Chapter 569

It was already dark.

On the outskirts of Beijing, outside the film and television base, in a star hotel.

Tan Yue stood in front of the window, looking out of the dark window, listening to the whistling wind in his ears.

"It's almost time." Tan Yue glanced at the time and said.

Tonight, the crew will have dinner together.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, other families are reuniting with their families, but the crew of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" will continue to film. Today's dinner together can be regarded as a New Year celebration for everyone.

Tan Yue changed his clothes, tidied up, and walked out of the hotel.

The film and television base is not close to the Ruishan community in the urban area. If you want to drive, it is at least an hour's drive.

If the filming of the crew goes well, Tan Yue will drive home, and then go to the company to deal with things early in the morning, but if the filming of the crew does not go well, it may be late, or even midnight. Stayed at the side hotel.

In the last week, the company hadn't opened yet, and Tan Yue didn't plan to go back. He just lived here and devoted most of his energy to the crew.

The hotel booked by the film crew is not far from the hotel where Tan Yue stayed, that is, a distance of more than [-] meters. You can just walk there.

In the film and television base, there are many crews who continue filming during the Spring Festival without holidays, so there are many hotels here that are not closed during the Spring Festival.

After walking out of the hotel, even though he was wearing a down jacket, Tan Yue still felt the cold air blowing in front of him, as if his eyelashes were covered with frost.

Six or seven minutes later, Tan Yue came to the door of the hotel.

On the second day of the new year, there was quite a lot of business in this restaurant, and they were all filming at the film and television base.

The crew of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" booked the third floor of the hotel. After Tan Yue entered the door, he took the stairs directly to the third floor.

Come to the third floor.

Seven or eight tables were placed on the third floor. At this time, many staff members and actors from the "Zhen Huan Biography" crew had already arrived, and they were all sitting on the tables.

Although Tan Yue was wearing a mask, everyone got along day and night and could recognize him at a glance.

Seeing Tan Yue approaching, the crew members greeted him one after another.

"Boss Tan."

"Boss Tan is here."

"Mr. Tan is good."

"Teacher Tan Yue, you are here."

Tan Yue took off his mask, and greeted his colleagues with a smile in response.

"President Tan, this way." A voice shouted.

Tan Yue looked over there, and saw Ma Guoliang waving to him.

Tan Yue talked to a few colleagues around him, and then walked towards Ma Guoliang.

At this table, Ma Guoliang, Lin Qingye, Xin Zhi and others were all sitting.

Several people greeted each other, Tan Yue looked at it and asked, "Mr. Jiao Cheng hasn't arrived yet?"

Lin Qingye shook his head and said, "Not yet, but soon."

Ma Guoliang said: "Mr. Jiao Cheng's two daughters are reluctant to part with him. Originally, Teacher Jiao Cheng would have arrived a long time ago, but they have been dragged here by the two daughters, haha."

Ma Guoliang is not young, and is still single. When talking about Jiao Cheng's two daughters, this guy is actually a little envious.

Not to mention Ma Guoliang, who wouldn't envy him, even Tan Yue.

It is said that a daughter is his father's caring little padded jacket, and Tan Yue will have two daughters when he gets married in the future.

However, there is still a little girl named Tan Xin at home, and Tan Yue's wish to be a father has been fulfilled by the presence of this girl.

There is no rush to serve the food, so everyone eats some snacks and chats while eating melon seeds.

About ten minutes later, Jiao Cheng came up from the stairs.

"Hey, sorry, big guy, I'm late." Jiao Cheng said.

Jiao Cheng walked over, found an empty seat, took off his down jacket, and put it on the chair.

It can be seen that he should have trotted over just now. In such a cold day, his forehead was covered with sweat.

After Jiao Cheng came, they chatted for a while, and after everyone arrived, the food began to be served.

Not only food, but also wine.

In such a cold day, there are still a lot of people who drink liquor and beer.

Tan Yue naturally drank baijiu.

"Everyone, don't drink too much, you have to get up early tomorrow morning to film." Lin Qingye instructed.

After eating for a while, under Jiao Cheng's appeal, everyone stood up and had a drink together.

It is also fate that everyone can get together for the New Year this year.

There is a central air conditioner in the lobby, and the big guys feel warm all over soon after drinking three rounds.

