Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 272 Being stingy and stingy?

Chapter 272 Being stingy and stingy?

Chen Ziyu couldn't laugh anymore, took a deep breath, called Zhou Shan in, and said, "Ah Shan, ask Tan Yue to come over."

Zhou Shan looked at Chen Ziyu a little strangely, why did he feel that Mr. Chen was a little weird to Mr. Tan these days, Mr. Chen used to be called Mr. Tan, why did he always call him by his first name these days?

"Well, okay." Although there were doubts in her heart, Zhou Shan didn't ask.

After Zhou Shan left, Chen Ziyu covered her heart. In order to lure Tan Yue over, she paid a high price. She thought it was mainly to win over Tan Yue with a million-year salary, and the other sharing conditions were more based on To increase the price, as long as Tan Yue can set up the company's program department, what's the point of giving him some more money?
But more than five million is outrageous!
According to the contract signed with Tan Yue, Tan Yue will take [-]% of the program's proceeds.

Although the fifty-five million yuan still needs to be paid in taxes, it won't be so much, but the direction of "Happy Comedian"'s profit is not only one advertising fee, but the advertising fee accounts for the majority.

Adding up all kinds of income, Tan Yue estimated that the money he could get was worth six million. . .

This is something Chen Ziyu never expected.

Although she also knew that without Tan Yue, the company's program department would not improve.There will also be no advertisers who will send more than [-] million yuan in advertising fees.

But if you understand, you understand, if you understand, you understand, Chen Ziyu will not be ignorant of Tan Yue's money, but it still hurts.

The black suit jacket was stretched out, heaving and heaving.

Chen Ziyu made up his mind to slaughter Tan Yue again today, and the tall restaurants around the capital circled in his mind.

This guy hides his thoughts deeply, and he regards him as a trusted partner.But he regards himself as his ex-girlfriend?The ex-girlfriend from the previous life?

Chen Ziyu was not a fool, he didn't believe it at all, but Tan Yue's expression at that time did not seem to be fake.

Reminiscing that Tan Yue used to treat her poorly, and later followed her from Jishui to the capital, Chen Ziyu had reason to guess whether Tan Yue was spying on her.

Could it be that I treat you as a friend and you want to take advantage of me?
Chen Ziyu can be said to be a blank slate in terms of relationships. Although she is not young, she has been focusing on her career for so many years and has little time to think about her relationship.

However, generally imaginative people are also weak in emotion.Just like some love articles and dog food articles on the Internet, the author is a single dog and writes with gusto.Readers are single aristocrats, and read it with gusto.However, the books written by authors with rich emotional lives are considered bad and fake by readers.
dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the office door.

"Come in." Chen Ziyu adjusted his mood, thinking that he would ask Tan Yue to treat him to dinner and recover some losses, so a gentle smile hung on his face.

Looking at Tan Yue who entered the door, Chen Ziyu pointed to the chair opposite his desk and said with a smile, "Teacher Tan, please sit down."

Tan Yue nodded, sat on the opposite side, and looked at Chen Ziyu. The bright sunlight came in through the large glass window and shone on Chen Ziyu's body, hair, cheeks, and neck.

Tan Yue smiled lightly and asked, "Mr. Chen, are you looking for me?"

Chen Ziyu said: "Teacher Tan, the marketing department has already negotiated the advertiser and price of "Happy Comedian"."

Tan Yue's eyes lit up when he heard this. After the first episode of "Happy Comedian" aired, he took more than [-] shares.At that time, I only earned some money from website traffic, and there was no share of advertising fees.

Tan Yue wanted to buy a car and also a house.

The idea is good, but he has no money, and he wants to make more money.

At this moment, Tan Yue's affection for Chen Ziyu has increased a lot. He used to think that a basic salary of [-] yuan per month was very high, but now he began to realize that the real important thing is the share. As long as the programs created by Tan Yue are It can occupy [-]% of the final profits of the program.

This share is not a lot at all, it is higher than his basic salary!

Tan Yue has learned that for online comprehensive, the profit in terms of traffic is not a small figure, but the advertising fee is the real big one.

"Happy Comedian" did very well. According to Chen Ziyu's personality, since the advertising fee was negotiated, it would definitely not be low. Tan Yue was filled with anticipation.

"Mr. Chen, how much is the advertising fee?" Tan Yue asked.

When Chen Ziyu heard this, the smile on his face faded a little, his lips pursed, and he said, "In the first season, [-] million."


Hearing that Chen Ziyu said that the advertising fee for "Happy Comedian" was [-] million, Tan Yue couldn't help taking a breath.

Good guy!
In his previous and present lives, he had never seen so much money.

Tan Yue knew that according to the performance of "Happy Comedian", it is normal to sell the advertising fee at this price, but after all, it is more than [-] million. Forgive him, after all, he still hasn't seen much in the world.

Tan Yue didn't continue talking, but silently calculated in his heart how much he could get.

Finally, Tan Yue's heart jumped for joy.

The car is fine, but the house is worse.

Anyway, living comfortably now, Tan Yue is not in a hurry to buy a house and move. He has decided that after this month's salary, he will go to the Mercedes Benz 4S store to pick up a car.

The car provided by the company is good now, but Tan Yue still wants to buy a car of his own, and he and Jiajia both liked Mercedes-Benz in their previous lives, and hope to buy one in the future after saving money.

Thinking of Jiajia, Tan Yue subconsciously looked up at Chen Ziyu's face.

Chen Ziyu had been thinking about killing Tan Yue at night, and was about to speak when he saw Tan Yue's naked eyes looking at him, staring at his face.

Chen Ziyu's expression was serious, and he stared over.

Tan Yue quickly came to his senses, but he didn't look back. Instead, he met Chen Ziyu's eyes generously and looked back.

Where the eyes of the two meet, there seems to be an electric current colliding.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I think."

Tan Yue coughed lightly, and said, "I'm a little emotional when I hear that "Happy Comedian" has so much advertising money."

Chen Ziyu also looked away, looked at the advertising contract document in hand, and said: "As long as we stabilize the performance of "Happy Comedian", the advertising fees for the second, third, and fourth seasons will far exceed the current one."

When it comes to making money, Chen Ziyu's eyes seem to shine.

Tan Yue smiled lightly.

Chen Ziyu also smiled and said, "Teacher Tan, according to our contract, your salary next month will be five million."

Tan Yue smiled brighter: "Thanks to the company."

Chen Ziyu smiled and said, "Do you have time tonight? Have a meal together?"

Tan Yue chuckled, but he felt vigilant in his heart. The last time he was slaughtered by Chen Ziyu, it was not because he was reluctant to part with the money. The main reason was that people who were used to being poor suddenly spent so much money on a meal. not worth.

Tan Yue shook his head and said, "No."

Chen Ziyu's complexion couldn't help but he couldn't help but said, "I'll introduce you to a few famous authentic restaurants in the capital. Most people don't know about them. You won't regret it after you go. Well, are you really not going?"

Tan Yue continued to shake his head and said, "No."

Chen Ziyu: "."




Thank you [Story of the Starry Sky] for rewarding Qi Xue with 500 starting coins.Some book friends tipped Momo, some book friends tipped An Nuan, and some book friends tipped Qi Xue.

The writing is too slow, there should be no third update today, maybe tomorrow morning.

Everyone rest early!

(End of this chapter)

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