Chapter 552
November [-]th.

Brilliant Entertainment Company, the sound of mobile phone vibrating came and went.

Many employees are the first to pick up their phones.

Today is pay day.

"Have you been paid?"

"Oh my god, I'm finally getting paid. I can't even open the pot this month."

"Hehehe, do you know how long I've been eating instant noodles? It's been a week! I've been eating instant noodles for a week. If I don't talk about it, I'll cry if I talk too much!"

"Is there anyone going to improve the food at noon? I have been nervous for two weeks, and the salary is paid. Let's go and relax."

"Hey, Xiao Wang, how much money did you pay? How cool is this? I remember you completed a project last month, right? There should be a lot of bonuses."

"Hey, that project was completed by dozens of us as a team, and the bonus is not much in my own hands, only more than [-] yuan."

"Fuck, the bonus is more than [-] yuan? No wonder you are willing to go to the restaurant."

"I'll eat, I'll eat, as long as Xiao Wang treats you, I will definitely eat."

"Do you know how many bonuses the colleagues in the TV drama department have received this month?"

"I just heard about it too. I don't know if it's true or not. In the TV drama department, everyone gets at least [-] yuan in bonuses this month. Those who get [-] yuan in bonuses basically didn't participate in the filming of "Underground Traffic Station". The little Guo I know, she worked with the crew of "Underground Traffic Station", and she actually got a bonus of more than [-] yuan this month, my god, the people in the TV drama department made a lot of money this time!"

"Normal, who made the TV drama department shoot such big dramas as "Lotus Lantern" and "Underground Traffic Station" this year? The TV drama department is the most popular this year. I remember the year before last and last year. When the bonus was soft, it was discussed in the company as it is now."

TV department.

Many people have seen their salary received this month.

One by one the surprises were broken.

The movement is much more lively than other departments.

After all, the salaries received by other departments are basically the same as those received in previous months.

The TV drama department has bonuses.

"Xiao Zhao, how much bonus did you get?"

"Hahaha, Brother Hu, it must not be as much as yours. You have been deeply involved in the filming of "Underground Transportation Station". Your bonus is estimated to be more than three times mine."

"Xiao Zhao, don't talk nonsense. I don't have a lot of bonuses. By the way, Xiao Zhao, you haven't told me how much your bonus is."

"Brother Hu, can't we just say that? Isn't everyone in the company not allowed to discuss salary?"

"Heh, we're talking about bonuses, not wages."

"Okay, Brother Hu, my bonus is fifty-five thousand, what about yours?"

"Hey, let me go, your bonus is so high? My bonus is not three times as much as you said, only [-], less than three times."

"Wori, there are so many."

"Hahaha, the key is that "Underground Traffic Station" is too popular. The company made money, so they gave us more bonuses."

Scenes like this are staged everywhere in the TV drama department.

In the month after "Lotus Lantern" was broadcast, colleagues in the TV drama department received a lot of bonuses.

And this time the bonus after the broadcast of "Underground Traffic Station" is even more than the bonus given out in "Lotus Lantern".

Like some staff members who participated in the filming of "Underground Traffic Station" deeply, the bonuses they got could even exceed six figures, which is simply terrifying!
In Tan Yue's office.

Tan Yue sat behind the desk, with his hands on the cool armrests of the chair, leaning against the chair, resting his brain.

I was just writing the script of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has already been written in the late stage, all kinds of lines have to be collected, there are too many things to consider, even if you are as smart as Tan Yue, sometimes you can't turn your head, you need to get out Take a break for a few minutes.

Tan Yue leaned his neck against the back of the chair, looked up at the ceiling, his chest rose and fell, recovering his energy.


Suddenly, Tan Yue opened his eyes, and he heard the phone vibrate three times.

Sitting up, he raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. After feeling refreshed, he picked up the mobile phone on the desk.

On the mobile phone, I received a text message from the bank.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows.

Seeing this text message from the bank, Tan Yue quickly remembered that today is the day of salary payment.

Thinking of this month's salary, Tan Yue was shocked.

According to the rules, it was time to distribute the bonus and share of "Underground Transportation Station" this month.

