Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 540 Dynamics of the parties

Chapter 540 Dynamics of the parties

More and more people have noticed the first-day ratings of "Underground Transportation Station".

Especially the people in the TV system were even more shocked by the clearing rate of "Underground Transportation Station".

Shonan TV station building.

In the director's office.

Director Ma Gang frowned and sat behind the desk.

The ratings of the first broadcast of "Underground Transportation Station" were high, which exceeded his expectations.

Before going to the Beijing Municipal General Administration of Culture to hold a director-level meeting, Ma Gang once teased Li Jian, the director of Hedong TV Station, for spending [-] million yuan to buy the first broadcast copyright of a TV series that may not be of high quality.

Thinking about it now, it's a slap in the face.

Ma Gang's face was slightly numb.

There were quite a few people present at that time. Now that the ratings of the first broadcast of "Underground Traffic Station" came out, it was not Li Jian who was ridiculed, but himself.

But this is still secondary. Ma Gang can sit on the position of the director of Shonan TV Station, and he doesn't value those who have no face anymore. Those who should give themselves face dare not give themselves face, and those who don't give themselves face don't have any Method.

What is important is that Shonan TV purchased the copyright for the premiere of "Republic of China Jokes".

And the drama "Republic of China Jokes" will start broadcasting in prime time at [-] o'clock tomorrow night.

Ma Gang knows that the genre and theme of "Republic of China Jokes" are very similar to "Underground Traffic Station", and now that the two dramas have caught up with the same schedule, there is no doubt that these two dramas will definitely be compared .

Before that, Ma Gang called the director of Taili Satellite TV Channel to talk, and asked "Republic of China Jokes" and "Underground Traffic Station" which is better.

At that time, the director talked about a lot of advantages of "Republic of China Jokes", and a lot of disadvantages of "Underground Traffic Station". A worrying drama will inevitably be crushed by "Republic of China Jokes".

This is how Ma Gang taunted Li Jian when he held a meeting in the capital.

You must know that the relationship between Hedong TV Station and Shonan TV Station is not harmonious. The rise of any new powerful force will inevitably cause some conflicts with established forces.

Hedong Provincial TV Station used to be only a mid-level TV station with average strength among many local TV stations, but with the leapfrog development in the past two years, now, it seems to be able to keep pace with strong TV stations such as Shonan TV Station, Beijing TV Station, and Jianjiang TV Station TV station.

However, during the development process of the Hedong TV station, there were naturally some conflicts and collisions with other TV stations. The conflicts were not irreconcilable serious conflicts, but there were some emotions during normal conversations.

Ma Gang's face is solemn, "Underground Traffic Station" is not good in every way, but the ratings are indeed high now. Although "Republic of China Jokes" is good in every way, Ma Gang doubts whether the ratings of its first broadcast can reach the level of "Underground Traffic Station".

Ma Gang planned to call the well-informed TV director who had analyzed him before, and criticize him first, but after thinking about it, it was still too early.

One is that "Underground Traffic Station" has only just aired two episodes. The reason why the ratings are so high is that there are no viewers who watched it curiously. After watching it, they found that it was not good and left. The ratings will definitely be reflected, and it will inevitably drop sharply.

The second is that "Republic of China Jokes" has not yet started broadcasting. I heard people analyze that the ratings of "Republic of China Jokes" will be quite high, and the ratings of "Republic of China Jokes" may still be higher than that of "Underground Transportation Station".

Therefore, it is still too early to call the director of satellite TV to "educate".

"Wait another two days, when the ratings of "Republic of China Jokes" will come out, and the ratings of "Underground Traffic Station" will also stabilize after that, just wait." Ma Gang thought to himself.

But in terms of emotions, it is unavoidable that because of the extremely high ratings of the first broadcast of "Underground Traffic Station", it has a touch of heaviness.

Beijing TV Station,
In the office of Deputy Director Li Yishan.

Too many entertainment newspapers and media on the Internet reported on the ratings of "Underground Traffic Station" on the first day, and Li Yishan also noticed this news.

When Li Yishan saw the news, his emotions were somewhat complicated.

