Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 294 "Music Talent Show"

Chapter 294 "Music Talent Show"

Beijing TV station building, the work area of ​​the "Music Talent Show" program team.

Choreographer Fang Zhe was watching the singing video on the computer with interest, singing "Wukong".

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on Zhang Wenhua's new album on the Internet. It is said that the most important thing is the title song called "Stronger".

Fang Zhe went to listen to it admiringly. After listening to it, it was indeed a good song.Although he is neither a musician nor a professional singer, he has done music variety shows for so many years and knows a lot about music.

No wonder Zhang Wenhua was able to suppress Li Qiang so hard. The quality of this song "Stronger" is really rare.

And he has also dealt with Zhang Wenhua, knowing that Zhang Wenhua is absolutely unable to write songs of this level, and there are several top composers in the music scene who can write the quality of this song, but he has not heard the wind. The song was written by a newcomer, so he noticed Tan Yue.

As for Tan Yue, Fang Zhe had also heard about his reputation, but he didn't care much about it before. This time it was different. Fang Zhe took it very seriously. Following "Stronger", Fang Zhe took what Tan Yue wrote I also found all the songs, and now I am listening to "Wukong".

In the Chinese music scene, good songs appear every month. Fang Zhe paid so much attention to it because he suddenly had an idea related to his own program.

At this time, the assistant director came over with a document, and Fang Zhe said, "Director Fang, this is the guest candidate we will invite later in the show, please take a look."

Fang Zhe took the data sheet, opened it for a look, and then put the data sheet together on the table.

Fang Zhe raised his head and said to the assistant director: "Old Zhao, there is a song called "Stronger" that is very popular recently, have you listened to it?"

The assistant director Lao Zhao nodded and said, "I heard, it's very popular recently, and many people are talking about it."

Speaking of this, Lao Zhao was stunned for a moment, he knew Fang Zhe, and Fang Zhe suddenly jumped from the guest list to "Stronger", there must be no reason for it.

Old Zhao was surprised and said: "Director Fang, do you want to invite Zhang Wenhua to participate in our next program? I think it's a bit difficult. Zhang Wenhua is a top-notch player. Now with this album, he has become popular again. If we Inviting him according to the previous conditions is probably not going to work, but if the conditions are too high and generous, the station must have the money, but it will be deducted from the cost of the program group, and the program group cannot afford this kind of bleeding."

This is what Lao Zhao is worried about. If he really wants to pay a lot of money to hire Zhang Wenhua, it will be difficult to pass the cost calculation at the end of the year.

Fang Zhe smiled slightly after hearing this, and said to Lao Zhao: "I know what you said, and I didn't even think about inviting Zhang Wenhua, come on, listen to how this song sings."

Fang Zhe waved to Lao Zhao.

Old Zhao was taken aback, walked to Fang Zhe's computer, and took the headset Fang Zhe handed over.

Fang Zhe played the song from the beginning again.

Old Zhao looked up at Fang Zhe, then continued to listen.

He had heard this song before. It was "Wukong" which was very popular a few days ago. There are often new songs appearing in the music scene, and there are many good songs. Even people in the industry will not have heard all of them. The number one gimmick was too big and spread too widely.

Lao Zhao listened to it again, and still thinks this song is great. It is different from "Stronger", and "Wukong" is more inclined to a kind of helplessness, a kind of loneliness. The feeling is also greater.

Old Zhao took off his earphones and said, "Director Fang, this song is very good, I think it's not worse than "Stronger"."

Fang Zhe nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, this song is also very good. I plan to invite Zhai Quan, who sings this song, to be our guest."

Old Zhao was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "Zhai Quan? Fang Dao, although Zhai Quan has been a little popular these days, he is only a third-tier player, and he was unknown before. If we ask him, is there not enough space for him? "

Fang Zhe chuckled, sighed softly, and said to Old Zhao with deep meaning on his face: "I don't really want to invite Zhai Quan, I think... Tan Yue is more valuable."

Old Zhao let out a cry, and said in surprise, "Tan Yue?"

Compared to Zhai Quan, Tan Yueke was much more important. Although he was still a third-tier artist on the surface, he was doing shows and singing, and his popularity was comparable to that of a first-tier artist.

Moreover, the two recent hit songs "Stronger" and "Wukong" are both written by Tan Yue. It would be great if Tan Yue could be invited.

