Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 36 Weekly Meeting

Chapter 36 Monday Meeting
entertainment channel.

The well-known director Li Guotang in the station wants to start a new program. The station leaders have expressed their support, and the channel has given the green light all the way.

The huge momentum has brought a lot of pressure to other programs on the entertainment channel.

"Starlight Show" program group.

Zhou Xiaoguang chatted with his colleagues about Li Guotang and his new program.

"Director Li also came from a planning background, and he has been one of the best choreographers in Taiwan. The leaders of the station must pay attention to it. He is really a role model for our generation." The male colleague wearing glasses said with a longing look.

Zhou Xiaoguang shook his head and said: "I heard that the provincial Taiwan wanted to poach him before, but the conditions were not negotiated, tsk tsk, if it was good to negotiate, it would also save us from tossing in our channel, and now we are under a lot of pressure. "

Li Guotang's program, no one thinks that the ratings will not be good, it will definitely break 10.

The ratings of "Starlight Show" is only over [-]%, and it is now ranked in the middle of many programs on the entertainment channel. As soon as Li Guotang's new program comes out, the ranking of "Starlight Show" will definitely be delayed by one more. bit.

ding ding.

The phone vibrated slightly, Zhou Xiaoguang picked it up, and someone sent him a message.

After Zhou Xiaoguang watched the information, the mood that was slightly depressed because of Li Guotang's new program suddenly became better.

"The Tree of Wisdom's ratings are only 3.3."

Zhou Xiaoguang couldn't help but be happy.

Sure enough, as he expected, in that bad time period, coupled with a rookie general planner like Tan Yue, it's strange that the show doesn't hit the streets.

He is now looking forward to whether the "Tree of Wisdom" will be cut down in a few weeks, and he thinks that the stupid B leaders of the Children's Channel will regret it. The more newcomers who have no achievements, come to the top.

Ha ha.

According to what Zhou Xiaoguang has learned, so far, it seems that there are no programs that have been cut off after only two or three episodes.

If "Tree of Wisdom" was cut down so quickly, the Children's Channel would not only be embarrassed in one channel, it would be a loss of face in the entire channel.


With the basis of last week's shooting experience, shooting the second phase of "Tree of Wisdom" was much easier.

In just one day, the second issue of "Tree of Wisdom" was filmed.

At the shooting scene, Tan Yue also noticed that the big guy's mood was not as high as last week, and he was hit by the cruel reality.

Last week, I worked so hard to shoot a show, but in the end it only had a 3.3 rating, which was just a little bit higher than the original "Liangliang Telling Stories", and if it was worse, it would be cut again.

However, in this case, since the filming and the quality of the show were not delayed, Tan Yue didn't say much. What the show team lacked most now is not his fight for chicken blood, but a dazzling audience rating.

As for the fight against chicken blood, Director Zheng Guang has done a very good job.

In his spare time, Tan Yue has also been thinking about the reasons for the low ratings of "Tree of Wisdom".

It is not necessarily a good thing that Jishui TV station is next to the provincial TV station. In fact, many resources will be plundered actively and passively by the provincial TV station.

Big channels such as news channels and entertainment channels have little impact, but other channels are not.And the rules of the children's channel is that whoever has the highest ratings, whoever has the highest funding, "Wisdom Tree" inherits the mantle of "Liangliang Telling Stories", and it is not a key program, so the funding is naturally pitiful, and "Baby Weekend Seven" The top-ranked programs such as "Half" and "Happy Family" are even more incomparable.

The "Tree of Wisdom" program team also asked the director if he could apply for more funding, but it was not approved. It was not because the director deliberately made things difficult, but it did not conform to the rules.

As for the so-called propaganda resources, Tan Yue went to check it out. There was only one channel that he could find, that is, there was a small corner on the official website of Jishui TV Station, announcing the establishment of the new program "Wisdom Tree" of the Children's Channel, but the actual effect was almost zero.

After get off work on Friday, Tan Yue was not in a hurry to go back, but stayed to think about how to expand the publicity of "Tree of Wisdom".

Before the first episode aired, Director Zheng Guang asked other programs to help promote it in the program. "Baby's Weekend at [-]:[-]" and "Family's Happiness" are programs with stable ratings. They are very good. They are the focus of the channel. They will definitely not be for a new program like "Wisdom Tree". Affect the effect of the program, who is responsible for the program accident?

I found two programs with average ratings, but this kind of program itself doesn't have many loyal audiences, not to mention that because of a word from the host, I will watch a program I have never heard of before, and the effect is minimal.

He promised to smoke two cigarettes at the entrance of the building and didn't wait for Tan Yue, so he went upstairs to look for him, and found that Tan Yue was still working, "Lao Tan, it's time to get off work, let's go to dinner."

Tan Yue shook his head. He was now thinking about how to expand the publicity of "Tree of Wisdom" and increase the ratings. How could he have the heart to go to a restaurant, and talked about his worries and promises, promising that this guy is also a salted fish, Not much stronger than the original owner, there is no way to do it, "Why don't you advertise in the newspaper? Or find a marketing account to promote it?"

Tan Yue rolled his eyes, how could the program team have so much funding.

Besides, go to the marketing account to promote it online. They are local channels. Suppose you are impressed by the people in the capital, you can still go to the children's channel of Jishui TV station to watch it?The audience doesn't fit in either.

Shaking his head, Tan Yue stood up and said, "Let's go, go home."

He promised: "Don't eat?"

Tan Yue said: "I have to go back to the old house tomorrow. If you have time on Sunday, let's have dinner together."

Promise had no choice but to nod: "Well, let's talk about it when the time comes, but I see that you have a sad face, and you may not be able to come out at that time."

Tan Yue glared at the promise and said, "It's no big or small, I'm the chief planner now, do you talk to your boss like that?"

He promised disdain and said, "If you can be transferred to the provincial station to be the chief planner, you can ask me to call your father."

Tan Yue: "."

On weekends, I went back to the old house in the suburbs to have a meal with my family.

Tan Yue originally thought about what to do after Mom and Dad asked about the ratings of "The Tree of Wisdom". To tell the truth is still a white lie.

But what made Tan Yue relieved was that the old couple didn't ask about it.

Even An Nuan, who had been paying attention to "Tree of Wisdom" before, never told him about "Tree of Wisdom" again.

Tan Yue thought at first that they all forgot, but after thinking about it at home in the evening, he realized that perhaps it was not that they had forgotten, but that they already knew the results of "Tree of Wisdom", and they deliberately did not mention it.

"Well, I drew such a big cake for my parents back then, but now I'm slapped in the face."

In a blink of an eye, the weekend is over.

Tan Yue didn't have an easy weekend. He thought of a lot of ways to expand the publicity of "Tree of Wisdom", but there was not much practicality at all.

There is another way that doesn't cost much, that is, Tan Yue abandons this old face and asks Qi Xue.

As a small flower in the current entertainment industry, Qi Xue's Weibo fans have exceeded [-] million, and an advertisement for him will definitely have a great effect.

But this kind of thought immediately spit on the ground with Tan Yue's spit.

Is Mr. Tan shameless?

on Monday,

TV Building, Conference Room No. [-].

The channel's weekly meeting.

Tan Yue and Zheng Guang, as the two leaders of "Tree of Wisdom", also participate every week.

The meeting was chaired by Sun Xin, the director of the program department, who still has a charm. He talked about the situation of the channel last week, some things to pay attention to this week, and some new regulations in the station.

Finally, it is customary to announce the ratings ranking of each program group on the whole channel last week.

Tan Yue and Zheng Guang looked at each other.

Well, I have to lose someone again.

 Book friends, please recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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