
Ruishan District.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu got up according to their working hours, and they were sitting in the living room having breakfast together.

"Think again, is there anything else you haven't taken?"

Tan Yue thought about it, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I checked it again after I packed it up last night, and nothing was left behind."

After all, it is a day trip, so we still need to prepare some things in advance, such as water glasses and chocolates
Chen Ziyu ate with his head down, with a smile on his face.

It was because the two of them could go out together. She had been looking forward to this trip to Miyun Reservoir for several days, and when she was sleeping last night, she dreamed of going out with Tan Yue.

A simple but nutritious breakfast was soon over, Chen Ziyu hurried upstairs to put on makeup, while Tan Yue cleaned up the dishes.

Half an hour later, the two drove to the company.

There were three buses parked in front of the Bright Entertainment Company, and the lobby on the first floor was very lively with many people, all of whom were staff members of the crew of "The Long Season".

"Are you alone?"

"It's not like you don't know that I have been in the capital for more than a year, how can I have the strength to settle here, and my parents are in my hometown."

"That's not what I meant. I've been in the capital for more than a year, but haven't found a girlfriend yet?"

"Talking about a girlfriend will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."

"The dead duck has a stubborn mouth. If you can't find it, just say you can't find it. Don't tell me this. Your sister-in-law is here today, and there are many hospital colleagues around her who are single. When the time comes, will I introduce you?"

The man nodded frantically and said, "Okay, okay! Where is my sister-in-law, why didn't she see it?"

"As for the bathroom, I'll tell you later, it's time for you to deal with major issues in your life when you're a young man."

When everyone was chatting with each other, they saw Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu coming in from the door, and everyone surrounded them to say hello.

Chen Ziyu went upstairs with a document, standing in the crowd, Tan Yue chatted with everyone.

"Everyone came so early, have you had breakfast yet?"

"Lao Ma, this is your child, he's already grown up!"

The atmosphere was very happy for a while.

"Let's get ready, everyone, we'll start in a while." Tan Yue called Qian Tao and asked, "Let's count and see if everyone is here."

Qian Tao nodded and acted quickly.

Tan Yue sat aside and waited for the result.

Hearing a 'ding dong' sound, the elevator door opened, and Chen Ziyu came back.

There is a document that she needs today, and she put it in the office, and has already told the secretary about it.

"Is everyone here?"

Before Tan Yue could answer, Qian Tao came back after counting the results.

"Mr. Chen and Mr. Tan, there are still three people who haven't arrived yet. I just contacted them and they will arrive in 10 minutes at most."

Tan Yue looked at the people in the hall, and arranged: "Let everyone go to the car and wait."

Then under Qian Tao's arrangement, everyone started to get in the car.

Not many people brought their family members here today. After all, this place is the capital, and they all come here to work away from home.

Originally, Qian Tao thought about renting five buses, but after counting three buses, it will be enough.

As everyone left one after another, the lobby on the first floor gradually became quiet, leaving only the two staff sitting at the reception desk.

Tan Yue, Chen Ziyu and the main actors in the crew were all arranged on the first bus.

Qian Tao was never idle for a moment, while arranging for everyone to get on the bus, he called three people who didn't show up.

He looked anxiously at the intersection, thinking that he could really arrive within 10 minutes?
"Director Qian, don't worry. I just called them, and we'll arrive at an intersection."

As soon as the words were finished, Qian Tao saw three figures running towards him, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.As soon as the three of them arrived in front of them, they asked, "What's the matter with you three? Why are you late today?"

One of them gasped and said, "I left my bag on the bus when we took the bus today."

The three of them rented a house together. They drank until midnight yesterday and woke up groggy in the morning.I accidentally fell asleep on the bus, and when I got off at the station, I remembered that I still had my bag.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and get in the car with everyone."

Soon, all the crew members boarded the car.

Qian Tao came to the first bus and said, "Mr. Tan, everyone is here."

"Are those three people here too?"

"They're already in the car."

"lets go!"


Three buses left Bright Entertainment Company one after another and headed for Miyun Reservoir.

