Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 649 Invitation to Song

Chapter 649 Invitation to Song

Thinking about this matter in his heart, Liu Yaoqing didn't sleep much all night.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, he drove directly to the CCTV building.

Instead of going to his own office, he first went to his superior, Zhao Ji, the director of a CCTV channel.

Arriving at the door of director Zhao Ji's office, Liu Yaoqing sorted out his thoughts, thinking about what to say to the director later.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

There was no sound in the office. At this time, a young man walked in the corridor, who was the secretary of Director Zhao Ji.

"Ms. Liu, are you looking for the director? The director hasn't arrived yet." The young man said.

Liu Yaoqing suddenly realized that he came too early and the director hadn't arrived at the unit yet.

He nodded, said something to the young man, and then turned back to his office.

Turning on the air conditioner and sitting behind the desk, Liu Yaoqing began to look up Tan Yue's relevant information. He was very familiar with the name Tan Yue before, and many people had mentioned this young talent in the entertainment industry.

But I heard that if I really want to find Tan Yue now, I still need to know more about him.

While Liu Yaoqing was reading the materials, there was a knock on the office door. He put down his cell phone, looked up at the office door, and said, "Please come in."

After Liu Yaoqing finished speaking, the door of the office was pushed open, and a fair-skinned middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses walked in. Seeing the person coming, Liu Yaoqing stood up from behind the desk and said, "Director."

The middle-aged man who came in was Zhao Ji, the director of a CCTV channel. He has worked in CCTV for more than [-] years and has made many achievements.

Now he is the director of a channel of CCTV. At his age, he can do this. It can be said that he is young and promising. He is very likely to become the next deputy director or even the director of CCTV.

Zhao Ji smiled and asked, "Old Liu, I heard from Xiao Sun that you were looking for me."

Liu Yaoqing nodded and said: "Yes, director, there is something I want to tell you, but you just call me and let me go over, why are you here in person?"

Zhao Ji nodded with a smile, and said, "It's okay, I just arrived at the stage too, and I haven't started working yet, so tell me if you have anything to do."

Zhao Ji pulled a chair and sat opposite Liu Yaoqing.

At present, the most important work in the entire channel is to successfully complete the tasks on National Day.

And Liu Yaoqing is the chief producer of the National Day Gala. After Zhao Ji came to the unit and heard that Liu Yaoqing came to find him, he knew it should be for the National Day Gala.

It was only two days before the National Day Gala, Zhao Ji was worried, and immediately came to look for Liu Yaoqing.

Liu Yaoqing said: "Director, I told you before that the ending song of the National Day Gala is a bit inappropriate."

Zhao Ji nodded and said: "Yes, you told me before, but didn't you find a suitable song? Now you have found a suitable song?"

Zhao Ji frowned slightly. To be honest, the burden of the National Day Gala was too heavy, and he dared not make any mistakes.

So he prefers to be more conservative and safe, because conservativeness will not make mistakes. If the leader does not like it if he does something novel, he will be blamed instead.

However, for Liu Yaoqing's insistence, Zhao Ji did not explicitly express his disapproval, because he believed in Liu Yaoqing's ability. The two have worked together for so many years, and Liu Yaoqing has never made any mistakes.

And Zhao Ji also wanted to make some achievements. If the National Day Gala was held in a satisfactory manner, the leaders might not be criticized, but it would not cause any waves.

Liu Yaoqing said: "Director, I suddenly had an idea last night. We can go to Tan Yue to invite a song. Although he is not as famous in music as the shows, TV series and movies he made. But the songs he wrote before, every time The quality of each song is relatively high, which is enough to see that his talent in music is also very high, and I listened to the song "My Motherland and Me" written by him, which proves that he is also capable of creating main theme songs, And the ending song of our National Day Gala just needs works in the style of "My Motherland and Me", so I want to invite him to write a song for us to try."

Zhao Ji listened to Liu Yaoqing's words, pondered for a while, and hesitated in his heart. Of course, he had also heard of Tan Yue. After all, Tan Yue is now the number one celebrity in the list of first-line public figures, and his popularity is very high.

