Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 31 Preparations

Chapter 31 Program Preparation
Jishui TV.

The "Tree of Wisdom" program group was in full swing.

In the past few days, Tan Yue has asked people to contact several kindergartens in the city to find guests for the program. These kindergartens have cooperated with the Children's Channel before, and it is also a program of the city TV station. Less.

After that, Tan Yue took someone to go for a trip in person, and selected four groups from these registered families, each with its own characteristics.

And director Zheng Guang also quickly brought a list of female hosts from the stage to Tan Yue, all of which were hosts with relatively few programs.

"Wang Li."

"Zhang Xiu."

"Sun Jie."

Tan Yue watched the introductions of the three hosts, and checked related videos online. After learning about their hosting styles, he circled three names on the list.

The most suitable Wang Li, her hosting style is very friendly, and it matches the style of male hosts.

Wang Li is the host of the children's channel "Lively Paradise". "Lively Paradise" is an animation program. The schedule is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am from Monday to Friday. The main content is to play cartoons. The host's job is to Speaking of the opening one or two minutes before the animation starts, it will end, and it can be said to be very leisurely.

The Minsheng Channel that Tan Yue used to work on also had this kind of host. The audience's focus was on cartoons, and the host's performance was not so important. And the same few words every day, these hosts could start recording with their eyes closed. , There is a lot of free time, so any show host in the channel will find these hosts to help make a cameo appearance.

This time, "Tree of Wisdom" is different. It is for money, and once "Tree of Wisdom" is successful, it will be of great benefit to the host.

The situation of Zhang Xiu, Sun Jie and Wang Li is similar, but Zhang Xiu is the host of the Children's Channel, while Sun Jie is the host of the Urban Channel.

In order to show their importance, the heads of the two program groups, Tan Yue and Zheng Guang, went to invite them in person.

The first one is of course Wang Li, but the entire channel now knows that a new program like "Tree of Wisdom" has a bleak prospect. Even if Tan Yue and Zheng Guang went out in person, they also met a wall on Wang Li's side.

Wang Li spoke very politely, and even invited Tan Yue and Zheng Guang to eat fruit, but the meaning in her words was that it would be fine to make a cameo as the host occasionally, but if she was a resident guest of "Tree of Wisdom", it would definitely not work.

Regarding Wang Li's choice, although Tan Yue and Zheng Guang were helpless, they didn't say much.

Even the people inside "Tree of Wisdom" don't know if this show of their own will be successful or not, and whether it will be cut down in a few weeks, let alone Wang Li who doesn't know much about "Tree of Wisdom".

After leaving from Wang Li's side, I went to find Zhang Xiu again. They were all on the Children's Channel, and they were just a few steps away.

"Director Zheng, Teacher Tan, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I've already subscribed to "Dabao Erbao Rush Forward" to help them host several episodes."

Zhang Xiu also declined the two.

Tan Yue and Zheng Guang smiled at each other.

Walking to the entrance of the corridor, Zheng Guang smiled bitterly: "It feels like we have become a channel cancer, and everyone avoids it."

Tan Yue smiled and said: "It's not to this level, mainly because Wang Li and Zhang Xiu have their own shows, and the ratings are okay, there's no need to go to our troubled waters, if our shows don't It is understandable that when their grades were cut again, they didn’t catch anything and still ended up being a slut.”

He said so, but Tan Yue was also very depressed.

That's why he asked Zheng Guangduo to prepare several host candidates. They choose hosts for their shows, and other hosts may not be able to like "Tree of Wisdom".

There is also the last Sun Jie. If Sun Jie can't do it here, then he can only invite the idle host.

There are not many hosts in the entire station who are idle, because the previous program has been cut off, and the next program has not yet been released. Either waiting for the new program or being persuaded by the station.

Tan Yue has read the information of several idle hosts on the stage. The professional level of the hosts who came out of the program can be imagined. On the other hand, the style of these hosts is similar to that of "Tree of Wisdom". It doesn't quite fit either.

Tan Yue worked hard for herself, the last Sun Jie, she had to win no matter what, the big deal was to give her some more money from the program group's small funds. After getting through this period of time, the big deal will be adjusted later. At that time, the host in the stage will not avoid "Tree of Wisdom" like a snake.

Of course, if the "Tree of Wisdom" explodes, the hosts will be moths to the flames.

"I heard that Li Guotang, the director of the entertainment channel, is very vocal about the idea of ​​doing a new program. Many hosts want to be transferred. There are still people in our channel who have found the director and want the director to say a few words for help, tsk tsk."

Speaking of this, Zheng Guang seemed to have eaten a pound of lemons, and his tone was sour.

It is also a director, the gap is really not that big. I can't ask for a host here, and Li Guotang can't stop it.When you see the director, you have to be careful to accompany him. They don't even sell the director's face.

Hearing Zheng Guang talking about Li Guotang, Tan Yue was also a little envious. Thinking of some rumors he heard some time ago, he asked, "I heard that the provincial government is thinking of poaching him?"

Zheng Guang pouted slightly and said, "He wants to join satellite TV, but there is no room for him to go to other provincial channels as a director. He is not happy."

Tan Yue snorted, the channel of the city TV station is definitely not as good as the provincial TV station, but Li Guotang was the director of the city TV station. He grabbed the whole program and went to the provincial TV station to be an ordinary director. Not comfortable anymore.

While talking, the two went down to the second floor to talk to Sun Jie at the city channel.

Originally, Tan Yue planned to increase the money, but Sun Jie just thought about it for a while and nodded in agreement.

Only then did Tan Yue know that it was Sun Jie's current program, which had already been blacklisted by the Urban Channel to cut programs. Sun Jie was thinking of finding a new way out for herself, so as not to become an idle host on the stage and queuing up, then Just lost.

So after knowing the intentions of Tan Yue and Zheng Guang, Sun Jie agreed without much thought.

In the next few days, "Tree of Wisdom" was in full swing with various preparations in the early stage.

When discussing the work of the show with several guest families, Tan Yue handed it over to the remaining two planners, Sun Guoqing and Liu Ning.

Tan Yue stayed on the stage and discussed with Director Zheng Guang how to shoot. Although he made up for a few days, "How to Make an Excellent Director", "Thirty-six Strategies for Directors", "On the Cultivation of a Qualified Director" ” and other books, but they all glanced at it once or twice, after all, he was still a layman.

However, he doesn't have to be very professional, he just needs to be able to explain to Zheng Guang what he wants to express.

At the same time, Tan Yue also trained the two hosts, Jiang Tang and Sun Jie.

"Wisdom Tree" has only two weeks of preparation time. This week is used for preliminary preparations, and the second week will officially start shooting and editing.

Although the time is a little tight, it is still in time.

 Thank you for the 1000 starting point reward from the big guy [Chopping Wood and Feeding Horses].

  Thank you [lvye2015] for the 500 starting point reward.

  Thank you [Hei Mi Sheriff] for the 100 starting point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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