Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 445 Accompanying girlfriend after get off work?

Chapter 445 Accompanying girlfriend after get off work?
Chang'an Building, fifty-ninth floor, in Ma Jun's office.

The former deputy director of the program department and now the director of the program department, sitting in his office, was so excited that tears almost filled his eyes.


He often took a deep breath, suppressing the sigh in his heart.

Ma Jun had a lot of emotions. He used to think that he could be the director, but was taken by Tan Yue. He thought he was just like that, and had no chance with the company's executives. Unexpectedly, by chance, he was finally in charge of the program Director of the department.

Ma Jun is glad that he didn't fight Tan Yue hard when Tan Yue first came.Although he was depressed at the time, he also saw that Tan Yue was indeed capable, and gradually the complaints in his heart were wiped away.

If I hadn't held back the anger in my heart at that time, and wanted to empty Tan Yue, a newcomer, my fate would have been very miserable.

Don't say that you are just a small deputy director, look at how many people's bones lie under Tan Yue's feet along the way.

The former director of the technical department usually had his nostrils upturned towards everyone, but because he offended Tan Yue, he was kicked out of the company.

There is also Qi Kai, the former vice president of the company, who is even more powerful, but because he hated Tan Yue, what will happen?It can be said to be miserable.

As a mere deputy director, if he wanted to confront Mr. Tan, it would undoubtedly be like a gnat shaking a big tree, which is ridiculous.

Ma Jun took a deep breath, feeling uncontrollably excited, and tremblingly took out a cigarette from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, lit it, and took a long puff.

The smoke was slowly exhaled from his mouth, and Ma Jun looked at the smoke in front of him. Gradually, the smoke seemed to converge into a figure in front of his eyes.

This figure, faintly, reveals the appearance of Tan Yue.

Looking at the smoke that looked like Tan Yue, Ma Jun's fingers holding the cigarette paused for a moment, a little stiff, and he didn't dare to smoke anymore.

Now Tan Yue's image is extraordinarily stalwart and tall in his heart.

This forty-year-old veteran in the workplace made up his mind that no matter what, he would hug Tan Yue's thigh tightly and never let go.

Suddenly, Ma Jun was stunned for a moment, and quickly extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand. There was no more smoke, and the smoke in the air slowly dissipated.

Ma Jun secretly repented in his heart, sins and sins, how could Mr. Tan use smoke to outline it.

In another office not far from Ma Jun's office in the play.

Ma Wenru was also excited. She used to be the deputy director of the public relations department, but now she has been transferred to the new media department as the director.

Although the difference between the deputy director and the director is only one level, it is a huge gap.

A deputy director can only be regarded as a middle-level management, and only when he becomes a department director can he be called a company executive.

In the company, too many deputy directors want to take another step up, but they still can't make it.

All along, Ma Wenru has done a good job. After a few more years of accumulation, she will have a sense of presence in front of the senior leaders, and she may have the opportunity to be promoted to director.

However, Ma Wenru did not expect that this day would come so soon.

When Ma Wenru learned that she was about to be promoted to the director of the new media department, she was stunned, as if she was knocked out by a pie falling from the sky.

After recovering from the bliss of being stunned by the pie, Ma Wenru was pleasantly surprised, but also asked why such a pie fell on her head.

She didn't believe that such a great good thing would be her turn for no reason.

After all, among the deputy directors she knew, there were a few who were no worse than her.

After some inquiries, Ma Wenru found out that Mr. Tan recommended him.

All of a sudden, a strong emotion welled up in my heart.

Scholars die for their confidants, this is a true portrayal of Ma Wenru's current state of mind.

Ma Wenru did not expect that the one who supported her was Mr. Tan.

Ma Wenru felt that he was not familiar with Tan Yue, and the contact was only at work.

In the previous contact, when Tan Yue first joined the company, he wanted to cut down bad programs and develop new ones.

"Happy Comedian" was going to be promoted, so they found the public relations department. The director was too lazy to deal with the small troubles of the program department, so he sent these matters to Ma Wenru to deal with.

During that time, Ma Wenru treated Tan Yue without the slightest contempt, and everything went according to the normal process.

After working together for a long time, the program department became more and more prosperous and became the number one among many departments in the company. Tan Yue still looked for her for everything.

