Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 949 Selection of Actors

Chapter 949 Selection of Actors
After the agent left, Ma Guoliang didn't have the time to continue to ponder his acting skills, and became more and more curious about this new play.What kind of drama was it that allowed Tan Yue to temporarily put down the movie to make a TV series.

The company's development focus has shifted to movies, and he really can't understand why they are making TV series at this time?

Ma Guoliang shook his head, thinking: Mr. Tan's decision is not something he should care about.

But he really wanted to know the situation of the show. After thinking twice, Ma Guoliang got up and left the office, and took the elevator to the president's office on the eighth floor of the company.

Just as the elevator door opened, I met Chen Ye who was holding a folder.

"Teacher Ma."

"Xiao Ye, is Mr. Tan there?"

"It's in the office."

"Go and do your work. I have something to ask Mr. Tan."

Chen Ye nodded with an "um" and walked into the elevator and left.

Ma Guoliang came to the door of Tan Yue's office, raised his hand and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in."

"Boss Tan."

Hearing Ma Guoliang's voice, Tan Yue put down his work and asked, "Mr. Ma, why are you here? What's the matter?"

Ma Guoliang sat down opposite Tan Yue, still feeling a little abrupt in his heart.

After all, the new drama has not yet been announced to the public.

After two or three seconds of hesitation, he opened his mouth and asked, "Mr. Tan, it might be a little presumptuous."

"What's the relationship between us? If you have anything to say, you can just talk about it directly. There is nothing presumptuous."

"Okay." Ma Guoliang tentatively said, "I heard recently that you are going to make a TV series?"

Tan Yue said with a smile: "Some time ago, many fans said that they wanted to watch a TV series I made, and they simply agreed. In the past few years, all their energy has been put on movies, and they also took this opportunity to change their minds. TV series It’s not too long, just over ten episodes, so it probably won’t take too much time and energy.”

Ma Guoliang looked suddenly enlightened, thinking that the company had readjusted its development strategy, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Tan, can this TV series give me a role?"

For drama idiots, new dramas are always inexplicably attractive, and this drama was filmed by Tan Yue himself, so the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

Seeing Tan Yue rubbing his chin and showing a thoughtful look, Ma Guoliang hurriedly said: "I'm sorry Mr. Tan, I said this matter too abruptly, don't make it difficult."

Tan Yue smiled slightly: "Mr. Ma, you misunderstood me. I was thinking about which role you are suitable for. I didn't consider you before because I thought that you have already become famous internationally. Now you suddenly come back to act in a TV series. A little bit."

Ma Guoliang knew what Tan Yue was going to say, so he interrupted quickly: "For me, the role has no size, and every role I play is an opportunity to practice my acting skills."

"Let me tell you in advance, this role is not the number one male."

"No problem."

"That's good." Tan Yue made up his mind: "This is Gong Biao, a character in the play, please take a look first."

Thinking of Ma Guoliang's rapid weight gain and weight loss for the character in "Hurricane" some time ago, he suddenly had an idea.

When he was young, Gong Biao was very handsome and thin. Because of diabetes, there was a huge gap in his body shape.

Of course, makeup is also needed.

Ma Guoliang took the script and read it seriously.

Tan Yue lowered his head and continued to process the documents.

After a while, a 'pop' was heard in the quiet office.

Ma Guoliang patted his thigh and said happily, "It's him."

This is a very characteristic character. Just looking at the content of the script, Ma Guoliang has a very strong sense of picture in his mind, full of Northeast flavor.

It is also a challenge for himself, after all, he is not from the Northeast.

But that's not a problem either.

There is a joke circulating on the Internet that when there is a Northeast person in the dormitory, there will be a room full of Northeast people.

Ma Guoliang already has an idea in his heart, constantly challenging new roles is the courage an actor should have, and he can't just take on roles that suit him forever.

"It seems that you like this character very much." Looking at the smile on Ma Guoliang's face, Tan Yue knew his decision: "As long as you are satisfied, I won't say anything more. After I go back, I will study the character carefully. The opening time will be notified later.”

"I have the confidence to play Biaozi well."

