Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 437 Get out!

Chapter 437 Get out!
Apart from Ma Chaoyun, there were many others who were also surprised by the sudden negative news from Brilliant Entertainment.

It is also a second-rate entertainment company, Huaguang Entertainment's strength is still weaker than that of Baicheng Entertainment.

At present, there are eight second-rate entertainment companies in Huaguo, and the top companies before were Baicheng Entertainment and Xinghe Entertainment.

The strength of Huaguang Entertainment Company is not bad, and it can also be ranked in the middle and upper reaches of second-rate entertainment companies.

A year ago, among the second-tier entertainment companies, Huaguang Entertainment Company was also a big company second only to Baicheng Entertainment Company and Xinghe Entertainment Company.

But today, a year later, Huaguang Entertainment seems to have been overtaken by the up-and-comer Brilliant Entertainment.

So for Brilliant Entertainment, Huaguang Entertainment's atmosphere of resistance is stronger than that of Baicheng Entertainment.

After seeing Qi Kai's negative news, many staff members of Huaguang Entertainment started discussing it.

In the president's office, Gao Guangliang was watching with a tablet computer in his arms. On the tablet computer, the news broadcast was the media's report on Qi Kai, vice president of Bright Entertainment Company.

"Hahaha, okay, Qi Kai performed very well this time."

Gao Guangliang seemed to be clapping his hands in praise.

The misfortune of the enemy is the happiest thing.

Over the past year, the pace of development of Brilliant Entertainment Company has not stopped, and the speed is extremely fast.

The expansion of Bright Entertainment has put a lot of pressure on other companies in the entertainment industry.

Including Huaguang Entertainment Company.

Gao Guangliang was naturally extremely happy to see that something happened to Bright Entertainment Company, and it was such a big event.

Qi Kai is the vice president of Brilliant Entertainment, an important figure second only to the founder and president Chen Ziyu. Such a serious mistake made by such a person will deal a heavy blow to the image of the entire Brilliant Entertainment company.

Even Gao Guangliang was looking forward to whether this incident would affect the development of Bright Entertainment. It would be great if it could interrupt the development of Bright Entertainment.

In fact, Ma Chaoyun of Baicheng Entertainment Company is more careful than Gao Guangliang in this matter. Ma Chaoyun knows that the most important decisive factor for Bright Entertainment's current development is not the relationship with Qi Kai. Big, most importantly because of Tan Yue.

Before Tan Yue joined, the pace of development of Bright Entertainment Company had actually slowed down. Although it was still moving forward, compared to the previous progress, after becoming a second-rate entertainment company, the development momentum of Bright Entertainment Company was too slow. many.

For two consecutive years, Brilliant Entertainment has not shown any superiority over other entertainment companies.

It was only after Tan Yue joined Brilliant Entertainment that this company showed its jaw-dropping side. Any entertainment company, the program department is a very important department, and the importance of variety shows is increasing, and even gradually It exceeds the level of film and television dramas and even concerts.

In the past, it was the program department that slowed down Bright Entertainment, but after Tan Yue joined Bright Entertainment, he relied on his own efforts to make such a lagging program department the number one in the entertainment industry. .

It is precisely because of Tan Yue's strengths that Ma Chaoyun even thinks that Tan Yue is worth over [-] million yuan in annual salary.

It cannot be said that Ma Chaoyun is worse than Gao Guangliang, but Gao Guangliang is indeed not as meticulous as Ma Chaoyun when it comes to the development of Bright Entertainment.

Sometimes, when looking at and dealing with problems, it is also an advantage to have an in-depth understanding and investigation of the problem. From this perspective, Ma Chaoyun is indeed more intelligent than Gao Guangliang.

When Gao Guangliang was gloating at the occurrence of such a thing in Bright Entertainment, he suddenly remembered that Qi Kai, as the vice president of Bright Entertainment, usually communicated with him a lot. .

With such a vice president going down, it is not known who will take over Qi Kai's position from Bright Entertainment.

It's a pity that Gao Guangliang couldn't figure it out. In fact, the only people he knew about Bright Entertainment were Chen Ziyu and Qi Kai, because if the other people had a job to connect with Huaguang Entertainment, they would naturally There are other people under him to match up with the people from Bright Entertainment.

