Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 456 Qi Xue's complicated mentality, Tan Yue is on the list of first-tier public figures

Chapter 456 Qi Xue's complicated mentality, Tan Yue is on the list of first-line public figures

"it is good."

After watching the video, Ye Wen replied a good word to her daughter.

This is good, not a simple reply to Chen Ye, but a satisfaction to Tan Yue.

She is now more and more satisfied with Tan Yue. This young man is amazingly talented, and he is not the kind of person who is proud of his talents. He is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and he is a modest gentleman. This is Ye Wen's evaluation of Tan Yue.

Suddenly, Ye Wen felt that her satisfaction was like the old saying, when a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more satisfied she becomes?
Mother-in-law looking at son-in-law?

Ye Wen raised her eyebrows, Tan Yue seems to be single now?My daughter is also single.

Although Tan Yue was married before, which made Ye Wen a little dissatisfied, but Tan Yue's own talent can fully make up for his shortcomings.

It would be a good thing if my daughter was with Tan Yue.

In private, Tan Yue is a young man who is indeed outstanding and worthy of his daughter.

Yu Gong and Tan Yue are talented, and they can be called the most dazzling newcomers in recent years in terms of entertainment, and they have made great efforts in all aspects.Now that I am the director of the General Administration of Culture, I have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders, and I just need a competent person to support Huaguo's entertainment industry.

Tan Yue is very suitable.

Ye Wen couldn't help thinking more.

A gust of wind blew in from the window, and Ye Wen's feverish mind instantly cleared up, and she shook her head amusedly, wondering what she was thinking just now.

It is a good thing that Tan Yue is outstanding. I put Chen Ye by Tan Yue's side because I hope Chen Ye can learn something from Tan Yue.

The better Tan Yue is, the more Chen Ye can learn.

I hope that my daughter can really learn something good from Tan Yue.Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. If they follow Tan Yue's side, if they can get a trace of Tan Yue's literary spirit, that's enough.

After thinking about these things, Ye Wen relaxed for a while, picked up the pen again, and was about to read the document, but when she picked up the pen, another idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

Perhaps it is not impossible for the two of them to combine?
Magic City, Tianjing Entertainment Company.

Qi Xue wore headphones, looked at the tablet, and sat in the corner of the tea room. She had her own office, but sometimes she was used to sitting here.

The company has regulations for assigning offices to first-line artists, but Qi Xue has not been promoted to the first-line for a long time. Before she didn't have her own office, she was either in her agent's office or in a small cubicle in the corner of the pantry inside.

A habit developed over the years, she still sometimes finds a small cubicle where there is no one, drinking the ordinary coffee provided by the company while looking at the tablet.

Qi Xue has lost some weight recently, but she received a movie some time ago that required her to gain some weight. What she was watching just now was some plans made by a nutritionist for her, focusing on diet and supplemented by exercise.

That's right, gaining weight also requires exercise, otherwise it won't look good on camera.

After chatting with the nutritionist for a while, Qi Xue took off her earphones, intending to get another cup of coffee, but heard the company employees discussing.

"Have you listened to Teacher Tan Yue's new song?"

"What new song? I've been keeping an eye on Mr. Tan Yue. It seems that he hasn't released a new song?"

"You're talking about the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", right? I listened to it, it sounds great!"

"My friend shared it with me just now, and I also listened to it. It really sounds good."

"In our circle, I don't admire many musicians, and Teacher Tan Yue is one of them."

"I seldom listen to inspirational songs, but this song by Teacher Tan Yue almost made me cry."

"One thing to say, I really cried. What he had to go through to write a song like "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", especially the line 'Give me the courage to believe again, beyond lies Go hug you', it feels like the whole world has betrayed him, but he is still willing to hug the whole world, it’s too uncomfortable, it’s obviously an inspirational song, it made me cry.”

"Grass, I was completely overwhelmed by this line of lyrics. It directly pierced my heart. It's so f*cking piercing. What kind of inspirational song is this?"