When competing for the copyright of the first broadcast of "Lotus Lantern", the price offered by Jingcheng TV Station was not as good as that of Hedong TV Station, and it lost to Hedong TV Station. The bid reached [-] million, which made it impossible for Jingcheng TV station to follow, and Jingcheng TV station lost to Hedong TV station again.

Moreover, among the evaluations of many senior TV people, the evaluation of "Underground Transportation Station" is not high.

Therefore, after the copyright of the premiere broadcast of "Underground Traffic Station" was bought by Hedong TV Station at a high price, some leaders of Jingcheng TV Station wanted to watch the jokes of Hedong TV Station. The provincial TV station lost everything.

"Tsk tsk tsk, why don't we have Li Jian's courage?"

Li Yishan clicked his tongue.

Li Jian worked in the General Administration of Culture before becoming the director of the Hedong Provincial TV Station.

The Beijing TV station building and the General Administration of Culture building are not far away, and the two sides often deal with each other, so Li Jian and Li Yishan are considered to be acquainted, but the relationship is not close.

"I didn't realize that Li Jian was so capable before." Li Yishan sighed with emotion. In his memory a long time ago, Li Jian's talent was not very outstanding, but it happened in just two or three years. , bringing the Hedong Provincial TV Station forward a lot.

Li Yishan shook his head. He had studied Li Jian's growth trajectory. The reason why Li Jian can achieve his current development is not because of his outstanding talents, but because he has embraced the right thigh.

That's right, it's the right thigh.

After research and analysis, Li Yishan found that the most outstanding projects of Hedong TV Station in the past few years were all in cooperation with Bright Entertainment Company, or in other words, with Tan Yue.

"Tan Yue." Li Yishan frowned slightly, and relevant information about Tan Yue emerged in his mind.

Li Yishan took a deep breath, "What Li Jian can do, why can't my Beijing TV station do it? Isn't it just blind typing? At worst, next time Tan Yue has a new work released, just hug it regardless."

For celebrities in the entertainment industry, bigwigs like Li Yishan generally don't pay too much attention to them.

But Tan Yue was an exception, because this person was so powerful that he could influence the development of a provincial TV station.

This person is no longer simply defined by entertainment stars or behind-the-scenes workers.

Magic TV.

The same scene is also playing out here.

The three leaders of Shanghai TV Station gathered together.

In the director's office.

Director Zhang Ming, deputy director Fang Mo and another deputy director are sitting here.

"Have you watched the ratings on the first day of "Underground Traffic Station"?" Zhang Ming, the director of Modu TV Station, glanced at the two deputy directors and asked.

Fang Mo nodded, "I read it."

The other deputy director was stunned for a moment. He knew about the drama "Underground Traffic Station", but he didn't want to check the ratings of this drama. He didn't even know when "Underground Traffic Station" would start broadcasting.

This is normal. There are too many TV series aired every month on various satellite TVs and TV stations. As a station leader, there is no need to be concerned about such trivial matters.

However, the director Zhang Ming frowned, glanced at the deputy director, and said: "In May, the "Palace and Ancestral Temple" that we promoted in Taiwan lost to the "Lotus Lantern" produced by Cancan Entertainment. I noticed that the film and television drama production team of Cancan Entertainment Company, or in other words, the TV drama department of that company, and this "Underground Traffic Station" is another new film released by the TV drama department of Cancan Entertainment after "Lotus Lantern". TV series."

"After the news of "Underground Traffic Station" appeared on the Internet, I began to pay attention to it, and it has been up to now."

"You may feel that you are the leaders of the station, and a TV series is not taken seriously enough, but if there is another TV series of the level of "Lotus Lantern", do you still think it is not taken seriously enough?"

"We don't deny the achievements of "Gongci", but it is destined not to be the current ratings champion, and it will definitely miss this year's show king competition. This lesson is still vivid in my mind."

"It's not impossible for this "Underground Traffic Station" to reach the height of "Lotus Lantern". Its first broadcast ratings have reached [-]%. You can weigh it yourself, what kind of achievement is this? ?”

Zhang Ming's words, the deputy head of the station lowered his head.

That's right, ordinary TV series really don't need to be taken too seriously, but a TV series with a premiere audience rating of [-]% should be paid attention to. After all, this production team, the last TV series they produced, was a blockbuster. "Lotus Lantern" ah!