Brilliant Entertainment Company is currently Huaguang Entertainment Company's archenemy and a strong competitor. Gao Guangliang still needs to know who will take over as Qi Kai's vice president.

Picking up the landline on the desk, Gao Guangliang dialed a phone number and went out.

Soon, the other side of the phone was connected.

Gao Guangliang put the phone to his ear, and said, "Xiao Zhang, pay attention to the Bright Entertainment Company and see who will replace Qi Kai. If you have any news, please tell me immediately."

The other end of the phone agreed.

With the current size of Brilliant Entertainment Company, the position of vice president, even in the entire entertainment industry, is a real boss.

In a company, when you reach the position of director, you can already be regarded as an executive.

But in the whole circle, the director of a certain company can also be said to be a big boss, but there is still water in it after all, and there is still some lack of confidence to be called a big boss.

Unless they are director-level figures of two first-class entertainment companies, Tianjing Entertainment Company and Guangmei Entertainment Company, speaking out may make people look higher.

But in this circle, the only ones who can truly be regarded as a big boss are those who have become the president.

Brilliant Entertainment Company is now developing in a large scale and with a strong momentum of development. When Qi Kai was the vice president before, it can be said that it was a glorious moment.

Many conferences or ceremonies in the circle will invite Qi Kai to participate, and the seat is not low.

Now that Qi Kai is no longer the vice president of Brilliant Entertainment, who will succeed him next has attracted the attention of many people in the entertainment circle, whether behind the scenes or in front of the scenes.

With the rapid development of Bright Entertainment Company, it has plunged into the forefront of second-rate entertainment companies. Here, Bright Entertainment not only threatens Baicheng Entertainment, but also threatens Xinghe Entertainment.

Like Baicheng Entertainment Company, Galaxy Entertainment Company is also a veteran entertainment company that has been established for decades, and its comprehensive strength is also quite strong.

If one day, there is a third first-class entertainment company in Huaguo, it will basically be born between the two entertainment companies, Galaxy Entertainment Company and Baicheng Entertainment Company.

Of course, that was before the rise of Brilliant Entertainment, and now there are many people discussing whether Brilliant Entertainment will come from behind and catch up with Baicheng Entertainment and Xinghe Entertainment.

The president of Xinghe Entertainment Company is called Zhang Juwei. He just passed his [-]th birthday last year. Maybe he is tired of hearing it. He doesn’t like others to call him president or boss, but asks everyone to call him brother, so many old people in the company call him "Brother Zhang".

Zhang Juwei belongs to the kind of person with great vigor, who conquered the huge Galaxy Entertainment with his bare hands.

He can be regarded as the most senior boss in the entertainment circle at present, after all, age is here.

Zhang Juwei has no children and has never been married in his life, but there are only occasional scandals about him.

Some people say that Zhang Juwei is a family who fears marriage, but this statement is somewhat untenable.

Most of the people who are afraid of marriage are young people who are easy to accept new ideas, but Zhang Juwei is so old that he is not interested in the so-called unmarried, and he is still a traditional old man in his bones.

It is also said that when Zhang Juwei was young, he fell in love with a girl.Later that girl died for some unknown reason, and since then Zhang Juwei has never had a serious girlfriend around him.This statement has been recognized by some old people in the circle.

But after all, Zhang Juwei is neither a big star with tens of millions of fans, nor a young and handsome little fresh meat. The big guys are not very interested in his gossip, so the specific reason why he has not been married, except for Zhang Juwei himself, I am afraid it is difficult for others to tell. So come out.

Zhang Juwei's face is square, more rectangular, and the momentum he has cultivated over the years gives him a sense of calmness and prestige in every gesture.

He is tall and strong, if you don't know his details, it is difficult to see his actual age, as if he is a middle-aged man in his forties.

No wonder some people say that not getting married is the secret to longevity and youth.

Different from other people, Zhang Juwei reads newspapers. He is quite old-fashioned. He usually uses a computer for work and meetings, but when he is alone, he still uses handwriting more. Subscribe to the newspaper instead.

At present, Zhang Juwei has subscribed to several large newspapers in Huaguo, as well as more than a dozen medium and large newspapers. Among them are daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. Dozens of newspapers were delivered to his desk.

