Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 353 Chen Ming's expectation, tragic promise

Chapter 353 Chen Ming's Expectation, Tragic Promise (Part [-], [-]-character chapter)

After Tan Yue sang "Farmer and Fisherman", everyone's emotions were mobilized, and the audience was full of energy.

There was constant applause from the audience. In fact, after the host returned to the stage, the content of the chat became a bit boring, but the audience liked it very much, because the song "Farmer and Fisherman" sung just now really satisfied everyone.

The hostess asked some questions and discussed them with Tan Yue, which had been written in the script before, and Tan Yue's answers were all quite satisfactory.

I have talked a lot before, until I sang "Farmer and Fisherman", the recording of this episode of "My Star Journey" has been more than halfway through, and then I chatted for more than ten minutes, less than twenty minutes. The recording of the program has ended.

After Tan Yue stepped down, he talked to Chen Ming and others. Chen Ming and Xu Yao wanted to invite Tan Yue to stay and have dinner together, but Tan Yue declined.

Just finished filming the show, both Chen Ming and Xu Yao are busy, and both of them are in the capital, so they can make dinner appointments in the capital if they don't have time, but there is no need to rush today.

Well, there is another reason. Tan Yue promised Fatty Xu early in the morning that he would drink with him tonight.

As for why, that's a sad story.

Watching Tan Yue and Momo leave, Chen Ming and Xu Yao both took a deep breath, and then looked at each other, and they could see the expectation in each other's eyes.

Chen Ming grinned and said, "Teacher Xu, is there any surprise today?"

Xu Yao also nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, I was really looking forward to inviting Teacher Tan Yue to record the show, and that song really surprised me!"

The most popular program on the Internet right now is "Longing for Life". Any program that can be related to "Longing for Life" will definitely attract a lot of traffic.

So in the first half of the chat today, the hostess has been trying her best to talk about "Longing for Life".

Originally, according to Chen Ming's idea, with the popularity of "Longing for Life", the ratings of "My Star Journey" could also increase, but now Tan Yue sang a song on the show dedicated to "Longing for Life" "Chen Ming and Xu Yao are loyal audiences of "Longing for Life", and they know that this song "Farmer and Fisherman" is indeed a song tailored for "Longing for Life".

After this song is released, it will definitely attract the huge audience of "Longing for Life".

As long as there are no uncontrollable factors, the ratings of the program "My Journey to the Star" will inevitably increase a lot, much more than expected.

There was light in Chen Ming's eyes, and he said: "Mr. Xu, just wait and watch our program, our program will definitely become a trump card program!"

"My Star Journey" is currently the quasi-ace program of Beijing TV Station, with an audience rating of nearly [-]%, but it has one more word "quasi" than the ace program, which is also an insurmountable gap.

It has been Chen Ming and Xu Yao's long-cherished dream to bring "My Star Journey" to the top show.

Xu Yao nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, let's bring "My Star Journey" to the ace show, and I will pursue the life I yearn for."

Chen Ming said with a smile, "Haven't you been chasing "Longing for Life" all the time? Why? Didn't watch the last episode? Then I have to advise you to watch it carefully. This show is now our domestic entertainment program. I don’t know how many people in the circle are studying it.”

Xu Yao smiled lightly, did not speak, and did not explain anything.

The recording of the show was over, the guests left, the audience also left, and the staff cleaned up the final work.

At this time, there were three people left in the auditorium who had almost finished walking, but instead came towards Chen Ming and Xu Yao.

"Director Chen, Teacher Xu."

The three of them approached and greeted Chen Ming and Xu Yao with smiles.

These three people are none other than the three "professional actors" hired by "My Star Journey"——Huang Yi, Xiao Wang, and Xiao Zhang.

Chen Ming also chatted with the three of them with a smile, and said, "Master Huang, Xiao Wang, Xiao Zhang, how are you doing today? Isn't it very difficult?"

