Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 747 Huaguo Film History accounted for 3 of the top box office

Chapter 747 The top ten box office in Huaguo film history accounts for three out of three

As time goes by, "The King of Comedy" has not faded out of people's field of vision, and from time to time you can see the shadow of this movie on Weibo hot searches.

Since the moment "The King of Comedy" announced the establishment of the crew, it is destined to attract a lot of attention.

Although the golden time for National Day movies has passed, the single-day box office performance of "The King of Comedy" is no longer so scary, but it is still the daily box office champion, and its single-day box office is still beyond the reach of other movies released at the same time.

By the end of October, the cumulative box office of "The King of Comedy" had reached [-] billion, and it was in an absolute leading position at the box office.

"Under the Stars", which ranked second, only earned [-] billion.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. The box office performance of more than [-] billion is usually a very good result.

But "The King of Comedy" is just too compelling.

The total box office of "The King of Comedy" is about to exceed [-] billion, once again attracting the attention of many people in the circle.

If it exceeds [-] billion, it means that "The King of Comedy" will enter the top ten box office in Huaguo's film history, and there will be three films directed by Tan Yue in the top ten.

Tan Yue's status in the entertainment industry will inevitably be further improved, and his influence in the director circle will also reach a terrifying level.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

The General Administration of Culture publishes the box office data on time.

The cumulative box office of "The King of Comedy" reached [-] billion.

Things that the outside world pays attention to appear at this moment.

The cumulative box office of "The King of Comedy" has officially entered the top ten in Huaguo's box office history.

Tan Yue also achieved another achievement. The box office of three consecutive films exceeded [-] billion, entering the ranks of the top ten.

Most of the directors in the industry have a hard time getting into it all their lives, but Tan Yue's three movies in a row are so popular, I don't know how many directors shed tears of envy.

At the same time, many media on the Internet chased after the heat and reported on the achievements of "The King of Comedy".

""Southern Entertainment Weekly": Congratulations to "The King of Comedy" at the box office. It has entered the top ten box office in Huaguo's film history."

""Entertainment News": "The King of Comedy" has a cumulative box office of [-] billion, successfully ranking in the top ten box office in film history."

""Capital Entertainment": Following "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Garland Under the Mountain", Tan Yue's third film "The King of Comedy" has entered the top ten box office records in film history with a box office of [-] billion."

"Entertainment Weekly": Today's box office of "The King of Comedy" exceeded [-] billion, marking the third film of Tan Yue to enter the top ten box office in Huaguo film history. This is the only one in the history of Huaguo film to achieve this achievement Director, "The King of Comedy" is still in theaters, let us look forward to the final box office results!"

The fact that "The King of Comedy" entered the top ten box office in Huaguo's film history quickly aroused heated discussions on the Internet, and it was listed on Weibo's hot search in a very short time, attracting the attention of many netizens.

"Congratulations to "The King of Comedy", congratulations to Mr. Tan Yue."

"It's too scary to leave the big picture. Teacher Tan Yue has only made three films, and each of them has entered the top ten box office records in film history. No director can achieve such a terrifying result, right?"

"It's only natural that "The King of Comedy" has achieved such a box office result. I've watched it three times. The movie is still not offline, and the box office can go up even more. Come on!"

"Besides awesome, I can't find any adjectives. As expected of Mr. Tan Yue, doesn't this just verify the phrase 'Tan Yue's production must produce high-quality goods'? At the same time, I also look forward to Mr. Tan Yue's next movie, no matter what it is I like all kinds of movies."

Jian Jiang.

Hengdian film and television base.

Since "The King of Comedy" was released, it is the extras who can experience the hardships most.

They are like Yin Tianchou in the movie, running around in various studios every day. Apart from earning money to support their families, they also have a dream of a protagonist in their hearts.

They hope that one day they can become the protagonists in movies and TV shows.

Recently, after seeing the movie "The King of Comedy" became popular, there was a wind of "The King of Comedy" among the group performers.

There were even people selling the book "Actor's Self-cultivation" on the side of the road, surrounded by a bunch of people, and there was a faint feeling that it was not enough to sell.

The ensemble performers who got this book all smiled.