"Well, when I watched Teacher Tan Yue's video, I was most impressed by this line of lyrics. It's simply, I don't know how you feel. Anyway, when I heard these two lines of lyrics, the first impression in my mind was to write Qi Xue, I checked on the Internet, Teacher Tan Yue delivered meals to Qi Xue by plane, how much he liked Qi Xue at that time, look at Qi Xue, now she is rumored to have an affair with Qin Feng again, probably they Morning—hey, Miss Zhang, what's wrong with your eyes? Why are you winking all the time."

"Cough, cough, don't talk nonsense."

"Where did I talk nonsense, didn't I just—"

The employee didn't finish his sentence, so he misfired.

She saw a slim figure and walked past her.

This... isn't this the Qi Xue she just mentioned?
The female employee's face turned pale in an instant, and her body trembled slightly.

It's embarrassing enough to speak ill of others and be heard by the person concerned, but the worst thing is to speak ill of the boss.

Qi Xue is a first-line star and has a high status in the company.

If Qi Xue really wants to pursue her, she just needs to say hello to her leader, and she probably will pack up and leave.


The female employee regretted in her heart, hating herself for talking nonsense with her big mouth, and her good future was ruined like this.

It is said that those celebrities and entertainers are narrow-minded and fond of holding grudges. If they are Qi Xue, then they must not spare themselves.

The others left silently. Before leaving, they still looked at the female employee with pity.

Soon, in the tea room, only the female employee stood in place.

She is so ruthless, if time can be restarted, she must go back to two minutes ago. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, dying, dying.

Qi Xue lowered her head and put the earphones into her ears, but no sound came out from the earphones, her mind was in a mess right now.

She had already forgotten the female employee just now, and she didn't even remember that person's appearance. In her mind, only what the female employee said.

In her mind, the scene of that night of that year came to mind. She was still filming a scene in Suzhou. Because she didn't eat during the filming at night and was very hungry, she posted a Weibo.

But she never thought that he would fly from Jishui to Suzhou overnight. Liquid food is not allowed on the plane. He dried up the water and used layers of plastic wrap to bring the rice. .

The rice was still hot when it was delivered to the set.

But at that time, I was in a bad mood because I kept NGing during filming. When I received his call, my tone was very bad and my attitude was even colder.

Qi Xue can now imagine what kind of mean face she had at that time.

Before I knew it, my heart seemed to be held by the palms of both hands, not tightly squeezed.

Sadness, heartache, pain, annoyance, regret, all kinds of complicated emotions came to her heart, making Qi Xue's nose sore, and she almost shed tears.

What happened to me at that time?How can you be so childish!
She didn't want to think about many things, but she would always remember them inadvertently.

Just like that, Qi Xue returned to her office.

Walking into the office, she blocked the door of the office from the inside to prevent anyone from coming in. She wanted to be quiet.

Go to the sofa and lie down, leaning on the sofa without moving.

Suddenly, she remembered, what that person said just now, "Give me the courage to embrace something", seemed to be written by him, his new song?
Thinking of him, Qi Xue, who was lying on the sofa like a dead person, regained some anger, picked up her phone, and searched for Tan Yue's new songs on the browser.

It was easy to find. She has been paying attention to everything about Tan Yue, which song is not new, and which song she has never heard.

This was news reported today, and the title used words like Tan Yue's new song.

Qi Xue clicked on the news, and a video was inserted in it.

Qi Xue clicked on the video. In the video, a handsome man in off-white casual clothes was on the stage. Under the lights, he became even more handsome.

He started singing.

Listening to the accompaniment, it was very strange, it was not a song she had heard before, this was his new song.

After the accompaniment, he picked up the microphone, and the familiar voice rang in his ears again.

"The brightest star in the night sky, can you hear me clearly,

The person looking up, the loneliness and sighing in my heart.

The brightest star in the night sky, can you remember,

The figure who once walked with me and disappeared in the wind.

Give me the courage to believe again, to embrace you beyond lies.

Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence, whenever I get lost in the dark night.

The brightest star in the night sky, please light me up. "

Listened to it over and over again.

Qi Xue has also made cross-border plans before, and put them into action, learned music knowledge, and also participated in some music variety shows.

