Chapter 777

The sun was shining brightly, and after a night of good dreams, Tian Yuan felt full of energy and continued to devote himself to education.

Tian Yuan started from home early, and when he was about to arrive at the school, he found many cars parked at the school gate. Parents and students were walking together. Tian Yuan thought: Is there a parent-teacher meeting today?

But basically every parent-teacher meeting is either cloudy or rainy. The sun is so bright today, which is unreasonable.

Tian Yuan picked up his phone and looked at the news in the group, and then suddenly remembered, "Today is the school's [-]th anniversary, no wonder there are so many people."

Tian Yuan parked the car in a remote place, because today is the school celebration, so there is no class in the morning, Tian Yuan is going to wait for the parents to enter the school, and then go there after there is no traffic jam at the gate.

Tian Yuan's school is a key high school, and many students have been instilled by their parents intentionally or unintentionally in this school since the first grade.

However, only one tenth of the outstanding junior high school students in the city can be admitted. In the eyes of many parents, entering this school for high school is equivalent to half of one foot entering university.

Of course, the school has not disappointed the parents. Every year, a large number of students are sent to key universities. Outstanding students are all over the country, and there are leaders from all walks of life who have gone out of this school.

Tian Yuan is a student of this school who has gone abroad. For a long time, she was very grateful that she went to a key high school in the city. Now, she is even more grateful that she is now a teacher at her alma mater.

In a daze, Tian Yuan remembered that when he was studying in this school, he was very envious of his math teacher, who was intellectually elegant, well-dressed, and knowledgeable. More importantly, this math teacher drove his own car to and from get off work every day.

At that time, Tian Yuan thought that it would be great if he could be like this teacher in the future.

Tian Yuan withdrew his thoughts when he heard the whistle behind him.

Parents attached great importance to the school's celebration. Some parents were even students from this school. There were quite a lot of people coming today. Tian Yuan waited for half an hour and drove into the school slowly after seeing that there was no traffic jam at the gate.

After parking the car, Tian Yuan saw that the playground was bustling with people and the stage was beautifully arranged, so he went to the playground to watch the school celebration.

Walking to the seats specially prepared for teachers, Tian Yuan sat next to his colleagues, and the school celebration officially began.

The host on the stage was speaking, and the audience in the audience were also buzzing.

Next to Tian Yuan, there were several elderly teachers chatting.

"Time is so fast. In a blink of an eye, our school has been established for [-] years. I remember the first time I participated in our school celebration, it was the [-]th anniversary celebration. Thinking about the first time I was transferred to our school to teach, then It was all thirty years ago."

"Yeah, in a blink of an eye, we are all about to retire."

"The children today are really happy, much better than ours at that time."

"Yeah, the conditions are better now, you see, all of them are fat and big ears, and they are all growing up."

Tian Yuan couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling when he heard the conversations of the old teachers in front of him. These teachers' words were so funny, it's impossible to describe others with fat heads and big ears.

At the same time, the school celebration continued, the host spoke on stage, and then invited the principal to speak on stage, Tian Yuan applauded along with everyone.

The headmaster's speech did not have any bright spots, it felt like some articles randomly copied from the Internet, Tian Yuan felt a little boring after hearing it.

Finally, the boring principal's speech finally ended, and the most eye-catching student program began.

Regardless of the young age of these students, all of them are quite talented, some dance, some sing, and some talk about sketches and cross talks.

"If I'm young and promising and don't feel inferior, and know what is precious, those beautiful dreams."

Hearing this song, Tian Yuan was in a daze for a while. She knew who the original singer of this song was, and even had a lot of pasts with that person, or conflicts?
What happened many years ago couldn't help reappearing in Tian Yuan's mind.

At that time, who would have thought that that man would have such great achievements now, and even gradually become a symbol of China Entertainment, even Tian Yuan rarely heard of him, would there be any student who would not like him?Even if you are not an iron fan, you are still a passerby fan.

After "Young and Promising", some students sang "The Wind Rises" and "Songs for Myself" on stage. These are songs composed by Tan Yue.