Ma Guoliang returned to his office with the script and biography, and was interrupted by a knock on the door after reading it for a while.

"Mr. Ma, there is a crew that wants to invite you to play a role. Do you want to read the script first?" the agent asked after entering.

"No, there's a new drama."

"New drama? What new drama?" The agent looked puzzled, Ma Guoliang received the new script, why did his agent know nothing about it.

Ma Guoliang reminded: "Do you still remember Mr. Tan's new drama you mentioned?"

The agent's pupils dilated instantly: "Did you go to see Mr. Tan just now?"

"Yes." Ma Guoliang said with a smile, "I asked Mr. Tan for a role."

"Is it the number one male?"

"No, it's the male number two."

The agent immediately became anxious: "Mr. Ma, is it not too good to take on the role of the second male lead? Now that you are internationally famous, it is too cheap and too expensive to take the second lead role." .”

As an agent, he has the responsibility to remind Ma Guoliang.

"There is no such thing as a drop in price. First of all, this is Mr. Tan's new drama. There is no doubt about the quality. It will definitely be a popular drama. In addition, as an actor, as long as the script is good and the characters are good, there is no reason to refuse. "

Ma Guoliang looked at the script: "I think I could only take some small roles at the beginning, but I was very happy with the time. Now that I have a reputation, I can't refuse a good drama just because I am not the leading actor." .If you miss a good drama because of this, it's not the director's loss, but the actor's loss."

What Ma Guoliang said is also a phenomenon in the circle.

Some actors will undergo a drastic change in mentality because of a show’s popularity. They think that if they are popular and famous, they should have more roles and pay, so they refuse to cooperate again.

The manager's firm heart was also shaken at this moment.He has been by this guy's side, witnessing Ma Guoliang's growth all the way.

From the humble supporting role to the protagonist, all kinds of roles have made Ma Guoliang's current status.

But now with such achievements, Ma Guoliang can still accept the role of the second male lead in a drama. The agent sees the heart of a child in him.

"It's because I didn't think carefully, I'm sorry, Mr. Ma."

Ma Guoliang waved his hand and said: "It's human nature, this matter is not your fault. No matter what you do, you must be a high-ranking person, and you will hurt yourself in the end."


Ma Guoliang asked, "Are there any Northeast people around?"


"That's right." Ma Guoliang told his manager why he wanted to speak Northeast dialect.


President Office.

After Ma Guoliang left, after Tan Yue finished processing the documents, he looked at the list on the role list and began to consider candidates for the role of Silence.

Silent's image is a female college student, with an amiable and cheerful personality, but at the same time, her mind is more stable and mature than her peers. For some reasons, she doesn't express her emotions easily, and she does things in an orderly and planned manner.In her spare time, she often went to the Victoria Club to play the piano and work-study. Faced with the favor of the guests and the flower baskets sent by Mr. Lu, she asked the source and directly refused. She could resist the temptation and not cater to the guests.

Tan Yue's priority was naturally the younger generation of artists under the company, and he even opened the company's artist list on the computer to see if there were any suitable candidates.It always feels inappropriate to think about it.

"Zizizi" Tan Yue picked up the cup and took a sip of tea to clear his mind.

"Yes." With a flash of inspiration, Liu Qian's figure suddenly appeared in Tan Yue's mind.

Although the age may not be suitable, for actors, it is still easy to control the old acting young.

Tan Yue took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Qian's number.


Five seconds later, Liu Qian's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Tan."

"Are you in the company now?"

"Yes, I'm in the office."

"Come to my office now, I have something to do."

"I'll be there right away." Before Liu Qian finished speaking, she got up and left the office. When she went out, she happened to meet her manager: "I'll go to Mr. Tan's office. I have something to say when I come back."

"Go ahead, come back as soon as you finish talking, this matter is very important." The agent received a call from a film crew, wanting to invite Liu Qian to play the leading role.

When the artist is not famous, he has to listen to the arrangement of the agent. When the artist is very famous in the circle, it has to be reversed, but there are no absolutes in everything.

The agents of movies and TV dramas depend on Liu Qian's intentions.