Fang Zhe nodded, and it was Tan Yue's ability and enthusiasm that he was looking for.

Old Zhao said: "Director Fang, although Tan Yue is a third-tier artist, he is an executive of the Bright Entertainment Company, and he covers a wide range of fields. He has been very popular recently. If he is invited with the appearance fee of a third-tier artist, he may not agree. what."

Fang Zhe said: "You are stupid, you must not invite him with the appearance fee of a third-tier artist, otherwise he would be the devil if he agreed, use the highest appearance fee of a second-tier artist, [-]."

"[-]." Old Zhao thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, this price is already the highest among second-tier artists. If it's settled, I'll contact him."

Fang Zhe hummed and said, "Okay."

Bright Entertainment.

In Tan Yue's office.

"Okay, the photos you sent back are very good."

"Have the seeds been planted?"

"Yes, the slow-growing crops should be transplanted directly from the south."

"Okay, everyone has worked hard, I will apply to the company for bonuses for everyone."

"Remember to wear sunscreen, don't get all tanned, and people will think that our company invited friends back from Africa."

After hanging up the phone, Tan Yue smiled slightly.

Things are going well for the new show.

As for which group to entrust the new program group to do, Tan Yue had already made a conclusion, who did the most, who would do it.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the office door.

Tan Yue raised his head and said, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a woman with short hair came in.

Tan Yue was a little surprised when he saw the person coming, he stood up and said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, why are you here?"

The woman who came in was Qin Tao, the director of the artist agency department. The artist agency department was the highest-ranking department among the company's many departments. As the director of the artist department, Qin Tao was also a gold medal manager in the circle, and had a close relationship with the boss.Sometimes in the meeting, as long as it is reasonable, even the vice president will not give face, often making Qi Kai blush when he says something.

Seeing Tan Yue, Qin Tao also smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Tan, I have something to discuss with you."

At present, Tan Yue is also a man of influence in the company, and it is said that he is also a celebrity in front of the boss. He has stirred up a lot of troubles since he joined the company, and Qin Tao is also very polite to him.

Tan Yue took Qin Tao to the coffee table, and the two sat on both sides of the coffee table. Tan Yue asked, "Boss Qin, what can you say?"

Qin Tao looked at Tan Yue with her eyes. In fact, she had been examining Tan Yue ever since she entered the door.

It's not because of Tan Yue's handsome appearance, she has seen many handsome men and men.It's the habitual behavior of a senior gold medal broker.

Qin Tao was the first group of people to follow Chen Ziyu. At that time, Bright Entertainment Studio had just been established, and the new studio was not well-known at all. If they couldn't sign an artist's studio, they had to go to the streets, film and television cities, and film and television colleges to find seedlings. People do scout jobs.

At that time, the main force was Chen Ziyu and Qin Tao. Later, the company became better and bigger, one of them was the boss, and the other was the director of the artist management department.

Looking at Tan Yue in front of him, Qin Tao secretly thought, it's a pity that such a good superstar seedling doesn't go all out to develop his stardom.

Qin Tao smiled lightly and said, "Teacher Tan, it's like this. There is a program called "Music Talent Show" on the Beijing TV station. Each episode invites one or two singers to be guests. This program has invited our company. Invite you and Zhai Quan to be their guests on the next program."

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "They want me and Zhai Quan to be their guests?"

Qin Tao nodded.

Tan Yue didn't answer in a hurry. He had to think about the pros and cons. It was also beneficial to participate in this show. He had heard of this "Music Talent Show" before. It wasn't very famous, but the ratings seemed to exceed [-]%. One, the audience is not small.

Tan Yue is currently the top executive of Brilliant Entertainment, and his popularity is not low, but his ranking on the list of public figures is a bit low, still in the third tier.Although Tan Yue didn't care much about it, he still paid attention to it. After all, people in the entertainment industry don't pay attention to their own status.

Now he has works, but the amount of exposure has not kept up. Whether it is "Wukong", "Stronger" or "Happy Comedian", he is working behind the scenes. There are discussions and reports about him on the Internet, but there are not many .

If you can participate in this "Music Talent Show", you can increase a lot of exposure, and you can enter the ranks of second-line public figures as soon as possible.

