Chapter 84 Host

As the end of the year draws to a close, the various program groups of the entertainment channel are starting up, hoping to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet to the leaders in the last few months of the year.

The "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" program team is also preparing for the first episode of next week's broadcast.

In the tea room, Tan Yue took a cup of coffee and sat in the booth, opposite director Zhang Peng who was drinking boiled water.

"Mr. Tan, our program is almost ready, but the host has not been decided yet, what should I do?" Zhang Peng said with a frown.

These days, Zhang Peng also followed Tan Yue to interview several batches of hosts.

As soon as I heard that "The Post-80s Talk Show Tonight" was going to recruit hosts, not only did the entertainment channel have hosts, but many hosts from other channels also came over to try it out.

But most of them failed, and there were two or three that were good enough to go back and wait for news.

Zhang Peng and Tan Yue had a chat and knew that Tan Yue was actually not satisfied with these people.

Zhang Peng is also a director who has worked in Taiwan for many years. He has also made achievements in the city channel before, otherwise he would not have been transferred to the entertainment channel to be Tan Yue's partner. His ability is very good.

During this time, Zhang Peng has also been researching new programs. If there is something he doesn't understand, he will ask Tan Yue directly, and try his best to understand the program thoroughly.

At first he didn't quite understand why Tan Yue had such high demands on the host.

But as he learned more about "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", he realized the importance of the host relative to this show.

He has also studied the popular "Tree of Wisdom" before. If "Tree of Wisdom" is the highlight of everyone on the stage, including the two hosts, a man and a woman, Hongguoguolubao, as well as several guest families, this It's all about attracting audiences.

Then the biggest highlight of "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" is the host. All the shots are given to the host, which is a high requirement. It not only requires the host to have deep hosting skills, but also to be skilled Shake the burden, and the burden should be shaken naturally so that the audience can catch it.

Alas, it's a bit tricky indeed.

Tan Yue took a sip of coffee and turned the coffee cup gently in his hand, thinking about the host of the show, "If the show wants to be the best, it can't do without a suitable host, but I keep looking for it. If I can't find something suitable for our program, if I find another host to make do with it, I'm not very comfortable."

After listening to Tan Yue's words, Zhang Peng's head hurt for a while.

He respects Tan Yue's ability to make a hit show like "Tree of Wisdom".And the more I have been in contact with Tan Yue during this time, the more I realize that Tan Yue's ideas are wild and unrestrained, and sometimes he casually says a good idea that makes his eyes shine, and I admire Tan Yue even more.

Similarly, the more he discovers Tan Yue's excellence, the more he looks forward to cooperating with Tan Yue this time. Will "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" also have the same outstanding results as "Wisdom Tree"?

Two days ago, Satellite TV issued an announcement saying that Zheng Guang, the original director of "Tree of Wisdom", was directly transferred to Satellite TV because of his outstanding performance.

Zhang Peng didn't know that Zheng Guang's cousin was the deputy director of the provincial TV station. He thought it was Zheng Guang who was transferred to Satellite TV as the deputy director because of "Tree of Wisdom".

In fact, it is indeed because of "Tree of Wisdom", without the bonus of "Tree of Wisdom", even if Zheng Guang is related, it is difficult to enter satellite TV.

In this regard, what Zhang Peng thought was actually not bad.

The example of Zheng Guang is there. If "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" can also have such good results, Zhang Peng does not think that he is worse than Zheng Guang.

However, he has never brought out a program with a rating of over 10 before, and now he suddenly wants the new program to reach the level of "Tree of Wisdom", which is not an extravagant hope, but there is also Tan Yue.

"Mr. Tan, should we go to the provincial Taiwan to find it?" Zhang Peng suggested.

As for the show, of course he hopes that the best will be presented and the ratings will be higher.

Although there are a lot of hosts in Jishui TV station, compared with the hosts in the provincial TV station, both in terms of quantity and professionalism, they are still one level worse.

There is no suitable host in Jishui City TV Station, and there may be no suitable host in the provincial TV station. It is very possible to find one.

However, just after Zhang Peng finished speaking, he shook his head with a wry smile.

"Mr. Tan, it may be more troublesome for us to go to the provincial TV station to find the host, alas." Zhang Peng sighed.

Tan Yue also nodded.

One reason is that the host of the provincial TV station has a high vision, where would they condescend to go to the TV station in the city? Don't tell people how much potential the "Talk Show for the Post-80s" program has in the future. Before the ratings are out, talking about these is all Playing a hooligan, people basically won't believe it.

Another important reason is the issue of personnel transfer.If the provincial and Taiwanese want to transfer people from the city, it is a matter of one sentence. After all, the rank is there, and the leader of the provincial and Taiwanese only needs to say hello.And the city wants to transfer people from the province and Taiwan, that is, from top to bottom, a batch of processes will go down, and I don't know how many weeks later.

"Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" will be broadcast next Sunday, and it can't be dragged on at all.