In the second month after the last broadcast of "Lotus Lantern", the share and bonus of "Lotus Lantern" alone reached more than [-] million.

And this time "Underground Traffic Station" is undoubtedly more profitable than "Lotus Lantern".

The first broadcast copyright alone sold [-] million yuan, and compared to other copyrights and advertising revenue, this first broadcast copyright sold only accounted for a small part of the total profit.

Tan Yue was full of curiosity in his heart, looking forward to how much money he could send this time.

In fact, at Tan Yue's current level, money has become a number. The money he earns now is enough for him to live a carefree life for the rest of his life. No matter how much money he has, he still can't spend it.

It's just that who would dislike too much money and wealth?

Naturally, the more the better, the more the better.

Every time when salary is paid, Tan Yue feels like opening a blind box.

For Tan Yue, the so-called basic salary in his salary can be completely ignored. In his monthly salary, what really takes up the most is the sharing income from the program.

Tan Yue is often thankful that when he first negotiated the contract with Chen Ziyu, he added a clause of one-tenth of the profit of the work.

You know, the one-tenth share that Tan Yue earns now is more than a hundred times his basic salary.

With a net worth of hundreds of millions, Tan Yue has really done it now.

If you don't turn on your phone, you can't see the specific content of the information.

Tan Yue turned on the phone, entered the information, and checked the message sent by the bank just now.

"Complete salary payment, transaction amount: 138937483."

Tan Yue couldn't help but gasped when he saw the message on his phone.


As elegant and easy-going as Tan Yue, he couldn't hold back his swearing at this time.

Kari suddenly got an extra [-] million, who doesn't feel a thump in his heart.

Tan Yue looked at the balance in the card and it showed that it was more than [-] million.

"With so much money, if you show it to your parents, won't it scare them?" Tan Yue thought secretly.

Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan have earned their share of money all their lives, and they have never saved up to two million in their hands. The money they saved for half their lives before was used for Tan Yue to buy a house in the center of Jishui. I don't even have [-] yuan on hand.

Tan Yue shook his head slightly.

He already has a house now, and he is very satisfied with the villa in Ruishan community that Chen Ziyu gave him, and he has no plan to change it again.

Tan Yue originally thought that he would buy a house of his own when he had saved enough money.

But at that time, the houses he was looking at were basically not cheap, and they were all tens of millions or even hundreds of millions more.

Later, Tan Yue slowly saved enough money, and got a house for nothing from Chen Ziyu, so he didn't need to buy a house anymore.

Tan Yue opened WeChat, found his parents, and transferred [-] yuan to each of the two elders.

The reason why he transferred [-] yuan was not because Tan Yue was reluctant to give money to his parents, but because WeChat had a regulation that transfers to a single person could not exceed [-] yuan a day.

Just as Tan Yue sent the transfer, the phone rang, and his mother Li Yulan called.

Tan Yue knew without thinking, it must be because of the transfer of money to his parents just now.

Tan Yue pressed the answer button, and the call was connected. He put the phone to his ear, and before he could speak, he heard his mother's anxious voice coming from the phone, "Xiao Yue, son, you What's wrong?"

Tan Yue could hear the care and worry in his mother's words, and he smiled and comforted him: "Mom, I have nothing to do, everything is fine."

Hearing Tan Yue's normal voice, Li Yulan breathed a sigh of relief, her father seemed to be beside her, and Tan Yue could still hear her father's inquiry and mother's voice explaining to him in a low voice.

On the phone, Li Yulan's voice came, "It's nothing, why did you suddenly transfer money to me and your dad? You transferred so much."

Li Yulan and Tan Zhaohe knew that their son was able to earn quite a bit of money now, but they really didn't know how much money they could earn. They could only estimate seven figures a year.

But that's just thinking about it. Whether you can earn it or not, you have to ask your son to find out.

However, the old couple didn't want to put pressure on their son. They never asked about their son's salary, and often called Tan Yue to ask if they had enough money to live in the capital, and they still had money at home.

In the old couple's mind, even if the son can earn seven figures a year and make millions a year, but in the capital, the cost is very high.

