Wu Gong asked: "How far has the crew's preparatory work progressed?"

Zheng Tong took the topic, and he was basically doing all the preparatory work: "Since the film project was approved, the preparatory work has already started, and it will definitely be completed by the end of this month."

Tan Yue glanced at the date on the computer, it was still about a week before the end of the month.

Wu Gong thought for a while, and said, "Then it won't start until June at the earliest."

"June." Tan Yue thought for a moment: "Time is tight for us, so we should start the machine as early as possible."

Zheng Tong said: "Then let's speed up and catch up with the progress."

"Let's prepare according to your original plan. During this period of time, your preparation speed is fast enough."

If the speed is increased, Tan Yue is worried that the quality will be affected.

Wu Gong on the side said: "If the start-up time is to be set at the beginning of June."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Yes, the opening ceremony will be on June [-]nd. Let everyone have a Children's Day before the opening."

The three looked at each other and smiled.

Tan Yue set the start-up time on June 30nd and has other arrangements: "Mr. Zheng, I will send you a notice for the party. The start-up banquet will be held at the Tianling Hotel on the evening of May No. It’s an old habit for everyone to get acquainted with each other, so as not to delay the shooting when some people don’t know each other when the film is turned on.”

"no problem."

After the preparations before the start of the film are completed, let everyone gather for a meal, give them an extra day of buffer time, and the crew will go to the shooting location.

Wu Gong asked: "Did reporters be invited to interview at the opening ceremony?"

The opening ceremony is also a kind of preheating in advance, letting the audience know that a new movie has started shooting.

"It's enough to find a few, and simply promote it."

Tan Yue didn't want to waste too much time on inviting reporters to come and interview.

Wu Gong nodded in agreement. The film has not yet started shooting, and there are not many tasks on his body.

Tan Yue said: "Let me know when the production team is almost ready, and I'll go over and have a look."

He wants to ensure that there are no problems in all the preparatory work before the film is launched, and that it will not affect the progress of post-shooting.

No time was wasted when filming The Godfather.

"I come here every day to report on the situation."

"You all go back to work."

Wu Gong and Zheng Tong got up and left the office.

Zheng Tong started to contact the actors and inform them about attending the opening banquet.

I haven't been idle these few days, and I haven't had time to pull the crowd, so I have to notify each actor one by one.

Tan Yue came to Chen Ziyu's office.

"Ziyu, the start-up time has been fixed, it will start up on June [-]nd."

"June [-]nd." Chen Ziyu glanced at the phone time and said, "There is still more than a week."

Tan Yue came to Chen Ziyu's side, and said: "Time is tight, and all the preparatory work for the production team will be completed by the end of this month, and the start-up time cannot be delayed any longer."

"It's also very good, start early and finish early." Chen Ziyu was very happy that Tan Yue's new movie will start shooting so soon, but at the same time she felt a little bit reluctant.

After all, once the shooting starts, it will take at least two or three months, and at most half a year, and the two will not be able to meet each other.

Tan Yue noticed the change in Chen Ziyu's mood, and comforted him: "This shooting will not take too long, I will be back soon."

In the blink of an eye, May [-]th came.

Tan Yue picked up the last document on the desktop, glanced at the time, and speeded up the processing.

It's almost time for the crew to have dinner together.

A few minutes later, Chen Ye came to the office.

Tan Yue said: "Xiao Ye, please send the documents to various departments, they have already been reviewed and approved."

"Okay, Mr. Tan." Chen Ye said, "It's time for your dinner party soon."

"I can go there by myself. After the documents are delivered, you can go home from get off work."

Chen Ye nodded, and left with the documents in his arms.

Tan Yue turned off the computer, picked up the mobile phone and dialed Zheng Tong's number: "Mr. Zheng, how is the arrangement at the hotel? Have the crew members passed by?"

"The arrangement has been made, and the crew and actors have all started to go there."

"I'll go right away." Tan Yue stood up from his chair.

"I, Teacher Fan, Teacher Jiao and Teacher Ma are waiting for you in the lobby on the first floor."

"Okay!" Tan Yue hung up the phone, cleaned up the desktop, and left the office.

"Boss Tan."

"Boss Tan."

