Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 729 Qi Xue's abrupt decision

Chapter 729 Qi Xue's abrupt decision

Qixue's house in the magical capital.

Waking up from a nightmare again.

In the dream, Qi Xue dreamed of the previous house, which was sold to a couple who didn't pay attention to hygiene, and the house was ruined terribly, heartbroken, she woke up from the dream directly.

It's funny to say that she didn't care about these things before. Although that house was her wedding room, how long did she live in it?rare.

I didn't care about it when I was married before, but now I care about it after divorce, and I even dream about that room in my dreams.

She was also dissatisfied with Tan Yue's ruthlessness, the house was the only good memory of the two of them, but without her knowing, Tan Yue actually wanted to sell the house.

The last time I went to Jishui and saw that house was for sale, Qi Xue couldn't suppress the anger in her heart.

Not just anger but also sadness, despair, grief.

Originally, he wanted to stay in Jishui for a few more days, to see the familiar scenery, and maybe meet a few people he knew, but the moment he saw the house that was for sale, Qi Xue couldn't help but turned around and walked straight with his luggage. Went to the airport and returned to Shanghai that day.

It's just that although people have returned to the magic city, their hearts still stay there, just like today, even dreaming of houses for sale.

Qi Xue got off the bed, came to the wine cabinet, opened the door of the cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine and poured it for herself, took the goblet to the balcony, looked up at the moon in the sky, the white moon gray sprinkled It is full of heaven and earth.

Standing at the front desk for a long time.

Qi Xue didn't know what was going on in the mess in her mind.

Looking at the high black curtain, clouds drifted past, covering the moon for a while, and covering the stars for a while.

After a long time, although Qi Xue didn't know how the time passed, she had already made a decision in her heart.

"The house cannot be sold."

"To be more precise, the house can be sold, but not to outsiders."

After having this idea, Qi Xue felt absurd for her next behavior.

It was really ridiculous. If it got out, she might become the laughing stock of the entertainment industry, and even if it didn't get out, she would see her own joke.

But people are so weird in this place. They know that doing so is bad and the consequences are serious, but they will do it anyway.

Knowing that you can't do it, this may be a human being.

"I want to buy this house." Qi Xue thought in her heart.

Thinking about it, it was outrageous and ridiculous. When this house belonged to her rightfully, Qi Xue just didn't care. Now this house that she abandoned at the beginning, she wants to come back.

Qi Xue took a deep breath, turned around and walked back to the bedroom, found her mobile phone, and sent a message to her manager.

Then I directly booked a flight ticket to Jishui City and a hotel near Happy Town on the Internet.

Then he found some clothes that he usually wears, pulled the suitcase, and walked out of the house.

Just sat here, before turning on the engine, the phone rang.

Qi Xue didn't answer and drove out of the community.

But the phone calls did not stop, one after another, it seemed that Qi Xue would not stop until she answered the phone.

Qi Xue had no choice but to park the car on the side of the road and answer the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, the manager's exclamation came from the other end of the phone, "Sister Xue, you must be joking with me, right?"

"No, I really have something to do. You can cancel tomorrow's schedule for me, and I won't go." Qi Xue said.

The manager said: "Sister Xue, I'm your manager. If you have anything to tell me, the two of us are one. You can't do this."

Qi Xue said indifferently: "The battery of the mobile phone is almost dead, so I hung up the phone if it's okay."

The manager was very helpless, and said: "This or that line, tomorrow's itinerary can be rejected by you, but the event at Tianchi Commercial Plaza the day after tomorrow is very important, and the real estate owner is a shareholder of our company, so we still have to give him face. "

Although Qi Xue made this decision this time, she knew it was absurd and outrageous, but she still knew it in her heart, and said, "There is no need to postpone the event the day after tomorrow. I will be back tomorrow afternoon."

"Don't forget to charge your phone, and give me—" Qi Xue hung up the phone before the manager finished speaking.

Qi Xue put down her phone, started the car, and continued to drive to the airport.

When the car arrived at the airport, Qi Xue took her luggage and went straight to the waiting hall.