Sometimes when recording a program, the program will inevitably be boring. In order to avoid embarrassing scenes in the cold, this requires these "professional actors" to play a role in the audience. After a program, they are often exhausted physically and mentally. The money is not as easy to earn as imagined.

Although they have worked together for a long time, Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang were still a little cautious and nervous when facing the big director Chen Ming, but Huang Yi, an old fritter, was better.

Huang Yi quickly smiled and said, "Director Chen, we are a little ashamed of earning your money today. The three of us basically didn't play any role, and the audience didn't need to bring them. They all seemed to be more invested than our acting."

Chen Ming laughed and felt even more at ease.

The reason why the three of Huang Yi didn't play a role was precisely because the show had no urine points, it was so exciting!

During the recording of the program, Chen Ming kept staring at him. Most of the first half was talking about "Longing for Life". The audience was very interested, especially when Tan Yue sang "Farmer and Fisherman", the whole audience reached a climax. -tide!
All the way to the end, there is high energy. The audience is not like before, they are passively interacting with the show under the coercion of Huang Yi and others.This time, it was entirely the audience's initiative to interact with the show.

Chen Ming hopes that every episode in the future will be as exciting as today's episode. He is willing to pay for "professional audiences" to do foreign work, as long as the show is wonderful.

If every program can be this good, it will be a piece of cake to become an ace program.

Of course, Chen Ming can only yell in his head. He also knows that it is impossible to make every episode of the show as exciting as this one!
Huang Yi said with a chuckle: "This episode of the program was really well filmed, and the song by Mr. Tan Yue was really good. It made me want to go back and watch "Longing for Life"."

Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang next to him also nodded.

Both of them are watching "Longing for Life", and they are more deeply touched by "Farmer and Fisherman".

Xu Yao also nodded, suggesting that Huang Yi can watch "Longing for Life" when he goes back. This program is really exciting!
Huang Yi smiled and agreed, saying that he must watch this show carefully when he goes back.

Unknowingly, Tan Yue's "Longing for Life" has another audience.

The result of today's shooting was very good. Chen Ming babbled and waved his hands in a good mood, and asked Huang Yi and the three to collect the money.

After the three of Huang Yi left, Chen Ming turned to look at Xu Yao, and said, "Mr. Xu, just wait and see. In the next episode, the ratings of our show will definitely increase!"

After coming out of the Beijing TV station building, Tan Yue and his party returned to the company.

When it was time to get off work in the afternoon, Tan Yue and Momo were busy in the office when there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Momo stood up, looked up at Tan Yue, sorted out some messy clothes, and was about to open the door, Tan Yue waved his hand, stopped her, and asked her to continue: "I guess Fatty Xu is here, his side There was something wrong emotionally, and I was in a bad mood, so she dragged me to drink."

Momo is puzzled, isn't Xu Nuo always single?Why is there something wrong emotionally?Could it be that they have been in love recently?
"Brother Xu is in love? It's too much. You don't tell me such a big thing as being in love."

Momo curled her lips and continued to work with her head buried.

Tan Yue shook his head with a smile, and called out of the office to come in.

After Tan Yue finished speaking, Xu Nuo pushed the door open and walked in.

Looking at Tan Yue and Momo at this moment, Xu Nuo frowned.

The flat and spacious desk was filled with documents of various styles at the moment, and Tan Yue and Momo were sitting on both sides of the desk, buried in each document.

Good guy, doesn't this delay drinking?
Xu Nuo walked over, pulled a chair and sat down, and said to the two, "What are you two doing?"

Tan Yue looked up and glanced at the promise, and said: "There are too many documents sent over during this period, and I put them in a mess. It's hard to find a document, so I will arrange it again by category."

Tan Yue himself is the director of the program department, and he has to deal with a lot of documents. Moreover, the program department has developed rapidly in the past few months, and the workload has increased rapidly.What's more, as Tan Yue became more and more stable in the company and his influence continued to expand, the music department and artist management department would often send documents to Tan Yue, which needed Tan Yue's signature or attention.

