Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 685 Ending, wait 5 years for the next 1 chapters!

Chapter 685 The ending, after [-] years of waiting for [-] chapters!
In the entertainment industry, many people were shocked from ear to ear by the performance of "Wulin Biography".

"Damn it, "Wulin Biography" is too fierce, it's ratings broke five!!!"

"This drama is really good. I think "Wulin Biography" is even better than "Underground Traffic Station" in terms of shooting techniques alone."

"Not only the shooting technique, but also the plot. It can be seen that Tan Yue's comprehension and understanding of sitcoms is even stronger on the basis of "Underground Traffic Station."

"Yu Bin from Huaguang Entertainment Company is really a joke. How confident he was before, but now he has fallen so badly."

"I don't know how high the final ratings of "Wulin Biography" will be. Will it break six in the end?"

"Breaking sixth is a bit of a mystery, but it's not necessarily true. After all, there are still more than [-] episodes of "Wulin Biography"."

"Wulin Biography" seems to have become the hottest topic in the entertainment industry. At the beginning, netizens were discussing it, and later, the entire entertainment industry was paying attention.

On May [-]th, "Wulin Biography" reached its sixtieth episode, and the audience rating reached [-]%.

When "Wulin Biography" reached its sixty-sixth episode, the ratings reached [-]%.

When "Wulin Biography" reached its seventieth episode, the ratings reached [-]%.

When "Wulin Biography" reached its seventy-eighth episode, the ratings reached [-]%.

On June [-]th, "Wulin Biography" is about to usher in its finale.

With the ratings reaching this height, "Wulin Biography" has become a major event in the TV drama industry. Many people who don't watch "Wulin Biography" are still paying attention to the final ratings of this drama.

Sichuan Province, Chengdu.

Zhang Shun and Bai Xi's couple's home.

"Honey, I really can't bear it. "Wulin Biography" is coming to an end today." Bai Xi said coquettishly, wrapping his arms around Zhang Shun's neck.

Bai Xi's physique was close to two hundred catties, and he pressed on Zhang Shun, who was thin and thin, Zhang Shun felt that his neck was about to break, and his face flushed red: "Honey, let go, I will let you go!" strangled."

Bai Xi quickly let go of her hand, looked at Zhang Shun who was panting violently, and rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction. She liked many things about her husband, but she was only dissatisfied with his small physique. Several times in the evening meetings, she almost missed Zhang Shun. Sitting dead is not happy at all.

"It's really useless." Bai Xi complained.

Zhang Shun was also used to his wife's complaints, so he ignored her and said, "That's "Wulin Biography". In those TV dramas in the past, once more than [-] episodes have not been broadcast, you must keep cursing and saying that the plot is like an old TV series. The wife's foot wraps are smelly and long, and now that the eighty episodes of "Wulin Biography" are about to finish, you still feel very reluctant, I really have you."

Bai Xi said: "There's no comparison. TV dramas like "Wulin Biography" are magical dramas, and every episode is wonderful. Now if I don't watch "Wulin Biography" for a day, my whole body will itch."

Hearing what his wife said, Zhang Shun nodded in agreement, "Yes, before I knew it, I got used to watching "Wulin Biography" together every night, and I couldn't fall asleep without watching "Wulin Biography" for a day."

Zhang Shun used to go out to drink with friends every now and then, because his wife often complained about drinking, but after watching "Wulin Biography", even if friends came to ask him to drink, he didn't go out anymore, and stayed at home to watch dramas .

It is easy for others to gain weight when drinking, but Zhang Shun is different. His system is different from that of ordinary people. He will not gain weight if he often drinks and eats skewers or eats hot pot. This makes him feel helpless who has always wanted to gain weight.

But in the recent period, he stayed at home every day to watch dramas and stopped running around. Instead, he gained a little weight, almost reaching [-] catties. Normally, his weight is usually maintained at [-] catties For about a month, I watched "Wulin Biography" at home every day, and my weight rarely increased by ten catties.

Zhang Shun is very happy that he gained weight.But while being happy, there is also something more melancholy and depressed, that is, like him, his wife Baixi has also gained weight.

