Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 53 The Director's Attention

Chapter 53 The Director's Attention

In the office of Li Zheng, director of the Children's Channel.

"The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" have increased tremendously!" Li Zheng said with a smile after reading this week's ratings summary table.

Sun Xin, director of the program department, sat on the sofa on the other side of the coffee table, nodded and said, "I didn't expect that the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" could reach such a high level. It was because of your discerning eyes, director, that you chose Tan Yue at that time. "

Li Zheng smiled and said, "This young man has a lot of ideas. I was very satisfied with the planning of this "Tree of Wisdom" at that time."

"Originally, the ratings of the first issue was only 3.3, and I thought my vision was wrong."

"It's only the third issue now, and the ratings have risen to 9.12. I'm also relieved, at least it shows that my judgment has not fallen."

Li Zheng was very impressed with Tan Yue. One reason was that "Tree of Wisdom" really made his eyes shine, and the other reason was that Tan Yue's performance in the interview was a very enterprising young man.

It's just that I forgot about "Tree of Wisdom" when I got busy. After I remembered it, I asked, and learned that the ratings were only 3.3. Li Zheng was also very depressed, and he wondered if his vision and judgment could not keep up with the market.

There was no need to pay attention to a show with a rating of only 3.3. After that, Li Zheng simply left the show behind.

It was also later that after a week, when I looked at the ratings table of all the programs on the channel, I discovered that the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" actually increased from 3.3 to 6.3.

And this week, the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" rose to 9.12, and it was about to break 10.

At present, the children's channel has only two programs with a rating of 10. If "Wisdom Tree" can break 10, he will also have a light on his face at the high-level meeting in the stage.

Li Zheng picked up the glass on the coffee table and took a sip of water, and said, "I heard bad news today, and finally I heard good news."

"After you go back, tell Tan Yue and ask him if the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" can break 10."

"If the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" can break 10, I will give him a separate commendation session at the summary meeting at the end of the month, hehe."

Li Zheng said with a smile.

Sun Xin was a little surprised to hear that, the Children's Channel will have a large-scale meeting at the end of every month, and the core personnel of each program group will be present, not only the program department, but the director will preside over the meeting in person.

Although the program department is the most important department, because there are many departments involved, the director rarely spends a period of time alone to talk about a certain program. Even if there are two programs in the channel that have a rating of over 10, they are simply mentioned. one sentence.

Listening to what the director just said, if the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" can break 10, it is definitely not as simple as just mentioning it.

It's too much of a face to open a commendation session for Tan Yue alone.

What Sun Xin is not clear about is that the viewership rate of "Wisdom Tree" planned by Tan Yue has risen so fast that it can be said to be the highest in the history of the children's channel, and even Li Zheng, a senior TV personality, has not shown it for many years. This kind of show.

The rise of "Tree of Wisdom" also makes Li Zheng feel that his ability is still very strong, and he is still competent for the position of channel director. He is not old yet!
Sun Xin nodded and said, "Okay, Director, I'll tell Tan Yue when I go back later."

Li Zheng snorted and added: "There is also the "Wisdom Tree" program group, if the ratings can break 10, they will all get two extra salaries at the end of the year, no, three extra salaries!"

Sun Xin smiled and nodded. It seemed that the director attached more importance to "Tree of Wisdom" than she thought.

After talking about the conversation again, after drinking a glass of water, Li Zhengcai said: "Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go back first."

Sun Xin nodded, stood up and left. As soon as he walked to the door of the office, he was stopped by Li Zheng.

"Wait a moment."

Sun Xin turned to look at Li Zheng.

Li Zhengdao: "After you go back, you should also talk to Liu Zhe and Xu Jiayi of "Lively Paradise". The sponsors are very dissatisfied. The ratings of the next issue will rise no matter what."

"If there is a problem with publicity, you can send me an email after you go back, and approve some more funds for "Lively Paradise"."

"The sponsor must be stable. If it leaves our channel, it will be a joke. If you go to other TV stations, wait for the approval of the leaders of the channel."

After listening to Li Zheng's words, Sun Xin nodded solemnly, "Yes, director, after I go back to the "Lively Paradise" side, I will talk to them individually about this issue."

There are many problems with sponsors picking on them, and they are often dissatisfied because of some problems. The program team just needs to give some face to this kind of thing, and the advertising sponsors will not really leave to go to other TV stations.

Of course, if you really want to go, you can't stop it.

But in the case of "Lively Paradise", the problem is really not with the sponsors. The sponsors have a large amount of advertising fees, but the ratings of the show have been declining, and they will definitely be dissatisfied.

Moreover, the advertising sponsor of "Lively Paradise" is also a major customer in Taiwan, and it must be stabilized.

After Sun Xin left, they directly called Xu Jiayi, the chief planner of "Lively Paradise", and Liu Zhe, the director, to the office.The matter of Tan Yue is a good thing, and it can be delayed for a while, but the matter of "Lively Paradise" must be resolved as soon as possible.

Advertising fees are one of the most important sources of income for a TV station. If the sponsors of this weight go away, the children's channel, from the director to the director and the program team, will definitely suffer.

After Liu Zhe and Xu Jiayi of "Lively Paradise" left Sun Xin's office in dejection, Tan Yue was called over.

Sun Xin told Tan Yue what the director meant, and Tan Yue was also very happy.

The three-salary bonus is a real cash bonus.

What makes Tan Yue even more happy is that if the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" can break 10, he will be commended separately at the summary meeting at the end of the month.

This is an honor!

More importantly, this also represents Tan Yue's qualifications in the TV station.

Although the General Administration of Culture has made announcements to TV stations at all levels, they should not pay too much attention to qualifications, but also meritocracy.

But in a place like a TV station, qualifications are definitely still important in work.

In the past, Tan Yue had nothing to mention, but if he did well on such a big occasion as the summary conference at the end of the month, he would be considered a little famous on TV.

When others mention him, they will give a thumbs up, saying that this is a very powerful program planner, the general planner of a well-known program.

Tan Yue hummed a little tune gently, with a warm smile on his face, as bright as spring.It is in stark contrast to Liu Zhe and Xu Jiayi who walked out of the office full of frustration and depression.

in the office,

Sun Xin sat on the office chair, watched Tan Yue go out, and shook her head with a smile.

The first time she came into contact with Tan Yue was as an interviewer, and her identity was naturally higher than Tan Yue's.

After that, when the ratings of the first issue of "Tree of Wisdom" came out, with a rating of 3.3, she called Tan Yue and Zheng Guang to the office, which was both a criticism and a suggestion, standing in the leadership position.

After that, the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" rose to 9.12. She and Tan Yue talked very politely, like old friends.

"Tsk tsk, is it possible that I have to call Mr. Tan in the future?"

Director Sun Xin smiled lightly.

In the TV station, it is the same planning, but the status is very different.

A competent general planner such as Li Guotang, of course, is already working as a director, and the director will politely call Mr. Li when he sees it.

An incompetent general planner is just an ordinary little leader.

And what can best reflect the ability is undoubtedly the ratings of the show!
 Thank you [Mephy8848] for the 200 starting point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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