Taking the elevator to the first floor, many employees were saying hello, Tan Yue nodded to the greeting employees, and when he came to the lobby, he saw Zheng Tong sitting in the lobby chatting.

Seeing Tan Yue approaching, Fan Shan said, "Boss Tan is here."

Several people stopped chatting and got up one after another.

"Boss Tan."

Tan Yue asked, "Where are Zhang Shengli and Xin Zhi?"

Ma Guoliang replied: "The two of them have passed ahead of schedule."

"Let's go, don't make everyone wait too long, let's go there quickly."

Zheng Tongdao: "My car is at the door, and I will take you to the hotel."

Tan Yue looked at the configuration of the people around him and agreed.

Ma Guoliang, Fan Shan, and Jiao Cheng are called by netizens as a trio of old people with passion, and they just appeared on the street without being surrounded by countless people.

Although "The Long Season" has ended for a while, the popularity has not completely subsided. The impact it caused was too great, and the ratings broke five.

Several people got into the car and headed to Tianling Hotel.

It takes about ten minutes to walk, let alone drive, as soon as you turn on the ignition, you will arrive at the place.

Zheng Tong handed over the car keys to the staff, and several people, led by another staff, took the elevator to the fifth floor of Tianling Hotel.

'Ding Dong' As soon as the elevator door opened, I heard lively voices inside.

There are a lot of crew members and actors, and only the hall can accommodate them.

"Several, this way please." The staff controlled their excitement.

Although already familiar with the road, several people were led by the staff to the Huaxiang Hall.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

The originally noisy hall was surprisingly quiet at this moment.

I don't know who whispered "Mr. Tan is here", and many eyes turned to the door of the hall.

People who were closer to the door had already surrounded them.

"Hello there!"

Tan Yue was also an employee who responded to say hello one by one.

The employees and entertainers of Brilliant Entertainment Company are quite calm, after all, they are often seen in the company.

The other actors were very excited. Tan Yue rarely appeared in the public eye. It is very rare to have such an opportunity today.

Many people went to shake hands.

Tan Yue didn't refuse either.

Ma Guoliang, Fan Shan and Jiao Cheng did not escape everyone's enthusiasm, and they came to the main table holding hands.

Arriving earlier, the few people sitting at the main table also got up early to greet them and greeted them one after another.

"Boss Tan."

The speaker was Zhang Shengli who hadn't seen him for a few days. His audition process was relatively smooth, and he met Tan Yue's requirements in one go, and he directly confirmed the role candidate.

Xin Zhi on the side also shouted.

"Sit down, you're all your own, don't be polite."

Everyone waited until Tan Yue was seated before sitting down. Zheng Tong sat on the left and Fan Shan sat on the right.

The people who can sit at the main table are either the leading actors of the movie, or staff members such as assistant directors.

At this time, the hall was bustling again, waiting for the opening banquet to start.

It didn't take long for a person to trot to Zheng Tong's side, and whispered: "Mr. Zheng, everyone is here."

Zheng Tong nodded, turned around and said, "Mr. Tan, everyone is here."

"let's start."

Zheng Tong told the people around him, and not long after, the hotel waiter pushed the dining car and started serving food.A wide variety of delicacies, as well as drinks.

Everyone chatted while eating, and gradually became familiar with each other.

"I heard that your company will come to this hotel every time there is a dinner party?" This person is a special guest actor.

"Yeah, basically."

The person who asked the question gave a thumbs up: "Big companies just aren't the same."

The crew of the crew smiled and said, "I'm not bragging for you. We're already tired of coming to this place. Now when we hold finale or celebration banquets, we always choose places by ourselves, thinking of where to go."

"Damn, this company is too good."

The people around him patted him on the shoulder: "If our movie has good results this time, we will have the opportunity to play wherever we want."

"Then I have to think about it."

At this time, the sound in the hall suddenly rang, and Zheng Tong's voice came: "Everyone, stop for a moment, we welcome Mr. Tan to say a few words to us with applause."
'Papa papa' warm applause sounded in the hall.

Tan Yue took the microphone and said: "First of all, I am very honored to be able to shoot this movie with you all. To tell you the truth, this movie will be released simultaneously all over the world, so whether it is the staff of the crew or the artists, I hope everyone I can show my best working condition and work hard together to make this movie well."