Originally, Baixi's weight was only over [-] catties, but in just over a month, it has grown to [-] catties. This point can be felt from the meeting at night during this period .

The feeling of oppression is getting stronger and stronger, sometimes Zhang Shun is afraid that he will be sat down to death.

The husband and wife were talking while waiting for the last two episodes of "Wulin Biography".

When the clock finally pointed to eight o'clock in the evening, the familiar opening song of "Wulin Biography" finally sounded on the TV.

"This opening song is really good, it's one of the best songs I've ever heard." Zhang Shun said with emotion.

He had forgotten that when he heard the opening song of "Wulin Biography" for the first time, he still felt that the song sounded quite ordinary and did not conform to Tan Yue's usual music style.

And after listening to it for a long time, unconsciously, I fell in love with this song, as if after this song sounded, it would bring them to this world called "Wulin Biography". A group of real good friends, Tong Xiangyu, the shopkeeper of Tongfu Inn, Bai Zhantang, the waiter, Li Dazui, the cook, Lu Xiucai, the cashier, Guo Furong and Mo Xiaobei.

These characters really seem to be living in their lives.

Until this moment, the charm of sitcoms is not reflected.

Unknowingly, Zhang Shun and Bai Xi's husband and wife laughed and had a sad mood. The TV series had already reached the end. Xiao Liu saw off.

After Xiaoliu left, the new headhunter asked Tong Xiangyu a doubt that was lingering in his mind -- "Why is the atmosphere here different from mine?"

Everyone looked at the new head arrester with a smile on their faces, and Tong Xiangyu said with a smile: "You will get used to it after staying for a while, this world is not so dangerous."

The head catcher asked again: "By the way, how did you guys get together?"

After finishing speaking, the shopkeeper of Tongfu Inn and the guys looked at each other with meaningful smiles, and then slowly turned their eyes to the camera.

This scene is very warm, everyone has a smile on their faces, but a strange thing happened, it is very warm, obviously everyone has a smile on their faces, but this scene is very sad.

Tong Xiangyu said with a smile: "That is, a very long story, where do I start?"

After Tong Xiangyu finished speaking, everyone raised their hands, waved lightly to the camera, and waved goodbye to the audience.




A good-bye came from the TV.

In front of the TV, Baixi had already cried into tears.

She flung herself into the arms of her husband Zhang Shun, tears had already wet the front of Zhang Shun's chest.

"How can it be like this? It's over so soon. Can't Mr. Tan Yue shoot dozens more episodes? Or one season every year, I really want to continue watching it."

There was a cry in Baixi's voice.

Zhang Shun was also very sad, with some tears in his eyes, he sighed with emotion, and reached out to pat his wife on the back, his movements were very light and gentle.

"Wife, there is no banquet in this world that lasts. "Wulin Biography" has eighty episodes, and it's time for the show to end. But although this TV series is over, the world of "Wulin Biography" has not ended. This world Still in our hearts, every character in it is our living friend."

Zhang Shun comforted his crying wife, "If you still can't bear it, then in the future, please support Xin Zhi, Wang Yue, Zhang Li, Yang Jinghong, Zhou Can, Ma Guoliang and other actors. I didn't have much feeling for them before. , now watching "Wulin Biography", I really feel like I regard them as good friends."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shun was also taken aback. He usually doesn't know much about people and things in the entertainment industry, but now, after watching "Wulin Biography", he already knows so many actors. Said the names of so many people in one breath.

Hearing her husband's comfort, Bai Bai raised her head from Zhang Shun's arms, with pear blossoms on her plump face, and said, "Okay."

She is also an adult, and knows that her thoughts and actions just now are a bit naive, but girls are inherently delicate and easy to act emotionally, and the drama "Wulin Biography" is a rare and excellent drama at the palace level, which directly hit Baixi's heart soul.

Bai Xi took out a piece of paper from the coffee table, wiped away tears, and said to her husband Zhang Shun: "Husband, let's reread "Wulin Biography" a few more times in the future, shall we?"

Zhang Shun nodded with a smile, "Does this need to be said? It must be repeated several times."