It was early morning at this time, and even at Modu International Airport, there were not many passengers in it.

The entire waiting hall is empty, and people can't help but panic after seeing it.

Qi Xue found the VIP lounge, showed her identity, and then sat on the sofa and waited under the surprised, admiring, and excited eyes of the ground staff lady.

"Mr. Qi, is that you? I'm your fan." Miss Ground Hand came over and asked with a smile.

Qi Xue nodded with a chuckle, "Thank you for your support."

The ground stewardess said: "Teacher Qi, let's rest for a while. Your boarding time is still [-] minutes away. You need to wait for a while. You should rest first. I will call you when it is boarding time."

"Thank you." Qi Xue said thank you.

After the ground staff lady left, Qi Xue didn't sleep, but leaned on the sofa, closed her eyes, and squinted for a while.

To be honest, up to now, she is still confused.

Regarding the decision she made, although she was absurd and outrageous afterwards, she did not regret it. Now that she was already sitting in the waiting hall, the most emotion in her heart was excitement.

She was thrilled with her decision, thrilled to be able to take back the ownership of that house.

Taking advantage of this time, Qi Xue thought about buying a house.

She must not be the one to take the matter of buying a house. Tan Yue's house is for sale, and she is Tan Yue's ex-wife. No matter what she says, she will hide behind it.

Even if it is not Tan Yue who is selling the house at home, but Tan Yue's parents.

But Qi Xue just thought about the possibility of meeting Tan Yue's parents, that is, her former parents-in-law, and felt nervous and apprehensive.

At that time, Qi Xue didn't think there was anything wrong with her attitude towards Tan Yue's parents, and she didn't even think about it.

But after getting married, Qi Xue thought about it again, or thought about it many times, and her attitude towards Tan Yue's parents was indeed problematic.

In any case, since she and Tan Yue are married, they are one. Tan Yue's parents should be as filial as her parents, at least on the surface.

But because she didn't pay much attention to Tan Yue, she blamed Tan Yue's parents, and she didn't pay much attention to Tan Yue's parents.

Think about it differently, if you were Tan Yue's parents, it would definitely be difficult for your daughter-in-law to treat her like this.

Qi Xue sometimes wonders, why didn't she understand this truth in the first place?Perhaps this is the legendary authority who is obsessed with bystanders.

Qi Xue was very focused on her thoughts, and it was precisely because she put all her attention into concentration that Qi Xue didn't notice the outside world.

Time passed quickly, forty minutes passed quickly.

There was a sound in the waiting hall to notify the corresponding passengers to board the plane, and the ground staff also came to inform.

Under the smiling gaze of the ground staff lady, Qi Xue boarded the plane, walked into the first-class cabin, found her seat, and began to close her eyes to rest again.

It's night now, and it's time to rest. If she hadn't made such a sudden decision, Qi Xue would still be resting on her big bed at this time.

Drowsiness gradually hit, Qi Xue leaned on the comfortable seat and slowly fell asleep.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

The stewardess started telling the passengers to get off the plane.

Qi Xue rubbed her sleepy eyes, picked up her luggage, and followed the team off the plane.

This is the airport on the outskirts of Jishui, which is still some distance from the city center.

Qi Xue slowly recalled that if she went to Tan Yue's parents' house, that is, the old courtyard, it didn't seem too far from here, right?

She went to Qi Xue's parents' house once with Tan Yue, but it was only that one time, and she never went there again.

Afterwards, Tan Yue lost his temper because of this incident, and Tan Yue was afraid of making her angry again, so that he did not return to the old courtyard for the Spring Festival for three consecutive years.

Just thinking about it, Qi Xue couldn't help but feel a lot of shame for her young and frivolous self. If she went back to that time, she really wanted to sneak in through a crack in the ground. Is such an arrogant woman really herself?
But after thinking about it, after so many years, she has matured a lot, both emotionally and spiritually.

Walking out of the waiting hall, the early morning breeze blew by, which shocked people's spirits.

Online car-hailing is not allowed here. Qi Xue followed the arrow and came to the place where the taxi was waiting. The waiting time was not long. There were relatively few passengers in the middle of the night. In five or six minutes, she waited for a taxi.

