Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 341 Chapter Jing

Chapter 341 Returning to Beijing
Li Shang thinks that "Longing for Life" is not bad, but he doesn't think "Longing for Life" can surpass "Happy Comedian".

Perhaps the quality of "Longing for Life" is not worse than "Happy Comedian".But with the diversion of TV, how many people can still watch online dramas?
"That's right! TV has diverted a considerable portion of the show's traffic, how many people still watch online dramas?"

"Actually, don't worry about how many people watch the web drama. "Longing for Life" has indeed made a lot of money for Bright Entertainment. Isn't the ultimate purpose of making the show just to make money?"

"Yes, "Longing for Life" did make a lot of money, but we don't have to worry about this program threatening our "Dimensional Gang"."

"Hmph, although the results of "Longing for Life" may not be very good, but I still want to watch it. After all, the exclusive broadcasting rights of this program sold for [-] million yuan."

"I kind of want to watch this show, too."


In the conference room, everyone was talking in a hurry, which seemed a bit messy.

Li Shang glanced at it, coughed lightly, and said, "Okay, let's end the matter here, the meeting is over, and everyone goes to do their own work."


Shonan Gaoguansha.

"Longing for Life" filming program group, in the yard of Mushroom House.Six sets of camera lenses were facing the shed in the courtyard. Under the shed were Jiao Cheng and another guest who were cooking.

Tan Yue didn't sit behind the camera this time, but let Tang Jun sit behind the camera, and he sat next to Tang Jun and stared.

Tang Jun was a little nervous, sweating slightly on his forehead, but he was much better than a few days ago.

"Mr. Tan, what do you think?" Tang Jun turned his head to look at Tan Yue, and asked cautiously.

Tan Yue smiled lightly and said, "Now you are the director, you decide for yourself, I don't speak, I just watch from the side."

Tang Jun wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking secretly, although you are not a director, you are much better than a director. With you always sitting next to me, how dare I devote myself to filming the show.

But just thinking about it in his heart, Tang Jun also found that under Teacher Tan's deliberate training these days, his ability to shoot programs has made great progress compared to before.

Tan Yue didn't stare at the camera, but turned his head to look at the yard. Under the shed in the yard was Jiao Cheng who was cooking.

Looking at Jiao Cheng now, Tan Yue wanted to laugh a little.

Because at that time, he wondered whether Jiao Cheng would change like Teacher Huang in his previous life, so Tan Yue had been paying attention to it all the time. Now it seems that there has indeed been a change.

Tan Yue still remembered when Jiao Cheng first came to Mushroom House. At that time, Jiao Cheng was a middle-aged handsome uncle with a good figure and good skin.

But now Jiao Cheng has a little bit of black stubble on his chin.What is more eye-catching is his slightly protruding belly.

There is no harm without comparison.Thinking about Jiao Cheng back then, and looking at Jiao Cheng who is cooking now, Tan Yue couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Boss, what are you laughing at?" Momo who was standing next to him asked curiously.

Tan Yue looked up at Momo, and said with a smile, "Look at Mr. Jiao Cheng, is there anything different?"

Momo looked up at Jiao Cheng with some doubts, looked him up and down for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't see anything different."

Tan Yue smiled and said, "Take another look."

Momo looked carefully for a while, and then said: "Boss, I found that Mr. Jiao Cheng has more beard than before, and his face is not as clean as before. Well, his skin is also much rougher than before."

Tan Yue shook his head amusedly, and that's what Momo said about others, so Jiao Cheng would feel a little embarrassed when Momo said about his face.

"Boss, am I wrong?" Momo said, "If it's wrong, please tell me."

When Jiao Cheng had just gone to Bright Entertainment to sign the contract, Momo had carefully looked at Jiao Cheng, not because of Jiao Cheng's good looks.It's because she is worried that if her boss doesn't take good care of her skin, will she have dull and rough skin like Jiao Cheng when she turns [-]? Darker.

Tan Yue shook his head, then nodded again, and said with a smile: "You have guessed part of it right now, but you have to keep guessing."