Just like comedy masters are always tragic characters, she has heard that people who can write inspirational songs must have a sad and bumpy experience.

The better the song is written and the more touching it is, the more tragic the experience must be.

Netizens gave the answer to how the song was written. Qi Xuefan looked at the comments below, and they were all positive.

"Good song, I cried! According to psychology, a good impression on a person lasts up to four months. If it exceeds, it is love. One day, you will meet such a girl, she is gentle, considerate, beautiful Generous, I don’t think you are poor, I don’t think you are ugly, I don’t want your money, I don’t want your car, and I don’t want you either.”

"I like this song, but it's obviously an inspirational song. Why are all the comments in the comment area talking about love? I'm so pitiful. I'm in my twenties, and there's no boy holding it Hua came to me, what a pity, what a tragedy!"

"I feel that this song reveals Teacher Tan Yue's sadness. Although it is said that love is a matter between two people, I always feel that his failed marriage should not be like that."

"Who can tell. Love doesn't depend on whether you are talented or not. Qi Xue should be a very proud woman. If she doesn't like you, then she doesn't like you. She just wronged Teacher Tan Yue."

"I remember, when Qi Xue and Tan Yue just divorced, the slander against Teacher Tan Yue on the Internet was unsightly, hehe, forget it now? You can't forget the Internet, the Internet has memories !"

"Wow, ah, after listening to this song, I feel so full of strength! World War II, World War II, go ashore, go ashore!"

"Same as upstairs, I am going to World War II! I worked hard, but the first year ended in a mess, but I am not reconciled! I am sorry for the boy who cried late at night, so this year, I have to work hard, as long as I learn If I don’t die, I’m going to learn from death! By the way, this song is the best inspirational song I’ve ever heard. I decided to listen to this song every day during my postgraduate entrance examination for the next year. Song, let this song always accompany me and give me strength!"


Qi Xue flipped through the comments, and found that there were no bad reviews, but all positive ones.

What made Qi Xue feel particularly glaring was that her name appeared in several places in the comment section.

Some people said that she didn't like Tan Yue anymore.Do not!She really wanted to shout it out loud, she loved it!

But there are many kinds of medicines in the world, but there is no regret medicine to sell.

And now, she also knew what the female employee said.

"Give me the courage to believe again, to embrace you beyond the lies!" - from "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

Unknowingly, Qi Xue felt a little cold in the corners of her eyes, she raised her hand to touch it, and her fingers were actually a little wet.

Some things cannot be fooled.

The charm of music is enormous, and the influence of classic music is unimaginable.

In the music market, inspirational songs are usually no match for love songs.

But good enough inspirational songs are excluded, because when a song reaches a very high level and can be called a classic, its audience is simply too wide.

It can even be said that all of them are its audience!After all, as long as he is human, who would not have some sad things?

No matter how happy you are, when you suddenly think of those moments, you will dim at the fastest speed, and no amount of light can illuminate it.

Many people who think they are very optimistic have some shadows deep in their hearts. They don't want to mention the places they don't want to think about, but if they don't think about it, it doesn't exist?
They don't show sadness in front of people, but they are almost depressed when no one sees them.

But when they understand "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", they may find that no matter how unsatisfactory and unfortunate their lives are, when they think of those bright people and things in their lives, their hearts will be extremely fulfilled and sweet, and they will continue to look forward to the future. forward.

Tan Yue had also released a few new songs on Douyin before, which caused a lot of influence, but it was far less than this time.

One is "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", in terms of quality, it is indeed much better than the previous few.Second, the audience is wider.The third is to have more media and public figures to help promote it, and the most influential one is the queen Liang Qian. As the queen of music, she has influenced too many people to listen to this song.

The next day, in the morning, at ten o'clock.

The official website of the State Administration of Culture has been updated.

Tan Yue, who had been at the top of the list of second-tier public figures before, disappeared.

On the list of first-line public figures, there is one more name.

Tan Yue, officially as a behind-the-scenes staff member, has entered the list of big stars and is on the list of first-line public figures!
(End of this chapter)

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