It's okay for a day or two, and I can sort it out clearly, but after a long time, these documents can be piled up into a hill, so when I have time this afternoon, Tan Yue took Momo to organize them together.

Xu promised, leaned back on the chair, and said, "Then I'll go?"

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you leaving?"

Xu Nuo looked at the piles of documents on the table and said, "I came at a bad time."

Tan Yue smiled slightly: "No, you came at the right time."

Xu Nuo thinks that Tan Yue's smile is very handsome, but he also feels that he is not flattered.

Tan Yue smiled and said, "Come on, fat man, help us clean up together."

Xu Nuo quickly turned his head into a rattle, and said: "No, I won't do it. I just finished the work of "Happy Comedian", and my mind is still in a mess. Let me take a rest."

Tan Yue hummed lightly, and said, "Okay, you stay here in front of me, when we finish processing these documents, and when we go out to eat. Well, drink."

Xu Nuo was taken aback for a moment, he felt a sense of threat.

Momo raised her head again, rolled her eyes, and said, "Boss, you can't drink all the time in the future, you have to maintain your figure. When a man reaches his age, if he doesn't control his figure from the beginning, it will be really difficult to control in the future. Look at those potbellied men on the street, they look like they are pregnant with a child for a few months."

Xu Nuo looked down at his protruding belly again, and he felt a kind of unkindness from Momo's words.

Momo continued: "In the future, not only can't drink, but you also need to control your diet and exercise more. Look at Teacher Jiao Cheng. When he first participated in our program, he was in great shape. Look at him now, his stomach is almost as big as that of many people. Bro."

Xu Nuo has a dirty word in his heart, and he doesn't know if it's appropriate to say it now.

Tan Yue laughed when he heard this, nodded and said: "Okay, let's drink less and exercise more in the future."

With that said, Tan Yue turned his head to look at Xu Nuo with a gloomy face, and said, "Fatty, just wait there. When will we finish our work and when will we go out for dinner."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yue looked at Momo and said with a smile, "Momo, take your time, don't worry, we're not in a hurry."

Momo looked at Xu Nuo who couldn't sit still beside her, covered her mouth with a light smile, and said, "Okay."

When Xu Nuo heard it, he shook his head helplessly: "Yes, I will help you. If you don't eat actively, the boss will be sad."

After speaking, Xu Nuo stood up, walked to the desk, and began to help Tan Yue tidy up the densely piled documents on the desk.

Although there were a lot of files, the three of them were all efficiency-oriented people, and quickly arranged the files neatly, making it easy to find them in the future.

After packing up, Tan Yue, Xu Nuo, and Momo came to the underground parking lot and found Tan Yue's Mercedes-Benz. After getting the car, Tan Yue was reluctant to drive, so he sat in the back seat. Before he had time to close the door, Momo followed closely behind.

Xu Nuo sat in the driver's seat with great interest, and he was confident in getting what he got, and he was always in a commotion when he couldn't get it.

Xu Nuo has always been hungry for a million-dollar luxury car.

The car drove out of the parking lot of Chang'an Building and onto the street.

The sun was scorching outside the car, and the air conditioner was turned on inside the car, but it still felt a little cold.

When stopping at an intersection to wait in line for a red light, Tan Yue made promises to turn down the wind of the air conditioner.

However, after Tan Yue finished speaking, Xu Nuo didn't respond.

Tan Yue put down his phone and looked at Fatty Xu, only to see Fatty Xu looking excitedly at the locomotive slowly passing in front of the car, um, there was a pretty girl in a navel-baring dress on the locomotive.

Tan Yue chuckled.

The reason why I went to drink with Xu Nuo this time was because of what Xu Xu had encountered in the past few days.

Xu Nuo is also very old. Tan Yue of the same age group has already experienced a marriage, but Xu Nuo has always been single. It is said that he has never even held a girl's hand.

