Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 634 Qin Feng Feeling Crashed

Chapter 634 Qin Feng Feeling Crashed

Every day after the General Administration of Culture updates the data on the official website, it will definitely cause an uproar on the Internet.

"Wolf Warrior 2" and "Arms 2" have once again become the focus of public opinion in the entertainment industry.

In the film market, it is a taboo to release films of the same type at the same time, because many viewers will not watch two films of the same theme within a short period of time.

If two films of the same theme are released together, in the worst case, both sides may suffer, and in the best case, one of them will have a poor box office.

As a film producer, I naturally don't want to see this kind of thing happen, and I will know the market in advance. If I don't have enough confidence, I will take the initiative to stagger the schedule.

Now that "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Arms 2" are released together, many people admire Tan Yue for his courage, while some think he is blindly arrogant.

"Arms 2" is the most popular military-themed movie at the moment, and no director in the circle has the courage to choose to touch it.

At present, the daily box office of these two films is much higher than other films, and the focus of attention is naturally on "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Arms 2".

There are also many people in the circle who are paying attention to this excitement, in fact, more people are waiting to see the jokes of "Wolf Warrior 2".

The competition in the entertainment industry is already under great pressure, and now Brilliant Entertainment has become a first-class entertainment company, making many people envious and jealous.

For them, they were very happy to see that Bright Entertainment Company was defeated in this confrontation.

Although the reviews of "Wolf Warrior 2" are suppressed by "Arms 2" in many places, the word-of-mouth is obviously much better, and the number of people who leave good comments is gradually increasing.

The day of undercurrents is gradually passing.

When everyone was still immersed in the joy of the box office of "Arms 2".

On the [-]th, the new day's box office caused shocks on the Internet. The official website of the State Administration of Culture released yesterday's movie box office data on time. Each day's box office data is ranked according to the single-day box office.

First place: "Wolf Warrior 2", with a single-day box office of [-] million and a cumulative box office of [-] billion.

Second place: "Arms 2", with a single-day box office of [-] million and a cumulative box office of [-] billion.

Third place: "Sunday in the Sky", with a single-day box office of [-] million and a cumulative box office of [-] million.

fourth place:
Unknowingly, "Wolf Warrior 2" suddenly became the single-day box office champion.

Jinghua Daily newspaper.

Gao Feng took a deep breath and looked at the single-day box office rankings in surprise.

Sure enough, as Yu Xiaobo predicted, "Wolf Warrior 2" surpassed the single-day box office data on the third day of its release.

Gao Feng flicked the mouse with his fingers, browsing the news on the Internet, looking very excited. The scene of the movie when Yu Xiaobo introduced "Wolf Warrior 2" to himself the day before yesterday appeared in front of his eyes.

Yu Xiaobo talked endlessly about how attractive "Wolf Warrior 2" was, with a serious look on his face, as if he had discovered a treasure.

In this era of rampant capital, it is hard for Gao Feng to believe that there are still people who can make movies at this level. The key point is that for Tan Yue, he is a complete newcomer in making movies.

The evaluation of this movie on the Internet was not good, and Gao Feng felt that Tan Yue might be testing the waters. After all, the difficulty of making a movie is not at the same level as making a TV series.

Out of trust in Xiaobo, Gao Feng agreed to publish the article on Jinghua Daily's official Weibo.

That night, Gao Feng took his wife to the cinema together.

After watching the movie, Gao Feng understood why Yu Xiaobo had such a big reaction.

If the Jinghua Newspaper hadn't published that article, he would probably write an article to report it himself. "Wolf Warrior 2" shocked the audience too much.

Gao Feng felt that what Yu Xiaobo said was right, "Wolf Warrior 2" is more valuable than "Arms 2".

At present, the patriotic sentiment of the people is getting higher and higher, and the appearance of such a movie will often have a great impact on the audience.

Gao Feng tapped his fingers on the table, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

Perhaps "Wolf Warrior 2" is just beginning to surpass "Arms 2" at the box office, and the subsequent box office will be even more scary. It is possible that "Arms 2" will not be a rival by then.

The Internet is a double-edged sword.

Before it was released, netizens laughed at "Wolf Warrior 2" as a follow-up work, and it was a waste of time to go to the cinema to watch it.

