Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 612 Qi Xue's Mind

Chapter 612 Qi Xue's Mind

Tan Yue withdrew his thoughts and checked the news about the 'Flying Apsaras Award' online.

The Feitian Award was founded in the 80s and is held every two years by the General Administration of Culture. It can be said to be a "government award" for TV dramas.

The Feitian Award is the earliest and longest-running TV drama award in China.

The members of the jury are composed of accomplished TV drama artists and relevant leaders and experts.

In addition to popularity and popularity, the criteria for awarding the award are mainly based on the ideological and artistic value of the work. It is relatively weak in terms of entertainment and audience participation, but the fairness of the award has been recognized by the whole society. Every time it is held, it will be recognized by film and television practitioners. Great attention.

Individual awards include Outstanding Series Award, Outstanding Director Award, Outstanding Screenwriter Award, Outstanding Actor Award, Outstanding Actress Award, Excellent Music Award, Excellent Audio Video Award, Excellent Editing Award, Excellent Art Award and Excellent Camera Award, etc.

Tan Yue has two popular TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "The Beginning" that will participate in the competition for the Feitian Award. The main creators of the two dramas have also received invitations. Tan Yue feels that he should be able to win the Feitian Award this time Quite abundant.

In the eyes of TV people, as long as they can win any one of the three domestic awards, the Magnolia Award, the Golden Eagle Award, and the Feitian Award, it is enough to be recognized by the industry.

At the Magnolia Awards, "Lotus Lantern" shined brilliantly, making many people in the industry envious.If it can still win multiple awards this time, the status of Brilliant Entertainment in the TV drama production industry will definitely be improved again, and the gap between this new first-class entertainment company and the other two established first-class entertainment companies will be further narrowed.

Among these awards, Tan Yue thinks that the chances of winning 'excellent serial drama' and 'excellent screenwriter' are quite high.

After all, after "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was broadcast, not only the ratings were super high, but it also received a lot of praise from the audience. The portrayal of marginal and small characters in the play is incisive and vivid, and the development and details of the protagonist's character are more scrutinized.

As for "excellent director", Tan Yue thinks the chance of winning is very low. There is only one TV series "The Beginning" actually directed by him. Although the ratings and word-of-mouth are good, after all, this is the only TV series. , and directors such as Zhang Baihao and Jiang Bei are also nominated, and the competitors are also very strong.

Magic City.

Skyview Entertainment Company.

Jiangbei also received an invitation for the Feitian Award, and it was expected that "The Night Palace" would receive a nomination.

Ever since the assistant told him the news, his brows had been wrinkled out of the Sichuan pattern, and he didn't show much happiness on his face.

Especially when I saw the nominations for various awards announced on the official website of the General Administration of Culture, I felt even more melancholy.

"The Night Palace" was nominated for 'Excellent Series' and 'Excellent Director', but the opponent who won the same nomination was even stronger.

In the Magnolia Awards, only Tan Yue's "Lotus Lantern" can compete with "Gongci".

Not surprisingly, the two TV series won most of the awards.

But this time the Fei Tian Awards are different. Tan Yue not only has two TV series nominated, but more importantly, Zhang Baihao and his "Alley" are also invited.

Jiang Bei rubbed his temples, and said in a low tone, "I hope I won't be a runner this time."

Being nominated does not mean winning an award, and there are many accompanying runners every year.

For some young actors and directors, even running with them is something to be thankful for, and some stars want to take the opportunity to hype them up.

But for a director like Jiang Bei who is already a first-class director in China, he has always been a companion, and the face on his face is still somewhat embarrassing.

Although he has already won the "Best Director Award" in the three categories of awards and completed the grand slam in his career, he also wants to win a few more grand slams like Zhang Baihao.

It seems a bit immature to only win the Grand Slam of "Best Director" once?

Jiang Bei thought about this in his heart, but the reality is quite cruel. This year's Feitian Award is destined to be more competitive than previous ones.

"Excellent serial drama" has "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "The Beginning" that stand in the way, while "Excellent Director" has Zhang Baihao standing in the way, and it is not like Tan Yue has no chance to compete. By the way, there is also Lin Qingye, who is not alone. good stubble.

Although Lin Qingye's directing ability was mediocre in Jiang Bei's eyes, but "The Legend of Zhen Huan" bears his name.


