Chen Ziyu is willing to continue to be so painful and happy.

As expected, the second issue of "Happy Comedian" continued to be popular, and it became popular on the basis of the first issue, and the results even surpassed the well-known online variety "I am a great detective".

After the second episode of "Happy Comedian" aired last night and caused waves of public opinion on the Internet, the program department of Brilliant Entertainment Company has finally had a good time. Dozens of media, large and small, have sent invitations. You can interview the "Happy Comedian" program group.

Some related media even came to Chen Ziyu directly to interview "Happy Comedian".

At this time last year, Chen Ziyu was still wondering whether to abolish the program department because of the delay in making achievements. At that time, she was really depressed because so many resources were not pushed up... But now, four words, Excited!

Such a good opportunity must be done in a big way.

To those media who requested to interview "Happy Comedian", Chen Ziyu responded in a unified way, and tomorrow will hold a press conference about "Happy Comedian", calling all the media.

Chen Ziyu picked up the landline, called Zhou Shan, and asked her to notify the director of the program department Tan Yue, the deputy director Ma Jun, and the director of the public relations department Wu Gong to her office for a meeting, mainly to discuss the news about "Happy Comedian" tomorrow. Press conference thing.

Soon, three people came over one after another.

The results of "Happy Comedian" really surprised many people today. The staff of the program group were all overjoyed. First, they were naturally happy to see the show that they filmed themselves becoming more and more popular.The second is that there are so many bonuses in the first period, and the bonuses in the second period will definitely be more, and it is very possible to double them.

The big guys got excited and invited them to the Lvji restaurant to celebrate together, this time Tan Yue didn't refuse again.

After eating at noon, I went to bed and went to Chen Ziyu's office.

When he came to Chen Ziyu's office, Tan Yue subconsciously frowned slightly.The weather is not good today, it's gloomy outside, it looks like it's going to rain, and the big window of the office is half open, blowing cold wind in.However, there is heating in the office, so it's not very cold. What really made Tan Yue frown was that he smelled the faint smell of cigarettes in the office.

For Tan Yue, who hadn't smoked for a while, the smell of smoke was no longer so pleasant, and because he had smoked for a long time, he was very sensitive to the smell of smoke.

Tan Yue greeted Wu Gong, the director of the public relations department, and sat on the sofa on one side with Ma Jun. Wu Gong looked at the other sofa and sat directly next to Ma Jun without hesitation.

Chen Ziyu came over and sat across from the three of them.

"Three, I called you here. It is about "Happy Comedian". Today, many media found the company and wanted to interview the program group. I thought about it and planned to hold a related press conference tomorrow. All the media are invited here, and by the way, our program department will become famous in the industry... Do you have any good suggestions for this press conference?"

There is a specialization in the art field, so Tan Yue and Ma Jun can handle it if they sit in the seats to answer questions, but if they suddenly ask them for advice in this regard, they really can't tell one thing.

Wu Gong thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Chen, do we have two purposes for this press conference? One is simply to interview "Happy Comedian", and the other is to broadcast the news of our company's program department in the industry. Fame."

Chen Ziyu nodded. The inaction of the program department for many years has always been a heart problem for her. Now that she has achieved results, she doesn't want Jinyi Night Walk. She is an idiot. The most important thing for an entertainment company is fame. As an artist, future development will be a problem.

Wu Gong nodded, groped his chin, and said, "Mr. Chen, if that's the case, I suggest that we use the live broadcast mode directly for the news interview tomorrow."

"live streaming?"

"Live broadcast?"


The other three were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Wu Gong to suggest that tomorrow's interview will be broadcast live.

Both Tan Yue and Ma Jun were silent and thinking.

Chen Ziyu's eyes lit up, nodded and said: "Old Wu's suggestion is good. Now short video platforms are very popular, and live broadcasts are very popular. Some people in the circle look down on live broadcasts, Internet celebrities, and short videos. We can't be so short-sighted. In the future, short videos, The live broadcast market should not be underestimated."

Tan Yue took a deep look at Chen Ziyu. He didn't know what the future development trajectory of this world would be like, but in another time and space called Earth, the development of short videos and live broadcasts has indeed grown stronger, so that entertainment stars who have always been aloof They eventually joined in.

The reason is that the market is too big and the cake is too tempting.

Wu Gong continued: "Yes, live broadcasting is very popular now, and its audience can be said to be quite large, but it has not yet attracted the attention of the mainstream of the entertainment industry."

Wu Gong is the director of the public relations department of Bright Entertainment Company. He has followed Chen Ziyu for many years. Bright Entertainment can develop so fast and have such a large scale. It is also due to Wu Gong. He controls the public relations and risk control of Bright Entertainment and contributes to the company. Handled a lot of difficult things, experience is also very rich.