Counting the traffic jam, the journey will take nearly two hours. Many people have already adjusted their seats and are going to sleep first.

The busiest of the three cars is the last one. This car is the most lively. Tan Yue and others are in the first car. Most of the people in the second car are bringing their families. On the Internet, either the family members are not in the capital, or they are single dogs, so naturally they chat very vigorously, chatting about today's itinerary plan.

As the bus leaves the city center, the road becomes smoother and speeds up.

After driving for nearly an hour, most of the people in the third car also fell asleep, and those who opened their eyes were all wearing earphones and swiping their phones.

The most excited person on this trip to Miyun Reservoir was the tour guide who was separated by an aisle from Tan Yue.

In order to allow everyone to have a better experience, Qian Tao invited a senior local tour guide.

During the whole journey, he looked at Tan Yue from the corner of his eye from time to time. He was also a loyal fan of Tan Yue. No matter it was a TV series or a movie, he never left behind.

Before, he thought he was taking an ordinary company to play, but when he got there today, he found out that it was Brilliant Entertainment Company. What made him even more excited was that there was Tan Yue among them.

The last time he was so nervous and excited like today was when he led a group out for the first time.

Of course, being a tour guide can't talk badly, when Tan Yue just got on the bus, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, he is regretting why he didn't shake hands and take a photo with Tan Yue just now, so that the chance to see his idol face to face may be once in this life.

The tour guide took a deep breath and comforted himself: Don't worry, there must be a chance to take a photo within a day, and I have to think about what to do if I have the chance.

He felt that his mind was in a mess, and he didn't need to prepare an opening speech when he led the group, he could just open his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak for such a simple thing as a group photo.

"Look at the time, we are almost there, let us introduce the surrounding situation first."

The voice from the side interrupted the tour guide's thoughts, and he said quickly: "Of course there is no problem. I will introduce you when there is half an hour left."

Qian Tao nodded with a "huh".

Time passed slowly, the tour guide gave a signal, Qian Tao stood up and said: "Mr. Tan, let the tour guide introduce the Miyun Reservoir to us."

"Well, there must be a lot of people like me who don't know much about this place."

The tour guide got up a little embarrassed.

Tan Yue said: "Come and applaud our tour guide."

Applause soon broke out in the quiet carriage, and some people who were asleep and drowsy opened their eyes and didn't know what happened.

"Thank you Mr. Tan." The tour guide suppressed the excitement in his heart, and began to introduce in detail: "We still have about half an hour to reach the destination, and it will take a few minutes for everyone. Let me introduce you first. The Miyun Reservoir was designed and built by ourselves. The largest water conservancy project in North China, it was completed in September 1960, with a total storage capacity of 43 billion cubic meters and a maximum water surface area of ​​188 square kilometers."

Excitement is excitement, and when I returned to my own field, I started to talk non-stop, and the performance was very professional. First, I introduced the Miyun Reservoir in detail, and there were some interesting stories interspersed in the middle.

The strength of senior tour guides lies in this point. They can combine the boring data and content of scenic spots into stories and introduce them to tourists who come for the first time.

Some drowsy people in the car woke up soon after listening to the tour guide's introduction. They listened to the tour guide's introduction attentively, more seriously than attending a class at school.

Chen Ziyu whispered in Tan Yue's ear: "This tour guide is very interesting, and he spoke very well."

Tan Yue nodded in agreement. He checked the relevant information on the computer, and it was all basic information. As for the story behind the relevant changes, he didn't know.

The tour guide turned his head to look at the scenery outside, and said: "We have about 10 minutes to go to the destination, and I will introduce you in detail when we arrive."

I don't know who shouted "Yes", and once again there was warm applause in the carriage.

"Thank you everyone!! Thank you!!" Looking at Tan Yue who was applauding, the tour guide felt that the opportunity had come. He took a deep breath and said, "Teacher Tan Yue, can you sign me?"

