Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 963 "The Long Season Chapter" Premiere

Chapter 963 "The Long Season" Premiere

In the blink of an eye, it came to the end of April, and the weather began to gradually warm up.

The promotion of "The Long Season" has been going on, and the popularity on the Internet is also getting higher and higher. Every time a new trailer is released on the official website, it will be featured in entertainment hot news.

As the day of the broadcast draws closer, the final trailer was released today. In just one hour, the final trailer has been viewed as high as 40 on Weibo, and the number of views is still increasing at a very exaggerated rate. The potential is beating.

With the wave after wave of publicity from Brilliant Entertainment, "The Long Season" was full of popularity before it aired. I don't know how many people are waiting for the airing of this drama.

Of course, Sichuan TV Station, which owns the copyright of the first broadcast, has been working hard, rolling out trailers on satellite TV every day, and other channels such as official blogs are also constantly expanding publicity.

Almost all the daily hot topics on TV drama forums focus on "The Long Season".

"Finally getting to see 'The Long Season' right away, these two months have been torturous for me."

"Congratulations! Good luck with the broadcast!"


"The ultimate trailer is here. After watching so many trailers, I feel itchy. I still don't know what kind of story this show is telling?"

"Family and suspense films, it's the first time I've seen Mr. Tan Yue shoot a film of this kind, and I'm looking forward to it."

"As a loyal fan of Teacher Tan Yue, you must watch this drama from beginning to end."

"I don't have any other requirements, I just hope that when it is broadcast, I can play a little more every day, otherwise it will not be enjoyable to watch."

"Brother upstairs, I'm afraid it will be difficult to realize your idea. This drama only has twelve episodes."



single city.

Gou Sang smoked a cigarette and paced back and forth in the yard with a sad expression on his face.

The results were announced today, and the results this time were very poor. I failed the first round of written tests.The position to apply for requires three people, and the written test scores need to be among the top six. However, Gou Sang only got No.10 in the test.

"Why? Why exactly?"

Looking at the slightly green branches in the yard, Gou Sang couldn't figure out why he always failed the exam.

Since this period of time, I have obviously been working hard to prepare for the exam. Although I was in a bad state at the beginning, I have already adjusted it since then.

And it's still the feeling I haven't had for a long time, and I am very engaged in learning.

Even if there is no certainty, in Gou Sang's estimation, there is no problem in passing the first round of written test.

"Alas" Gou Sang sighed, threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, and went back to his room.Seeing all kinds of materials used for exam preparation on the desk, I wish I could throw them all into the trash can, and I feel more and more that the road I am walking is not going to work.

He didn't think about what to do next.

Lying on the bed, Gou Sang calmed down his emotions, picked up the phone after a while, thinking of brushing Douyin.

The high-intensity study in the previous period made him suddenly feel a little idle now.

According to the push of big data, he saw the final trailer of "The Long Season" in the second video.

Gou Sang adjusted his posture, and couldn't help watching it twice more. Every time a new trailer appeared, he would watch it over and over again, thinking that "The Long Season" would be broadcast tomorrow. After leaving, the depressed mood that has been suppressed has improved a little.


May [-]st.

Beijing, Ruishan Community.

Chen Ziyu washed the fruits, cut them into small pieces and put them on the plate, humming a little song, feeling very good.

The TV in the living room is playing the advertisement of Sichuan Provincial TV Station.

Chen Ziyu put the fruit plate on the coffee table, did not sit down, but went to the study.

"A Yue, don't be too busy, "The Long Season" will start broadcasting soon."

Tan Yue looked at the time: "I almost forgot."

"What are you looking at? I forgot such important things."

Tan Yue got up, put his arms around Chen Ziyu and said with a smile: "A movie script, the film department thinks it's okay, I want to let me have a look, and if it passes, the project can be approved for shooting."

"A new script?"

"If I remember correctly, it should have been received on the 28th."

The two came to the living room while talking.

"The channels are already tuned!"

"Of course. I haven't watched this drama yet. How can I miss any details? It will affect my search for the murderer." Chen Ziyu gestured with a fork in front of Tan Yue. She didn't understand much about "Season", she only knew that it was a suspense drama, which was similar to what fans knew.