Zhang Baihao looked at the email from the General Administration of Culture, and he also received an invitation for the Fei Tian Award.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Baihao looked very calm, without much ups and downs in his heart.

Zhang Baihao has won the Feitian Award for "Excellent Director" five times, and he is also the director who has won the most awards. His works have won the "Excellent Series" award many times.

For Zhang Baihao, being able to win the Fei Tian Award will make his reputation even louder. If he doesn't get it, it won't have much impact.

Zhang Baihao saw Tan Yue's name appeared many times in the list, and thought to himself: "I wonder how many awards Tan Yue can win this time?"

In the contest with "The Beginning", I lost to Tan Yue, and Tan Yue also had a "Zhen Huan Biography" that broke the ratings of four and the quality was not to mention.

No matter how you look at it, Zhang Baihao feels that Tan Yue may become the biggest winner this time.

Tan Yue's importance in Zhang Baihao's heart has deepened a bit.

The grade is young, and the nominations for these awards alone are enough to make people in the circle envious, but Tan Yue has already won many awards.

Zhang Baihao couldn't help feeling in his heart: "The future of this young man is really immeasurable!"

Magic City.

Qi Xue, who was recovering slightly from her cold, received a call from her manager: "Get ready, I will go to the Fei Tian Awards on December [-]th, and the outfitter we are working with has designed a few dresses, and I will send them to your phone. Let me know which one you like, and I'll send it to you later."

The clothes that stars wear for various parties are specially designed by the cooperating brand owners, and both of them have signed a contract. I will give you an endorsement fee, and you must wear my clothes in public.

Qi Xue won the nomination of "Excellent Actress" for "Modern Workplace People".

"Modern Workplace People" is a drama with a heroine, telling the story of the protagonist played by Qi Xue, who went through hardships from a small employee to a department manager step by step and then started his own business to become the boss.

'Didi', the agent sent four photos, each showing different styles of clothes.

The first one is the one that is most similar to Qi Xue's character in "Modern Workplace People". It is a black suit for women, with a few patterns specially designed on it. Under the light, the patterns reflect light. Looks capable and full.

The second one is a white tube top skirt.

The third style is a long black dress with hollow lace on the skirt, dark flower embellishment on the fabric, and a special shawl.

The fourth style is a more revealing dress with a deep V and a high fork on the side.

Qi Xue touched her still congested nose, and sent a message to her manager: choose the suit.

Participating in the Feitian Awards also required walking a section of the red carpet outside the National Sports Center. In this weather, wearing a skirt and walking around outside, Qi Xue was worried that her cold would get worse.

Agent: OK, I also recommend you to wear this type of clothes, you can put some baby warmers inside to keep warm.

Qi Xue turned off her mobile phone, preparing to take a good rest. Recently, she has been suffering from insomnia, and her skin has lost its luster.As soon as she lay down, her eyes lit up, she remembered something, and quickly opened the official website of the General Administration of Culture, her eyes were a little distracted.

In the invitation list for Fei Tian Award, she saw Tan Yue's name.

Some time ago, Qin Feng's ruthlessness, coupled with Qin Da's side inquiries, made her miss Tan Yue even more.

For so many days and nights, Qi Xue couldn't control the impulse in her heart, and wanted to go to the capital to find Tan Yue, but reason told her that the two people now could never go back to the past, even if they met again, What can I say?

The last time the two met in a hurry, Qi Xue couldn't see any hope.

However, how could Qi Xue give up so easily, she felt that this Fei Tian Award was an opportunity for herself, a chance to meet Tan Yue.

Qi Xue smiled happily, and all the fatigue on her body was swept away.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the agent: I changed my mind, let's get that white tube top dress.

The agent immediately issued a question mark.

Qi Xue explained: "I think it's better to dress beautifully to attend such an event."

The manager didn't say much, and the decision Qi Xue made couldn't be changed.

Qi Xue lay on the bed, constantly imagining the scene of meeting Tan Yue again in her mind.

She was looking forward to meeting Tan Yue, but at this moment, her heart was full of fear and apprehension.

She was so afraid of meeting Tan Yue again.

This Feitian Award is very important to Qixue, as long as she can get the 'Excellent Actress', she can continue to improve her ranking on the list of first-line public figures, and her status in the company will be further improved.

