Chapter 691 Words are not speculative
After Wen Jia walked out of the box, she told the waiter to start serving food, then picked up her mobile phone and called Li Yingying.

Now Wen Jia's mood is going to explode, and Qian reminded Wan Wan to meet and have dinner with Tan Yue today, and no matter what, he must not lose the chain.

Not only was Li Yingying late, but she was also [-] minutes late. How to offend Tan Yue because of this, really has no place to reason.

Sometimes Wen Jia never imagined that Li Yingying had been in the entertainment industry for such a long time, even a few years earlier than her, but she just didn't understand these simple ways of life.

But thinking about it, maybe it's because Li Yingying doesn't understand these people's ways of the world that she is only ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the list of second-tier public figures.

Wen Jia sighed, dialed Li Yingying's number, and put the phone to her ear.

Soon, the call was connected, and Li Yingying's anxious voice came from the phone, "Jiajia, I'm stuck in traffic."

Wen Jia's old breath was stuck in his chest, and he almost couldn't let it go.

Before, she just used Li Yingying's traffic jam as an excuse to deal with Tan Yue, but who knew that Li Yingying was really stuck in traffic.

Wen Jia scolded herself crow mouth, then took a deep breath, urged Li Yingying a few words, then turned and went back to the box.

There is no way around this, a traffic jam is a traffic jam, no matter how anxious she is here to urge her, it won't help.

Now what she was thinking about was how to explain to Tan Yue. Wen Jia could see that Tan Yue must have been impatient and even dissatisfied after waiting for so long.

But what can be done?Not to mention Tan Yue, even an ordinary person, when faced with such a situation, they would probably jump in anger if they made an appointment to have dinner together, and the other party was [-] minutes late, let alone a big boss like Tan Yue.

Wen Jia sighed, adjusted his posture so that he would not look too ugly, and then walked into the box.

In the private room, Tan Yue was on the phone, Wen Jia didn't speak, came to sit down at the dining table, and nodded to Tan Yue.

It was Xu Nuo who called Tan Yue. This guy couldn't wait a long time ago. He is a true alcoholic.

Tan Yue's evaluation of Xu Nuo before was that this guy can open up a circle wherever he goes, and the magic weapon for Xu Nuo to open up the circle is drinking.

It's just that the promise is not to drink for the sake of socializing, but to drink purely for the sake of drinking. It's just that the more you drink, the more you talk to each other, and the more friends you have.

But promised to stay in the capital for such a long time, there are not many friends who have a good relationship and can drink, and the one with the best relationship is Tan Yue, but since Tan Yue fell in love with Chen Ziyu, Chen Ziyu opposed him. He drank with Tan Yue every now and then.

After Chen Ziyu's ban, Tan Yue basically drank with Xu Xu twice a month, and sometimes things were busy, and he might not be able to drink once a month, especially when Tan Yue was filming movies or TV dramas. There is no time to drink together for months.

So every time the two of them drank, Xu Nuo was in a hurry, just like this time, before Tan Yue started eating, Xu Nuo called.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Jia asked, "Mr. Tan, are you in a hurry?"

When I heard Tan Yue call just now, it was obvious that there was something wrong. Thinking of this, Wen Jia complained in her heart that Li Yingying came too late for delaying Tan Yue's affairs.

Tan Yue smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry."

Wen Jia nodded, and said, "I've already told the waiter to start serving the food. The speed of serving food in this restaurant is still very fast."

Then the two chatted for a while, from the current entertainment circle to the anecdotes from their college days, Wen Jia was a little surprised that Tan Yue still remembered things in college very clearly, so many years have passed, She can't remember more than half of her college classmates, and there are only a few people who still have memories.

After the two talked for a while, the waiter brought the food.

These meals were all prepared before. According to the scheduled time, they should have been served, but some people haven't arrived yet, so it's delayed until now.

Now start serving, the speed is very fast.

"Mr. Tan, give it a try. How about the food here? Many friends say that the Shandong cuisine here is very authentic. I have eaten there a few times since then, but I don't think it's authentic, but I think it's not bad." Wen Jia smiled. said.

Tan Yue hummed, picked up a pair of chopsticks from the dining table, picked up the Buddha Jumping Wall in front of him and tasted it, his eyes lit up slightly, then looked up at Wen Jia, and said with a smile: "Well, it's not bad, it tastes like Shandong cuisine. "

After speaking, Tan Yue started to eat other dishes.

