Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 518 Wish her prosperity!

Chapter 518 Wish her prosperity!
The magic capital is thousands of miles away from the capital.

At Tianjing Entertainment, most people have already left work, but there are still some people who are working overtime.

For example, a group of people in the new media department.

Wen Ya was live broadcasting, and this time she also invited the well-known first-line singer Cao Zhen to help out, and at the same time, the live broadcast was also live broadcasted by the anchor sister Momo of Bright Entertainment Company.

For the new media department of Tianjing Entertainment, today is a crucial battle.

Many employees who did not participate in the live broadcast did not leave, but waited for news and watched the live broadcast in the company.

In a small studio.

Cao Zhen has already left, Wen Ya is still live broadcasting on stage, and many people below are watching.

For such an important live broadcast, everyone had to be on guard, as if if they didn't stare with wide eyes, they would be blamed for sabotage.

But there was one person who was sitting majesticly at the place closest to the stage. There was no live broadcast in the stands, but he was playing with his mobile phone there.

It's just that no one dared to talk about him.

Because this person is Li Xiaofeng, the director of the new media department, the boss of everyone on site.

After Cao Zhen left, Li Xiaofeng stopped paying attention to Wenya's live broadcast.

The climax of tonight's live broadcast has passed with Cao Zhen's departure. Wenya can't maintain such a high popularity, so there is no need to spend time watching Wenya's live broadcast.

On the contrary, Tan Yue's side needs attention.

There is a slogan about Tan Yue on the Internet, which is called "Tan Yue's product must be a high-quality product."

Li Xiaofeng scoffed at this sentence, not because he looked down on Tan Yue, but because it was too ridiculous.

In the entertainment industry, no one has ever lived up to the four words "everything produced must be a high-quality product".

Even for those six top superstars, each of them has many classic works, but these classic works are all piled up out of ten times more ordinary works.

It's not that Tan Yue is not good, on the contrary, Li Xiaofeng admits that Tan Yue is excellent, but this sentence is wrong and unrealistic!

However, Li Xiaofeng was also worried.

After all, in the circle, Tan Yue created myths not once or twice.

However, the reality is cruel.

Often worry about something, but worry about things will happen.

When Li Xiaofeng heard the song sung by Tan Yue, he felt a little bad.

A person who can serve as a director of a first-class entertainment company is also a senior person in the entertainment industry. Even if he can't write and sing songs, he still has basic music literacy.

The new song sung by Tan Yue is excellent both in terms of artistic conception and its own quality. Even Li Xiaofeng feels that it is no worse than the "Flowers of the Motherland" sung by Cao Zhen just now.

He wore earphones and listened to Tan Yue's song.

If the two sides were not competitors, he would have liked to give Tan Yue a thumbs up and a rocket.

It's just that because the two sides are competitors, Li Xiaofeng feels cold sweat on his forehead.

Tan Yue sang the last verse of "My Motherland and Me", ending the song.

"My dearest country,
You are the sea that never dries up,

Forever give me blue waves and clear waves,

song in my heart. "

Tan Yue held the microphone and immersed himself in the song.

In front of him, it was as if the seventy-year history of the founding of the Huaxia Kingdom unfolded in front of his eyes like a scroll, and every scene was so vivid.

It also seems to be telling a story, telling the audience the development of history in the past seventy years.

Half a minute later, Tan Yue took a light breath and looked towards the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, various gifts have been screened.

It even prevented Tan Yue from seeing how the netizens commented.

But Tan Yue could feel the agitation of the netizens at the moment, just like himself, it was difficult to calm down.

Sometimes love songs are good and sensational enough, but in terms of atmosphere and resonance, they are far from comparable to the main theme song.

"Thank you for your support. After I finish singing this song, I have to give up the live broadcast room to today's protagonist. Goodbye."

When he came on stage just now, a staff member told him that Cao Zhen had already sung a song and left Wenya's live broadcast room, and did not stay for a long time. Similarly, Tan Yue did not intend to stay in the live broadcast room forever.

Tan Yue looked at the corner of the live broadcast room, Momo was looking at himself with big eyes blinking, smiled, and waved to Momo, while he waved to the audience in the live broadcast room, said goodbye, and Get off the live broadcast room.

