Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 431: Chen Ziyu's Decision

Chapter 431: Chen Ziyu's Decision
In the office, Chen Ziyu and Zhou Shan were talking.

Suddenly hearing the sound of the door being pushed, both of them frowned instantly.

Zhou Shan opened her mouth to reprimand, Chen Ziyu always valued the rules the most, and came in without knocking, which can be said to have violated Chen Ziyu's taboo.

However, when Zhou Shan turned her head and saw the person coming, the words that came to her lips were swallowed back.

"Mr. Tan Tan?"

Zhou Shan looked at Tan Yue standing at the door in surprise.

It's just that Tan Yue's complexion is indeed obviously ugly.

Zhou Shan was a little uncomfortable, and her heart was also a little drummed. This was the first time she saw Tan Yue like this.

When you are used to seeing a person with a good temper, suddenly seeing him angry, this contrast is really quite scary.

Chen Ziyu was still telling Zhou Shan just now that Tan Yue played a huge role in the company's development, and now Tan Yue came to him with such an obvious look on his face, could something serious happen?

When Chen Ziyu saw that it was Tan Yue who came, his frown also relaxed.

Seeing that Tan Yue's expression was not very good, she asked suspiciously, "Teacher Tan, what happened to you?"

Tan Yue looked at the two people opposite, and said, "Mr. Chen, there are some things that I want to talk to you alone."

Chen Ziyu heard the words and asked Zhou Shan to go out first.

Zhou Shan saw that Tan Yue's condition was not good, and was worried about Chen Ziyu's safety. Although it was basically impossible for Tan Yue to do anything to hurt Chen Ziyu, looking at Tan Yue's situation now, he might have been stimulated by something.I'm really not sure if something will happen after a while.

Chen Ziyu waved to Zhou Shan, she believed in Tan Yue.

Zhou Shan had no choice but to say hello to Tan Yue, and walked out of the office, closing the door behind her.It's just that she didn't go far, and stood at the door of the office. She wouldn't listen to what the two people were talking about inside. The sound insulation in the office was better, and she couldn't hear the conversation inside. She just listened to see if there was any big movement inside. Once there was a sound of struggling, she would rush in directly.

Zhou Shan stood at the door, not mentioning it for the time being. In the CEO's office, Chen Ziyu and Tan Yue looked at each other.

Chen Ziyu saw that Tan Yue was in a bad mood and his face was heavy.

She thought that something important happened in the company, pointed to the chair opposite, and said to Tan Yue: "Teacher Tan, you sit first, what happened?"

Tan Yue hummed, pulled out the chair, sat on it, and then said: "Mr. Chen, there is something, let me talk to you."

Tan Yue's attitude made Chen Ziyu frown even tighter.

She knew Tan Yue well. If it was an unimportant matter, Tan Yue would definitely not speak in the current tone.

But Tan Yue spoke in such a tone now, which was a little flat, but it formed a strong contrast with his face.

Chen Ziyu nodded solemnly, and said, "Teacher Tan, tell me."

Tan Yue took two slow breaths, calmed down a little, and then spoke.

He told Chen Ziyu what he heard from Momo today and what he accidentally heard from the staff of the program department.

About Qi Kai and Momo.

Tan Yue didn't add any details, he didn't come to sue Chen Ziyu, nor did he come to seek justice from Chen Ziyu, he just told Chen Ziyu the story he heard today.

Tan Yue didn't care how Chen Ziyu would deal with it.

After hearing Tan Yue's words, Chen Ziyu's face became darker and darker, and his handsome face was covered with frost.

No wonder. No wonder Tan Yue came over aggressively.

Regardless of the relationship between Momo and Tan Yue, even Chen Ziyu couldn't help being extremely annoyed after hearing these things.

As a working woman, what she dislikes most is workplace harassment.

Other companies have also proposed prohibitions on this behavior, but they are far less strict than Brilliant Entertainment.

Other behaviors violated the company's rules, maybe just a few minor or major demerits, and could even be merciful outside the law, but Chen Ziyu has always had zero tolerance for harassment in the workplace!
Thinking of Qi Kai, Chen Ziyu couldn't help scolding a fool in his heart.

She really didn't expect that Qi Kai would be such a person.

However, she didn't doubt that Tan Yue would deceive her. Maybe Qi Kai gave her a bad and positive impression. He was just a subordinate who had been with her for many years. Of course, this subordinate was more capable.

