Chapter 92
In the afternoon, because Tan Yue had no work to do, he stayed with his parents in the suburban old home until it was getting dark before planning to leave.

"Xiaoyue, your new show is at eight o'clock at night, right?"

An Nuan asked before leaving.

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Yes, sister-in-law."

After breaking up with An Nuan on the side of the road, Tan Yue called an online car-hailing car with his mobile phone and went to his own community.

After returning home, Tan Yue took a shower, changed into pajamas, turned on the TV, and sat on the sofa with the computer to play.

It's just seven o'clock now, and it will take an hour before the broadcast of "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", so let's play on the computer for a while.

Tan Yue doesn't watch dramas very much, and he doesn't play games very much. Usually, if he has time, he reads current affairs news.

On the one hand, it is not only preparing for the transformation into the "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", but on the other hand, it is also to understand the general direction of the development of the current era.

Especially in entertainment news, Tan Yue will pay more attention to it. After all, he is in this business and is closely related to his career.

Opening the news page, Tan Yue glanced at it, skipped some economic and political news, and took a look at the latest developments in the entertainment industry.

There are no major events in the domestic entertainment industry, but there are a lot of news in the foreign entertainment industry, such as the opening of the Norwegian International Music Festival and the opening of the London Film Festival.

Tan Yue casually opened it and took a look, and there are actually many netizens commenting below.

"I'm going, I checked the invitation list for the opening ceremony of the London Film Festival, and there isn't a single Chinese star?"

"Yes, it's too embarrassing, other countries have invited, but no artists from our country have been invited."

"Although our entertainment industry is not as developed as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, it is stronger than India, right? Even India has been invited, which is really sad."

"After all, the relationship between India and the United Kingdom is not normal, but the stars of those African countries have the past, so they didn't invite us, alas."

"Actually, our country's cultural and entertainment industry and the international entertainment circle are a little off track. The opening ceremony of the London Film Festival invites top stars from all over the world, and even international stars, but we don't seem to pay much attention to this aspect in our country. The planning is not clear.”

Tan Yue turned off the news after reading the comments of netizens for a while. Some things have little to do with him, such as how to develop China's cultural soft power and support the entertainment industry. This is what the leaders of the General Administration of Culture should pay. brain matter.

He is not qualified to care about a small role like him. Now, doing his show well is the most important thing.

Find some news material suitable for adaptation into a joke, and Tan Yue records them one by one in the sticky note.

I looked at the time, it was seven fifty-eight.

Tan Yue just rubbed his forehead, put down the computer, picked up the remote control, and amplified the sound of the TV.

A notice appeared on the TV, and the show "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" will be broadcast next.

There is no shortage of audiences for the programs in this time period, and "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" is still a key program on the stage. Before, the channel leaders have approved a lot of resources for publicity.

And there are also those who spontaneously promote "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", such as "Tree of Wisdom". Tan Yue thought that he had left the Children's Channel now, and it would be inappropriate to use the resources of the Children's Channel, but Sun Guoqing directly let him The host advertised "Talk Show After 80 Tonight" in "Tree of Wisdom".

Li Zheng, director of Children's Channel, and Sun Xin, director of the Children's Channel, would definitely know about this kind of thing, but they didn't stop it.

It can be said that the promotion of "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" is ten times stronger than that of "Tree of Wisdom"!
In terms of publicity, Tan Yue is not worried, and in terms of quality, Tan Yue is also not worried.

What he is most looking forward to now is the ratings of the show coming out tomorrow!

While the advertisement was still on TV, Tan Yue took out his mobile phone and looked at the work group.

Sure enough, my colleagues are also chatting about the upcoming first episode of "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight".

"Have you started yet?"

"It's almost time, there's one more minute."

"I'm looking forward to it. I wasn't so nervous when I was filming before. Now I'm so nervous watching our show appear on TV."

"I don't know how the finished film will look after editing."

"Don't talk, don't talk, the show starts."

Tan Yue looked at the chat of everyone in the group, hehe smiled, and he was not nervous at first, but his palms were slightly sweaty after being brought by these people.

On TV, the "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" officially started. After a lively opening music, the host Tan Yue appeared on the TV.

After making some opening remarks and a brief introduction to the new program, Tan Yue went straight to the topic.

The first topic was selected from a piece of news that was trending on Weibo last Thursday, with the theme 'I'm still a child'.

"Nowadays, many people like to say some cute things, especially many people in their thirties and forties, who are still doing it like this, and they will scare the baby to death at every turn."

The audience's laughter sounded on the TV, and Tan Yue paused for a while, then helplessly continued:

"Do you think this is interesting? There is no such statement in our Northeast, right, Director Zhang?"

"People from the Northeast don't talk like that. People from the Northeast are more domineering when they say it. The same sentence, the people from the Northeast said it would scare your father to death."

Tan Yue had seen this clip in the editing room before, but now watching it again on TV, he couldn't help laughing out loud.


Chang'an Building, Bright Entertainment Company, in Chen Ziyu's office.

Most of the employees in the company have already left work, but Chen Ziyu is still dealing with work.

At eight o'clock, she looked up at Zhou Shan, who was watching the computer with headphones on, and then she remembered that it seemed that Tan Yue's new program was broadcast tonight.

"Zhou Shan, what are you doing?" Chen Ziyu picked up the cigarette case and asked.

Zhou Shan said: "Sister Ziyu, I'm watching "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", it's just started."

Chen Ziyu nodded noncommittally, put the cigarette he just drew back into the cigarette case, got up and stretched, and said, "I'm a little tired, rest for a while, put the computer on the coffee table and play it outside."

Zhou Shan snorted, unplugged her headphones, and put the computer on the coffee table.

She guessed that Sister Ziyu would watch it if she remembered it.

Chen Ziyu walked over and sat next to Zhou Shan, looking at the computer, the show had already started, and the first theme was "I'm still a child".

Chen Ziyu frowned, what the hell is this?Does it look good?

However, I don't know if the show is good or not, but that Tan Yue looks like a dog.

In the computer, Tan Yue's voice came out.

"I saw a couple once, and those two couples were the kind of people who called themselves babies."

"There are two people over there. The woman likes a dress, and then asks her boyfriend to buy it for her, saying, oh, baby likes this dress, baby wants it, baby wants it."

The audience laughed, and Tan Yue on the screen sighed and said:
"That man is very helpless, what kind of baby are you at your age."

"The woman said that I am your power bank."

"The man said why are you my power bank."

"The woman said that I am the baby who keeps your career development moving forward, your power bank, understand?"

In the form of a talk show, Zhou Shan has only seen it abroad before, and it is unclear how it will lead to domestic effects. I just planned to listen to it and try it out.

Zhou Shan couldn't stop laughing.

Chen Ziyu's face was dull and expressionless. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou Shan, who was smiling and couldn't close her mouth. Is this girl smiling so low?

Until the end, Chen Ziyu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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