Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 700 This country is mine, but also yours

Chapter 700 This country is mine, but also yours

Tan Yue nodded, listening to what Zhou Chasheng said.

What Zhou Chasheng said just now, with the increase of his status, Tan Yue can also faintly feel it, and he has heard Ye Wen mention it before, and he has some psychological preparations, but now he also wants to hear Zhou Chasheng and Zhou Ruiming Talk about increasing your understanding of the international entertainment industry.

In his previous life, Tan Yue was just a low-level employee in the entertainment industry, and he had no access to such a high level. In this life, he has just reached his current position.

Zhou Chasheng picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and continued: "After decades of dedicated development, our country has regained its standing in the east of the world. In the fields of politics, military affairs, and economy, it has become It is a big country, but now there is a problem, that is, the economy has improved, but the spirit has declined.”

"This reason has our own reasons, such as ignoring the construction of spiritual civilization, and now we are correcting it."

"But apart from our own problems, there are also reasons for the cultural invasion of Western countries. Countries such as Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, and even South Asia and Southeast Asia are instilling their national ideas in our country."

"American soldiers, Hallyu, not to mention Japan, Tan Yue, you should also know how much impact Japanese animation, movies, and literature have on our country."

"But what about us internationally? But we have no output. To put it bluntly, we have made no achievements."

Having said that, Zhou Chasheng looked at Tan Yue, with a heavy voice, and said, "Tan Yue, do you know that it is very difficult for our Chinese culture and entertainment to develop internationally?"

Tan Yue was stunned for a moment. At first glance, this question is actually very simple, because even outsiders can have several reasons.

Our country does not pay attention to itself or does not come out in large numbers like foreign countries?
These may be the reasons, but Tan Yue felt that since Zhou Chasheng asked himself, it might not be that simple.

Tan Yue asked, "What's the reason?"

Zhou Chasheng put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Tan Yue, and said, "Ideology."

Tan Yue was taken aback, "Ideology?"

Zhou Chasheng nodded, and said: "At the bottom line, we Huaguo and those Western countries are not in the same camp. We are a socialist country and they are a capitalist country. Art has no national boundaries, but artists have national boundaries. Now In the international entertainment circle, the people who really hold the right to speak are those entertainers from European and American capitalist countries, and they naturally resist artists from our socialist countries."

"Our Chinese artists are already struggling in the international entertainment circle, but look at our neighbors in the north. How many big Russian stars are there in the international entertainment circle?"

Tan Yue thought about it, and wondered if it was because he knew too little about the international entertainment industry, and he didn't know much about his Russian artist counterparts. Not only that, but also the kind of international third-tier superstar whose development is not as good as that of Zhou Ruiming and Zhou Chasheng.

At this time, the meals have been delivered one after another.

When the waiter saw the three people present, he was very excited, but because of the rules of the hotel, he could only forcefully suppress this excitement, and restrained his desire to ask the three superstars for autographs.

Tan Yue is actually not a star, he is a staff member behind the scenes, just seven top public figures on the list of top public figures, six of them are entertainers, plus Tan Yue is actually a worker in the entertainment industry, many netizens also Subconsciously regarded Tan Yue as a star artist, but in fact he was not a debut artist.

Zhou Ruiming picked up a chopstick dish, looked at Tan Yue, and then Zhou Chasheng said: "As long as we still have Hua people's blood in our bodies, even if we change our nationality, we will still be punished in Hollywood and in the international entertainment industry." Boycott, the six of us have almost hit the wall in Hollywood and Europe, and now I’m about to retire, and I’ve only acted in two Hollywood leading men, [-] years, I’ve hit Hollywood for [-] years.”

At this time, the smile that had been hanging on Zhou Ruiming's face disappeared, replaced by seriousness.

Next to him, Zhou Chasheng's face was also a little ugly, and he said: "Last year, Hollywood approached me to make a movie and said that I would be the lead actor in the movie, but when the script was finished, they suddenly said that they wanted me to play the lead actor." Number two, I gritted my teeth and endured it, after all, such an opportunity is quite rare, but when it was finally time to start the machine, those Yankees actually asked me to play the villain again."

Zhou Ruiming hummed, looked at Zhou Zhasheng, and said, "I've heard about this too, but I don't know how to ask you. I heard that you and some people in Hollywood are very tense because of this?"

Zhou Chasheng nodded, and said, "Yes, it is estimated that within three to five years, he will not go to Hollywood to develop again."

During today's dinner, Tan Yue basically listened.

He suddenly had a feeling that these entertainers in the entertainment circle were like fish trying to jump up. When they jumped to the list of public figures, it was a big improvement.

From the list of third-tier public figures, I want to jump to the top of the list of second-tier public figures.

From the list of second-tier public figures, I want to jump to the top of the list of first-line public figures.

From the list of first-line public figures, I want to jump to the top list of public figures.

At the level of the top public figure list, it can be said that it has jumped out of the territory of a country. It can be regarded as having a certain influence in neighboring countries and can be called an international superstar.

So generally at the level of top public figures, they seldom develop domestically as before, and more people choose to expand abroad. Some people do it to make money, some people do it for fame and fortune, and some Some people do it for the country, in order to export the brilliant culture of this ancient civilization to the outside world, and some people do both of the above.

Tan Yue feels that the two people in front of him are a combination of this kind of people. They must also think about making money, but at the same time, they also think about the culture of this country, thinking that they have reached this position responsibilities required.

The three of them were talking and eating at the same time. It was obviously the first time they were sitting and eating together, but they were very speculative when they talked.

The meal lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, a full three hours.

"Tan Yue, we are not those selfless heroes, we are just ordinary people, so we can fight for our own interests, but when we don't have to worry about money and survival, I think we can try to take some responsibility. Responsibility, this country is mine, but it is also yours."

When we parted, Zhou Ruiming patted Tan Yue on the shoulder and said something like this.

Zhou Ruiming's words moved Tan Yue.

He nodded heavily, waved to Zhou Ruiming and Zhou Chasheng, and drove away.

Zhou Ruiming and Zhou Chasheng sat in the car, watching Tan Yue's car go away.

Zhou Ruiming withdrew his gaze and said with emotion, "This young man has a limitless future, better than you and me!"

Zhou Chasheng nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, maybe our Huaguo artists' marginal status in the international entertainment industry will change because of him."

(End of this chapter)

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