The promise is not in a hurry, but it's not the case at home.

In metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai, it is normal for people not to get married at the age of thirty, but in Jishui City, if they are not married at the age of twenty-five or six, it is really a big problem for the family. Parents feel ashamed when they say it. dull.

Therefore, the family has never stopped about the promise of a blind date.

A few days ago, the family arranged another blind date for Xu Nuo. Xu Nuo knew very well that for the parents at home, it was meaningless to fight, so when faced with the family arrangements, he usually chose to lie flat, blind date is blind date, just follow the fate.

It's just that this time, it's a little different from the previous blind dates.

After all, Xu Nuo also has a very good job, and now he is working in a big city like the capital, and his horizons are gradually improving. Fatty Xu really can't feel anything like an ordinary woman, and he seldom contacts after the blind date.

Without contact, the blind date will naturally end.Xu Nuo didn't have any feelings for those women, so if he broke it, he would break it.

This time. I have a feeling.

According to Xu Nuo, he met a good-looking girl who was also gentle, and he was very satisfied.

After Tan Yue heard what Xu Nuo said on the phone, he was very happy for Xu Nuo for a while, thinking that this kid has been single for so many years, is it finally time to get rid of the title of single dog?
However, within two days, Xu promised that this hazy love had blown away.

On that day, Xu Nuo received a call from the girl, who said that the two of them would no longer need to contact each other.

It was only later that Tan Yue found out that the girl was not dissatisfied with the promise, but her family objected.

It stands to reason that although Xu Nuo is not a hero among men, he has developed well. He is currently the director of "Happy Comedian". You must know that even in the company, there are many girls who favor Fatty Xu.

However, the girl still refused Xu Nuo. The reason was that when Xu Nuo met the girl once, the girl's mother followed behind and saw Xu Nuo smoking.

Tsk tsk tsk, the impression score dropped directly to a negative value.

Tan Yue has persuaded Xu promise not to smoke many times, just like him, quit smoking.

But classmate Xu Nuo always dismissed Tan Yue's words, and now the old saying is confirmed, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes.

It is precisely because Xu Nuo didn't listen to Tan Yue's elders that he ended up like this today.

Tan Yue was quite pitiful towards Xu Nuo at first, but seeing Xu Nuo now staring at the little girl riding a motorcycle like Brother Zhu, Tan Yue rolled his eyes and said, "Fatty, I still think you are very innocent." , It’s so sad to be dumped by the girl at home, looking at you now, it’s really not a loss, you deserve it for the girl dumping you.”

Tan Yue shook his head tut-tut.

Xu Nuo glared at Tan Yue, and said dissatisfiedly: "Old Tan, what nonsense you say, I didn't feel sorry for her, but she insisted on listening to her family and dumped me!"

At this time, Momo also snorted softly, and with the corner of her mouth slightly pouted out of the car window in front, said: "Brother Xu, I saw it just now, you have been staring at that beauty."

Xu Nuo glanced forward, heyed, and argued: "Old Tan, Momo, you can't talk nonsense, I'm not the kind of stinky dick who stares at other beauties on the street."

After a pause, Xu Nuo continued: "The reason why I watched this woman was because I saw a video on Douyin in the morning. The man in the video was also waiting for a red light while driving, and encountered a locomotive in front of him. The beauty came in. Then the man honked the horn, and the beauty on the bike turned his head and gave a sweet smile, and put his hands in a heart shape."

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows, oh, looked at Xu Nuo, and said with a smile: "Okay, then you can also press the horn to see if this girl will give you a sweet smile or a loving look."

Xu Nuo froze for a moment, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and then looked at the Daben logo on the steering wheel, his confidence doubled, and his eyes flashed with anticipation.

He grinned and said, "It's not impossible."

This time, Tan Yue was a little dumbfounded. He looked at Xu Nuo and said, "Fatty, you don't really think so."

Before Tan Yue could finish speaking, Xu Nuo reached out and pressed down on the middle of the steering wheel.