But most of them were chatting, with Lin Qingye's advice just now, everyone was careful not to drink too much.

Ma Guoliang is indeed a drama idiot, everyone wanted to relax tonight, but this guy took the opportunity to ask Tan Yue one question at a time.

But later, after getting a little excited, Ma Guoliang also began to drink slowly.

The meal lasted from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], nearly two hours before everyone left the restaurant supporting each other.

The big guys all live together, and the production team has a unified hotel.

When they walked out of the restaurant, the cold wind blew, and everyone hadn't drunk much, so they sobered up in an instant.

While talking, everyone returned to the hotel.

Most of the staff members have returned to their rooms, and the rooms of Tan Yue, Jiao Cheng, Lin Qingye, Xin Zhi, Ma Guoliang and other crew members have higher floors.

Several people stepped out of the elevator.

"go to bed early."

"Good night."

"Don't forget to turn on the air conditioner at night, it's still quite cold these days."

"alright, bye."

After saying goodnight to each other, everyone dispersed and went back to their rooms.

Tan Yue swiped his card and walked into his room, took off his clothes that smelled of alcohol and smoke. Although he no longer smokes, most of the crew still smoke. Tonight, when we eat together, we will inevitably get some smoke taste.

The air conditioner was always on in the room, and it was relatively warm. After Tan Yue took off his clothes, he went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, drying his hair, and wearing pajamas, Tan Yue came to the window, folded his arms around his chest, and looked out the window.

On the suburban side, it is not brightly lit even at night like the urban area.

Looking around, it was dark.

Faintly, one could hear voices coming from the street, but most of them were still silent.

Looking at the dark night, Tan Yue couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It has been several years since time travel.

He also went from being an unknown TV station planner to a first-line public figure who is only one step away from a top superstar.

Looking back, I was really in a trance.

Moreover, unconsciously, he has completely integrated into this body, this identity, and this world.

Standing in front of the window for a while, taking advantage of today's drunkenness, Tan Yue expressed his emotions, shook his head, turned back and lay down on the bed.

There is still filming tomorrow, so I have to rest early.

He was already a little sleepy, but now as soon as he got on the bed, he felt drowsy soon.

Eyelids gradually became heavy, Tan Yue closed his eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

It was as if he had dreamed of Chen Ziyu.

Ding ding ding.

When the phone rang, Tan Yue suddenly opened his eyes, picked up the phone and looked at it, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he could not help but twitch his mouth slightly, it was Chen Ziyu calling.

Tan Yue pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and asked with a smile, "Are you still asleep?"

"No, I just woke up." Chen Ziyu's voice came from the phone.

Tan Yue thought that Chen Ziyu hadn't slept yet, but he had already woken up.

On the phone, Chen Ziyu's voice continued to come, "I dreamed about you."

Tan Yue originally wanted to talk, but when he heard Chen Ziyu's words, his heart beat suddenly, and then accelerated, and the drowsiness on his body disappeared in an instant.

Tan Yue couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

On the phone, Chen Ziyu's voice was no longer heard, and Tan Yue could feel the beating of his heart.

It seems that because Tan Yue didn't get a response, Chen Ziyu's voice was a little embarrassed on the phone, and said: "Why don't you talk? Hang up when you have nothing to say."

Tan Yue said quickly: "No, I...I have something to say."

"What?" Chen Ziyu said dissatisfied.

Tan Yue said something that he thought was very childish on weekdays, "I dreamed about you too."

There was another silence on the phone.

"By the way, I brought some bacon from home. My mother marinated it herself. It tastes very good. When you have time, I'll make it for you." Tan Yue felt a little suffocated, and said quickly.

On the phone, Chen Ziyu hummed, and said, "Bacon? I've eaten it before, but I haven't eaten it for a long time. I have time anytime. By the way, have you returned to the capital?"

Tan Yue said: "Yes, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is going to be filmed. I went back to the capital today and had dinner with everyone in the evening. I just returned to the hotel."

"Did you drink?" Chen Ziyu asked.

Chen Ziyu knew that Tan Yue had given up smoking now, but he still drank a lot. Because of this, Chen Ziyu gradually became uneasy about Xu Nuo, because that guy often called Tan Yue to drink.