After Tan Yue finished singing and came down from the stage, everyone's eyes were fixed on this talented leader.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion and everyone needed to keep quiet, the big guy would definitely not be able to help giving Tan Yue the warmest applause.

Not to flatter Tan Yue.

It's the admiration and admiration for Tan Yue from the heart.

Talented, low-key and gentle people are always easier to win the support of others.

Wang Jie sat behind Ma Wenru. He was an old man who had followed Tan Yue for a long time. He was not in awe of Tan Yue like the others. After Tan Yue stepped down, he bared his teeth and gave Tan Yue a thumbs up.

In Momo's live broadcast room, the fans have gone crazy!

Even though Momo came up, it still couldn't stop the fanaticism of the fans.

And Momo didn't stop her, she wished that men all over the world would like her boss, as for women, forget it.

"Ah, ah, teacher Tan Yue, don't go, you don't go, please, don't leave me to endure the pain of lovesickness."

"Teacher Tan Yue, I'll give you a super rocket, can you sing it again? It's really nice!"

"I'm going to play a super rocket too. Don't ask Mr. Tan Yue to sing again. You should also take a rest. Stay and talk to us."

"This song is called "My Motherland and Me", right? Begging Tan Yueda to let me know when the single will be released!"

"Go online with the music software. I believe it will be the best seller. I haven't heard such a beautiful theme song for many years!"

"I was born in China, I am proud! I love you! China! I love this land! Love the lovely people in this land!"

"Have you seen it? There is no need to fly the plane twice again! This prosperous world is as you wished, the mountains and rivers are still there, the country is peaceful and the people are safe!"

"Tan Yue is so awesome! Who would have thought that he would write such a beautiful theme song?! It's really good! It's really great!! As a music producer, I'm really proud and touched! I wish the motherland prosperity and prosperity, let’s work hard together!”

"I wish all the friends who read my words, that their parents can live to be a hundred years old!"

In the live broadcast room, many people were infected by this main theme song.

Some people say that the main theme song market is not good and it is not easy to impress the audience.

It's not that the market for the main theme songs is bad, it's the quality of the songs.

The quality of the songs is high, and the market for the main theme songs is even bigger!
The comment area in the live broadcast room is a testimony!
There are also fans who are more playful, and the comments they post stand out amidst the heavy words.

"After listening to this song, I learned a lot. 1. This song promotes the spirit of the Chinese nation with patriotism as the core, and reflects the common value pursuit of the Chinese nation. (4 points) 2. This song promotes It embodies the core values ​​of socialism, which is conducive to playing the main theme. (4 points) 3. This song demonstrates the power of self-confidence of our people and enhances people's strong sense of identity and belonging to Chinese culture. (4 points)”

"The teacher talked about atoms in class: what is indivisible in the world?

I don't think so.

At this time, the classmate sitting behind said: I and my motherland.

Other students who were talking a lot, including the teacher, were silent. "


Ding Lin and Ye Wan's home.

Three people were sitting on the sofa, watching the live broadcast.

Tan Yue had already left, but the three of them couldn't wake up from the aftertaste for a long time.

After a long time, Ye Lin sighed, and said, "Sister, this Tan Yue is indeed excellent, and this song is also very good."

The song "My Motherland and Me" sung by Tan Yue just now really moved her.

It has been a long time since Ye Lin heard a song with the main theme that touched her.

The reason why "Flowers of the Motherland" moved her was because of the addition of childhood feelings.

Ye Lin is not a professional musician and doesn't know how to criticize music, but in all fairness, to her, the song "My Motherland and Me" sung by Tan Yue is even better than Cao Zhen's masterpiece "Flowers of the Motherland".

Ye Lin didn't know if it was because she was still in the mood of "My Motherland and Me" that she made such a judgment, but at this moment, Ye Lin really thought so.

Ye Wan took a deep breath, nodded, and said: "That's for sure. I knew that Tan Yue was very talented after watching "Life Grows and Hates Water Changdong" before, and I even specially translated all the songs he wrote before. Come out and listen to it again, sister, guess what?"

Ye Lin looked at her younger sister, wondering, "What's wrong?"

Ye Wan solemnly said: "Every song is good, they are high-quality songs, and none of them is of poor quality. Like Teacher Cao Zhen, his "Flowers of the Motherland" is indeed very good, but it is his representative song. A few of his famous songs, do you know other songs? Ninety percent of his songs are of average quality, not just Mr. Cao Zhen, every singer is like this, but Tan Yue is not, at least he has not written yet Come out with bad songs."