This book may not be of much use to them, just to follow the trend, but it can bring them psychological comfort.

A reporter who has just finished interviewing for a movie opening ceremony is ready to repay the social difference.

Seeing this lively scene, I suddenly wanted to do an interview.

After asking the cameraman to turn on the machine, he took the microphone and walked up to several group performers who had finished buying books, and asked, "I'm a reporter from Entertainment Weekly, can I interview you?"

One of the group performers waved his hand and said, "We are all group performers, what do we want to interview?"

The reporter pointed to the book in their hands: "It's about this "Actor's Self-cultivation"."

Several group performers smiled and readily agreed.

Being able to do group performances and extras here, how many of them don't have dreams of becoming famous?I cherish the opportunity to report.

The reporter asked: "I see that you all seem to be buying this book, is it because of the recent hit movie "The King of Comedy"?"

"Yeah, we didn't know about this book until we saw the movie."

"Then do you think this "Actor's Self-cultivation" will help you improve your acting skills?"

The group performer's answer was very real: "The improvement of acting skills still requires real improvement, and I bought this book to get a good start."

The reporter then asked several actors and got similar answers.

The group performers who shuttled around the major studios understood the environment they were in now, and knew that the chance of being the protagonist was almost zero.

"Actor's Self-cultivation" is the sustenance of my dreams.

The reporter of "Entertainment Weekly" recorded all this on camera.

After returning to the newspaper office, he reported everything that happened in the film and television base to the editor-in-chief.

The editor-in-chief's first reaction was quite surprised.

Who would have thought that an illusory movie could have such an effect.

The editor-in-chief directly agreed with the reporter's idea and published the news report on his own Weibo and short video platform.

This report is not only interesting, but more importantly, it can be connected with "The King of Comedy".

You must know that "The King of Comedy" is now a big hit, and the popularity is simply huge and amazing.

Anything that can be associated with "The King of Comedy" has terrifying traffic.

This wave of heat has to be wiped out.

As the editor-in-chief expected, the report quickly became popular on the Internet.

Bright Entertainment.

Tan Yue, who was busy, received a message from Wu Gong, the director of the public relations department, and then opened the Weibo of "Entertainment Weekly".

Looking at the clip of the reporter's interview, the corners of Tan Yue's mouth rose slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Tan Yue also found it very interesting to see the group performers take this book as their sustenance.

When writing the script of "The King of Comedy", in order to determine whether there is a book "Actor's Self-cultivation" in this world, he deliberately checked relevant information on the Internet.

The content is almost the same as the original world.

But the author is not Stanislavsky, but an American dramatist in the last century.

This book is still helpful to actors.

Possessing acting skills is a basic requirement for an actor, which is very important.

But at the same time opportunity is also essential.

"The King of Comedy" has achieved such a good box office result, and it is still a brand new film category, which has received strong support from the State Administration of Culture.

The release of "The King of Comedy" in major theaters has been postponed for one month, and more than a dozen other movies released at the same time have been removed from the theaters.

The single-day box office of "The King of Comedy" is still very high, and the theaters are also happy to increase the release time.

After the General Administration of Culture announced the news on its official website, many netizens responded enthusiastically.

"Supporting this decision, good movies should be extended."

"Great, I've been busy in October, and I don't have time to go to the cinema. A few days ago, I was still worried whether "The King of Comedy" would be offline, so I can go to the cinema to watch it."

"I went to see it once during the National Day holiday, and it felt pretty good. Now it's postponed for a month in theaters, so I can watch it again."

The news that "The King of Comedy" was postponed for one month quickly spread, and many people noticed it.

Many people who don't have free time in October can wait until November to see it.

No matter what kind of movie, popularity will decline with time.

"The King of Comedy" is no exception. After such a long period of release, the popularity has gradually begun to decline, and it will no longer be the top trending search at every turn.

The box office is not as strong as before, but it is basically stable at [-] to [-] million a day.

As Sun Daohao guessed, the stamina is obviously not as good as "The Garland Under the Mountain" at the same stage.

It is basically impossible for the final box office results to surpass "Garland Under the Mountain" and once again break the box office record in Huaguo's film history.