During this period of time, I have developed a habit unconsciously, eating, watching "Wulin Biography", and sleeping. If I suddenly stop watching "Wulin Biography", I am really not used to it.

There are also friends around Zhang Shun who have been chasing "Wulin Biography". The situation is similar to Zhang Shun's, and it is even more serious. Some eat late and watch "Wulin Biography" while eating; some go to bed early. , I watched "Wulin Biography" while falling asleep, and gradually developed a kind of dependence on "Wulin Biography".

Zhang Shun went out of his way to understand why this happened.

Because Zhang Shun has watched a lot of TV series with his wife in these years, but such a situation like "Wulin Biography" is really rare.

Later, Zhang Shun found the answer he wanted in Tan Yue's previous interview.

That interview was Tan Yue's response to some media reporters' questions about "what is a sitcom and the characteristics of sitcom TV series".

To have a spiritual resonance with the people and things in the TV series, which is the situation of Zhang Shun and his friends now, is the charm of sitcoms.

Zhang Shun couldn't help thinking that when he watched "Underground Traffic Station" before, he had this feeling, but he didn't understand it at that time.

Later, after "Jianghu Family" became popular, Zhang Shun still hesitated for a while between "Jianghu Family" and "Underground Traffic Station", wondering which of these two dramas is better.

If Zhang Shun at that time could have seen the interview with Tan Yue, he would definitely not have wandered and hesitated.

Because of this feeling of spiritual resonance with the TV series, Zhang Shun only felt it in the two TV series "Underground Traffic Station" and "Wulin Biography", and other TV series did not give him this feeling.

If this kind of resonance between the audience and the TV series is the characteristic of sitcoms, then maybe Yu Bin, who filmed "Jianghu Family" and "Jianghu Ticket Number", has not even touched the door of sitcoms.

Between Tan Yue and Yu Bin, "Underground Traffic Station" and "Jianghu Family", "Wulin Biography" and "Jianghu Ticket Number", Zhang Shun now knows at a glance which one is better.

Not only Zhang Shun, but also netizens are aware of it.

With the finale of "Wulin Biography", the Internet has already exploded.

During the recent period, or more than a month during the broadcast of "Wulin Biography", the popularity of this TV series has crushed all other people and things in the entertainment industry.

Eighty percent of the top Weibo searches are related to "Wulin Biography".

There are too many people who follow this TV series.

Now that the finale of "Wulin Biography" has reached its finale, the discussion on the Internet, which was already quite high, has instantly escalated into a big wave.

Some netizens are expressing their reluctance to "Wulin Biography".


"That's right, when will the last eighty episodes be aired? Next year or the year after next year, I can wait. I can wait ten or twenty years, as long as I can wait!"

"I like the TV series "Wulin Biography" so much, it's a pity I can't watch the second one."

"It's so fast. It's the first time I've watched such a long TV series. There are [-] episodes in total. It's unimaginable. The most important thing is that each of these [-] episodes is so exciting that it took nearly two months. I I still feel that time is passing fast, I hope it will be slower and I can watch more "Wulin Biography"."

"To be honest, after watching the seventy-ninth episode tonight, I almost switched channels. I really can't bear to watch the last episode. I don't want to say goodbye to Lao Bai, Xiucai, and the others. Looking at the flamboyant Yan Xiaoliu, I thought his acting was weird at first, but later I found out that his acting is quite interesting, and it is a big laughing point of this drama."

"Such a good TV series must be given full marks. I am going to give "Wulin Biography" full marks on the TV series website! I must support it!"

"I'm twenty-five years old this year. I don't need to be in such a hurry. I can wait for the next eighty chapters. I believe that when I am forty years old, in fifteen years, I will not be able to wait for the next eighty chapters." back?"

"While watching "Wulin Biography", I was laughing all the time, but after laughing, I felt lonely from the bottom of my heart. I don't know if everyone will feel this way. Could it be that the basic colors of comedy are tragedy and Are you lonely? This feeling is especially obvious after the ending of "Wulin Biography", there is a feeling of lovelessness."

(End of this chapter)

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