Except for Tan Yue's TV series, there are very few TV series that can make Chen Ziyu want to follow the series.

"If you want to find the murderer, you have to keep your eyes open. It's not easy."

Tan Yue thought of the scene when he was chasing the drama, and was tortured by the director. Everyone in the drama looked like a murderer.

Chen Ziyu first fed a piece of apple to Tan Yue, and then picked up another piece for himself, saying: "Don't worry, I will find it in the first time, my intuition is always very accurate."


single city.

After the family had eaten and packed up their things, Gou Sang didn't go back to the house, but lay paralyzed on the sofa and watched TV.

The copyright of the premiere of "The Long Season" is on Sichuan Provincial TV Station, and the major video sites are not on the shelves at the same time, so he can only watch it on TV, otherwise he wouldn't be lying in the living room.

Gou Sang glanced at the time, it was already 25:[-], picked up the remote control at hand and changed the channel.

"What are you doing? It's all news now, so watch it carefully." The father on the side seemed in a bad mood.

When he was having dinner yesterday, he knew that his son had failed the public examination this time, and he was simmering with anger.

It was also from yesterday that the father found his son not pleasing to the eye.

"Watch a TV show tonight."

Gou Sang's explanation made his father even more angry: "Watching TV, you know how to watch TV all day long, and lying on the bed with your mobile phone in your arms when you don't watch TV, you enjoy more happiness than the original landlord. Look at yourself, this test What do you want to do if you were asked to find a job and you didn’t pass the exam? It’s said on the Internet that children are gnawing at the old, so you can see the difference from those who gnaw at the old.”

Gou Sang just fell silent, let alone talking, he dare not fart in this situation.

He knew that he failed the exam this time, and his parents said it was normal.

Father is not happy now, let him talk about it.

The father's output continued: "Hey, we of the older generation really can't understand what you young people are thinking. When I was your age, you were already one year old. Look at the A family, they are younger than you, and they have two children."

The mother on the side made a look, and the father ignored it and wanted to continue talking, but seeing his son lowered his head and surprisingly did not refute, he felt that what he had said was a bit too much.

"Hurry up, my son told me that if he didn't pass the exam this time, he will go out to find a job." The mother gave her son another look: "Really? Son."

The steps are all under my feet, and I won’t be able to walk down them any more, so I’m just looking for trouble. With a light “um”, I said, “Yes, go out and look for a job.”

Mother knew that there were two fathers and sons, one who hated iron but not steel, and the other who did not give up on Kao Gong.

"Why didn't you go back to the house today? I remembered watching TV." Seeing that the situation had eased a lot, my mother quickly changed the subject.

"There's a new drama airing tonight." Gou Sang explained, "Do you still remember the "Hurricane" aired a while ago?"

"Is that the fish seller?"

"Yes, this TV series is even better than "Hurricane"."

The father also heard the conversation between the mother and son. He also liked the drama "Hurricane" very much. When he heard his son say that it was better than "Hurricane", he couldn't help being a little curious.

"here we go!"

While talking, "The Long Season" began to air.

Gou Sang's family stopped talking and focused all their attention on the TV.

Mother whispered, "It really has a sense of age."

The first shot of "The Long Season" is a train roaring through a cornfield, or a coal-burning train.

The mother suddenly said: "Isn't that what it's called?"

"Fan Shan." The father who had not spoken all this time reminded.

The mother patted her thigh and said, "Yes, yes, I haven't seen him for a long time, and I kind of forgot his name."

Gou Sang knew about this actor named Fan Shan, who was very famous among his parents.

The plot unfolds as Gong Biao buys a car in an accident. Later, it is discovered that the license plate has been covered, and the newly bought car is detained by the traffic police.

"Oh, this mouth is full of bad taste." When the mother spoke, she was a little bit biased by the accent.

A conversation between Gong Biao and the traffic police officers directly raised the atmosphere of watching the drama, and even the father who was just angry couldn't help laughing.

Wang Xiang and Gong Biao came to the hospital to start an investigation in order to find a licensed car, and found that the person who was hit had left the hospital, not only using a fake name but also a fake mobile phone number.

After constant searching, people were blocked in a repair shop.The injured person ran away by car, Wang Xiang was driving to catch up, but he still ran away and injured his leg.