Nowadays, the vast majority of directors in China are not qualified to simultaneously release films globally. Although many people already have some guesses in their hearts, they are still very excited when they hear this sentence.

Tan Yue's speech continued.

"Due to some special reasons, the filming progress of this film will be relatively fast, and I will work hard for you in the next filming time. If you encounter any problems during filming, you can come to me or our assistant director. "

The assistant director stood up and waved his hand to greet those present.

Tan Yue said: "If you encounter problems in acting, teachers like Ma and Fan can help you solve your doubts."

"Finally, I hope our filming process goes well!"

There was once again warm applause in the hall.

The assistant director said a few words, and everyone continued to eat.

The current atmosphere is obviously much more lively than it was at the beginning. What surprised some newcomers the most was that the movie they participated in was going to be released simultaneously around the world.

Of course, it is also inseparable from the blessing of wine.

As the protagonist Tan Yue, drinking is indispensable. Many people came to toast, but the movie will start shooting soon, so he has been controlling his alcohol consumption.

There are plenty of opportunities after drinking, and the most important thing right now is to make a movie as soon as possible.

Everyone also knew that the start-up was imminent, and those who drank were basically small drinks.

more than an hour later.

At the beginning, some people gradually left the venue and went home, and the main food without drinking was cooking.

Several people at the main table also put down their chopsticks and chatted.

Tan Yue said: "Mr. Fan, Mr. Ma, I will ask you to help the actors of the crew more in the next period of time."

It is the job of the director to tell the actors, but after so long, he thinks this method is quite good.

Young actors also prefer it.

Fan Shan replied: "Let's put it down, Mr. Tan, even if you don't say it, we will definitely do it. You also know that Brother Ma and I like to communicate with their young actors."

"It's up to us." In the past, Ma Guoliang must have drunk too much, but as long as it is a start-up banquet, he usually doesn't touch alcohol.

Tan Yue asked, "Mr. Zheng, has Teacher Fan arranged for a driver?"

Zheng Tong looked puzzled: "It's already been arranged, but Mr. Fan insists that we don't send someone to send him back."

Fan Shan said: "Mr. Tan, I have asked my son to pick me up, so I don't need to bother the company."

"How can this be done? It's so far away and it's so late."

"I'm used to being alone. If it wasn't for the capital, I would go home by myself."

Tan Yue said: "The company has prepared cars here, so don't let your son come over, it's not very convenient."

"It's okay, he's working nearby, and he should be here by the time." Fan Shan looked up, just in time to see his son at the door: "Mr. Tan, my son is here."

A person who somewhat resembled Fan Shan's eyebrows walked in.

Fan Shan introduced: "This is my son Fan Chengyi."

Fan Chengyi greeted everyone, but there was a bit of suppressed excitement in his expression, and he looked at Tan Yue frequently.

Fan Shan said: "President Tan, let's go back first."

"be careful on the road!"

Not long after Fan Shan left, Xu Nuo also came to the hotel to pick up Tan Yue.

"Let's end today's opening banquet here, and we'll have a good drink at the finale banquet. Let's all go back, rest early, and adjust our state. The next task is very difficult."

At this time, there were not many people in the hall, and with the departure of Tan Yue and the others, the "Godfather" kick-off banquet ended.

Everyone came to the door of the hotel.

Tan Yue sat in the co-pilot he had promised: "Be careful on the way back."


"You too."

Promised: "Let's go first."


Watching Tan Yue leave, several people also left.

On the road.

Promised: "Drink water, there is water behind."

Tan Yue leaned on the chair: "No need, I didn't drink much today, I've been drinking tea."

"How many days are there left to start?"

"The day after tomorrow, June [-]nd." Tan Yue took a deep breath: "This time the shooting schedule will be relatively tight, and it won't take too long."

"Filming is filming, you should also pay more attention to rest and don't be too busy." Xu Nuo knew that Tan Yue would have very little rest time after filming, not to mention the tight schedule.

Tan Yue didn't speak, this time he had to rush to release at the same time as "Black Fire", so there wouldn't be much rest time.

The car soon arrived at Ruishan Community.

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