Chapter 388
PS: There was a problem in this chapter before, and it has been revised. Please pay attention.

Baicheng Entertainment.

One of the established second-rate entertainment companies, the one with the strongest comprehensive strength among the eight second-rate entertainment companies, has a top superstar Zhou Chasheng under its umbrella.It is difficult to sign top superstars under the second-tier entertainment companies, and those top superstars are all under the two first-class entertainment companies.

Moreover, Zhou Chasheng, even among the first-line superstars, is still at the top of the rankings. He has been able to stay in Baicheng Entertainment for many years. Apart from his personal loyalty, what is more important is that Baicheng Entertainment can meet his needs. , A top superstar's resource requirements are huge and demanding. Being able to meet Zhou Chasheng's resource requirements also demonstrates the strength of Baicheng Entertainment from the other side.

Li Qiang, who fought with Zhang Wenhua before, is also a first-line singer of Baicheng Entertainment. If Tan Yue hadn't written "Stronger" for Zhang Wenhua as the title song of his new album, Zhang Wenhua would have lost to Li Qiang. ", Li Qiang's album "Transparency" also achieved good sales results.

They are also second-rate entertainment companies, and the eight companies are also divided into ranks.

For example, Baicheng Entertainment belongs to the first class. The goal of this company has always been the two first-class entertainment companies. It hopes that one day it will also enter the ranks of first-class entertainment companies.

As for the other seven second-rate entertainment companies, Baicheng Entertainment really didn't think highly of them, and of course they would pay more attention to them accordingly.

However, in the recent period, or in the past few months, the attention of Baicheng Entertainment's leadership has been attracted by another second-rate entertainment company.

Bright Entertainment.

Although Brilliant Entertainment and Baicheng Entertainment are both second-rate, one is first-rate and the other is low-rate. They are completely different. The previous leaders of Baicheng Entertainment did not pay much attention to Bright Entertainment, and regarded it as a competition. Not strong, less threatening.

But I don't know when, Bright Entertainment suddenly rose rapidly!

Variety shows are already the best in terms of level and performance among the major entertainment companies in the entertainment industry, and in terms of music, they should not be underestimated either. Li Qiang, the front-line singer of Baicheng Entertainment Company, released a new album "Transparent" in a strong way. There are no other strong singers to release albums. Many people in Baicheng Entertainment have full confidence in Li Qiang and his "Transparency", but the final result is surprising.

He was counterattacked and killed by Zhang Wenhua, who had already started to go downhill at that time!
And since then, Zhang Wenhua's downhill road has ended, and the uphill road has started again.

Brilliant Entertainment's comprehensive strength has risen too frighteningly. This momentum has brought a pressure to Baicheng Entertainment, and it has to look sideways at Brilliant Entertainment.

And recently, Brilliant Entertainment has another moth.

A new department was established, focusing on Douyin.

Douyin, short videos, and live broadcasts are no strangers to the entertainment industry.But this kind of thing, compared to the stars in the entertainment industry, is in the lower reaches, or in other words, lowered the grade.

It's not easy to become a star, either you have a professional background, or you are a seasoned and talented Ye Luzi.But looking at those Internet celebrities on Douyin, it's hard to describe.

In the year when Douyin first became popular, there were artists in the circle who broadcast live on it, but they were ridiculed by the crowd in the circle, and the live broadcast was nothing.

There is nothing wrong with short video live broadcasting.

This is the thinking of many entertainment companies in the circle.

Baicheng Entertainment would not care too much about Douyin’s live short video broadcasting by other companies. The leader is Tan Yue.

Many people and organizations in the entertainment industry have carefully studied the reasons why Bright Entertainment has developed rapidly in the past half a year. The reasons everyone came up with, one of the most important is Tan Yue!

Since Tan Yue joined Bright Entertainment at the beginning of the year, Bright Entertainment seems to be on the hook. It has successively released "Happy Comedian", "Tucao Conference New Edition", and "Longing for Life". At the same time, Tan Yue also gave singers under Bright Entertainment I wrote a few songs, which became all the rage in the first half of the year, such as the song "Wukong", such as "Stronger".

In the two fields that Tan Yue is involved in, variety shows and music, the achievements of Brilliant Entertainment are obvious to all.