Ye Lin pursed her lips, then nodded and said: "I have time, I will also find out the songs written by Tan Yue and listen to them."

Ye Wan said: "I will definitely not disappoint you."

The two sisters were talking here, and Ye Wan suddenly remembered how her husband had been so quiet until now.

Ye Wan turned her head and looked at her husband Ding Lin, only to see that Ding Lin was rubbing his eyes, his eyes were red.

Ye Wan asked in surprise, "Honey, what's wrong with you?"

Ding Lin took a deep breath, turned his face to the phone screen, and said without looking at Ye Wan, "It's okay, the sand got into my eyes."

It wasn't the sand blowing into his eyes, but when Ding Lin was listening to Tan Yue singing, he thought of his grandfather.

When he was a child, his grandfather was still there, and he often told him stories during the Anti-Japanese War.

It was difficult at that time. Weapons and supplies were very poor, but we used millet and rifles to forcefully repel the invaders and defend the country.

When grandpa was taking a bath, Ding Lin asked grandpa why he had so many scars on his body. Grandpa just smiled and didn't say how the scars all over his body came from.

Thinking about it now, Dan Dinglin's nose and eyes can't help pantothenic acid.

Ye Wan blinked, looked at the closed doors and windows, where did the sand come from?
Before I knew it, it was half past nine.

The live broadcasts of Wenya and Momo ended one after another.

But the live broadcast is over, and the subsequent impact of the live broadcast has just begun to ferment.

As Tan Yue said before, the competition between Tianjing Entertainment and Bright Entertainment tonight was only one of many battles during the live broadcast, and the subsequent impact was also an important battle.

In terms of follow-up impact, Cao Zhenxin already has the answer.

magic city,

In a high-end bathing club.

After Cao Zhen came out of the company, he came here directly to take a bath.

The weather is hot, take a bath often.

The clubhouse is next to the company, not far away.

It didn't take long for Cao Zhen to arrive here.

He is a public figure, so he goes directly through the VIP channel instead of the front desk.

Lying in the medicated bath, Cao Zhen was not idle. He watched Momo's live broadcast on his mobile phone. Of course, he didn't watch all of it, but only watched the part about Tan Yue.

Therefore, Cao Zhen heard "My Motherland and Me" sung by Tan Yue from beginning to end.

Others may not be clear, but Cao Zhen knows clearly.

This song is well written!

Compared with my own "Flowers of the Motherland", this song "My Motherland and Me" is just as good.

Of course, Cao Zhen still believes that the quality of the two songs is similar, and does not admit that his masterpiece is worse than "My Motherland and Me" written by Tan Yue.

But there is one very important point.

That is, "Flowers of the Motherland" is an old song, but Tan Yue's "My Motherland and Me" is a completely new song!
An old song that has been sung for decades, under the premise of the same quality, what can I use to harden a new song?

Cao Zhen sighed, this time, he didn't lose to Tan Yue, but to Time, but Wen Ya lost to Momo, Cao Zhen didn't lose!

Those media are chasing the heat. It is conceivable that after a period of time, there will be a lot of enthusiasm about the song "My Motherland and Me" on the Internet.

Handing the mobile phone to the woman waiting beside him, Cao Zhen's body leaning on the edge of the bathtub slowly slid down, and finally submerged directly into the basin, only a stream of air bubbles came up from the water.

Just as Cao Zhen expected.

Cao Zhen's re-sing of the classic old song "Flowers of the Motherland" was indeed reported by many media and self-media, but compared with the popularity of Tan Yue's singing of the new song "My Motherland and Me", it was far behind.

The video about Tan Yue singing went viral on the Internet.

"My Motherland and Me" has also entered the ears of many, many people.

Never underestimate the power of a classic song!


Thanks to the book friend [often laughing] big brother for the reward of 100 starting coins.

Thanks to the book friend [It’s a pudding-loving pudding] boss for the 100 starting point coin reward.

Thanks to the book friend [Chew] for the 100 starting point reward.

Thanks to the book friend [cooked rice into porridge] for the 100 starting point reward.

Thank you for your support, pen core~

(End of this chapter)

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