But now, the word-of-mouth of "Wolf Warrior 2" has obviously improved, and the Internet is praising it, which will naturally arouse the curiosity of some people.

Under the word-of-mouth effect, the final box office of the movie "Wolf Warrior 2" will be even more terrifying.

Gao Feng couldn't help sighing with emotion, it seemed that he still underestimated Tan Yue.

An excellent director and an excellent screenwriter who can win the Fei Tian Award at this age, and at the same time set a new age record for the Fei Tian Award.

"For such a person, why do he still question whether his first movie is a joke?" Gao Feng asked himself in his heart.

Movie box office ups and downs are normal.

Seeing that yesterday's box office was overtaken by "Wolf Warrior 2", fans of "Arms 2" felt that it was just a fluke, and that "Arms 2" would definitely be able to return to the top of the single-day box office again.

The 2th is a very difficult day for the fans of "Arms [-]". I hope this day will pass quickly.

"Wolf Warrior 2" has always been considered by them to be a follow-up movie. Being overwhelmed by such a movie, fans of "Arms 2" feel aggrieved. "Arms 2" is the best military-themed movie.

On the 2st, the official website of the State Administration of Culture announced the movie box office again. "Wolf Warrior [-]" is still the single-day box office champion, and the box office is still growing, reaching [-] million.

However, the box office of "Arms 2" is still in a downward trend, with a box office of [-] million yesterday.

Anyone with a little thinking ability has already noticed the abnormal situation.

After other movies are released, the box office generally declines exponentially.

Especially for a movie like "Arms 2", which became popular before it was broadcast, the box office on the first day is definitely the highest.

The box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" is completely reversed, and the box office is increasing every day.

What's even more frightening is that the single-day box office has broken through the [-] million mark, and the cumulative box office has reached [-] billion and [-] million.

Let the already outrageous things become even more outrageous.

Some fans who supported "Arms 2" were completely stunned. Not only did "Wolf Warrior 2" lead the way, but the box office gap between the two films seemed to be widening, and they didn't know what happened for a while.

This piece of news is like a stone falling into a calm lake, causing ripples, let alone a big stone.

"Wolf Warrior 2" single-day box office broke [-] million, quickly spread in the entertainment circle.

Many people are still waiting to see the joke of "Wolf Warrior 2", but what they are waiting for is such news.

A group chat full of second- and third-tier stars in the entertainment industry immediately became lively.

"Who would have thought that a movie that was not favored and considered to be a follow-up film would have such a high box office."

""Wolf Warrior 2" is too fierce. The box office is getting higher and higher every day. It has been the single-day box office champion for two consecutive days. The single-day box office is more than 2 million away from "Arms [-]."

"I have watched both movies, and I feel that the shock of "Wolf Warrior 2" is even stronger, and I even have the urge to watch it again."

"I feel the same way."


Some of the celebrities in the group are professional actors and some are singers. Seeing someone say the word 'shock' immediately aroused everyone's sympathy.

For actors, such a movie that can promote national prestige and inspire patriotic feelings in the audience is the role they most want to play.

Many people have asked their agents to start contacting if there is such a script.

"Do you think the single-day box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" will continue to increase?"

""Wolf Warrior 2" has a strong stamina, and the single-day box office should continue to rise, but it's hard to say how far it will rise."

"This has already exceeded [-] million, and it can still rise. This is too scary."

"Although it's unbelievable, it's really possible. If you look at the evaluation of "Wolf Warrior 2" on the Internet, it's completely different from before it was released. For a movie, a change in word-of-mouth means that the box office will suffer a lot. increase."

In their eyes, "Wolf Warrior 2" is now full of stamina. Since its release, the daily box office has maintained a steady growth, and the word of mouth has also improved. It is very possible that the single-day box office will continue to increase.

Skyview Entertainment Company.

Wu Hong, who was sitting in front of the computer, was completely dumbfounded, and a big word 'Chuan' was formed between his brows, "What's the situation?"

Wu Hong has always felt that the box office data of "Wolf Warrior 2" is based on fans, and if it can last for a day or two, it is considered good, and the box office will definitely drop.

