Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 621 Qin Da's Attention

Chapter 621 Qin Da's Attention

In a blink of an eye, it came to January [-]th.

During New Year's Day, Tan Yue went home by himself to stay with his parents for a few days.

The old couple lived a comfortable life after retirement, and now their only wish is to have a grandson in their arms as soon as possible.Especially after learning about Tan Yue's relationship with Chen Ziyu, he was still complaining about why Tan Yue didn't bring his future daughter-in-law with him when he went home this time.

Tan Yue doesn't go home all year round, and his sister-in-law An Nuan has been taking care of her parents. Every time Tan Yue goes back, she will buy things for her sister-in-law, and of course it is indispensable to bring gifts for Tan Xin's little girl.

I haven't seen her for a while, and Tan Xin has grown taller again. This little girl has followed her mother's genes. She is smart and smart, and her academic performance has always been at the top of her class.

In order to reward Tan Xin, Tan Yue and An Nuan took her to the largest amusement park in Jishui City for a day.

Life at home is always very comfortable, but there is still a person waiting for him in the capital. After staying at home for less than three days, Tan Yue hurried back to the capital again.

On January [-]th, Brilliant Entertainment Company.

President Office.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is about to launch at the film and television base in Beijing, and Tan Yue is preparing for the last work before the launch.

Wu Hong's actions were swift. Yesterday, "Arms 2" held a launch ceremony at the film and television base in Shanghai.

Just from this opening ceremony, we can see the popularity of "Arms 2".

The scene was crowded with people, and the besieged was impenetrable. Almost all domestic and small entertainment media reporters were present. Under the control of the staff, the major creative personnel entered the venue.

The opening ceremony was extremely grand.

Now the news about "Arms 2" on the Internet is overwhelming, and with the support of the popularity of the first part, it naturally attracts a lot of attention.

In interviews with media reporters, Wu Hong, Qin Feng and all the main creative staff have great confidence in the box office of this movie, and feel that it will easily exceed the box office of "Arms 1".

January tenth.

Beijing Film and Television Base.

Today's weather is extremely cold. Under the blessing of the north wind, even though I am wrapped in a coat, I still can't help shivering.

"Wolf Warrior 2" set up a shed in the film and television base, and a banner was hung on the shed, which read: The film crew of the movie "Wolf Warrior 2" has started up.

In the shed, there is an altar covered by a piece of red flannelette, with a tripod incense burner in the center, and a roast suckling pig and some fruits beside it.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the launching ceremony of "Wolf Warrior 2" officially started.

The host took the lead in inviting Tan Yue up.

Tan Yue, as the director and screenwriter, began to introduce some of the movie's situation and expectations for the box office. Finally, Tan Yue said: "This movie will have a lot of martial arts action, and there will be more explosive points on the shooting scene. During filming, everyone must pay more attention to safety and put safety first."

Then Zhang Shengli, Xin Zhi, Zhang Wenhua and other main actors took the stage to give speeches.

Under the guidance of the host, we came to the incense offering session. As for who you want to worship, it depends on yourself. As long as you believe in it, you can also worship the roast suckling pig on the table.

A relatively classical music sounded at the scene, and Tan Yue came up to light incense first, followed by Zhang Shengli, who lighted incense and said silently in his heart: "You must bless me this time."

Zhang Shengli has given his last hope to this movie. If he really does not become popular, he has decided to go behind the scenes and work hard as a martial arts instructor to earn money to support his family.

The main creators put incense one by one, and after about half an hour, the entire incense burner was filled with incense representing hope.

Host: "The next step is to enter the opening and unveiling session. Relevant personnel are asked to sit next to the camera, and then the audience counts down to 5. When the countdown reaches 1, the red cloth will be officially unveiled."

The preparations for the opening ceremony of "Wolf Warrior 2" were very simple, and Tan Yue didn't think about making a big deal, and soon came to the "lifting the red cloth" link.



Tan Yue took Zhang Shengli and Xin Zhi to remove the red cloth on the camera.

"Congratulations to the official launch of "Wolf Warrior 2"!"

Then it came to the last item of the opening ceremony. All the staff stood together and took a photo.

The major media began to interview. Although the scene was not as hot as "Arms 1", because it was the first film of Tan Yue's transformation, many media reporters rushed here after hearing the news.

Tan Yue came to the reporters, and the reporters shouted the questions they wanted to ask,

Tan Yue said helplessly: "If you have any questions, ask them one by one. There are too many people, so I can't hear your questions."