Tan Yue is the director, but he can't manage the public relations department. It can be said that it is of no benefit to Ma Wenru.Moreover, Tan Yue manages two departments with a lot of things to do. These two departments have a propaganda job, and Tan Yue entrusts Ma Wenru to handle it.

As the deputy director of the public relations department, Ma Wenru's work intensity is sometimes stronger than that of the department's supervisors.

If it were someone else, they might have played Tai Chi with Tan Yue long ago, and pushed all these complicated tasks into the hands of his subordinates, and muddled things along.

At this moment, Ma Wenru was both thankful for herself and grateful to Tan Yue.

Teacher Tan, I have never forgotten myself.

On the [-]th floor, the president's office, in Tan Yue's office.

Dong dong dong, the door of the office was knocked, Tan Yue raised his head, and before he could speak, the door was pushed open.

A short, fat man swaggered in from the door, and while walking in, he looked at it privately.

"Old Tan, good guy, your new office is really impressive." Xu Nuo smiled and looked at Tan Yue's new office.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows and said, "That's for sure."

Tan Yue stood up, sat on the sofa in the reception area on the other side, and made a cup of coffee for Xu Nuo.

Xu Nuo smiled and said, "What's the matter? No more tea?"

Tan Yue said with a smile: "If Chen Ye is not here, then I won't drink tea."

During this period of time, Chen Ye always took care of Tan Yue, telling Tan Yue to drink less coffee and drink more tea as much as possible. Although Tan Yue wanted to drink coffee, he also knew that Chen Ye was doing it for his own good, so he had to follow Chen Ye and drink more. Tea, less coffee.

Xu Nuo took a sip and drank his coffee.

Putting down the coffee, he promised, "Old Tan, I want to ask you something."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "What's the matter, tell me."

Promised: "Did I improve a little faster?"

Tan Yue glanced in surprise, and said, "Progress? Have you made any progress?"

Facing Tan Yue's venomous tongue, Xu Nuo rolled his eyes at him, and said, "I mean, did I get promoted a little fast?"

It will only take one year to promise to join the company, but during this year, he has gone from an ordinary staff member to a director of a popular show, to a choreographer, and now he has been directly promoted to the deputy director of the department.

This can no longer be described as riding a rocket.

Others are leaping every three years, but the promise is indeed three leaps a year.

Promised: "In the past year, I have been promoted and raised my salary as if I had taken a big pill, and many people in the department know that the two of us have a good relationship. I am worried that my promotion so fast will affect you. , I am afraid that someone will gossip."

Tan Yue was really surprised this time after hearing the promise. He really didn't expect that this fat man would have such a small mind.

Tan Yue shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry about this. The deputy director is just a middle-level manager, and he didn't directly ask you to be the director. What's there to gossip about? Besides, you don't have confidence in yourself? "Happy The results of "Comedian" are getting better and better season by season, and with this alone, you will surpass others, and you will be the deputy director of the department, no problem."

After listening to Tan Yue's words, Xu Nuo breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also very happy about being promoted to deputy director, but at the same time, he was also worried that it would bring trouble to Tan Yue.

However, as Tan Yue said, he was promoted only after doing a good job. This is not the unit he worked in before, and he needs to place too much emphasis on qualifications. In the company, seniority is less important than ability.

Promising to finish the coffee, he got up and left.

Knowing that his promotion did not cause Tan Yue any trouble, he promised that a big rock would land, and then he became happy.

"Old Tan, I'm off work this afternoon, do you want to have a drink together? Let us both celebrate?" Xu Nuo walked to the door and asked.

Tan Yue shook his head and said, "Stop drinking, I have something to do this afternoon."

Xu Nuo frowned, put one hand in his pocket, stared at Tan Yue closely, as if he wanted to find out why, and asked: "Old Tan, what's the matter? It's more important than being with me? You have changed, you used to It’s not like this, you don’t have other women, do you?”

Hearing Xu Nuo's nonsense, Tan Yue twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, then walked forward quickly, kicked Xu Nuo out of the door, and then the office door was closed with a bang.

Tan Yue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"This guy is too outspoken."

"The main reason is that not far from the next door is Chen Ziyu's office."

"If Chen Ziyu hears about this, tsk tsk tsk, I will really have to wear a lot of the small shoes I promised in the future."