"His influence is really getting bigger and bigger." Tian Yuan sighed in his heart.

Now Tian Yuan and Tan Yue are people from two worlds. Tan Yue went farther and farther away. At that time, everyone in the Hedong TV station could only look at his back in amazement.

Tan Yue never thought about what would happen to Tian Yuan, and he may have even forgotten that there was a girl named Tian Yuan before, which caused him a lot of trouble.

Only those who look up to Tan Yue will think of him from time to time, and then talk about it and express their emotions.

"Teacher Tian, ​​do you like Tan Yue?" At this time, a female teacher beside Tian Yuan asked in a low voice.

Tian Yuan smiled, nodded and said, "I like it, I'm his fan."

Perhaps without me, there would be no Tan Yue now.

Tian Yuan thought in his heart, if it wasn't for him at the beginning, the "Tucao Conference" that Tan Yue made on the Hedong TV station would not have fallen into Lin Qifeng's hands, and Tan Yue would not have resigned from the Hedong TV station in a fit of anger. , and then threw himself into the entertainment circle.

Things in this world are amazing.

Thinking of all the past, Tian Yuan sighed in his heart.

The female teacher had already turned her head to talk to other teachers, Tian Yuan listened quietly.

"I also like Tan Yue very much. I didn't like his "Kung Fu" on the Internet before. I didn't hesitate at all. I bought three tickets and took my husband and baby to watch "Kung Fu". I immediately decided that the movie would definitely be popular, and sure enough, you all know how popular "Kung Fu" became in the end."

"Hahaha, it seems that on the point of liking Tan Yue, we and the students have finally reached a consensus. Such an outstanding star is not much better than those Internet celebrities, so we should like this!"

"You are wrong about one thing. Tan Yue is not a star. Although he is very famous, he has always been working behind the scenes, and only occasionally shows up on the Internet."

"Yeah, Tan Yue has never been the kind of debut artist. He has always been a creator. Anyone can do it as a star, but what Tan Yue does, others can't do it. Without talent and brains, it is impossible."

When everyone was talking, the previous show had ended, and a female student in the third year of high school walked onto the stage wearing a white skirt.

"Hello everyone, the song I sang is "My Motherland and Me", thank you everyone."

After the girl finished speaking, there was another burst of discussion from the audience.

"Fuck, it's Tan Yue's song again? Why are you singing his song?"

"Good guy, Tan Yue's influence is really great. Our school's school celebration almost became Tan Yue's fan meeting."

"Hahaha, it's Tan Yue's song again. I remember that Tan Yue's song writing is only a part-time job, right? His main business is still making movies. In terms of music, it's more of a plaything nature. I didn't expect it. It's just for fun. Tickets can actually make such a big impact.”

""My Motherland and Me"? I think this song is good, I like it very much."

"Although there are not many songs written by Tan Yue, each capital is a classic. It's a pity that he has gone to make a movie, otherwise, he must be another king of music!"

The accompaniment began to sound slowly, and the discussion in the audience gradually became quiet.

"My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment. Wherever I go, there is a song of praise."

"I sing about every mountain, I sing about every river, the smoke from the kitchen, the small villages, and the roads.",

The girl on the stage just sang a few lines, and a magical scene happened.

The students watching from the audience even sang together.

"My dear motherland, I will always be close to your heart, and you tell me with the warmth of your mother."

"My motherland and I are like the sea and the waves. The waves are the children of the sea, and they are also the support of the waves."

"Whenever the sea smiles, I am the whirlpool of laughter."

"I share the sorrow of the sea and the joy of the sea."


No. [-] Middle School is a well-known school in Jishui City. Many local media from Jishui City came to celebrate the school celebration.

The teachers were a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene, they didn't expect this to happen, and those media reporters were different, they were worrying that they didn't have any interesting reports, so wouldn't they have a topic.

Photographers from various media raised their cameras one after another and aimed at these children.

"My Motherland and Me" was originally a main theme song, but now it is sung by so many children, doesn't it reflect the main theme better?
A few minutes later, the song "My Motherland and Me" finally ended. Even the girls on the stage were a little confused. It was obviously her solo, but how did it develop into a chorus? ? ?
When the accompaniment ended, there was deafening applause from the entire playground.

