Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 932 Nomination

Chapter 932 Nomination
Paris France.

Ernest Dick is a member of the organizing committee of the Paris Film Festival. He is in his 40s this year. He has a certain reputation in the French director circle and has two very influential works in the world.

After washing up, my wife has already prepared breakfast.

There are bread, jam, milk and coffee on the table.

Ernest Dick sat down, took the bread, spread some jam on it, and ate it.

Different from domestic breakfast habits, French breakfast is also known as "little lunch".

Ernest Dick took the brewed coffee to go with the bread, and the milk on the side was not for drinking, but for dipping in bread crumbs or croissants.

The favorite drink on the French breakfast table is coffee, especially concentrated instant black coffee.Because instant black coffee is very convenient, you only need a cup of hot water, and coffee has a refreshing effect, so it has become a must-have drink for the French breakfast.

After breakfast, Ernest Dick took care of his hair. Since he didn't have the trouble of being bald, he did it with a plunging back and put on a neat suit.

Standing in front of the mirror, Ernest Dick smoothed out the creases in his clothes and perfected his appearance for an important event.

Ernest Dick drove the car to a hotel, and was led by the waiter to a large conference room.

I saw that the people who had arrived in the conference room were dressed as grandly as him, because today they were going to discuss the nomination list of the films selected for the Paris Film Festival.

People who can be selected as members of the organizing committee are more prestigious in the industry, which can make the selected results more convincing and reduce online disputes.

As soon as Ernest Dick entered, several people came up to say hello.

"long time no see!"

"Long time no see!" Ernest Dick asked. "How's your new film going?"

This is a young man who looks to be in his 30s and is a relatively well-known actor in France.

The two have collaborated several times, and one of Ernest Dick's two well-known films internationally is the actor.

"The filming is now in the later stage, and it is estimated that it will be finished in another three months."

"Looking forward to your performance in the movie."

The actor smiled and said, "You haven't made a movie for five years. When are you going to make a new movie? I'm still waiting for your invitation."

As an actor, no matter what the occasion, as long as he meets a big director and has the opportunity, he will recommend himself, maybe he will be able to invite him successfully.

Ernest Dick waved his hand and said, "I don't have any plans in the near future, let's take a look at it later."

He wants to spend more time with his family at home, and has no plans for movies yet.

Such a group of people gathered together, mainly discussing the content of film and television. Ernest Dick chatted with a few people for a while, glanced at the time on the watch, and thought that it was almost the same.

At this time, the meeting room suddenly fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the door.

The head of the Paris Film Festival came to the meeting room, and Pansy Curtis, who was being trained as the next head, was beside him.

All of a sudden, everyone in the conference room went to say hello.

The person in charge nodded and waved, echoing the greeting.

The person in charge of the Paris Film Festival is called Hicks Walter. He is over seventy years old and has gray hair. He is the most prestigious person in the French entertainment industry.Everyone in the conference room can be said to have grown up watching his movies.

Organizing a film festival is extremely exhausting. As he grew older, Hicks Walter felt somewhat powerless, so he came up with the idea of ​​training a new person in charge.

"Everyone, sit down." Hicks Walter sat on the main seat, and the others sat on both sides of the long table.

The long table is covered with white veils, and bouquets of flowers are placed at intervals.

"Since the Paris Film Festival announced the theme of inspirational films, many good works have emerged, which have brought encouragement to the audience. This is what a film and television work should do, and it is the goal of our film festival. Purpose. Taking inspiration as the theme this time is a very successful case, and it can be held in the future, and there is no need to follow the rules.”

Hicks Walter said a lot, ended his speech with a burst of applause, and finally said: "Next, let Pansy Curtis introduce the rules of this ballot to everyone."

Pansy Curtis stood up and said, "Because of the changes in this film festival, there have been some changes in the rules. Everyone can choose from the inspirational movies the three that you think are the best, and finally count the votes." Select ten films to be nominated for this Paris Film Festival."

The staff has distributed paper and pens to everyone in the conference room.

"I hope that everyone will be responsible when choosing movies. They all have to participate in the final competition. Well, I won't say much, let's start now."

After the words fell, Ernest Dick picked up the pen and wrote the name of the movie directly on the paper. The first one on the list was "Forrest Gump".

During this period of time, as long as there are inspirational movies released, he will go to the cinema as soon as possible. All the inspirational movies have already scored in his heart. The most impressive one is this Huaguo movie "Forrest Gump". More than once.

Ernest Dick still remembers that when he saw this movie for the first time, he didn't expect too much from "Forrest Gump" in his heart, mainly because it was directed by Hua Guo.

But in order not to miss every inspirational movie, I finally chose to walk into the cinema.

I was directly shocked, the story design in the play is very exciting, and the whole person's viewing state has changed from not being serious at the beginning to being completely immersed in the movie at the end.

If he could only pick one movie, he would choose "Forrest Gump" without hesitation.

After Ernest Dick finished writing, he handed the note to the staff and waited for the result.

Some wrote as fast as he wrote, and naturally some wrote slower, touching his forehead, thinking about which movie is his favorite.

The judges are human too, they have their own favorite movies, no matter how good the movie box office is, as long as it doesn't meet the taste of the judges, it's normal that they can't win the award.

Therefore, Ernest Dick couldn't judge whether "Forrest Gump", which is currently on fire in the movie market, can be selected?
There are only three movie names, and those who have thought for a long time will have the answer within a few minutes.