The named reporter asked: "Teacher Tan, do you have anything to say about the comparison between "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Arms 2" online?"

Tan Yue said: "It is really easy for everyone to compare two movies of the same type. I have nothing to say, I just want to make the movie "Wolf Warrior 2" well."

The reporter asked: "Do you have confidence in "Wolf Warrior 2"?"

Tan Yue: "Of course I have confidence. Although it is my first time as a film director, I believe that everyone will not be disappointed after watching "Wolf Warrior 2"."

Reporter: "Will "Wolf Warrior 2" choose to be released together with "Arms 2"?"

Tan Yue said: "Let's check the schedule when the time comes, I hope they can be staggered, but if there is no other way, we can only show them together."

During the interview, the reporter asked a lot of questions, and Tan Yue, who could answer, didn't hide anything, and told the reporter directly.

At the same time, several main actors are also being interviewed.

Zhang Shengli has not faced the camera for a long time, and now he is still a little nervous.

The reporter said: "Mr. Zhang, you were selected by Mr. Tan Yue to play the leading role this time. How do you feel now?"

Zhang Shengli said: "I must be very excited now. I am especially grateful to Mr. Tan for giving me this opportunity to let me, an outdated actor, be the leading actor."

"Received Teacher Tan's invitation, did you agree directly?"

"Of course, I won the Fei Tian Award for Outstanding Director at such a young age. I think no one in the industry would refuse Mr. Tan's invitation."

The atmosphere at the scene was still very lively, and many people were taking pictures.

Naturally, it also aroused the crowd of extras from the film and television base.

"I wonder if there is a chance to show your face in this movie?"

"With your small body, it may be difficult to be selected by the crew. Besides, I heard that there are very few scenes in this movie in China, and it will be filmed abroad soon."

"Hey, I still have to go abroad to shoot, so forget it, I'd better develop in China."

Several people around gave him a blank stare.

After the opening ceremony of "Wolf Warrior 2", Tan Yue and the others came to the shooting location and began to make up the actors who had roles in the afternoon.

A week before New Year's Day, Tan Yue had gathered Zhang Shengli, Zhang Wenhua and other actors who had gun scenes in advance, and hired professionals to conduct systematic training. Now they have a good posture for holding guns.

Zhang Shengli was not idle during the New Year's Day, he has been doing physical training, "Wolf Warrior 2" has a lot of action scenes, if he doesn't really have martial arts skills, even if he is given another month, he will not be able to meet the standards set by Tan Yue.

In the afternoon, "Wolf Warrior 2" started shooting.

In the longest scene in China, Leng Feng brought the ashes of his comrades home and was forced to demolish them.

Tan Yue shouted with a loudspeaker: "Every department will take another look at the machines in their hands, get ready, and start right away."

On-site bulldozer excavator starts to start.

The scene recorder held the board and said: "The first scene of "Wolf Warrior 2", the first shot, the first time, let's start."

Tan Yue looked at the monitor in front of him seriously, not missing any details.

"I can't let him come back and find a home."

Tan Yue shouted loudly: "Okay, click. Everyone, get ready again, let's take the second shot, and the movements of the extras will be bigger."

Tan Yue walked to Zhang Shengli's side: "Mr. Zhang, prepare yourself, it's your turn to play soon."

Zhang Shengli took a deep breath: "Don't worry, Director Tan."

At this moment, there is excitement and a little nervousness in his heart. After the decline of martial arts movies, he has not acted as the leading role. The silence for many years is finally about to be broken at this moment.

Zhang Shengli constantly adjusted his state, allowing himself to fully immerse himself in Leng Feng's role.

A few more scenes were shot for the previous scenes, and finally it was Zhang Shengli's turn to appear.

There are not too many movements in this scene, but the two feet are clean and neat.

Tan Yue, who was behind the monitor, looked at these two feet very satisfied.

Zhang Shengli came to Tan Yue's side and asked, "Director Tan, how is this part?"

Tan Yue showed Zhang Shengli the clip and said, "That's right, one can pass."

Zhang Shengli was very happy when he heard it. This was a recognition of his acting skills, and he pleaded: "Director Tan, let's make another one. I think it's almost emotional."

In the era when martial arts movies were popular, Zhang Shengli became famous because of his strict requirements for himself. Once a scene where he was beaten, he filmed more than a dozen scenes. Although it was a prop for filming, the body was still red. , In the end, the actors who acted opposite to him were too hard to fight.

Tan Yue nodded and agreed to his request. As a director, he was very happy to have such an actor.

