Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 99 Competition

Chapter 99 Competition
After Momo left, Tan Yue opened the browser and found the official website of the General Administration of Culture.

He said to Momo just now, don't be too ambitious, but since you are in such a society, you must look forward and at least have a goal.

He didn't watch the previous artist list very often. After all, he was the one who planned it, and he wouldn't be included in it, so it was useless to watch it.

The current list of public figures is very meaningful to him.

Roughly sweeping the list of public figures, it is indeed much more practical than the previous list of artists.

Although I knew that I would not be included, I still searched for myself in the search box, but I couldn't find it.

Although there are more than a thousand people on the third-tier list, and there are quite a lot of people watching, but the whole country that has expanded the scope of the list knows that those who can make the list are all well-known and influential in various fields of the domestic cultural industry. characters.

Although he has a role in Jishui City TV station, he is still unknown in the whole country.

Tan Yue was about to close the page, hesitated a little, and typed Qi Xue's name into the search box.

Soon, the page automatically jumps to the second-tier list.

Name: Qi Xue.

Grade: Second line.

Rank: Seventh.

Tan Yue watched Qi Xue's ranking secretly stunned. There were only fifty-one public figures in the country who could be ranked second-tier. Qi Xue was now ranked seventh, and he was very close to the first-tier.

This woman is not easy.

Tan Yue sighed slightly, and then closed the official website of the General Administration of Culture. Qi Xue has nothing to do with him now. No matter how big the potential is, he can't benefit from it. Now he suddenly checked it, or because of a sudden curiosity in his heart.

The General Administration of Culture launched the "new version of the public figure classification system", which has a great influence in the entertainment circle, but it only has more talk about Jishui TV station.

After all, the circle of the city TV station is still too small, not even a single person has been included in the list of public figures.

In the next few days, Li Shutang, who was transferred to Satellite TV, was frequently mentioned by colleagues in the TV station.

The public figure list replaced the original artist list. As a well-known director, Li Shutang was also included in the third-tier public figure list, and became famous in Jishui City and surrounding areas for a while.

Many large-scale events in Hedong Province have invited Li Shutang to participate, and the price given is naturally much higher than before.

This is the advantage of being included in the list of public figures. The salary of ordinary planners in TV stations is [-] to [-] yuan, and the total plan will be doubled, which is more than [-] to [-] yuan, even if it will increase with seniority. If the salary increases, the salary will gradually increase, but according to the increase every six months, the average increase is between [-] and [-] each time. After many years, the salary will not be very high.

At least in Jishui City, if you want to buy a house, it is more difficult to rely on wages.

Like Tan Yue's situation, it is relatively rare for parents to spend most of their life savings to buy a house for their son.

After all, most migrant workers may not be able to save millions of family assets after decades.

More, you still have to rely on yourself. According to Tan Yue's knowledge, many small leaders in Taiwan are renting.

Li Shutang is now included in the list, and his status has risen again. Every time he is invited to participate in an event, it will only take a few hours at most, and tens of thousands of dollars will be available.

Several times a month of this kind of activity, it is also a small amount of extra income.

This income far exceeds the salary!

However, for Li Shutang's situation, people in Taiwan can only envy it. It is too difficult to enter the public figure list, and it is not universal at all.

Jishui TV station, entertainment channel, "I am a singer" program group.

Director Wu Xuemin had just finished a meeting with his colleagues in the group and came out of the conference room, everyone looked solemn.

"Director Wu is serious this time!"

"Yeah, who would have thought that "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" would be so fierce. The audience rating of the first episode was 12.23."

"Come on, I see that we have selected a few potential seedlings in this live broadcast, and the first one must be ours."

"Tsk tsk, we spent a lot of money for this episode."

"Yeah, after Mr. Li Shutang left, I thought that the entertainment channel was our world, but I didn't expect that a Tan Yue and his "Talk Show Tonight After 80" suddenly appeared."

"Come on, we are the strongest!"

Wu Xuemin returned to his position, frowning.

"The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" has so much potential that he feels a lot of pressure.

It's almost the end of the year, and the number one spot in the ratings is too important for him to "I Am a Singer"!
Let's not talk about what to do in the future, at least we must maintain this first position until after the Spring Festival.

If it is overtaken by "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" in the past two months, then the annual meeting and year-end awards in Taili before the Spring Festival, "I Am a Singer" will be reduced to escort.

This is unacceptable to Wu Xuemin!

In any case, be sure to maintain the number one position in the channel.

For "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", he won't do any tricks, but he can spend more time on "I Am a Singer".

Over the past few years, he has had a lot of good ideas in his heart, but because he has no pressure or motivation, he blindly seeks stability. Now the status of the show has been impacted, and those good ideas have also been brought to the front.

Among the more than 80 programs on the entertainment channel, only "I Am a Singer" and "Talk Show of the Post-[-]s Tonight" are ranked first. There is no need to challenge these two programs for other programs. The challenge may be successful.

As two programs of the same weight, this is a contest between "I Am a Singer" and "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", not only the entertainment channel, but many eyes on the stage are watching.

One is an old-fashioned program with Wu Xuemin as the core, and the other is an original and innovative program with Tan Yue as the core. Who can come out on top?
"I Am a Singer" is in full swing, and the "Talk Show After 80 Tonight" program team is also filming in an orderly manner.

At the meeting of "I Am a Singer", Wu Xuemin regarded "The Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight" as a competitor.On the "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", although Tan Yue has not publicly expressed his intentions, the colleagues in the group are also staring at "I Am a Singer".

They also want to take the number one rating!

Give yourself a satisfactory answer at the end of the year!

On Saturday, the new episode of "I Am a Singer" aired.

On Sunday, Zhang Peng got the ratings of "I am a singer".


Compared with the previous issue, it has increased by 0.22 percentage points!

Tan Yue didn't say much after watching it. This is a very high ratings.

On the same day, at 80 p.m. on Sunday, the second episode of "Talk Show of the Post-[-]s Tonight" was broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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