Sitting in the elevator, Liu Qian looked at herself reflected on the wall, and fell into deep thought: What does Mr. Tan want from me at this time, is there a new movie?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel happy.

Because in the past, as long as Tan Yue called her, it was a new drama.

"I don't know what kind of movie Mr. Tan will make this time?" It was precisely because she knew that Tan Yue's focus was on movies that she came up with this idea.

'ding dong'

The elevator door opened, Liu Qian withdrew her thoughts, and first came to Chen Ye's office to ask if Tan Yue was busy.

"Tan Yue is in the office, follow me to take a look first, if you remember correctly, you shouldn't be busy."

"Thank you."

Liu Qian followed Chen Ye to Tan Yue's office.

"Mr. Tan, Liu Qian has something to ask you for."

"I see. I just called her and asked her to come here." Tan Yue said, "Xiaoye pour a glass of water."

Liu Qian sat across from Tan Yue, and the two chatted first.

"Have you received any good scripts?"

Liu Qian shook her head: "There are no good dramas, the competition is getting more and more fierce, and the introversion is very serious."

During this period of time, she really didn't take many roles, occasionally attended some activities, and stayed in the company to improve her acting skills at other times.

"Drink water."

"Thank you."

After Chen Ye poured the water, he closed the door and left.

Tan Yue comforted: "Don't worry, the more you have to stabilize your mentality at this time."

"I will stick to my bottom line."

Liu Qian understood Tan Yue's meaning, especially under such circumstances, sometimes actors would accept some bad dramas out of impatience, which would affect their entire acting career.

Even if there is no more drama, she will definitely not accept a poor quality drama.

Although there are not too many scenes in "Forrest Gump", it also showed its face in front of the global audience.

If she wants to continue to improve her reputation, Liu Qian knows that she still needs a process of accumulation.

After chatting, Tan Yue talked about the business: "I'm going to make a TV series myself."

"That's a good relationship! After netizens find out, the Internet will explode!" Liu Qian looked happy, and she also saw many people urging Tan Yue to make a new TV series. She never thought that the dream of netizens would come true. Achieved.

But whether it is a TV series or a movie, as long as it is Tan Yue's film and television works, the Internet will definitely be very lively.

Tan Yue smiled and continued: "This time I'm looking for you as a female character with a lot of roles in the play. After thinking about it, I think you are more suitable. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Yes, of course!" Liu Qian agreed without any hesitation.

As for the quality of the script, there is no need to worry at all.

Whenever people in the circle know that Tan Yue has a new drama to start filming, they will definitely fight for a role.Now such an opportunity directly fell on him, it was like a pie in the sky, and there was no reason to refuse.

"Compared with other TV dramas, this TV series is much shorter, so generally speaking, there are not many scenes. You have to be mentally prepared first."

Liu Qian didn't care and said, "As long as I have a role in the show, that's fine for me. I don't have too high requirements for this aspect."

Tan Yue nodded in satisfaction. If an actor has such an attitude, he will definitely achieve something in the future.

This is also the attitude a professional actor should have, but many people can't do it for the so-called coffee position.

Tan Yue was very happy to have a few such actors in the company, which was also an atmosphere.First-line actors like Ma Guoliang and Liu Qian can play a small role, which is more helpful for other artists to learn from.

Tan Yue turned to find a folder: "Here are the biography, plot outline and script, you need to understand first, we will start auditioning later."

Of course, the part of audition is indispensable, except for Ma Guoliang.

Ma Guoliang's current acting skills are recognized as the number one by the company, and Tan Yue has great confidence in him.


Liu Qian took the folder and opened the biography first.

"Female college student!" Liu Qian was a little surprised, after all, her age is here.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no." The surprise was nothing but surprise, but she was still very confident that she could play this role well.

age is not a problem.

After reading the biography of the character, Liu Qian has a preliminary understanding of her role, and she is at least [-]% to [-]% sure of her role.

Then Liu Qian opened the script and read it seriously.

Many things in the biography were mentioned in one stroke. She wanted to see what happened to Shen Mo?
On the opposite side, Tan Yue continued to work and processed the documents.



(End of this chapter)

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