Regardless of the outcome, "The King of Comedy" is already a successful movie.

Bright Entertainment.

Tan Yue looked at the latest single-day box office data published on the official website of the General Administration of Culture, "The King of Comedy" was [-] million.

Compared with "A Garland Under the Mountain" at the same stage, there is indeed a big gap, but he is not disappointed.

Tan Yue stretched, picked up the water glass, leaned on the chair, and thought for a while.

"The King of Comedy" is undeniably a high-quality movie, and it can even be called a classic.

But "The Garland Under the Mountain" is even more a masterpiece that is hard to come out in ten years.

From the moment he wrote the script "The King of Comedy", Tan Yue knew that it was impossible to surpass "The Garland Under the Mountain".

"The King of Comedy" can be said to be an experiment done by Tan Yue, after all, this kind of nonsensical comedy appeared for the first time in this world.

The final box office is very important, but what is more important is to see that the audience likes this kind of movie.


Tan Yue let out a long breath.

A group chat that gathered seventeen second- and third-tier actors in the entertainment industry became lively at this time.

"The latest news is that "The King of Comedy" has been postponed for one month in various theaters."

"Now the box office has reached more than [-] billion yuan. I don't know how much box office I can get in the end?"

"Up to now, the daily box office is basically still around [-] million, tsk tsk tsk."

"Teacher Tan Yue's ability to direct is too terrifying. Each of the three films has exceeded [-] billion."

"Hey, I'm tired of saying the word envy. Who of you has ever heard of Zhou Can, and now he's taking off directly with this "King of Comedy"."

"When will this kind of luck fall on my head and participate in a film directed by Tan, it will also make me popular once."

"Think about it, who among the actors in the industry doesn't want to be in Director Tan's movie."


Wang Yuxin drove to the high-speed rail station.

Today she has an author friend who came to Caozhou to play.

The two have been good friends for many years. They often exchange writing skills and gossip. However, Wang Yuxin doesn't know much about other celebrities except Tan Yue, so they talk less about this aspect.

Wang Yuxin, who was playing with her mobile phone in the car, was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the glass outside, and looked up to see that she was a good friend.

"Linlin." After Wang Yuxin got out of the car, the two gave a big hug.

"We haven't seen each other for half a year." Wang Yuxin said after taking the suitcase.

Lin Lin said: "Yeah, it's not like I'm free, I came here to play with you as soon as possible."

Lin Lin's book has just been finished, and she is going to take a good rest for a month or two to change her mind.

The two put their luggage in the trunk.

Wang Yuxin, who was sitting in the driver's seat, said, "I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Lin Lin smiled and said, "I will follow your arrangement."

After the National Day, the traffic flow in the city center is much less.

The two soon arrived at the largest shopping mall in the center of Caozhou.

Wang Yuxin seldom goes shopping. Today, in order to have fun with her friends, she wandered around the big shopping mall, eating and shopping while shopping in various shops.

Normally, Wang Yuxin would be too tired to walk, but today she was surprisingly not at all tired.

After eating, Wang Yuxin asked, "Linlin, where do you want to go?"

Lin Lin was going to go shopping, but she was still a little tired after sitting in the car for several hours.

Thinking of the two in the mall, Lin Lin said: "I want to watch "The King of Comedy". I have been updating the book for a while, and I don't have time to watch the movie."

"By the way, isn't Tan Yue your idol? Have you seen this movie?"

Wang Yuxin nodded and said, "Look at it, this movie is pretty good, and I've always wanted to watch it again, so I just go with you today."

The clips of "The King of Comedy" that she had watched lingered in her mind for a long time.

During the period, I also thought about watching it again, but I have been a little bit stuck recently, and I have never had time.

Lin Lin asked: "I heard that this movie is a nonsensical comedy created by Tan Yue, is it fun?"

Wang Yuxin raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "This movie is very funny, it is the best comedy movie I have ever seen."

"Really?" Lin Lin asked with some doubts.

She had read related reports about "The King of Comedy" on the Internet, and it seemed to be different from what Wang Yuxin said.

"Really, I'm not lying to you." Wang Yuxin dragged Lin Lin to the cinema.

(End of this chapter)

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