"Of course you can sign, but—" Tan Yue paused and said: "But after the trip to Miyun Reservoir is over today, if you introduce well, not only can you sign, but you can also take a group photo, and Teacher Fan and Teacher Ma will be together. If it’s not good, all you have to do is sign it.”

"This matter is on me, and I promise to let everyone who comes today play clearly and happily."

Many people in the car laughed, they all knew that Tan Yue liked to joke when he was fine.

Of course, after being a tour guide for so many years, he still has the ability to observe words and emotions, and he also knows that Tan Yue is joking.After returning to his seat, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, he spoke for 10 minutes without breaking a sweat, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead when he said the last sentence.He didn't expect that he could still get Tan Yue's autograph and photos of so many celebrities.

Even if he doesn't want to sign, today he will show his full strength and perform well in front of his idol.

The bus passed through a tunnel, and the tour guide introduced in a timely manner: "This is the Erdaohe Tunnel, and our first stop is the Baihe Bay Observation Deck."

The bus gradually stopped, and the people in the other cars gradually woke up and got out of the bus one after another.

Qian Tao borrowed a loudspeaker from the tour guide, and said: "Today's trip is not strictly required, you can go with the tour guide, or you can walk around by yourself. This place is too big, and we will stop at every scenic spot. Some time before going to the next attraction."

The voice fell, and everyone discussed.

"Go play by yourself, or come along?"

"The first stop, why don't you go with everyone first and see the situation before talking. I just heard from the person in the first car that this tour guide is very good."

"Listen to you, let's take a look first."

Many people had this idea, so everyone visited the first scenic spot together.

The tour guide put on a loudspeaker and said, "This place is called Baihe Bay Observation Deck. You can take a look at the left side first. It is called our country's version of Horseshoe Bay. It's easy to understand. It's shaped like a horseshoe."

After everyone watched it, the tour guide continued to introduce: "On the right hand side is a wall-mounted road standing on a cliff, which is very spectacular."

After seeing the first scenic spot, the second stop is the Heilongtan Bridge, where you can see strange mountains and rocks. Unfortunately, you can't see the beautiful sunset in the canyon at this time.

Then went to the third attraction.

During the whole viewing process, everyone was together. Those who wanted to see the situation first were directly attracted by the charm of this director.I originally thought that going out with a group would restrict my freedom, and I couldn't just walk around casually, but now I realize that it seems quite interesting.

The sun came to the top of the head unknowingly, and it was noon, and the bus took everyone to the hotel area, ready to have lunch and rest.

The route was planned in advance, and someone in the homestay was already preparing lunch.

After a short rest, everyone began to eat lunch.

The lunch was very sumptuous, cooked by specially invited chefs.

Brilliant Entertainment has always been very generous in terms of employee benefits.

This time I specially celebrate the good results of "The Long Season" and do better.

"Are you tired?" Tan Yue asked softly.

Chen Ziyu replied happily: "I'm not tired at all."

How can it be tiring to go out and play with the one you love?
Tan Yue gave Chen Ziyu her favorite dish.

After a while, Tan Yue stood up and said, "Today's trip to the Miyun Reservoir is also the first time our company has tried to hold a celebration banquet in this way. If everyone likes it, we can do it like this in the future."

"it is good!"

"I like this, it's much better than sitting together eating and drinking."

Everyone is responding.

Tan Yue continued: "With everyone's joint efforts, "The Long Season" has achieved very good results. Today, let's replace wine with tea and drinks, and have a drink together."

"Congratulations for breaking the five ratings!!"


The tour guide who was sitting in the crowd didn't know until he was on the road that the people who came here today were all from the crew of "The Long Season". The atmosphere was full, and he also raised his glass to celebrate. He also watched the drama "The Long Season" from beginning to end, and he liked it very much.

"Everyone eat and have fun today, and enjoy it to the fullest!"

Although there is no wine, the whole atmosphere is quite lively. Everyone comes out to play together. The most important thing is the atmosphere. Of course, it is better to have a beautiful view.

It took almost an hour for lunch.

In the afternoon, under the guidance of the tour guide, everyone continued to visit the scenery of Miyun Reservoir.

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