Next to him, the deputy director Fang Mo looked at Zhang Ming and said, "Director, I also noticed "Underground Traffic Station" before, but I may be influenced by some comments on the Internet, so I am not very optimistic about this drama, but this As soon as the ratings of the first broadcast of this drama came out, it surprised me."

"There is absolutely no problem with the quality of this drama. I see that there are still people on the Internet who say that many viewers came to watch it because of gimmicks. They saw that the quality of this drama is not good, so they will not watch it in the future. "Underground Traffic Station" The ratings will drop rapidly, and it won’t be as exaggerated as the first day ratings show, but I think this is a stupid thing said by stupid people.”

Director Zhang Ming and another deputy director all looked at Fang Mo.

Fang Mo continued: "Two episodes of "Underground Traffic Station" were aired yesterday. The ratings of the first episode were [-]%, and the ratings of the second episode were [-]%. If the audience I was attracted by the gimmicks, so I saw the poor quality of this show, and ran away from the first episode. It is impossible to waste time chasing and watching the second episode, and the ratings of the second episode not only did not drop, but also increased. It has risen a lot, which shows that the audience not only did not run away, but also poured in many new audiences to watch the second episode. I think the reason for this phenomenon is not difficult to guess, it is the "Underground Traffic Station" drama. The quality is not low, but rather high, allowing the audience to watch and keep watching."

Hearing Fang Mo's analysis, the director Chen Ming's heavy face eased a little.

And the other deputy director was secretly speechless. According to Fang Mo's analysis, this "Underground Traffic Station" seems to have the possibility of becoming the next blockbuster similar to "Lotus Lantern".

Even a leader like him should pay enough attention to such a hit TV series.

Because whether a TV station is prosperous or not, it is piled up by these excellent programs.

The deputy director nodded, and said: "Director, Lao Fang, I didn't realize the importance of this drama before. I will study it after I go back."

Director Chen Ming nodded and said: "We must pay attention to this drama. On the one hand, the lessons of "Gongci" are still vivid in our memory. We can't heal the scars and forget the pain. On the other hand, Brilliant Entertainment Company The film and television production team should have solid strength, otherwise, they would not have produced two good dramas in succession, "Lotus Lantern" and "Underground Traffic Station". Therefore, after we have a thorough understanding, try to see if we can use it The method is to determine the quality of Bright Entertainment’s next TV series, and then purchase their copyrights to promote the development of our TV station.”

After hearing Chen Ming's words, the two deputy directors nodded in agreement.

Chen Ming said: "Next, let's all pay attention to the ratings after "Underground Traffic Station", and see if the ratings of this show are constantly increasing like Lao Fang's speculation, or are they as high as some people on the Internet said. Go low."

October [-]th.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the third and fourth episodes of "Underground Transportation Station" will continue to be broadcast on Hedong TV.

In the third episode, Jia Gui, the captain of the detective team, played by Li Baoshan, the soul of the play, appeared, and Shi Qingshan, the captain of the armed forces played by Tan Yue, also had a role.

Taijun Heiteng had doubts about Cai Shuigen's origin, so he sent Jia Gui to find out. In order to ensure the safety of Shuigan and the smooth progress of the traffic station, Shi Qingshan, the captain of the armed forces, "invited" Jia Gui with a sack and watched a scene Good show.


Ding Lin and Ye Wan's home.

The two sat on the sofa, watching the third episode of "Underground Transportation Station" with great anticipation.

After the opening song of the third episode, there is an illustration at the beginning.

In the picture, a thin and wretched-looking man walked into the Dingxiang Building swaggeringly.

Below the illustration, there are a few lines of text describing: "This group of mobs are full of wine and food, bullying others, and devoting all their minds to harming the common people. They are a bunch of waste in the military, but they are good at sycophants, doing all kinds of evil, and full of five poisons. The people of Anqiu treat them very well." Hate it to the bone!

The illustrations slowly fade, and real actors appear on the TV screen.




So tired... Here I hope that in the new year, everyone will be happy, happy and happy every day.

In the new year, I will not ask for tickets. I would like to thank the readers and friends who have been with the author for so long. Without you, the author feels that life is very difficult. Thank you for being with me... In the future, I hope everyone will be here.

(End of this chapter)

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