Jiuzhuan large intestine, sweet and sour carp, stir-fried kidney, sea cucumber with green onion, braised prawns in oil.

Tan Yue ate all the dishes, and his appetite was huge.

He is still very picky about eating, not only him, but also Chen Ziyu, so when the two of them are together, they either go to a big restaurant with a good reputation, or cook at home by themselves.

During the time in the capital, I ate a lot of delicacies in the old capital, but it is rare to eat such a good Lu cuisine.

Tan Yue secretly remembered this restaurant in his heart, and if any friends from his hometown come over in the future, he can bring him to this small house for dinner, or it would be a good idea to make an appointment here next time he and Xu Nuo have a drink.

Unknowingly, Tan Yue had forgotten the third college classmate who hadn't arrived yet. From Tan Yue's point of view, this person was not punctual, and his character was probably not very good. As soon as I saw the idea of ​​my old classmate coming over, I gave Wen Jia a face by the way, since this is the situation now, then forget it.

Tan Yue didn't plan to wait any longer, he was going to eat some more food, talk to Wen Jia for a while and then leave.

During this period, Tan Yue's chopsticks never stopped, because there was still a wine game waiting for him later.

Tan Yue has always thought that his alcohol capacity is not bad. When he was in Hedong Province, he was already a leader. Later, he came to the north and went to the south. Tan Yue's alcohol capacity is very good. The crew rarely drank when filming, but At the wrap-up banquet, if any staff or actors came to Tan Yue for a drink, he would basically refuse them all.

After all, we have been filming together for such a long time, we still have to give the face that should be given, and we have been together for a long time, the relationship is relatively familiar, and Tan Yue has no airs, so many people come to drink with Tan Yue. Liquor needs to be a catty, and there are more than a dozen bottles of beer. This amount of alcohol is not bad anywhere.

But to compare with Xu Nuo, Tan Yue really had to say that he couldn't compare with that guy.

Xu Nuo is really the reincarnation of an alcoholic. Tan Yue still remembers the first time he met Xu Nuo. At that time, he drank with Xu Nuo. He was afraid that Xu Nuo would drink to death. It was like drinking wine as water.

Tan Yue asked himself that he could drink well, but he promised to drink two of Tan Yue.

The two of them haven't drank together for a while, and it's conceivable that the second game will be a brutal drinking game, so while there is still time and delicious hot food, Tan Yue has to make a reservation first A belly pad.

In the private room, Wen Jia watched Tan Yue eat deliciously, and was also very happy in his heart.

Today's game can be said to be organized by her, because Li Yingying has not arrived yet, and Wen Jia is also afraid that Tan Yue will be unhappy, so that she has a bad impression of her. Now seeing Tan Yue eating so happily, I was relieved.

While the two were talking, footsteps suddenly came from outside the box.

Immediately afterwards, there was no knock on the door, and the box door was opened from the outside.

At this time, the food and soup that should be served have already been served, and the waiter should not come in without being greeted.

Tan Yue frowned and turned to look at the door.

Walking in from the door was a girl with a beautiful temperament. She looked about in her early twenties, but her eyebrows and eyes were a little more mature than that of a [-]-year-old girl.

She is tall and slender, wearing a short skirt with slightly exposed shoulders, which makes her beautiful legs look straight and long under the stockings, and her dark and bright singing style is naturally on her shoulders. There is a smile on her delicate and beautiful face, and her eyes are beautiful and energetic. .

"Yingying, you are here."

Seeing the person coming, Wen Jia breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately stood up and walked over, talking while walking.

Li Yingying smiled at Wen Jia, showing two small canine teeth, then restrained her smile and looked at Tan Yue who was sitting at the dinner table.

Tan Yue's body was straight, holding chopsticks in one hand, and propping the other on his thigh. The sunlight came in from the window behind him, making him seem to be bathed in sunlight, making him look extraordinary.

At this moment, Tan Yue was also looking at the person coming, frowning slightly, he remembered who this impolite girl who came in suddenly was.

Li Yingying.

From the memory of the original owner, Tan Yue found information about this Li Yingying.

When browsing these memories, Tan Yue is like a bystander looking at a long river called years or time. Standing in different positions, he has different views on a person.

For example, during the period when the original owner was in college, the original owner had a love-hate relationship with Li Yingying. At first, he loved it, and later, he hated it more.