The name Tan Yue cannot but attract the attention of many people.

Just like now, Baicheng Entertainment actually doesn't understand why Bright Entertainment chose to enter Douyin, but just because the person in charge of Bright Entertainment this time is Tan Yue, Baicheng Entertainment doesn't dare to underestimate it.

Tan Yue's talent in variety shows and music is so amazing, which has raised the overall strength of Brilliant Entertainment Company a big step up. Who knows what he will do in the short video live broadcast.

Even if this kind of person stares with [-]% energy, it is not an exaggeration.

If this continues, the comprehensive strength of Brilliant Entertainment will surpass Baicheng Entertainment and become the number one second-rate entertainment company in China.

Baicheng Entertainment Company, and some people in the small circle were discussing the latest developments of Bright Entertainment Company.In the afternoon, the company's leadership issued instructions to pay close attention to the movements of Bright Entertainment, especially the new department led by Tan Yue.

Whether it is Tan Yue or Brilliant Entertainment, the promotion is too fast. Although Baicheng Entertainment is strong, it is also shocking.

In the entertainment circle, the eight second-rate entertainment companies are already pretty good entertainment companies, but above the second-rate entertainment companies, there are two first-rate entertainment companies.

Tianjing Entertainment Company and Guangmei Entertainment Company, these two first-class entertainment companies, one in the south and the other in the north, dominate the Chinese entertainment circle.

For many people in the entertainment industry, Tianjing Entertainment and Guangmei Entertainment are sacred places, and they have to dig into it as if they have bumped their heads.

In fact, there is a reason why these two companies can make people yearn so much. Anyone who can sign into these two entertainment companies, as long as the potential is not too bad, will have a good development. After all, the resources of a first-class entertainment company are considerable. horrifying.

Beijing, Guangmei Entertainment Company Building.

In front of the company building, there is a marble-shaped stele, about three meters high, with four big characters engraved on it - "Guangmei Entertainment".

The reason why Guangmei Entertainment Company is named Guangmei is also a story. The founders of the company are a couple, the man is Yang Guang, and the woman is Wang Meili.When starting a business, the company name was taken from Guanghemei in the two names.

Many years ago, the love story of Yang Guang and Wang Meili was a model praised by people inside and outside the circle, and they were model couples.

But in the past few years, there have been gossip rumors that Yang Guang and Wang Meili have an agreement to play their own games, and the paparazzi took photos of Yang Guang having fun with the hot girls at the nightclub.

Later, Guangmei Entertainment did not explain this matter, I don't know if it was acquiescing, or it was too lazy to explain.

Of course, these are just gossip. In the mainstream of the entertainment industry today, Yang Guang and Wang Meili are still a harmonious imitation couple. When they attended events, they still showed affection.

In general, with more than [-] years of development history, Guangmei Entertainment stands at the top of Huaguo's entertainment industry.

In a meeting room, Guangmei Entertainment Company is holding a regular meeting every Monday, and the meeting is chaired by Vice President Wang Meili.

Wang Meili is [-] years old this year, but she is well maintained. She looks more than ten years younger than her actual age, and she does not have the problem of many middle-aged women getting fat.

Her delicate features, fair skin, and mature eyes made her even more attractive.

Wang Meili sat at the head of the conference table, with director-level leaders of various departments on the left and right sides.

The main content of the meeting was the development of the company and several recent projects.

After the main meeting, Wang Meili took a sip of tea, Liu Yemei raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "Have you noticed a song that just became popular on Douyin recently? It's called "The Wind Rises."

After Wang Meili finished speaking, some people nodded and others shook their heads.

"I haven't watched Douyin much recently, so I really don't know."

"I've heard it. It seems to be Tan Yue's new song that's been very popular in Douyin these two days."

"I also listened to it. It was sung by a female anchor. That female anchor seems to be a signed artist of Brilliant Entertainment. It is said that her followers have increased by two million in the past two days."

"The key is to write it well. As expected of Tan Yue's new song, the writing is really good. I guess if someone else sings it, the effect will not be much worse."

"I didn't watch it. Is this Tan Yue's new song? Then I have to listen to it."