But what is amazing and admirable is that Zhang Juwei can always finish reading so many newspapers.

Some people in the office of the president of Xinghe Entertainment often say in private that it’s no wonder that Brother Zhang can accomplish such a big thing. He reads so many newspapers every day, and most people can’t finish them.

The reason why Zhang Juwei can be sure that he has indeed read these newspapers is because every time a newspaper is taken out of Zhang Juwei's office, there will be places marked with a pen on the newspaper, as well as his perception of some things.

These newspapers, Zhang Juwei never let people throw them away, but have a special office for these newspapers he has read.

Zhang Juwei's work is open and close, lacking in detail, but it would be wrong to say that he easily offends people and is not popular in the circle.

Zhang Juwei has a very good relationship with Qin Da, president of Tianjing Entertainment Company, Yang Guang of Guangmei Entertainment Company, and Wang Meili and his wife.

You must know that in this circle, the most fierce competition has never been these second-rate entertainment companies, but the two first-rate entertainment companies that are high above.

There are so many entertainment news newspapers in Huaguo, but few newspapers have photographed Qin Da, Yang Guang, and Wang Meili on the same stage. Those evening parties and grand ceremonies must have Qin Da without Yang Guang and his wife, or Yang Guang. The couple has no Qin Da.

Many times, because of the rigid relationship between these two entertainment companies, other small and medium-sized entertainment companies have to stand in line.

The second-rate entertainment companies are better, after all, their own strength is not weak, and they can protect themselves against the first-rate entertainment companies, but those third-rate entertainment companies or artist studios, in the face of Tianjing Entertainment and Guangmei Entertainment Sometimes, it is often necessary to make a difficult choice between the two.

If it weren't for the macro-control of the General Administration of Culture, the entertainment industry would be messed up by these two behemoths.

But the bosses of the two entertainment companies that are in such a state of turmoil are friendly with Zhang Juwei. It is no wonder that many people in the circle say that Zhang Juwei is an old fox.

And Zhang Juwei, who is called the old fox by many people, was really angry and laughed when he heard that others called him this name, and then left it behind. In fact, he prefers to be called tiger or lion. If you want to take a nickname.


Really not for him!
Ding ding ding.

The mobile phone in his clothes rang, Zhang Juwei frowned, stood up, walked to the hanger, took off his clothes, and took out his mobile phone from inside.

Looking at his phone, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Interesting." Zhang Juwei smiled disdainfully.

He just saw the person on the phone in the newspaper.

Qi Kai, the former vice president of the notorious Brilliant Entertainment Company.

Because Bright Entertainment has developed well in recent years, Galaxy Entertainment and Bright Entertainment have some cooperation, so Zhang Juwei and Qi Kai are also in contact.

At this time, when Qi Kai called himself, Zhang Juwei could easily think that it was because of some things.

Zhang Juwei raised his eyebrows, glanced at the phone screen, and hung up the phone directly.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, he just walked back a few steps, but unexpectedly, the phone remembered again.

Zhang Juwei frowned, thinking that this guy was not only bad in character, but also so ignorant that he called him repeatedly.

Turning around and walking back, he took out his phone and pressed the answer button.

"Hello." Zhang Juwei said.

"Brother Wei Zhang, I'm Qi Kai." Qi Kai stammered and greeted Zhang Juwei.

Zhang Juwei's face darkened, and he said, "Boss Qi, what's the matter? Call me suddenly."

Qi Kai said: "Brother Zhang, it's like this. I'm planning to resign from Bright Entertainment within a day or two. As you know, I've been doing this job all the time. I don't know anything about other industries. After so many years, I have accumulated some network resources in my hand, and it would be a pity if I change my line, I don’t know if you have a position with Brother Zhang, I want to join you, what do you think?”

Qi Kai's words, on the surface, are saying that he has little skills and can't get along anywhere except the entertainment circle, but in fact, he is telling Zhang Juwei in a disguised form that he has resources in his hands. If Zhang Juwei accepts him, it will definitely be of great benefit to him .

However, Qi Kai's profound words were only exchanged for Zhang Juwei's one-word reply - "Get lost."

This kind of trash with low character wants to join my company?
After Zhang Juwei finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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