The original owner once wrote a love letter to Li Yingying when she was in college. Later, Li Yingying turned around and fell in love with another tall, rich and handsome man, and also published the love letter that Tan Yue had written to her before. It's a laughing stock, Tan Yue now sees this incident as a trivial matter, but when it fell on the original owner at the time, it really killed him, and he hated Li Yingying to death.

And if standing in the period after the original owner graduated from university and married Qi Xue, the original owner didn't even think about this Li Yingying, and his mind was full of Qi Xue, so at that time, Li Yingying was also It's far from love or hate, just familiar strangers.

Now that Tan Yue is here, Li Yingying is even more of a stranger, even a stranger with a bad impression.

Tan Yue raised his wrist and looked at his watch. An hour and ten minutes had passed since the previously agreed time, that is to say, Li Yingying was [-] minutes late this time.

Wen Jia led Li Yingying over and introduced them to each other with a smile.

"Yingying, this is Tan Yue, our college classmate, you should still remember, no, you must remember, now he is the top boss in our entertainment industry." Wen Jia said with a smile.

Li Yingying came to the dining table, did not sit down, looked at Tan Yue, nodded, and said, "Hello."

It has to be said that Li Yingying's behavior made both Wen Jia and Tan Yue frown.

Today's meal, Li Yingying was late, so she should apologize to Wen Jia and Tan Yue.After Li Yingying arrived at the scene, she didn't ask her to apologize. Now that Wen Jia was introducing her, she spoke neither cold nor cold, and her attitude was really problematic.

There is something wrong with Li Yingying's attitude, and Tan Yue naturally wouldn't be nice to her, so he hummed lightly, "Hello."

Seeing Tan Yue's appearance, Wen Jia knew that Tan Yue was dissatisfied with Li Yingying in his heart, but at this moment, she couldn't say anything about Li Yingying in front of Tan Yue.

Li Yingying also frowned, staring straight at Tan Yue.

In the private room, the atmosphere was tense for a while, Wen Jia quickly warmed up the scene, then introduced Li Yingying, saying: "This is Li Yingying, our college classmate, and now a second-tier entertainer in the entertainment industry."

After finishing speaking, Wen Jia quickly pulled Li Yingying to sit down.

"Come on, let's eat."

Wen Jia saw that Li Yingying was sitting at the dining table like a wooden stake and did not speak, so she picked up a pair of chopsticks and handed them to Li Yingying.

Wen Jia looked at Tan Yue again, and said with a smile, "Boss Tan, I'll ask the waiter to reheat the food, it's a bit cold."

Although Li Yingying didn't arrive just now, Wen Jia didn't leave any food either, and asked the waiter to bring all the dishes together. It has been half an hour since the dishes were served, and the dishes were obviously not hot anymore.

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Okay, let's heat it up."

Li Yingying pursed her lips and said nothing. Wen Jia kicked her under the table. Li Yingying moved her body, but she still didn't speak.

Tan Yue reached out and took out a piece of toilet paper from the toilet paper box on the dining table, wiped his hands, stood up and said: "Okay, I am very satisfied with today's meal, thank you, Wen Jia, I will remember this restaurant Yes, I will eat there again when I have time in the future, I can’t find such authentic Lu cuisine restaurants in the capital.”

Li Yingying's expression changed upon hearing this.

Wen Jia was also taken aback, and quickly said, "Mr. Tan, are you leaving now?"

Although Tan Yue said before that Wen Jia didn't have to call him Mr. Tan, but the two of them are in the same circle, the status difference is too big, and since they haven't seen each other for so many years, it is inevitable that they will be scruples when talking, and it is impossible to really Some would call Tan Yue by his name directly.

Wen Jia was indeed a little anxious. Originally, the group had three people sitting together for a meal to catch up on the old days, and to have a relationship with Tan Yue. First, Li Yingying was late for more than an hour, and then Li Yingying had just arrived, and Tan Yue had to leave again. up.

Tan Yue looked at Wen Jia and said with a smile: "I still have some things to do, so I'll go first, you guys eat slowly, I enjoyed my meal tonight."

That's the end of the conversation, and Wen Jia also knew that Tan Yue had something to do, so she stopped blocking her and watched Tan Yue walk out of the box.

As soon as Tan Yue walked out of the box, he heard a noise.

Li Yingying's pretty face was flushed with anger, and she slapped the dining table.

(End of this chapter)

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