However, participating in "Music Talent Show" is not so indispensable to him. After all, the popularity and audience of "Happy Comedian" in his hand far exceeds that of "Music Talent Show". Comedian" is not a music program, but Tan Yue can make himself a guest star in a sketch?Does it increase exposure?Or it's not impossible to put your own songs in the sketch and promote them.

So Tan Yue had to think about whether to agree to the invitation of "Music Talent Show".

You can, but it's not necessary.

With this time, wouldn't it be okay for Tan Yue to go to the field to supervise the progress of "Longing for Life"?
Qin Tao looked at Tan Yue who was thinking, without urging her, she said softly: "Mr. Tan, let me tell you about the conditions offered by "Music Talent Show". The appearance fee for you there is [-] yuan. The specific program content , if you have any request, you can ask it there, as long as it does not violate the basic rules of program recording, "Music Talent Show" can agree to it."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Tan Yue was taken aback.

nine hundred thousand?
As for the content behind, Tan Yue didn't think about it in detail, his mind was spinning.

If it is [-] yuan, half of it will be distributed to the company, and the artist can normally get [-] yuan, and he can take [-]% more, that is, he can get [-]% of the [-] yuan, which is [-] yuan.

After deducting taxes, it is estimated to be around [-].

After such a calculation, Tan Yue made a decision in his heart, and said to Qin Tao: "I'm still worried that the program team will have some difficult problems. If that's the case, then I agree."

Qin Tao nodded with a smile, and said, "Mr. Tan, don't worry. This afternoon, someone from the "Music Talent Show" program team will come to you to sign a contract and talk about the program."

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Tao felt that she had guessed what Tan Yue was worried about.

What is the most eye-catching thing in the entertainment industry?It's gossip!It's gossip!
And Tan Yue has all these gossips and scandals that can be discovered, and as long as he digs it, he will definitely attract traffic.

Tan Yue was divorced, and his ex-wife was no ordinary person, but Qi Xue, a famous first-line star in the entertainment circle.

Qi Xue is very talented in acting, and she has been seeking to cross-border in recent years. Some people say that she can become a first-class top actress after the movie in the future, and her popularity and traffic are huge.

And Tan Yue is now famous in the entertainment industry, and the reputation of a talented scholar has begun to spread.

Such two people's gossip material, who wouldn't want it?Even some artists, in order to gain traffic, can add gossip material to themselves out of thin air, taking the black and red route.

But Qin Tao felt that both Tan Yue and Qi Xue were capable and talented artists, so she probably didn't want to mention these old things again.

What Tan Yue was worried about was whether the program group of "Music Talent Show" would mention these things in the program, right?
The two talked for a while before Qin Tao got up to leave. Tan Yue sent Qin Tao out of the office, and when he came back to learn more about the "Music Talent Show", there was another knock on the office door.

Tan Yue thought it was Qin Tao who had left and returned, so he turned around and walked to the door, and opened it.

"Zhai Quan, why is it you?"

Outside the door is not Qin Tao, but Zhai Quan.

Following Tan Yue into the office, Zhai Quan closed the door and said with a smile, "Boss Tan, why can't it be me?"

During this time, Zhai Quan came here almost every day, not for anything else, just to be able to hug and hold his thigh tightly.

Tan Yue sat back on the office chair, looked at Zhai Quan, pointed to the chair opposite the desk and said with a smile, "Sit down."

Zhai Quan opened his chair and sat down, and said, "Mr. Tan, I saw Mr. Qin leaving your place just now. She is here to tell you about participating in the "Music Talent Show"?"

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Yes."

"Music Talent Show" invited me and Zhai Quan to participate in the show together, so I must also inform Zhai Quan.

Zhai moved forward all over, and said with a smile, "Mr. Tan, let's go together this afternoon."

Tan Yue frowned, not quite understanding what Zhai Quan meant, and said, "What are you going to do?"

Zhai Quandao: "What else can I do? Go to the capital TV station to sign the contract. When the time comes, I'll take your car and let's be companions."

Zhai Quan thought that he and Tan Yue were not very well-known at present, as long as they were careful and protected, no one would recognize them on the road.

Tan Yue was delighted when he heard it, it turned out that Zhai Quan was talking about this.

Tan Yue said hehe: "Then there is no need."

Zhai Quan wondered, "What happened?"

Tan Yue said with a smile: "Music Talent Show will come to me to sign a contract in the afternoon."

Zhai Quan was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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