But now for Qi Xue, as long as he can see Tan Yue, it is more important than winning the prize.

Ever since the General Administration of Culture announced the list of Feitian Awards on its official website, it has caused heated discussions on the Internet.

"Fuck, the lineup for the Fei Tian Awards this time is too strong. Zhang Baihao, Tan Yue, Jiang Bei, all my favorite directors are on this list."

"It's been a long time since I saw Mr. Tan Yue on TV. For such a handsome person, he should appear more often."

"The competition between outstanding actors and actresses is so fierce. Several of them have already won the Magnolia Award and the Golden Eagle Award. I don't know who will stand out this time."

"Seeing that Mr. Tan Yue has nominated several awards on this list, I don't know how many trophies he will bring home in the end."

"Director Zhang Pakhao is the most fierce. I remember that before he entered the film industry in the early years, every TV series he produced could win the Feitian Award, and he won the award almost every time. If he can win the Outstanding Director Award this time, If he won the award, then he will break his own record, six times the Fei Tian Award for Outstanding Director, it is a bit scary to think about it."

"The competition for 'excellent directors' is too fierce, and Zhang Baihao, Jiang Bei, and Lin Qingye are all among them."

"My two favorite actresses, Xin Zhi and Qi Xue, have both been shortlisted for the Outstanding Actress Award. I don't know which of them will win the Fei Tian Award."

"With so many actors gathered together, I don't know if there will be friends meeting. Thinking about that scene, I feel very awkward, but I like to watch this scene. I hope that the director of the scene will do more to broadcast more scenes like this."


As time passed day by day, the discussion on the Feitian Award continued to heat up on the Internet. Many people were predicting who would win the award, and even rushed to Weibo's trending searches.

Although the audience does not participate in the selection of the awards, since its establishment, every award issued by the Feitian Award has convinced the audience and feels that it should be taken for granted.

In the blink of an eye, December [-]th came.

The sun was hanging in the sky, but a gust of wind still made people shiver.

The cold weather did not make the media reporters shrink back. In order to get the first-hand heat, in front of the National Stadium, there were reporters guarding the door in the morning, for fear of missing any popular celebrity artist recently.

The Fei Tian Award is the most popular focus in the entertainment circle at the moment, and the stars who come to participate are basically very influential in the entertainment circle. As long as they can get an interview with a star, it is enough to cause heated discussions in the entertainment circle.

The awarding ceremony of the Feitian Awards officially started at [-] o'clock in the evening.

In the afternoon, the gate of the National Stadium became lively, and the square in front of the gate was crowded with people, and it was very lively.

There are fans who support their idols, passers-by who pass by to watch the excitement, and anchors who live broadcast live.

A red carpet has been laid at the entrance of the stadium.

The security personnel set up a cordon three meters away from the red carpet, and there was a security personnel every two meters to maintain order at the scene.

In this case, any accident may happen.

On both sides of the red carpet are eager reporters.

On the huge monitor in front of the gymnasium, the scene was broadcast.

The Feitian Award this time uses live broadcast to convey the live situation to the audience in real time and synchronously, and it is jointly broadcast by Beijing Satellite TV and the General Administration of Culture.

Due to time constraints, Beijing Satellite TV will not broadcast live until eight o'clock, and will not broadcast the part where celebrities walk the red carpet.

There will be a link on the homepage of the official website of the State Administration of Culture. After jumping to the page, there will be a live broadcast of the Feitian Awards, and the whole process will be broadcast live.

Therefore, some viewers who couldn't help feeling lonely went directly to the official website of the State Administration of Culture, entered the live broadcast page from the link, and began to watch the Feitian Awards Ceremony.

The sky gradually darkened, and all the lights at the entrance of the National Stadium were turned on, as if it were daytime.

Accompanied by a burst of music, the outfield host appeared at the signing place at the end of the red carpet.

The photographers on both sides of the red carpet quickly picked up the equipment and pointed the camera at the host.

In the distance is a dense crowd, with gongs and drums blaring, firecrackers blaring, and a sea of ​​people.

A little closer is the road where the banner is pulled up.

A little closer is the [-]-meter-long red carpet. At the end of the red carpet is an outfield host. Behind the host are posters signed by artists who are going to finish the red carpet.

(End of this chapter)

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