The box office of "Arms 2" was overtaken yesterday, and he still thinks that this situation will not last long, thinking that this is already the limit of "Wolf Warrior 2"'s single-day box office.

When he vowed to open the official website of the State Administration of Culture today, he was waiting to see the joke of "Wolf Warrior 2".

This kind of box office obtained by relying on the fan base is the most unreliable. When it is high, it is high, and when it is low, it will only be more outrageous.

As a result, the joke was not taken as a joke, but it surprised me instead.

After a burst of surprise, Wu Hong's face showed an extremely dignified expression.

Having been in the directing circle for so many years, he knows that this kind of situation is no longer a box office achievement that can only be achieved by relying on fans.

Wu Hong didn't pay much attention to "Wolf Warrior 2" during this time, but now the Internet is full of news about the two movies, and he also saw some comments by chance.

Word of mouth changed on the first day after "Wolf Warrior 2" was aired. Wu Hong always thought that the public relations department of Brilliant Entertainment Company was operating behind the scenes. After all, this is a small trick often used by entertainment companies.

Looking back now, I thought too much.

Wu Hong opened Weibo, and saw "Wolf Warrior 2" on the hot search list with a box office of over [-] million in a single day.

The official website of the General Administration of Culture has just updated the data, and "Wolf Warrior 2" has been on the hot search, which shows how popular it is.

He clicked into the trending search, and as he continued to read netizens' comments on "Wolf Warrior 2", the expression on his face became more serious.

Normally, when Wu Hong saw these comments, he would definitely sneer, thinking they were all trolls.

At this moment, there is only worry in his heart.

The current situation of "Wolf Warrior 2" is not only a high box office, but also a big reversal in word of mouth, and it is well received.

Judging from the current development trend, the single-day box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" may continue to increase.

The first wave of word of mouth had such a big impact, once all the publicity spreads, the single-day box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" may usher in an increase.

However, "Arms 2", which originally had an advantage, has already appeared at a disadvantage in this comparison.

Wu Hong naturally also knows that if one of the movies with the same theme is at a disadvantage, it is likely to collapse.

All kinds of uneasiness flooded into his heart, Wu Hong rubbed his a little sore eyes, and kept thinking about the countermeasures in his heart.

Qin Feng kept refreshing his computer desktop. Compared to the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" breaking [-] million in a single day, he would rather believe that there was an error on the official website of the General Administration of Culture, although this is impossible.

What happened these two days was so sudden that he didn't even react.

The box office of "Arms 2" was still far ahead, but after only one night, "Wolf Warrior 2" became the single-day box office champion.

There is only a slight gap between the box office of the two films, and in another night, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Qin Feng still didn't want to believe the facts in front of him. He kept opening and closing the official website of the General Administration of Culture, closing it and opening it again. Looking at the still unchanged data, his face became more and more ugly.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is just a follow-up movie, why can its box office surpass "Arms 2"?
So many people on the Internet are complaining about "Wolf Warrior 2", why is the box office so high?

This is Tan Yue's first time making a movie, why should he compare with me?

All kinds of thoughts kept filling Qin Feng's brain. If he wasn't in the company, he would have thrown away the things around him long ago.

The cup in his hand was tightly held by him, venting his dissatisfaction.

Qin Feng feels that he has paid too much for this movie. In the crew of "Arms 2", he is not only physically exhausted every day, but also mentally tortured.

Put it before, how can I say that my uncle is also the boss of Tianjing Entertainment Company, which director doesn't show some face, and which director of the film crew dares to scold him directly in front of the entire film crew.

But in order to prove that he is better than Tan Yue, these Qin Feng chose to endure.

I thought that the hard work has finally paid off. As soon as "Arms 2" was released, it became the hottest movie in the summer, unmatched.In the past few days, I have been frequently searched on Weibo, and my ranking on the list of public figures is also rising. Many directors come to him to make movies, variety shows ask him to do activities, and advertisers ask him to shoot commercials.
Qin Feng felt that his popularity now was even higher than when it was at its peak.

Compared with these changes in popularity, Qin Feng prefers the feeling of trampling Tan Yue under his feet these two days.

However, this kind of happiness only lasted for a few days. The box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" surpassed that of "Arms 2". It was even more exciting than a roller coaster. Qin Feng couldn't accept it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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