The students are applauding vigorously, as are the teachers.

On the rostrum, the principal laughed and applauded enthusiastically, "These kids are so cute, which one of you recorded the video just now? Send me a copy."

On the stage.

The girl who sang "My Motherland and Me" did not step off the stage immediately. She hesitated for a moment, held the microphone in her hand, and said, "I am a die-hard fan of Teacher Tan Yue, and I am also a member of the Jishui Fan Support Club." Vice President, I hope everyone can support Teacher Tan Yue a lot."

Perhaps it was because the chorus just now made the girl a little nervous, she stumbled a little, and after helping Tan Yue do a publicity, she trotted off the stage immediately.

Although the girl was a little nervous when she said it, the students in the audience reacted strongly.

"I'm also a fan of Teacher Tan Yue! Support Teacher Tan Yue!"

"Wow, this is the first time I know that Jishui also has Teacher Tan Yue's fan club, senior sister, I will go to you after the school celebration is over, and I also want to join Teacher Tan Yue's fan club. "

"Senior is so beautiful, she sings well, and she's actually the vice president of the fan club. Just because of this senior, I want to join Teacher Tan Yue's fan club!"

"From today, Teacher Tan Yue has another handsome male fan, and that's me!"

Tian Yuan also applauded along with everyone. She really didn't expect that the quiet-looking senior high school girl just now was actually the vice president of the Tan Yue Fan Support Club?

"Can I join?" An idea suddenly popped up in Tian Yuan's mind, but the next moment, this idea was suppressed by herself.

Because she heard some students yelling to join the Tan Yue fan club, if she joined the fan club, would she have to bring these naughty guys with her in the future?
Next to my ears, there were discussions from the teachers again. It was nothing more than the fact that Tan Yue's influence was too great. Now these students have not grown up. When these students become college students and enter the society, Tan Yue's influence Li Na is really completely big and boundless.

The media reports were not too long apart. In the afternoon of that day, the school celebration of Jishui No. [-] Middle School became famous in Jishui City.

Many local newspapers and media in Jishui City reported on the celebration.

[No. [-] Middle School celebrates the chorus!High school students sang "My Motherland and Me" together! 】

[At the school celebration scene, the student solo turned into a chorus, discussing how influential Tan Yue is. 】

[No.[-] High School celebration, many songs were sung by Tan Yue, among which "My Motherland and Me" caused a big sensation! 】

In the streets and alleys of Jishui City, many newspapers have reported on the celebration of the No. [-] Middle School.

Generally speaking, citizens don’t care about these things at all. In the past, there were newspapers about middle school celebrations and sports games, but the sales were generally poor, but this time it was different. The situation was only because of one person - Tan Yue.

Tan Yue has many fans all over the country, but if you want to list which cities have the most and stickiest fans, Jishui City must be among them.

Tan Yue walked out of the city of Jishui. In the streets and alleys of Jishui City, everyone knows Tan Yue. He has become the pride of the city.

So when the newspaper this time was about Tan Yue, the previously sluggish sales instantly soared.

Jishui City, the suburbs, the Tan family's old home.

Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan are making dumplings at home, ready to take them to An Nuan's house, saving An Nuan from having to cook after get off work.

Just after wrapping the dumplings, before they had time to put them in plastic bags, there was a knock on the gate of the courtyard.

"Here we come." Li Yulan replied, put down the work in her hands, walked to the door, and opened the courtyard door.

Outside the yard is a neighbor.

"Brother Zhao, what are you doing here?" Li Yulan asked.

Old Zhao held a newspaper in his hand and said with a smile on his face: "Sister-in-law, look at this newspaper. My granddaughter sang Xiaoyue's "My Motherland and Me" at school. Good guy, I was directly caught by the reporter." It was photographed, and the newspapers sold like crazy."

Li Yulan took the newspaper and read it again. She couldn't hide the smile on her face, and she felt proud, "Hey, are you still singing in chorus? So many students like Xiaoyue."

(End of this chapter)

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