Opening the door, Qi Xue sat on the back seat of the taxi.

Qi Xue was still a little scared to go out by car so late, after all, she was also a weak woman.

Her face was very calm, and she said to the driver in front of her master: "Master, go to Tulip Hotel, the one next to Happy Town."

These master drivers knew all the hotels in Jishui City, and responded with a smile, "Okay."

This kind of taxi that pulls people at the airport is also very particular. Every taxi queues up to solicit passengers. Whoever has its turn has to pull, and then see if it can come back again. Some taxis may only be able to come back at night. Solicit customers once or twice at the airport, so some taxi drivers will be very happy when they can solicit customers farther away, because they can earn more money.

And some drivers will feel very bad if they spread to customers not far away.

The Tulip Hotel that Qi Xue mentioned is a well-known five-star hotel in the city center, and the Happy Town is also a well-known neighborhood in the city. Xue was going to the Tulip Hotel in the city center and was in a very good mood.

Sitting in the car now, looking out the street view through the window.

In the past, I always thought that Jishui City was just a small place, not to mention compared with Shanghai, even compared with cities like Suzhou and Hangzhou in the south, it was far inferior.

Maybe I was really biased in my heart at the beginning, and I didn't take a serious look at the city at that time.Or maybe Jishui has developed faster over the years.

Looking at the city of Jishui now, as it gets closer to the city center, it becomes more and more full of flowers, tall buildings, and dazzling neon lights. Compared with the land of Suzhou and Hangzhou, it is not far behind.

I also thought about buying a house tomorrow. There is no need to worry about this matter. It is so late, and I will definitely not be able to buy a house.

So Qi Xue booked a hotel next to Happy Town, and waited for the house to be dealt with in the morning.

It is true that she came to Jishui in a hurry, and her agent can handle it in a day or two, but besides the agent, there is also an entertainment company. Although she has a high status in the company now, it is not yet That kind of arrogance.

So she can't stay in Jishui for long, so she needs to hurry up.

After arriving at the hotel, Qi Xue paid the driver's bill, and then entered the hotel.

When she came outside her room, Qi Xue inserted the room card and walked into the room.

This is a very spacious suite with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, just like a relatively spacious flat in a home.

Resting in this kind of room does feel like being at home.

Qi Xue took a shower, then went back to the bedroom to rest.

Lying on the bed, Qi Xue used her mobile phone to search for real estate agencies in Jishui. Her identity must not be used to buy a house, and naturally she cannot be present to buy this house, and she needs to borrow others. At this time, just Just go to a real estate agent.

There are many real estate agencies in Jishui City. Qi Xue looks at them one by one, mainly because she can read user reviews, and you can check the ratings, but this kind of evaluation is not easy to fake, so Qi Xue takes it very seriously. She also wants to choose for herself A peace of mind.

Finally, she picked an agency, and after taking a screenshot of the agency's contact information, Qi Xue packed up and got ready to sleep.

Lying on the bed, Qi Xue picked up her phone and checked the time.

It is now two thirty-thirteen in the morning.

There are only three or four hours left before dawn.

Back in this city, Qi Xue felt a little bit of excitement in her heart, which made her toss and turn on the bed, unable to sleep.

In the end, she forced herself not to move around on the bed, forced herself to fall asleep, and finally slowly, drowsily felt a little drowsy.

But this sleepiness was not strong, even if Qi Xue fell asleep, it was still a light sleep.

In the morning, Qi Xue woke up by herself.

Picking up the phone next to the pillow to check the time, it was already five twenty-seven.

From going to bed to now, it's been three hours, but during these three hours of sleep, Qi Xue didn't feel sleepy, as if she slept well at night.

Qi Xue got up energetically to clean up. After packing up, it was already six o'clock, and the hotel's breakfast began.

Qi Xue called the front desk to bring breakfast to the room. After breakfast, Qi Xue started to contact the real estate agency.

She has to hurry up and try to buy the house within one day.

(End of this chapter)

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