Chen Ziyu hummed, looked at Tan Yue, and said, "Teacher Tan, you are the director of "Happy Comedian" and the director of the program department, what do you think?"

Tan Yue nodded and said, "I think it's okay. "Happy Comedian" is still very popular now. If we do a live interview with the "Happy Comedian" program tomorrow, we can promote it in advance. I believe there will be many People watch the live broadcast."

Ma Jun also echoed: "Yes, live broadcast is fine. If it is done well, it will be a good publicity for "Happy Comedian" and our company's program department as a whole."

After some exchanges, Chen Ziyu decided that tomorrow's interview will be conducted live.

"Teacher Tan, Lao Ma, you have to prepare for tomorrow's response to the media. We will communicate with the media in advance on most issues, but there will probably be a lot of media coming tomorrow, and there may be things that you can't consider. When the time comes You have to deal with it properly, if you are not sure, choose not to answer.”

"Old Wu, you have to start preparing here. You will start to do it after you go back. You may be a little rushed in time, but you must not make mistakes. To promote the news interview of "Happy Comedian" live tomorrow, contact the short video platform to do it. live streaming."

"For live broadcasting, talk directly to the relevant leaders of the short video platform and ask them to provide traffic. We want the most traffic. Money is not a problem. I want to maximize the effect of tomorrow's live broadcast."

After hearing this, Tan Yue secretly praised Boss Chen. Fortunately, he also saw some black material about Boss Chen in the circle, saying that Boss Chen is stingy. This is obviously nonsense. Listen to what he said ,money is not a problem!
And these days when Tan Yue was in contact with Chen Ziyu, Chen Ziyu has always been a generous image.

After setting things down for tomorrow, this impromptu meeting is over. Several people were about to leave. Chen Ziyu called Tan Yue, "Teacher Tan, please stay here. I want to ask you about "Happy Comedian" and the program department." things."

Tan Yue nodded and sat back down again.

With the rise of "Happy Comedian", it has also stimulated the development of the program department. Many big advertisers have come to the door, hoping to place their own advertisements in the program.All of this also led to the rapid rise of the program department among the many departments of Brilliant Entertainment, and Chen Ziyu also paid more attention to the program department.

After the chat was almost over, Chen Ziyu probably felt that the office was getting a little cold, so he stood up and went to close the window.

"Today, it looks like it's going to rain." Chen Ziyu said looking at the dark sky outside the window.

Tan Yue said: "Yes, the weather is really bad."

This weather is like Tan Yue's mood today, it's not good.

Taking his family back to Jishui City on the high-speed train early in the morning, Tan Yue always felt empty in his heart. Fortunately, there was good news at work that could lift his spirits and prevent him from being depressed all the time.

Chen Ziyu didn't close all the windows, but left a small gap, turned around and walked behind the desk, opened the drawer, picked up a pack of cigarettes, and handed one to Tan Yue.

Tan Yue frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, I quit smoking."

Chen Ziyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Really quit?"

"Yeah." Tan Yue said, "Besides, attraction is harmful to your health. You should also smoke less."

Chen Ziyu paused slightly with his fingers holding the cigarette. He didn't put the cigarette back into the case, but he didn't smoke any more. Instead, he put it on the table and said with a smile, "Okay, I see."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Then I'll go back first."

"Okay." Chen Ziyu said.

Tan Yue turned and left, and walked out of the office.

Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue's back, then at the cigarette beside his finger, and suddenly called out to Tan Yue: "Teacher Tan."

Tan Yue stopped, turned around in doubt, and said, "Huh?"

Chen Ziyu asked: "You said before that I look like your friend, can I ask some friends?"

She remembered that Tan Yue had said before that when the two met for the first time, the reason why they came up to strike up a conversation was because she looked like one of his friends, and she suddenly wondered, what kind of friend is it?
Tan Yue frowned slightly, and pursed his lips tightly.

Chen Ziyu saw that Tan Yue's expression was strange, and was about to say no more, when Tan Yue suddenly spoke.

He said, "Girlfriend."

Chen Ziyu was taken aback, and said, "Huh?"

She was a bit messy. At that time, Tan Yue had just divorced, right?Already have a girlfriend?

Scumbag or Aquaman?

Tan Yue was already in a low mood, and Chen Ziyu suddenly mentioned some past events, and he said it carelessly, and felt that it was a little inappropriate, so he smiled wryly: "In the previous life."

Chen Ziyu's eyes were wide open, she did not know when she caught a cigarette in her hand, and that cigarette had been crushed by her.

She felt that she was being molested?
(End of this chapter)

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