By chance, the person who was injured went to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The pharmacist knew Gong Biao, and secretly took a photo of the person's back when he was suspicious.

Gong Biao wanted to drive back to his car quickly, so he quickly sent the photo to Wang Xiang. Wang Xiang looked at the photo on his phone in a daze, and then cooked a table of dishes, and the memories unfolded here.

The time was announced on the radio: today is September 25, [-].

An old lady who loves to rummage through trash cans found a pack of bones from the trash can.

The timeline changed again, and came to [-]. At the gate of Hualin Health Vocational College, Wang Xiang's son Wang Yang was attracted by Shen Mo, who was just a freshman.

Wang Yang, who was originally standing in the sun, was placed in a rainy scene as the screen switched, and the scene was where the corpse was just found.

As the camera switched again, Wang Yang, who was drenched by the heavy rain, suddenly sat opposite Wang Xiang.

Gou Sang's family couldn't figure it out when they saw the rain and fog, especially the last scene: Wang Yang passed away.

It was only the first episode, which left many questions in Gou Sang's heart. Whose body part was found in the timeline of [-]?Could it be Shen Mo?Then how did Wang Yang die?Who is that person that Wang Xiang discovered?
Although there are many doubts in my heart, it is quite enjoyable to watch.

Gou Sang could not wait to shout out "wonderful".

"Mom, how's it going? Is this TV show good?"

"I didn't understand it a little bit." The mother said bluntly: "Why doesn't it feel like a matter of age?"

The father said directly: "You don't pay attention to the time when you look at it. It has three times, which makes you feel a little messy. That's it."

Gou Sang didn't expect his father to be so serious, and then opened Weibo to see what everyone was talking about.

"Am I too stupid? Why does it look a little messy?"

"It's not messy at all, just watch the time."

"Holy shit, call me shit, if you don't focus a little bit, you can understand what the first episode is about."

"The first episode is so good!"

"Sure enough, I didn't wait in vain. It's a good drama. I'm sure."

"Brothers, there is one more episode, don't check Weibo here."

Gou Sang also saw many netizens who had the same question as him in the comments.

Not long after, the second episode began to air.

Because the wave of laid-offs is coming, the factory is in chaos, and a lot of police force is needed.

There are still many things to be solved in the factory, and Ma Desheng's attention is on the corpse case.

Gou Sang watched the drama seriously, and at the same time was still thinking in his head, feeling more and more that it was Shen Mo who was torn to pieces.

Shen Mo was on the list of missing persons, and found a job in 'KTV' to make money, but he felt that it was not that simple.

The plot continues.

Xiaolu from the pharmacy got in touch with the injured person. Wang Xiang and Gong Biao tried to set up a trap to catch him, but instead of catching him, Xiaolu was injured and unconscious.

Wang Xiang found a piece of medical scissors that Xiao Lu was holding in the corner of the incident.

"Is there any more today?" asked the mother.

Gou Sang shook his head, said: "No more, I can continue watching tomorrow, I'm going back to sleep."

He was also very reluctant in his heart, but there was no other way, two episodes a day.

Gou Sang went back to the house and continued to watch the discussion on the Internet. Many people were discussing the plot.

"Brothers, you must pay attention when watching the drama. These three timelines are carried out together, and you must not fall behind in the middle."

"The plot is very compact, and it's so enjoyable to watch the three lines go hand in hand."

"This drama is very real. At that time, many people were laid off."

"Although all the clues now seem to prove that Shen Mo was the one whose body was dismembered, this is a suspense drama, and the audience will not guess so easily."

"I feel like Shen Mo."

Beijing, Ruishan Community.

Chen Ziyu looked at the screen where the advertisement had already appeared.

Tan Yue asked with a smile: "How is it? Do you have an answer?"

Chen Ziyu shook his head and said, "I don't know yet, but I feel that Shen Mo was definitely not the one who was killed."

She is still very familiar with TV dramas. The director will use various lenses to make the audience make mistakes, and finally there will be a reversal.

Tan Yue didn't answer this question, but asked, "How do you feel after watching the first two episodes?"

"It must be a fire!"

Chen Ziyu answered this question from the standpoint of an audience.

(End of this chapter)

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