The staff put all the votes in front of the person in charge, Hicks Walter. For the sake of fairness, they and Pansy Curtis directly counted the votes in the meeting room. There were only more than 20 people, so there was not much waste much time.

In the process of waiting for the announcement of the results, everyone’s faces were full of anticipation. I hope that the film I selected can be shortlisted for the film festival. A kind of recognition.

The conference room was very quiet. Everyone didn't start chatting because they had nothing to do. All eyes fell on the two people who were counting the votes.

Since the Paris Film Festival started with inspirational films as the theme, there have been many films with this theme in the film market, and there are many excellent works, all of which are aimed at the film festival.

Not long after, Hicks Walter picked up the list and coughed lightly. The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense, and everyone was looking forward to the final result.

"The votes are out, Pansy Curtis, please tell us which ten films have been nominated for this Paris Film Festival."

Pansy Curtis still stood up, began to look at the list, and read: "The first "Boy in the Storm", the second "Never Say Never Give Up", the third "Witness to the Legend", the third The fourth part of "Wandering in the World" and the fifth part "The Storm Comes"."

At this moment, Ernest Dick felt that he could hear his own heartbeat. He especially hoped that "Forrest Gump" would be nominated.

There were also people in the conference room who clenched their fists excitedly. Such people knew that the movie they wrote had entered the shortlist.

Ernest Dick swallowed nervously, because he had reached No.9 and still hadn't heard the name of "Forrest Gump".

Pansy Curtis put down the paper in his hand, looked at the crowd, and said, "The tenth "Forrest Gump"."

Ernest Dick exhaled deeply, with a smile on his face, and his mood was like a roller coaster.

Until the last place, he felt that there was still a glimmer of hope, because the movie left a deep impression on him.

The film award does not have much impact on him, but he sincerely hopes that "Forrest Gump" can show its style at the Paris Film Festival. Such an excellent film and television work cannot be buried.

Ernest Dick was also very fortunate that "Forrest Gump" was chosen by so many people.

"The above are the ten films that have been nominated for this film festival." Hicks Walter took over and continued: "For me personally, no matter whether it is a nominated film or not, as long as it is on the air If it resonates with the audience after it is released, it can be called a good work. As for which of the ten selected films will win the award, let us wait and see for the time being.”

"Everyone is in the entertainment industry, and there are still many things to be busy. Let's end our meeting today. Before I leave, I would like to tell you one last thing. There is still a period of time before the film festival begins. The above are nominated The ten films of the film are temporarily kept secret and should not be released to the public.”

Some people spoke in response, while others nodded in response.

In fact, it is the usual practice to keep things confidential.

But most of them will be revealed in advance.

Secrecy is tantamount to ass.

This time it is still such a result.

Not long after the meeting ended, a user on Twitter suddenly broke the news of the ten films nominated for the Paris Film Festival, which aroused great enthusiasm.

"What this person said is not true, is it? Looking at the ten movies on the list, they are indeed quite good."

"Apart from anything else, these ten movies look quite reliable."

"I know that the jury group of the Paris Film Festival has a meeting these days, but I didn't expect it to be to discuss this matter."

""Forrest Gump" is my favorite among these ten movies, and it is also the movie with the highest box office. I don't know if it will win the award in the end."

"We can't tell what the judges are thinking. Before the results come out, anyone may win the award."

For a while, the media in many countries also began to report on this matter, but there was no official confirmation, and most of the reports were speculative.

"There is news on the Internet that there are ten films nominated for this year's Paris Film Festival, and they are "Boy in the Storm"."

"There have been changes in the new Paris Film Festival. It is reported that there are ten films shortlisted this time, and "Forrest Gump", which is currently being screened, is among them."

"According to sources, the films nominated for the new Paris Film Festival include"

"After the Paris Film Festival announced the new rules, many good works have emerged. Recently, it was reported on the Internet that ten films have entered the nomination."

The domestic media that got the news also started reporting immediately.

""Star Entertainment": There is news abroad that "Forrest Gump" has been nominated for the Paris Film Festival. Whether this news is true or not remains to be determined."

""Capital Entertainment": The new Paris Film Festival has made some adjustments from the previous ones. This year it will focus on inspirational movies. As an inspirational movie, "Forrest Gump" has a good chance to enter this year's Paris Film Festival."

""Modu News": According to relevant foreign media reports, "Forrest Gump" is very likely to be nominated for the Paris Film Festival."

""Entertainment Event": "Forrest Gump", which is booming in the film market, someone from abroad broke the news that it was nominated for the Paris Film Festival."

The Internet is even more lively, and many people are discussing it.

"It's such a surprise that "Forrest Gump" was nominated for the Paris Film Festival."

"Don't know if the news is true or false? Wait for the official website to update the news."

"Although the official website hasn't released the news yet, it's pretty close. In the past, every time before the film festival started, someone would break the news in advance. There is a high probability that it is true."

"There are really endless surprises!"

"If it is true, "Forrest Gump" is a new milestone for our domestic films, and it has been nominated for such a big foreign film festival."

"I don't know what awards "Forrest Gump" will win at this Paris Film Festival. Now that I think about it, I'm looking forward to it!"

"'Forrest Gump' was nominated for the Paris Film Festival? That's a really big movie."

"I hope that "Forrest Gump" will have a good harvest at the Paris Film Festival, come on!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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