After following me for so many years, there is hard work without credit, not to mention Qi Kai still has a lot of credit, otherwise, he would not be allowed to be the vice president.

Chen Ziyu has zero tolerance for harassment in the workplace. Even if Qi Kai committed this incident, Chen Ziyu will not let it go, but if no one comes to her to talk about it, or the person who comes to her is not Tan Yue, Chen Ziyu reads Qi Kai For the sake of following him for so many years, Kai may take it lightly.

But this time the person who came to her was Tan Yue, so it couldn't be dealt with simply.

Although Tan Yue didn't come to file a complaint, in Chen Ziyu's view, this was more serious than Tan Yue's complaint.

Because she was really not sure, if she didn't handle it well, what would Tan Yue think of this matter, would she leave the job angrily?
The company cannot afford to lose Tan Yue.

Based on Chen Ziyu's understanding of Tan Yue, he can really do this kind of thing.

Subconsciously, Chen Ziyu wanted to take out the cigarette case from her pocket, but this time, her hand found an empty pocket.

She hasn't smoked in a while.

Chen Ziyu didn't care about the fact that she didn't have any cigarettes. Her addiction to cigarettes was getting smaller and smaller.

Chen Ziyu smiled lightly, and raised her hand to stroke the hair on her forehead slightly. Her hair was getting longer and longer, reaching the level of long hair shawl.

"Teacher Tan, please wait a moment, I will take care of this matter."

Chen Ziyu gave Tan Yue a promise.

She already had a conclusion in her mind that Qi Kai was very important, but his role in the company's development and progress was not very important. Compared with Tan Yue's role, it was completely different.

Tan Yue nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen, if it's all right, I'll go out first."

Chen Ziyu nodded slightly.

Tan Yue stood up, pulled out the chair, turned and left.

Looking at Tan Yue's back, Chen Ziyu crossed her fingers and placed them on the desk. She didn't come back to herself until Tan Yue left the office.

"Qi Kai, I'm really dizzy."

Chen Ziyu couldn't help scolding.

When Zhuge Liang beheaded Ma Su with tears, he was still a little sad.Of course, in Chen Ziyu's view, Qi Kai is far less important to her than Ma Su is to Zhuge Liang.

It's just that Qi Kai is also a veteran who has been with her for many years after all. If possible, it is also possible to let him live in the company with honor.

However, things have developed to the point where it is impossible for Qi Kai to be decent in the company.

However, so far, everything is what Tan Yue said alone.

Even if Chen Ziyu believed Tan Yue's words, he still had to investigate.

Picking up the landline and pressing it, she was about to call Zhou Shan, but before she put the landline to her ear, there was a knock on the office door, and soon Zhou Shan came in from the outside.

"Sister Ziyu, are you okay?" Zhou Shan walked in, looked at Chen Ziyu, and said.

Just now when she saw Tan Yue coming in with a serious face, she was worried about something, but when Tan Yue left just now, her expression was not so serious, and she even smiled to herself.

This made Zhou Shan a little confused.

After thinking about it outside, I decided to come in and ask about Chen Ziyu's situation.

Chen Ziyu saw that it was Zhou Shan, put down the landline, and said, "How did you come here so fast?"

Zhou Shan said, "Sister Ziyu, I haven't left, I've been waiting for you at the door."

Chen Ziyu snorted and said, "What are you doing hiding at the door?"

Zhou Shan was a little embarrassed, and then said: "I just saw that Mr. Tan looked very scary. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I waited at the door. Uh, listen to the movement inside."

Hearing Zhou Shan's words, Chen Ziyu shook his head amusedly, and said, "You little girl, what are you thinking, don't you know what kind of person Mr. Tan is? How could he do such a thing."

Zhou Shan stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, feeling a little embarrassed.

Indeed, Tan Yue's character is well-known by everyone.

I was really dizzy just now, so I thought that way, but Teacher Tan's expression just now was really scary.

Chen Ziyu didn't say any more, waved his hand, and said to Zhou Shan: "Ashan, Teacher Tan said just now that there is a person in the president's office who always harass Momo recently. This incident seems to be widely spread. Go find him." Come."

"Well, you don't need to look for it. You can go directly to the personnel department and ask the person in charge of this matter to come to my office, and then ask them, who is that young man, and bring them here together."