Tan Yue was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a knocking sound, and the office door was knocked again.

Tan Yue thought it was a promise that this guy came again, frowned, and stretched out his hand to open the door, "Fatty man, are you free to do—uh."

Tan Yue's throat seemed to be pinched by a pair of invisible hands, and he couldn't make a sound.

Looking at the people outside the door, Tan Yue tightly closed his mouth.

Outside the door, a beautiful woman with red phoenix eyes was standing with a frosty face.

"Mr. Chen." Tan Yue grinned and greeted Chen Ziyu.

Chen Ziyu squinted his eyes, looked at Tan Yue, and asked, "Mr. Tan, the one who left your office just now is a promise?"

Tan Yue opened his mouth, and before he could answer, he heard the sound of footsteps, before anyone arrived, "Old Tan, Old Tan, I remembered, are you going out tonight to accompany a woman?"

Xu Nuo approached, only to see Chen Ziyu standing at the door of Tan Yue's office, and was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

Thinking of what I said just now, if Tan Yue is the only one, it's nothing. The two of them are close, and it's harmless to joke with each other, but Boss Chen is here, saying those things is a big mistake.

At this time, Chen Ziyu's majestic eyes had already looked towards him.

Xu Nuo shook his head, thinking something was wrong, and quickly explained to Chen Ziyu: "Mr. Chen, what I meant just now is that Mr. Tan Tan has something to go out tonight, maybe he was talking about his girlfriend, to accompany his girlfriend .”

Look, you were really mean-spirited just now, why did you say that you went with a woman, that she was not elegant to accompany your girlfriend?
However, the development of things is different from Xu Nuo's imagination.

It was fine if he didn't explain it, but Chen Ziyu's expression was slightly darkened, but now that he explained it like this, Chen Ziyu's expression changed instantly.

Her face was instantly flushed with anger, she glanced at Tan Yue, then glared at Xu Nuo, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Chen Ziyu was already very imposing and majestic, but when he got angry, Xu Nuo was instantly overwhelmed by this powerful aura.

Xu Nuo opened his mouth, "Mr. Chen, this. I. He, this. This. This."

Xu Nuo was usually eloquent, but in front of Chen Ziyu, he couldn't use his tongue at all, and he became tongue-tied for a while.

Tan Yue also had a black line on his forehead at the moment.

Promise this guy, his mouth is really amazing.

Chen Ziyu took a deep breath, looked at Xu Nuo coldly, and said, "Tonight, I have something to go out with Teacher Tan."

Xu Nuo was still puzzled at first, didn't he just explain it, and put it in a better way, why did Boss Chen explode suddenly?
Now I understand, it turned out that the one who went out with Tan Yue at night was not Tan Yue's girlfriend, but Boss Chen. . .

Xu Nuo was dumbfounded, he sat on the wax for a moment, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Chen Ziyu frowned and looked at Xu Nuo coldly. If she hadn't had some scruples, she would have let Xu Nuo go to the HR department to collect two months' salary and leave.

On the one hand, it was estimated that Tan Yue, Chen Ziyu knew that the little fat man in front of him had a good relationship with Tan Yue.On the other hand, Chen Ziyu also knows that Xu Nuo is also a talent. He made "Happy Comedian" vivid and colorful, and made a great contribution to the company.

Chen Ziyu glanced at Tan Yue and said, "Teacher Tan, I'll come back to you later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ziyu turned around and left, leaving behind a dazed promise and Tan Yue who was speechless.

"Fatty, fatty, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come in." Tan Yue is gloating now.

Xu Nuo wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, he is no longer the novice when he first joined the company, over the past year, he has deeply learned Chen Ziyu's domineering style.

"Old Tan, don't follow me and add insult to injury, Mr. Chen, do you think I should come over and apologize?" Xu Nuo worried.

Xu Nuo is not a timid person, but it depends on who he is dealing with. If Chen Ziyu can crush him to death with one hand, he will naturally be timid to Boss Chen.

Tan Yue looked at Xu Nuo with a really scared look, and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen is not such a narrow-minded person, you go back, and pay attention when you talk later, this is not the fifty-ninth floor, this is the president's office , it’s only a few steps away from Mr. Chen’s office, let’s have some snacks in the future.”

Xu Nuo lowered his head and put his face on his face, not in a very high mood.

(End of this chapter)

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