I didn't think there was anything before. I don't know when Chen Ziyu started to object to Tan Yue's drinking.

Tan Yue said: "Yes, I drank some, but I didn't drink too much. I have to film tomorrow."

Chen Ziyu said: "Okay, drink less in the future, drinking is not good for your health."

"Well, I see." Tan Yue said with a smile, for some reason, he was happy in his heart and felt warm all over.

"Then go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow."

"Okay, you can also sleep for a while, don't reverse the biological clock."

"OK, good night."

After hanging up the phone, Tan Yue put the phone beside his pillow and looked sideways at the phone.

He had a feeling that starting tonight, his relationship with Chen Ziyu had taken another step forward.

In other words, that layer of window paper has been pierced.

Gradually, a wave of drowsiness welled up, and Tan Yue fell asleep.

Tonight's dream is destined to be very sweet.

Early the next morning, Tan Yue opened his eyes, feeling refreshed all over.

He hasn't slept so comfortably for a long time. He obviously drank alcohol last night. If it was before, he would not sleep well after drinking alcohol. If he drank too much, he would still have a headache the next morning.

But this time, he felt that he slept very well last night, and when he woke up this morning, he didn't feel a headache.

Sitting up from the bed, Tan Yue saw the mobile phone next to the pillow and remembered the call last night.

He worried, could it be a dream?

Quickly picked up the phone, found last night's call records, and sure enough, saw Chen Ziyu's caller ID.

Tan Yue let out a long breath.

"It's not a dream." Tan Yue was smiling recently. Although the weather was bad today, he was in a good mood.

Turn on the phone, go to WeChat, find Chen Ziyu, he edited a message, "Good morning."

I wanted to ask Chen Ziyu if he was awake, but he still sent a 'Good morning'.


Tan Yue also seemed to feel a lot of goosebumps on his body, and couldn't help rubbing his arms, it felt a little numb.

After getting off the bed and passing on the clothes, Tan Yue went to wash up.

After washing and tidying up, Tan Yue looked at his phone. Chen Ziyu hadn't responded to the message. He must have slept late last night.

However, the group of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was lively.

After a brief look, Tan Yue put on his down jacket and left the room, heading to the filming location.

Putting on a mask and a down jacket, Tan Yue walked out of the hotel.

The film and television base is so big, and the hotel is right at the gate of the film and television base, so it doesn't take much time to walk there.

Soon, Tan Yue came to the filming location of "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

Many people greeted Tan Yue when they saw Tan Yue coming.

Tan Yue smiled and nodded in response to everyone, then walked directly towards Lin Qingye.

Lin Qingye should have been here for a while, but he is busy now.

Lin Qingye also drank a lot last night, but he still got up early this morning.

"Props team, hurry up and arrange the scene, don't delay the progress of the shooting."

"The makeup team, the heroine's look has also changed in this scene."

"Photography team, have you checked all six sets of photographic equipment? If there is no problem, please call me back."

Lin Qingye shouted on the field with a megaphone.

Hearing a greeting from behind, Lin Qingye turned around and saw Tan Yue approaching.

"Mr. Tan." Lin Qingye greeted Tan Yue.

Tan Yue smiled and nodded, "Director Lin came so early."

Lin Qingye smiled and said, "I just came here not long ago."

Tan Yue smiled and said, "Let's start working."

After a few words, the two began to get busy.

Years ago, Tan Yue already knew everything about the director's work, and the next step was the actual operation.

In half an hour, all departments were almost ready.

A staff member came over and said that the actors had already put on their makeup.

All departments are ready, and the first scene of the new year is about to start shooting.

After ten minutes.


The scene notes were played, and the shooting officially started.

Tan Yue and Lin Qingye stood outside the camera, watching the shooting in the field.

In this scene, the emperor took the queen, Wan Guiren, Shen Guiren and others to the Summer Palace to escape the summer heat. The emperor had to take Concubine Hua to the palace because he was concerned about Nian Gengyao's power and old love, and he was concerned about Concubine Duan being weak and sick. He also took her to the palace to recuperate.

The shooting on set went well.

Tan Yue estimated the time. If the filming progresses according to this schedule, there will be another two months. It is estimated that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" will be completed in March and April.

(End of this chapter)

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