The Mercedes-Benz suddenly honked its horn, startling the surrounding cars and people.

The beautiful woman on the motorcycle in front was slowly cutting in front of the Mercedes-Benz. She staggered in fright when Xu Nuo suddenly honked the horn, then turned her head angrily, looked into the Mercedes-Benz, and saw Xu Nuo with her head held high.

Xu Nuo greeted the beauty's gaze with a kind of elegant and easy-going smile that he thought he imitated Tan Yue very well, and met the beauty's eyes for a while, Xu Nuo was slightly taken aback, feeling something different.

The beauty looked at Xu Nuo, her eyes seemed to burst into flames, and said bitterly: "Stupid!"

Xu Nuo was dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Fatty Xu's old face turned red into a monkey's ass.

In the back row, Tan Yue and Momo couldn't straighten up laughing.

Xu Nuo's lips trembled slightly, and then he whispered: "Why doesn't she play her cards according to the routine?"

Red light goes, green light goes out.

The beautiful woman on the motorcycle stepped on the accelerator, swished away, passed through the cars, and soon disappeared.

Xu Nuo looked a little disappointed.

Tan Yue looked at Xu Nuo with more and more pity. Poor boy, it's no wonder he hasn't talked about his girlfriend for so many years. He obviously doesn't act like a fool at ordinary times. Why is he so emotionally idiot?

Tan Yue was a little worried. Will his brother find a wife in the future?
Momo was scolded by the beautiful woman on the motorcycle just now, Xu Nuo was stupid - made her stomach hurt from laughing.

Xu Nuo snorted, dissatisfied: "Momo, your brother Xu is so miserable, how can you still gloat?"

Momo covered her mouth and waved her hands.

Xu Nuoqi said: "The woman just now is not normal, I clearly saw this kind of video on the Internet this afternoon, it should be"

Before Xu Nuo could finish speaking, Momo interrupted her.

Momo took a deep breath, shook her head helplessly, and said to Xu Xu: "Brother Xu, you can't be fooled by those short video posing, you honk the horn on the street to remind people to go, it's good if they don't come down and beat you That's right, how could I give you a smile and show my heart."

After Xu Nuo heard this, his expression was a little complicated.

Momo continued: "Brother Xu, it's not that the woman is abnormal. Well, it's you."

After Momo finished speaking, Xu Nuo's face gradually turned pale.

Tan Yue waved his hand, signaling Momo not to talk anymore, and promised that he was in a bad mood today, and he came out to drink, comforting him and persuading him is the most important thing, and he should not be stimulated anymore. The point is, Fatty Xu is driving In the car, if he accidentally stimulated the fat man too much, and this guy stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, Tan Yue couldn't guarantee that he would not explain it here.

Xu Nuo sighed heavily, looked at the road ahead, and said, "Old Tan, have a drink with me tonight."

Momo looked at Xu Nuo who was a little depressed, and couldn't bear it, and said: "Brother Xu, what about me? Can I drink with you too?"

Xu Nuo glanced at Momo through the rearview mirror, snorted softly, and said, "It's not impossible."

Momo chuckled.

Tan Yue also shook his head and chuckled, looking at the back of Xu Nuo driving, it seemed that there were four large characters written - "Steel Straight Man"!
In the next few days, "Longing for Life" and "Tucao Conference" are still on the air, and their popularity is still in the top ten Weibo searches, especially "Longing for Life", which can easily enter the top three hot searches .

According to Tan Yue's prediction, these two programs will take many seasons.

For a long period of time in the future, the Huaguo entertainment circle will never lack the names of these two programs!

Thank you [Ziyun and Shui] for the 8000 starting point coin reward.

Thanks to the [superficial brother] boss for the 6500 starting point coin reward.

Thanks to the boss [Feifei 5566789] for the reward of 500 starting coins.

Thanks to the boss [Story of the Starry Sky] for rewarding Qi Xue with 500 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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