A gleam of joy flashed across Momo's face, so she guessed part of it right.

She is more energetic now, and her big Kazilan eyes are staring at Jiao Cheng in the courtyard.

Momo's gaze moved down slowly, and landed on Jiao Cheng's big belly, her eyes lit up.

"Boss, is it Teacher Jiao Cheng's belly?"

"Oh?" Tan Yue nodded with a smile, and said, "You guessed it right this time."

A trace of resentment flashed across Momo's face, and she said, "Boss, how can you do this? Teacher Jiao Cheng is only a little fatter now, how can you speak ill of others?"

Tan Yue waved his hand and said, "I didn't say anything bad about him, but I just think Mr. Jiao Cheng's comparison is very interesting. If the audience can see it in the future, then there will be something to play with."

Momo smiled when she heard the words, nodded and said, "Yes, boss, this year's audience is very strong, but it's really funny when you think about it."

Tan Yue glared at Momo, and said: "You can't laugh, laughing is disrespectful to others."

Momo curled her lips a little dissatisfied, and said, "Boss, you only allow the state officials to set fires, and you don't allow the common people to light lamps. This is a serious double standard."

Tan Yue said lightly: "That's right, I only allow state officials to set fires, but not the common people to light lamps."

Momo snorted, picked up the teacup in her hand, raised it twice in front of Tan Yue, and said angrily, "I won't drink this lemonade for you."

After finishing speaking, Momo flicked her ponytail, turned around and walked out of the yard.Tan Yue didn't bother, probably the girl went back to the tent.

The second episode of "Longing for Life" has been filmed here, and most of the things in the program group are already on the right track.

Director Tang Jun and Chief Planner Ke Jianian performed well, Tan Yue was quite satisfied and started the handover work.

In the past few days, he didn't personally intervene in the filming of the show, but just guided it from the side.

Tang Jun and Ke Jianian got started relatively quickly. On the one hand, they had a certain foundation, and on the other hand, they had been following Tan Yue during this period of time, and were taught by Tan Yue's precepts and deeds. Understanding has gone up another level.


During this period, the fifteenth episode of "Tucao Conference" also started broadcasting.

The program's ratings increase was still very high, and it didn't drop much, which shocked everyone's attention.

The ratings of the fifteenth episode of "Tucao Conference" was [-]%, which was a lot better than the previous episode, but it was a pity that it still did not surpass "The Fierce Man" in terms of ratings.

However, there is also an exciting aspect. During the same period, the ratings of "The Ferocious Man" were [-]%.

Although "Tucao Conference" is still not as good as "Ferocious Man" in terms of ratings, the distance between the two programs has been drawn closer and closer, and the ratings of "Tucao Conference" are only worse than "Ferocious Man" Zero point zero two percent.

On the Internet, the discussion about "Tucao Conference" has been on the hot search again.

"Good guy, I just saw that the ratings of "Tucao Conference" are only a little bit lower than that of "The Ferocious Man". The next episode is estimated to surpass "The Ferocious Man" and reach the top of the ratings list of variety shows, right?"

"I don't think there is any need to estimate. The ratings of "Tucao Conference" will definitely surpass that of "Ferocious Man". "Although it is also slowly rising, the increase is pitifully small, as long as "Tucao Conference" does not collapse, it will definitely surpass "Ferocious Man"."

""Tucao Conference" is indeed very good-looking."

"Yeah, yeah, yesterday's episode was super funny too."

"There are a lot of reports on "Tucao Conference" today. I have always heard that this show is very good, but I just don't have time to watch it. I will go and watch it this time."

"It is strongly recommended that the brothers upstairs must watch this show, it will definitely satisfy you. But don't eat before watching the show, otherwise it will make you burst out laughing."

"Teacher Tan's new show is coming out, how does it compare to "Tucao Conference"?"

"What's the comparison? It's all Mr. Tan's show alone. Anyway, I'll watch it when the time comes."


Beijing, airport.

Tan Yue and Momo walked out of the waiting hall and got into a car sent by the company.