Throughout the year, it would be nice to have [-] yuan in your hand.

This time, the son suddenly transferred [-] yuan to them, which scared the old couple too much.

Some time ago, Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan heard the news that they were the children of a neighbor’s relatives, who were in their twenties and approaching their thirties. They were working alone in a big city, and the daily work pressure was extremely high. Later, he became depressed, and it was still severe. When he couldn't think about it, he took three or four bottles of sleeping pills and left directly. Before leaving, he even transferred all his savings for many years to his parents.

When they heard the news, Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan sighed for a while. It's a pity that they withered like a flower at such a young age.

There were only two sighs about that incident, and the old couple forgot about it.

But today, Tan Yue suddenly transferred [-] yuan, which seemed to be his savings in the past few years, and immediately reminded the old couple of the tragic incident they had heard before.

In an instant, Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan were anxious.

He called Tan Yue directly.

Now that Tan Yue said there was nothing wrong, he was relieved.

Li Yulan turned on the speakerphone, and Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan sat on the bench, listening to their son's voice on the phone.

Tan Yue didn't know what his parents were worried about, and said with a smile: "Today, I will pay more, so I will transfer some money to you and my dad."

Hearing that Tan Yue said that he transferred money to the two of them because they were paid, a big stone in Tan Zhaohe's heart also fell to the ground.

Tan Zhaohe picked up the teacup next to him, took a sip, and suppressed his restless heart. He took a deep breath, picked up his mobile phone, and said to his son: "Xiao Yue, it's not easy for you to be outside alone. Just save the money, and you will get married, buy a house, and raise children in the future, so there are plenty of places to use the money, don’t spend it recklessly, and don’t need to transfer any money to me and your mother.”

Hearing his father's instruction, Tan Yue quickly smiled and nodded in agreement.

Speaking of the latter, when he was about to hang up the phone, Tan Zhaohe asked, "Xiao Yue, how much salary did you get paid this month?"

Tan Zhaohe asked this question out of curiosity.

After asking, Tan Zhaohe habitually picked up the teacup and continued to drink tea.

"Dad, not many, more than [-] million points have been sent this month." Tan Yue replied on the phone.

Tan Zhaohe's throat paused while drinking water, his eyes widened instantly, and then his face turned red, and he sprayed out a mouthful of tea, spraying Li Yulan all over.

"Cough cough cough." Tan Zhaohe coughed violently.

If it was normal, Li Yulan would be in a hurry if the old man sprayed tea like this for no reason, with a few tea leaves mixed in, and she would have to talk to Tan Zhaohe, but now, her mind is full of what her son said just now Numbers take over.

On the phone, Tan Yue heard Tan Zhaohe coughing, and asked worriedly: "Dad, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?"

Tan Zhaohe coughed a few more times before recovering slowly, his face was still red, he glanced at his wife who hadn't recovered from the shock, and said, "It's okay, I choked just now, By the way, son, just now you said how much money you paid this month?"

Tan Yue said it again in detail, "Dad, my salary this month is more than [-] million."

Tan Zhaohe: "."

Li Yulan: "."

At this moment, the hearts of the old couple were pounding.

A few minutes later, Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan didn't know how they hung up on the phone with their son. Both of them were in a daze.

"Old Tan, did our son earn more than [-] million yuan?"

"It should be, Xiao Yue never cheats."

"He won't rob a bank, will he?"

"Don't you trust your son?"

"I believe in Xiao Yue, but that's more than a billion dollars!"

"Our son is promising now, and we must be proud and proud of him!"

It is estimated that for a long time to come, the old couple will not be able to sleep well.

The state of the day and night is: excited heart, trembling hands.

In Tan Yue's office.

Putting down the phone, Tan Yue leaned back on the chair happily, and his whole body was instantly swept away by the exhaustion of writing "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

There are already more than [-] million in his bank card.

He believed that the commercial drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan" would definitely earn as much money as "Underground Traffic Station".

By then, the balance in his card might exceed [-] million!

"Tsk tsk tsk, before I knew it, my net worth has become so rich." Tan Yue couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

(End of this chapter)

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