But Zhao Ji didn't know much about Tan Yue's songs, and he didn't hear that Tan Yue wrote any ending songs for some celebration parties. Can Tan Yue do it?

Seeing Zhao Ji's undecided look, Liu Yaoqing took a deep breath and continued: "Director, I think we can try Tan Yue, he is really talented in music, and we didn't decide to use his Songs, or whether people are willing to take the time to write songs for us. After all, the time is too tight. I want to try to contact him first. Whether we will use his songs in the end depends on whether the songs he writes meet the standards. The atmosphere and style of our National Day party."

"Invite him to write first. If the writing is suitable and good, we will use his songs. If the writing is not good, we will not use it. There will be no loss for us. If the song is more prosperous than "Singing Together" " is more suitable, and that is a big gain for us."

Zhao Ji, who was still a little hesitant at first, heard Liu Yaoqing say this, and thought in his heart that this is indeed the case. In the end, it still depends on the quality of the songs written by Tan Yue.

Use it if it's good, and don't use it if it's not. For their National Day party, there are only benefits and no harm.

Zhao Ji nodded, and said: "Old Liu, you are right, you can ask Tan Yue to try it out, you can do this, what kind of support do you need in the channel, including how much will it cost, you can give it to me directly Submit the email, and I will approve it for you. But we don’t have too much hope for Tan Yue, after all, the time is too short, and what we need are high-quality songs. If the quality is not good, we can’t ask for it. "Sing Together Prosperity" is slack, after all, the song we are most likely to adopt is "Sing Together Prosperity", and we must prepare this song."

Liu Yaoqing nodded and agreed. He also knew the difficulty of this matter. It only took more than a day, and the song at the end of the National Day Gala was bound to have very high requirements.

The probability of Tan Yue being able to write a song that satisfies him is very small, but his character is like this. He must satisfy him [-]% in everything he does, and try his best to do things well. If what he does does not satisfy him , he will always feel like a stick in his throat, which is too uncomfortable.



Brilliant Entertainment Company, in Tan Yue's office.

Tan Yue looked at the comments of many fans in the comment section of his Weibo, all of them came to urge him to release a new song.

dong dong dong,
There was a knock on the office door, and Tan Yue raised his head and said, "Please come in."

After Tan Yue finished speaking, the door of the office was pushed open, and Qin Tao, director of the artist management department, walked in.

She closed the door, walked towards Tan Yue, and said hello, "Boss Tan."

Tan Yue nodded with a smile, and said, "Boss Qin, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

With that said, Tan Yue pointed to the chair opposite to him and told Qin Tao to sit down first.

Qin Tao thanked him, sat across from Tan Yue, and said, "Mr. Tan, just now a producer from CCTV contacted me and wanted to invite a song from you. I didn't give him an answer. Come here and ask." Let me ask you, what do you think?"

"One set for CCTV?" Tan Yue raised his eyebrows.

Qin Tao nodded and said: "Yes, this producer is called Liu Yaoqing, he is well-known in the circle, he has done some programs with good results before, and this year's National Day Gala held by CCTV is entrusted to him. The song he wants to invite is also tailor-made for the ending song of the National Day Gala."

After a pause, Qin Tao continued: "Mr. Tan, there is another problem. CCTV is in a hurry to ask for this song, because the National Day is only two days away, so they only give us more than a day to use it. Writing songs is too difficult. Even the top musicians in the industry can’t write high-quality songs in one day. Besides, this is the National Day party, and their requirements must be very high. By then we have written the song , but they don’t want it, and we are the ones who put in the energy and suffer the loss. So I personally don’t recommend accepting this invitation from CCTV.”

Tan Yue thought for a while, then nodded lightly, and said: "Okay, I'll think about this matter again, don't answer the CCTV side, wait for my notification. By the way, tell the CCTV producer Leave me the phone number of the filmmaker. After I think about it, if there is more to come, I will take the initiative to contact CCTV, and I will tell you if there is anything else that needs you."

Qin Tao nodded, left Liu Yaoqing's phone number to Tan Yue, then stood up and left.As the director of the artist management department, she also has a lot of daily work.