Chen Ziyu told Zhou Shan.

Zhou Shan nodded in amazement when she heard this. No wonder Teacher Tan's expression was so serious just now. It turned out that someone was harassing Momo.

For a while, Zhou Shan became curious about that young man, who must be so bold.

It's just, why didn't the personnel department deal with this kind of thing?He also asked Mr. Tan to find someone to find Sister Ziyu and come here.

Zhou Shan nodded and said, "Okay, sister Ziyu, I'll go there now."

Zhou Shan searched and felt, there should be something tricky in it, but she didn't know what the trick was, and naturally she couldn't ask Chen Ziyu directly, and Teacher Tan Yue definitely couldn't ask, holding this curiosity Zhou Shan turned around and left, and went to do things according to Chen Ziyu's orders.

After Zhou Shan left, Chen Ziyu raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

She quit smoking for a while, and her craving for smoking has become smaller and smaller. Many times, she would forget about smoking.

However, today, something that made her depressed and angry happened, and under the upset, she fell into a cigarette addiction again.

The feeling of wanting to smoke is quite strong, but since Chen Ziyu has decided to quit, naturally she will not smoke again.

Standing up, I went to make a cup of coffee.

The strong smell of coffee made her feel better.

Recently, she was thinking about which house in the capital she wanted to give to Tan Yue.

She has a few properties in the capital, but the best one, and the one she is using recently, is a villa in a high-end community in the city center.

Other real estate, whether it is transportation, prosperity or distance from the company, is not as good as the villa in the city center.

Since Tan Yue was promised at the beginning, it must be the best for him.

It's just that this is the best house, and I'm currently living in it.

Do you want to move out by yourself?

Good guy, she hasn't figured out yet which house to reward Tan Yue, so as to appease Tan Yue, but she didn't expect that someone in the company would already make Tan Yue mad.

Gee tut.

Thinking of Tan Yue's appearance just now when he first came in, he really looked like a little tiger with fried hair, so cute cough cough cough, Chen Ziyu thought about it, but his thinking was a little bit off.

When the personnel department and the person who harassed Momo came, Chen Ziyu asked again. It was probably just a formality. After all, it would be a bit inappropriate to sacrifice an important senior executive of the company without even a formality. .

Qi Kai was really stupid this time, and Chen Ziyu was quite dissatisfied with Qi Kai's behavior.

Without vision, the company needs Tan Yue so much now, but still insists on provoking him.Apart from Tan Yue, he also harassed Momo, which Chen Ziyu couldn't bear.

Momo is now the most important anchor in the new media department, and several live broadcasts have been successful, which is already a very important banner of Bright Entertainment Company in short video live broadcasting.

Chen Ziyu attaches great importance to such people now, not to mention that there are still people in the company who dare to harass her.

Chen Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly, drinking coffee while waiting.

About ten minutes later, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the president's office.

Immediately afterwards, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Ziyu raised his head, looked towards the door of the office, and said in a serious voice, "Come in."

After Chen Ziyu finished speaking, the door of the office was pushed open.

The leader is Zhou Shan, behind Zhou Shan, followed by four people.

"Mr. Chen."

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Chen."

Seeing Chen Ziyu, the four quickly greeted Chen Ziyu respectfully.

Moreover, the expressions of the four people were surprisingly consistent, each of them drooping like a bereaved concubine.

Chen Ziyu hummed lightly and looked at Zhou Shan.

Zhou Shan understood what Chen Ziyu meant, and began to introduce Chen Ziyu.

Among the four people, three are from the personnel department, and one is from the president's office.

Chen Ziyu's stern gaze was like a piercing cold needle, piercing several people's bones fiercely. The faces of the four of them turned pale, and the young man run by the president subconsciously shrank his neck.

He was not afraid at all when people from the personnel department came to him, because he knew that he was backed by Vice President Qi.

But now that the president is looking for him, he is really scared.

No matter how good Vice President Qi is in the company, he is no better than the CEO.

If the president wanted to deal with him, Vice President Qi probably would immediately treat him as an abandoned child.

When Tan Yue saw Chen Ziyu for the first time, he was shocked by the dominance of this strong woman.

Later, Chen Ziyu still had the aura of a capable strong woman on her body, but her domineering aspect was somewhat restrained.

But now, she is condescending, treats people coldly, and her aura is the same as before, extremely aggressive.

(End of this chapter)

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