Tan Yue drank the coffee in the coffee cup and said, "I'll think of a way to do this. The people will be selected in the next two days, and the filming must officially start before next Wednesday."

Zhang Peng nodded and said, "Mr. Tan, let's find a solution together. The solution is all thought up by people, so don't put too much pressure on you."

Zhang Peng paused for a while, then said helplessly: "But the director and the others should be watching. Today in the bathroom, the director told me why the host hasn't been decided yet."

Tan Yue could only smile bitterly.

After the two of them finished talking, Zhang Peng got up with the cup and left, while Tan Yue went to pick up another cup of coffee and returned to his workstation.

All other aspects of the program team are almost ready, but the host is not in place.

Tan Yue and Zhang Peng are also very concerned about this, but Tan Yue feels that these hosts are almost mean.

The host of "The Post-80s Talk Show Tonight" has not been decided, and indeed even the director can't sit still.

This show is the highlight of the weekend's prime time!
In terms of the importance of the time period, it is second only to Saturday night at 10:[-] pm. After Li Shutang left this time, they did not give those programs with a rating of over [-] on the channel, but prepared a very important time period. Potential new show.

Regarding the new program "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", everyone from the station leaders to the director and director is paying attention, but nothing can go wrong.

In the afternoon, Gao Quan, director of the entertainment channel, was in the office.

"Sit down, I called the two of you here to talk about the show."

Gao Quan asked Tan Yue and Zhang Peng to sit on the sofa, while he sat on the other side and said with a smile.

After the two of them were seated, Gao Quancai continued to ask, "I heard that the host of our show hasn't been decided yet, right?"

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Yes, Director. Recently, Director Zhang and I have also interviewed some hosts on the stage, but we both felt that the hosting style did not match the program very well, so we have not decided."

"For a talk show, the role of the host is very important, so we didn't dare to be careless. We wanted to find a host who could fit our show, but we couldn't find one, so we kept dragging it down."

Gao Quan frowned slightly and said, "Isn't it suitable?"

Gao Quan nodded with a wry smile: "Yes, Director, I have met three or four batches with Teacher Tan in the past few days. Some of them are very good hosts, but they don't quite match the style of our show."

Gao Quan also had a headache after hearing this, "Is that so."

"Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" is a key program on the channel and even on the station. It must not be careless. The program is too rough, how can the ratings be guaranteed?Leaders have high hopes for this program.

But the show will be moved to TV next week, and it will definitely not work to delay it.

Looking at Director Gao Quan's tangled expression, Zhang Peng whispered, "Director, Teacher Tan and I had an idea before."

After listening to Zhang Peng's words, Gao Quan immediately regained his spirits and asked curiously, "What do you think? To put it directly, if it is good for the show, I will definitely support it."

Zhang Pengdao: "In the morning, Mr. Tan and I read the information of the provincial and Taiwan hosts, and there are two hosts who are quite suitable for "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight". It would be great if someone could be transferred from the provincial and Taiwan. already."

Gao Quan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Zhang Peng's method was to transfer the host from the provincial station, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Tan Yue and Zhang Peng didn't do the administrative part. They may think it's easy to transfer people from the province and Taiwan, but Gao Quan is very clear that there are not one or two departments involved, and they still transfer people from higher-level departments, even more so. Tricky.

Just for the emails, you have to send more than a dozen emails, which is troublesome.Working within the system has advantages and disadvantages, and this is one aspect of rigidity.

Gao Quan took a deep breath and said, "This is a bit troublesome, and the show will be broadcast next week, so it's definitely too late to follow the normal flow."

"Well, I'll discuss with the director later whether I can transfer people first, and then go through the process."

After hearing what Gao Quan said, Zhang Peng and Tan Yue were very happy.
"That's troublesome, Director."

"Haha, that's great, hard worker."

The two breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that things were resolved.

dong dong dong.

At this time, the office door was knocked twice.

Gao Quan turned his head to look over and said, "Come in."

The person outside pushed open the door and walked in, and it was actually Director Ma Wanli.

Gao Quan, Tan Yue, and Zhang Peng immediately stood up and greeted Ma Wanli.

Ma Wanli didn't expect Tan Yue and Zhang Peng to be here too. He smiled and said, "They're all here. Are you talking about work? Should I go back first? Haha."

Gao Quan said quickly: "No, Director, I have something to discuss with you."

Saying that, Gao Quan took two steps back and vacated a large space on the sofa on his side for Ma Wanli.

Ma Wanli sat down with some doubts, looked at the three and said, "What's going on?"

Gao Quan talked about the problems encountered in "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" and the idea of ​​​​planning to transfer people to provincial Taiwan.

Ma Wanli frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "This is not easy to handle. I have to report it to the director, and the people in the director's office have to go to the provincial station. After the process, the daylilies are cold."

After Ma Wanli finished speaking, Gao Quan, Tan Yue, and Zhang Peng all froze.

Seeing the frowning expressions of the three of them, Ma Wanli smiled and said, "I think there is one person in our stage who should be very suitable for this host."

(End of this chapter)

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