After Qin Tao left, Tan Yue looked at the phone number she left behind, frowned slightly, and slowly thought, Qin Tao's opinion is that he does not accept this song invitation, in Qin Tao's opinion, this invitation song is difficult It's too big, and writing a high-quality ending song in line with the style of the National Day Gala in one day is a thankless thing.

But the biggest problem in Qin Tao's eyes is not true for Tan Yue. He doesn't need to think hard, because he has a music library in his mind, and behind it is the cultural essence of the entire earth for thousands of years.

He creates music by selecting a suitable song from this huge library.

And now a large number of fans on Weibo are urging him to release new songs. Tan Yue knows that he also has a group of music fans, but his energy is mostly focused on film and television dramas, and the production of music is very low. He is really not friendly to these music fans .

Moreover, this opportunity is relatively rare. The National Day Gala is one of the largest official gala events in Huaguo, and its gold content is higher than the three first-class awards. There are also great benefits.

After making a decision in his mind, Tan Yue copied the mobile phone number that Qin Tao had just sent on WeChat, pasted it into the dialer, and called.

After thinking about it for a few rings, the other side of the phone was connected, and a slightly thick male voice came out.

"Hello, who is it?" the man on the phone asked.

Tan Yue reported his family name, "Is that Teacher Liu? I'm Tan Yue."

After Liu Yaohua heard about Tan Yue's identity, he was immediately overjoyed, because time was running out, and if it dragged on, there was no need to ask Tan Yue for a song, and he could directly prepare for the National Day Gala.

He smiled and said to Tan Yue: "Hello, Mr. Tan, I want to invite you to make an ending song for this year's National Day Gala. The time is a bit rushed, and there is only one day. I wonder if you can accept it?"

Tan Yue didn't agree directly, but asked Liu Yaoqing: "Mr. Liu, do you have any conditions for this song?"

Liu Yaoqing said: "There is no condition, Mr. Tan. If there is only one requirement, it is that the theme of this song is based on the National Day Gala. I will not restrict you, you can run freely and play freely."

"Mr. Tan, let me tell you this. For more than ten years, the ending songs of the National Day Gala held by CCTV have been purchased from a group of old artists. But the melodies of the songs written by those old artists are almost the same, like the same Like a routine, this kind of formatted song is really majestic and has a positive meaning, but I don’t think it’s very appropriate to always use such a melody.”

"Otherwise, the National Day show is coming soon, and I won't think about finding other songs. I just want to have something different for the National Day show for so many years."

After listening to Liu Yaoqing's words, Tan Yue nodded and said, "Mr. Liu, I understand. I can try this song. I can send you the finished product around this afternoon."

Liu Yaoqing was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect Tan Yue to be so forthright, and he felt a little unbelievable that he was so forthright.

Tan Yue's words revealed a strong self-confidence, as if he could finish writing the song in the afternoon, and this song could still satisfy him.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Tan." Liu Yaoqing said to Tan Yue with a beating in his heart.

After the two of them finished talking, they hung up the phone. Tan Yue put the phone on the desk, gently pressed the armrests on both sides of the seat with both hands, leaned back slowly, and looked at the chandelier above the front. Songs emerge one by one.Appeared and disappeared before his eyes like a revolving lantern, just waiting for him to call a pause.

But Tan Yue didn't make a decision right away. He sat up straight, turned on the computer, and found a set of ending songs from CCTV's National Day Gala held in previous years.I never thought that CCTV would invite me to write the ending song for the National Day Gala. Tan Yue hadn't known about it before, and what Liu Yaoqing said just now meant that he didn't like the ending song of the National Day Gala with the style of previous years. Satisfied, this year I wanted to change to a new type of song, so I found myself, so Tan Yue had to take a look at what the songs of previous years looked like.

Half an hour later, Tan Yue listened to the ending songs of the National Day Gala held by CCTV in previous years.

I have some comments and more understanding on this in my heart.Eyes close slowly.Compared with the songs of previous years, he gradually had an answer in his heart.

A classic song from the previous life appeared in front of my eyes. Perhaps it can be said that this song was one of the most influential songs in the global Chinese community in the previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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