Momo sat in the passenger seat, and Tan Yue sat in the back seat.

After a period of handover, the filming of the mushroom house in Changsha.Tang Jun and Ke Jianian can also do a good job.

After Tan Yue felt that there was no problem, he took Momo back to Beijing.He still has a lot of things to do, and he can't always stay at the mushroom house.

The future filming of "Longing for Life" will be like that of "Happy Comedian" and "Tucao Conference". After the filming is completed every day, the film will be sent to Tan Yue for a quick review.

If there is no problem, then you can pass.If he also thinks it's not good, then shoot again.

Both "Happy Comedian" and "Tucao Conference" were shot well.Basically, after passing the promise or Zheng Guang, there is no need to be beaten back to shoot again when Tan Yue comes here.

Of course, this happens occasionally, but with the proficiency of these two program groups, there are fewer and fewer cases where they are beaten back to re-shoot by themselves.

However, "Longing for Life" has just begun, and there should be more.

"Boss, take a break." Momo, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned her head and said to Tan Yue, with worry and concern on her face.

On the plane just now, Tan Yue didn't take a break, writing documents on the computer.

Now that there are more and more programs in hand, Tan Yue wants to write the scripts of "Happy Comedian", "Tucao Conference" and "Longing for Life" at the same time.

When Momo thought about it, her scalp was numb.Although her main job now is to serve as Tan Yue's assistant, she also has a background in planning and knows how difficult and labor-intensive it is to write a script.

These three programs are not ordinary programs, they are all popular programs with very good results.Writing one of them requires thinking hard every day, racking one's brains to write it out, and other people don't know what it's like to have a headache.

But Tan Yue is extremely scary. How much effort does it take to write the scripts of three ace programs at the same time, and to ensure that the quality does not decline?

Momo felt distressed just thinking about it.

During the flight, everyone else was sleeping, only the boss was silently writing the script.

Momo is worried, will the boss meeting turn into the Mediterranean Sea from the next year to middle age?
It's just that what Momo doesn't know is that Tan Yue didn't rack his brains to write the script, nor was he very tired.

These shows are all in his head, he just needs to convert them into scripted form.Kind of like that manual copy-paste.

Tan Yue knows that there is a profession called Internet author, that kind of author is a bit scary, and can update [-] to [-] words every day.I write a few thousand words of program planning every week, which is nothing compared to those authors.

"I'm fine, I don't need to rest." Tan Yue told Momo, then turned to look out the window.

During this period of time, he has been filming programs in Changsha, but he only went to Jishui once, and he has never been there again, nor has he returned to the capital.

Looking at the familiar scenery of the capital outside the window, Tan Yue slowly thought about something.

Now that the development is going well, he was still a little worried that after filming "Longing for Life", his footsteps will stop, because there is really no one available in his hands.

He can be the source of programs and produce good programs.But how to spread out and continue the program in the future requires specific people to implement it.

Except for the personnel occupied by the three programs "Longing for Life", "Tucao Conference", and "Happy Comedian", there are very few people available for the program department.Either they are filming other shows, such as "Time Can Expect".Either Tan Yue doesn't want to use it, such as Zhang He and Li Yuan, who backtracked and rejected "Happy Comedian", Tan Yue will not easily give them another chance.Either it is people who cannot be reused, this group of people accounts for a considerable part.

But to Tan Yue's relief, Ma Guoliang took the initiative to join him some time ago.

At present, I am short of people, and Ma Guoliang is exactly what I lack. He has served as the director of "A Beautiful Day" before, and his ability is definitely beyond doubt.

Moreover, the personnel department has already investigated and found out that the reason why Ma Guoliang left the job was not because of any bad things, but because the Shonan TV station put too much pressure on him, so Ma Guoliang is innocent in terms of resume.

The company can sign Ma Guoliang, and Ma Guoliang's appointment has already reached the program department.

I have another general under my command, or it can be said that I am the current program department with the highest level of director.

Press down the car window, breathe in the slightly warm air, and look at the mansion on the side of the road.

You can let go and move on!

(End of this chapter)

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