The days in winter are very short, and the sky darkened at five o'clock, and Tan Yue didn't continue filming. On the first day, he let the actors get acquainted with each other and found out about their acting status.

All the main creators had a meeting temporarily diverted to a conference room to analyze possible problems that might be encountered.

Tan Yue suddenly saw Chen Ziyu at the door, walked out softly, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?!"

Chen Ziyu smiled and said, "What? I'm not welcome!"

Once Tan Yue starts filming, most of the time will be spent by the crew, and he will go abroad soon. Chen Ziyu doesn't say anything, but he is reluctant to give up, and wants to take advantage of these few days to spend more time with Tan Yue.

"Of course welcome!"

Chen Ziyu pointed to the car behind and said, "I bought some mutton rolls and called everyone over to have a meal and warm up."

Tan Yue said with a smile: "It's Mr. Chen who cares about his employees."

The seminar ended immediately, and the entire crew of "Wolf Warrior 2" ate hot-boiled mutton lively.

The temporarily changed meeting room has become a restaurant again.

Seeing Chen Ziyu sitting next to Tan Yue, the two of them were talking and laughing, and all the crew members were full of faces.

Tan Yue did not evade this on purpose, the matter of the two of them will be announced to the public sooner or later, let it develop now.

Tan Yue kept sandwiching mutton for Chen Ziyu, and Chen Ziyu asked softly, "How long can the domestic scenes be filmed?"

"Soon, the most important scene has been filmed today, and it's time to go after a few more shots." Tan Yue felt Chen Ziyu's mood was a little low, and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will try my best when abroad. Those who speed up the filming process will be back soon."

"Take it slowly." Chen Ziyu nodded slightly, looked at the mutton on the plate and said nothing.

Magic City.

in a villa.

Qin Da placed great hopes on "Arms 2" and provided all-round support in terms of funds. In a blink of an eye, "Arms 2" had been launched for a few days. He didn't know the specific situation, so he called Qin Da. Feng's phone.

The phone beeped twice, and then Qin Feng's voice came: "Uncle, what's wrong?"

Qin Da exhaled the smoke from his mouth and asked, "Xiao Feng, how is your progress going?"

Qin Feng said: "Everything is pretty good, haha, but Director Wu has a bit of a temper."

Four days after starting the machine, Wu Hong didn't know how many times he had gotten angry. Qin Feng was glad that he had something to do with Qin Da, otherwise he would not have escaped being scolded.

Qin Da said indifferently: "All big directors have such a temper, as long as you act well, there will be no problem."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and responded awkwardly: "Okay, Uncle, I understand."

Wu Hong has a nickname of 'the second generation studio tyrant'.

Zhang Baihao has restrained a lot in recent years due to age and physical reasons, but Wu Hong's body is very tough, and he inherited this title.

Qin Feng is the first time to cooperate with Wu Hong, and these few days can be regarded as seeing the power of this famous director. All the scenes must be filmed five times. If the actors make mistakes, they will just open up and never speak softly. If it is not for " Arms 1" fire out of the circle, even if Qin Feng killed himself, he would not come to Wu Hong's crew.

Seeing Wu Hong entering the set, Qin Feng felt a little apprehensive now, and he even suspected that he was not the same Wu Hong he met at the company.

Qin Da hung up Qin Feng's phone and dialed Wu Hong.

Wu Hong's voice was a little hoarse: "Boss Qin."

Qin Da has long been used to this. Every time Wu Hong shoots a film, his voice must be hoarse. It is also a familiar opening line: "Director Wu, getting angry hurts the liver, and he is not young, so restrain your temper."

Wu Hong didn't take it seriously, and complained with a kind of hatred of iron and steel: "Looking at the acting skills of young actors nowadays, I can't help but get angry. Only by scolding them hard can I know how to act."

Now Wu Hong feels that his title of "tyrant" is also due to the anger of these actors. His acting skills are not as good as those of the previous generation, so he knows how to be handsome and pose.

Someone below asked him to reflect this situation, but Qin Da didn't care about it. He knew that this was Wu Hong's filming method, and the effect was very good.

Qin Da said: "If you have a problem that you can't solve, just call me."

Wu Hong said hoarsely: "Understood, Mr. Qin."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Da lay down on the chair. At the beginning, "Arms 1" was a little bit wrong, and he didn't let the company pay too much attention to this military-themed movie.

It's different now, "Arms 2" is currently the key project of Tianjing Entertainment, and Qin Da pays special attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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