Wang Meili pressed her hand, everyone calmed down, and then said: "I asked someone to check it out. A few days ago, Brilliant Entertainment established a new department called the New Media Department. The main field of this new department is short video. In terms of live broadcast, the female anchor and "The Wind Rises" the night before yesterday are products of this new department."

After a pause, Wang Meili continued: "The person in charge of this new department is Tan Yue."

Many people didn't pay much attention to this new department of Bright Entertainment Company at first, but it was different when they knew that the person in charge was Tan Yuehou.

Although Tan Yue is still a second-tier public figure, not even a first-tier public figure, his influence is stronger, or even much stronger, than most of the first-tier public figures.

Relying on this one person, Brilliant Entertainment Company has abruptly risen from the level of the second-rate entertainment company at the bottom of the crane, and its comprehensive strength has jumped to the forefront of the second-rate entertainment company.

Some people are lost in thought.

"The person in charge is Tan Yue?"

"This new media department will not be simple."

"I think we should study it carefully."

"Fuck, is Bright Entertainment crazy? Tan Yue has done a good job in their company's program department, and now Tan Yue is transferred to another department, or a new department as the director. Would Tan Yue be happy?"

Wang Meili looked at that person and said, "Tan Yue is still the director of the program department, but he has also served as the director of the new department."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but gasp.

As the director of two departments at the same time, Tan Yue's status in Bright Entertainment is much higher than they imagined.

It seems that the rumors are true, Chen Ziyu, the boss of Bright Entertainment Company, is very fond of Tan Yue, and looking at it now, Tan Yue is indeed a big celebrity in the eyes of the boss of Bright Entertainment.

Wang Meili picked up the teacup again, took a sip, moistened her throat, and said, "Everyone should be familiar with Tan Yue's ability. This time, Bright Entertainment has set up a new department, focusing on the field of short video live broadcast, and also using Tan Yue's ability. Being the person in charge may be a useless attempt by Brilliant Entertainment, but we cannot take it lightly."

"Qimin, Guangfeng, you two have time to pay more attention to Bright Entertainment."

Wang Meili explained to the two of them.

The two people named Qimin and Guangfeng nodded quickly.

All that should be said has been said, and the memory is over.

Wang Meili sat without moving. After everyone left, she raised her hand and gently rubbed her temples, feeling a little tired.

He took out his cell phone, found a number, and dialed it.

"Xiao Wang, I'm going to the spa tonight, please arrange it for me."

The same scene was also happening at Tianjing Entertainment in Shanghai.

It is also very dramatic to say that at the beginning Qi Xue dismissed Tan Yue, but now the company behind Qi Xue paid enough attention to Tan Yue.

It cannot be summed up in a simple dramatic sentence. The most important thing is Tan Yue's own efforts.

He himself has not demonstrated his value to others, and others will not pay much attention to him.

In the capital, Tan Yue's home.

Tan Yue stood in the living room with his hips akimbo, looking around, feeling a little sad.

He wanted to change the layout of the room and expand the area of ​​the study by more than ten square meters.

After he traveled, he wanted to learn more about the development of this world so that he could integrate into this new society more quickly.Moreover, some of the essences of the earth that have been taken out also need to be adapted according to the history and development of this world.

This requires a deep understanding of the world, so Tan Yue usually doesn't have many hobbies, but likes to buy books, no matter what kind of book or what type of book, as long as he thinks there is content, he will buy it. He doesn't just buy books and don't read them He buys books fast, and he reads books fast, and he can read two books a week on average.

So over time, his collection of books has grown quite a lot, and bookshelves have been added one after another. Now, the study room, which was originally not small in size, has become a bit bloated.

Going on, the study room is definitely not enough, but if you want to expand the study room and change the layout of the house, it is not up to Tan Yue to make a decision, and you need to ask the landlord for permission.

But the landlord doesn't read so many books, so how could he agree to allow Tan Yue to expand the study room, unless of course Tan Yue increases the money.

Tan Yue still wanted to save money to buy a house, but he suddenly spent hundreds of thousands to renovate his study, he was really reluctant, not because he was stingy, but because it was time for him to save money.

Feeling melancholy, Tan Yue suddenly remembered Chen Ziyu's reward.

A large villa of four to five hundred square meters is still a place like the capital where every inch of land is expensive.
(End of this chapter)

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