Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 44 Chen Ziyu is here again

Chapter 44 Chen Ziyu is here again
Tan Yue opened Weibo and took a look at the followers who followed him. Now it has grown to more than [-] people.

The number of fans in memory has doubled by dozens of times.

Tan Yue nodded with satisfaction. Although he didn't pay much attention to these, the surge of fans also showed that he was recognized, and he was quite happy.

Check out the comments below a recent Weibo post.

"Mr. Tan Yue, I want to ask if you wrote the song "Song for Yourself" that you sang? I can't find this song on the Internet at all!"

"I found it after listening to "Song for Myself", can you reply?"

Tan Yue continued to slide down, all of which were comments made some time ago.

""Young and Doing" is really good."

"Hello Tan Yue, I'm a music lover. I'm curious how you wrote this "Youth and Promising"? Is it because of emotional experience?"

Tan Yue continued to scroll down for a while, these comments were even longer.

"After reading the news, I came here because of it!"

"I heard that you and Qi Xue are divorced?"

"It's miserable, it's not yours, it's not yours, look at it."

"Qi Xue is not that kind of bad woman, it must be your fault that Qi Xue divorced you!"

"I looked at the identity verification of the blogger, and it turned out to be from Jishui City, or a program planner."

Going forward is basically the time when Tan Yue has not exposed his relationship with Qi Xue, there are few comments and nothing to see.

Turning off the comment area, Tan Yue was fascinated by the number of fans who already had more than [-]. There are few behind-the-scenes staff like him. For example, Zheng Guang, who has been a show director for so many years, has only [-] fans. come out.


Tan Yue suddenly remembered, has his current Weibo fans surpassed Zheng Guang?

It seems so!
Shaking his head with a smile, Tan Yue clicked the input box on the screen and edited a Weibo to reply to the inquiries of many netizens, "I saw a lot of netizens' messages, I will reply in a unified way, the song I sang tonight. The song is called "Song for Myself", which is my original work and should not be found on the Internet. Finally, I hope everyone can come and pay attention to my new program "Tree of Wisdom"."

In the end, Tan Yue has not forgotten to advertise his program to promote it.

After sending out the Weibo, Tan Yue didn't care anymore. He went to the study to turn on the computer, logged on to the official website of the General Administration of Culture, and submitted the copyright registration application for "Songs for Myself".

After finishing, Tan Yue went back to the bedroom to rest.Today, the mental work and physical work are very heavy. Now lying in bed, the upper and lower eyelids start to fight after a while.

the next day,
I went to bed early last night and woke up naturally.

For a habitual late-night criminal like Tan Yue, if he was not woken up by the alarm clock this time, he might have slept.

I quickly picked up my phone and checked the time. It was only [-]:[-] in the morning, and I woke up earlier than before.

"Sure enough, it's better to go to bed early and get up early." Tan Yue stretched out with a smile, got off the bed and started to wash.

After some tidying up, Tan Yue went out to the TV station.

Having breakfast at the breakfast stall at the entrance of the community, Tan Yue was about to take the bus, but suddenly found two old ladies not far away quietly looking at him and quietly pointing at him.

Tan Yue frowned and looked over there. One of the old ladies looked down at the newspaper in her hand and looked up at Tan Yue.

Tan Yue understood a little, walked over to the newsstand on the side of the road, picked one of the stalls, and found his goal - Jishui Daily Morning News.

There is plenty of time today, so Tan Yue doesn't have to rush to the work unit. He directly read some reports about himself in the newspaper on the side of the road.

The main content is still around "I Am a Singer". As a well-known local program in Jishui City, "I am a Singer" has always been a frequent visitor to some local newspapers.

And yesterday, the big movement caused by Tan Yue on "I Am a Singer" was quickly noticed by the people in the newspaper, and then it slowly started to ferment on the Internet, so there is today's article about "I am a Singer" ", which mentioned Tan Yue and his original song "Song to Myself", and even mentioned "Tree of Wisdom".

"This editor is very discerning." Tan Yue folded the newspaper with a smile and threw it into the trash.

After thinking about it, Tan Yue stopped waiting for the bus, stopped a taxi and headed to the unit.

He suddenly appeared in the newspaper, and was also put on a stage photo. Tan Yue was afraid that, like a star on TV, he would be surrounded by mobile phones and take pictures.

Getting in the taxi, Tan Yue was still wondering if he would be recognized by the driver.

But obviously he was thinking too much.

Without a word, the taxi stopped under the TV station building, and Tan Yue paid and got off.

Walking to the front desk, Tan Yue took out his work card and was about to punch in. The security guard standing at the gate suddenly stopped Tan Yue, "Mr. Tan."

Tan Yue turned his head to look over, recognized the security guard who told him about cross talk last time, and asked in confusion, "Hello, what's the matter?"

The security guard looked outside. No one came, so he walked over and whispered, "Didn't you want to inquire about that female boss last time? I heard it."

Tan Yue was taken aback, female boss?

However, he quickly realized that what the security guard said should be Chen Ziyu, and said with a chuckle, "Thank you, no need."

If he had some thoughts about Chen Ziyu because he looked somewhat similar to his previous girlfriend, then as he recognized the reality, the thoughts would have long since disappeared.

After meeting him twice, Tan Yue found out that Chen Ziyu's appearance is also very different from his previous girlfriend. The first time may be the relationship of perspective, which made him feel very similar, but it was only a few points.

On the other hand, the experience of meeting Chen Ziyu twice also made Tan Yue very helpless and annoyed.

What kind of man would like a woman like Chen Ziyu who acts domineering, has a strong personality, and wears a widow face every day?
After Tan Yue finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the building.

The security eldest brother shouted, his face collapsed, and he shook his head helplessly. Today, he saw that the deputy director of the provincial station came down to pick up the female boss in person, so he found a staff member he knew to inquire about the identity of the female boss. .

I didn't expect the female boss to be so prominent.

Originally, I wanted to show off in front of Tan Yue, but I didn't expect that Tan Yue would not need it.


Brothers and sisters are so awesome!
In the last chapter, I was still trying to sprint to the top [-] of the recommended votes. When I woke up, I was ranked more than [-]. It was too fierce! ! !

Let's make the next two hundred and fifty goals. If we can achieve the goal with such a great batch, the author will add two more chapters.

I'm still on the road now, and many things are inconvenient. This paragraph is placed at the end of the chapter. Fortunately, it is a public chapter and will be placed in the author's words in the future.

The big guy who gave the reward uniformly thanked him in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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